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Chapter 688 Prison Visit

Xu Ying was sweating profusely and felt severe pain in his limbs, as if they were about to fall apart. Moreover, his head hurt very much, as if the Zhuxian Sword had stabbed him in the head, burning out all the brain matter.

Just now he had perfected his sword heart and took the initiative to contact Zhu Xian Broken Sword. Zhu Xian Sword borrowed his body to release the supreme sword intention, which was a huge burden for him.

However, the ancient god's will is really terrifying. For him, there is simply no solution except the Zhuxian Broken Sword!

You have to be open-minded.

Xu Ying summarized himself. For him, ordinary dragon masters at the eighth level of the Tao Realm are no longer fearful, but these ancient gods are still extremely dangerous beings. The slightest carelessness will alarm the immortal beings on the other side.

Getting into trouble with these immortals is a huge problem.

So, we still have to be kind to the dragons. If we can avoid killing them, we can leave a way to survive. Xu Ying made a concluding statement.

The barbarian promised, and you are indeed here!

Suddenly, Elder Cang Jue and Elder Qing Qiufeng of the Dragon Clan came together. Qing Qiufeng saw Xu Ying from a distance and couldn't help but feel energetic. He felt that the anger caused by the search in the past few days had been swept away, and he immediately flew towards him. , Let's see where you go this time?

He couldn't help but activate the Buddha Tianxin Jue, pushing the way of Tianxin to the extreme, and the eighth level of the Tao realm shone brightly!

At the same time, Cang Jue activated the Five Candles Burning Heaven Technique and committed suicide.

The two of them had the same mind. The life and death of this barbarian meant that they could not let Xu Ying leave alive!

This kid is very sick. He must have been injured in the last battle with us and has not yet recovered! The two of them were overjoyed when they saw Xu Ying's pale face.

Qing Qiufeng was the first to encounter Xu Ying. His Tianxin Cave Abyss had already been sacrificed and he had the upper hand. However, he saw Xu Ying turning over and sealing it.

The moment Xu Ying stood up like a swimming dragon, a heavenly realm rose from the horizon. As he turned his body, the heavenly realm also turned over, and the vast seals covered him!

Qing Qiufeng immediately sensed that something was wrong, and involuntarily used the magical power of the Buddha's Heart Technique to face the blow, chanting in a long voice: The world is playing with the past and the present in silence! A bright moon is shining in the heart of the sky! The glory is not only coming to Yungu! All the people in the world are looking up to it!

Every time he recited a line, he would display a great magical power. The four lines of the poem were four kinds of magical powers. The universe was ancient and modern, the moon was bright in the heart of the sky, the clouds and valleys were shining, and the four seas were shining!

The four great powers roared out, and the next moment, he and the four great powers were covered under the Immortal Seal!

The four magical powers were shattered one after another. Qing Qiufeng faced Xu Ying's blow with both hands, and suddenly felt that she couldn't withstand it!

Elder Cang Jue rushed forward and saw Elder Qing Qiufeng flying backwards at a faster speed and hitting the mountains in the distance with a loud bang, which was shockingly dull.

Elder Cang Jue was shocked, and he saw Xu Ying turning over again. The world of immortals was still rising on the horizon, and with a seal, the heavens covered him!

Without thinking, Elder Cang Jue activated the Five Candles Burning Heaven Technique to the extreme, stimulating the eighth level of Taoism, and mobilized the ancient gods to meet this seal!


When Xu Ying's seal technique fell, Cang Jue grunted, and slid backwards due to unsteady footing. Then he touched the ground with his feet, trying to take away the power of Xu Ying's blow.

However, the power of Xu Ying's strike was too strong. His feet suddenly slipped, and he felt the power of Xu Ying's seal impacting inside his body, and his whole body flew out like a meteor.


The mountain peaks in the distance swayed and were pierced by his figure.

Cang Jue and Qing Qiufeng regrouped and said in unison: Join forces!

The two elders came together to fight, using all their magical powers to surround Xu Ying up and down, left and right, but the more they fought, the more frightened they became.

The two of them joined forces and were blocked by Xu Ying!

Xu Ying took dozens of attacks from them, and under the pressure of the two of them, he gradually began to see the portal to the Supreme Realm, but the pressure that the two of them could bring to him only ended there.

Xu Ying turned around and flew away. The two of them chased after him, only to see another celestial world rising from the horizon. Cang Jue and Qing Qiufeng worked together to take the blow, but saw that Xu Ying had already gone away.

Brother Cang Jue, there is no need to chase!

Qing Qiufeng raised his hand to stop Cang Jue who was about to pursue him, shook his head and said, It's useless to catch up. We can't keep him anymore.

When Cang Jue heard this, he was furious, but then he became depressed again.

He also realized that Qing Qiufeng was right. Even if they caught up with Xu Ying again, they would probably achieve this result. They are defeated individually and have a slight upper hand together, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat the opponent.

The barbarians' cultivation has progressed too fast. A sense of powerlessness arose in the two of them.

Xu Ying got rid of the two of them, but saw the two dragon clan elders chasing him with sad expressions on their faces. Princess Mingman slid down from his cave and asked curiously: Master Barbarian won the battle, why is he not happy?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I originally calculated that Cang Jue and Qing Qiufeng could work together to put enough pressure on me to help me break through and become the Supreme Dao. However, my cultivation strength increased too fast, so even if the two of them joined forces, they could not Let me break through.”

Princess Mingman chuckled and said: Little Master, what is the purpose of your breakthrough? Isn't it to improve your cultivation strength?

Xu Ying's eyes lit up, his sorrow disappeared, and he smiled and said: Ming Man, you are the master, I am stubborn! I have fallen into a strange circle of improving my realm! If you can improve your cultivation level, why should you care about your realm? Okay, okay !”

He put down his obsession with breakthrough and said with a smile: Since I still have the possibility of improvement in the Daojing realm, it means that I have not cultivated this realm to the extreme. In this case, then Cang Jue's Five Candles Burning Heaven Technique, Qing Qiu Feng's Buddha Heaven's Heart Jue, let me practice it too!

The purpose of his trip is to imitate Taoist Wukong, break through under the pressure of the powerful in the immortal world, and realize the supreme Tao. Now that I have figured it out, I put this matter aside and turned to study more Taoism to find the truth of Taoism.

Seeing that Xu Ying was no longer in danger, Dazhong sneaked into his creation cave and thought to himself: I haven't comprehended this new cave yet.

It was brought to the Cuiyan Tower Ship by the distant ancestor Dalong, and has been following Xu Ying ever since. These days, it stayed in Xu Ying's cave abyss and comprehended Xu Ying's seven cave abyss.

Maybe it would come out to help when there was a problem, but now that there is no danger, it would go back to practicing.

Long Ye, Ancestor God and that barbarian brat have been captured. We must first know their whereabouts.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, I wonder if the immortal spiritual light channel left by Master Long in my sea of ​​consciousness is still useful?

When he was in the Dragon Court at the bottom of the Yuanshui world, the distant ancestor dragon left an immortal spiritual light channel in Xu Ying's sea of ​​consciousness, making it easier for him to come and play with Xu Ying. Xu Ying relied on this passage to save Dalong's soul head.

Later, he and Dalong separated, but this passage was still preserved, located in Xu Ying's sea of ​​consciousness.

Xu Ying's consciousness descended into the sea of ​​​​consciousness and flew along the immortal spiritual light channel.

In the consciousness sea universe of the distant ancestor Dalong, this distant ancestor was amusing himself by spitting out dragon beads and running around chasing the dragon beads like a joy.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed, and Xu Ying fell from the sky, but the big dragon didn't notice him and continued to play by himself.

After a while, Xu Ying coughed and said, Is our distant ancestor happy?

The dragon was holding the dragon ball in his arms and lying on the sea with his belly up. He was very surprised when he heard this voice. He hurriedly opened his mouth and swallowed the dragon ball, turned over and sat up, looking solemn in appearance.

Aying, when did you arrive?

Da Long said solemnly, Have you encountered trouble in the Celestial Realm and come to ask for help? Forgive me, there is nothing I can do. The Ancestral God and I have taken away the green rock in the Celestial Realm. We are currently enjoying ourselves in the Earthly Immortal Realm and cannot come to the Celestial Realm. …”

Xu Ying cut off his words and said with a smile: I heard that you and the ancestor god were captured, so I came to visit.

Dalong laughed loudly: Being captured? What a joke! I am the distant ancestor of the Dragon Clan, the most powerful existence in the ancient times! I have proven immortality, immortality, soaring to the abyss and sea, and will be at ease forever! Who in this world can capture me? Capture me? Who is worthy of capturing me! Don’t listen to wind or rain, I am very well, I don’t know how happy I am!”

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: Since you are safe and sound, I am relieved. I'm leaving!

Wait a minute.

Dalong called him without hesitation, hesitated again, and said calmly, It is not impossible to be caught by someone. People sometimes miss, and dragons sometimes lose their claws. I accidentally slipped and lost my footing...

Xu Ying looked at him with a half-smile.

Dalong was quite embarrassed and said: The ancestor god also made a mistake like me...

Xu Ying sneered: Who else?

Holy Lord. Dalong said honestly.

Xu Ying suddenly became interested and said with a smile: Leave your body to my control, and I will go and see them.

Da Long shook his head hurriedly and said: Taidi Long.

Xu Ying said with a smile: It's just embarrassing, so I have to look at it. How have our ancestors, ancestor gods, and saints ever been in such a mess? You must see it! Leave your body to my control. I can see the surrounding geography clearly, and then I can find ways to rescue you.

He was in high spirits. He had already seen the embarrassment of the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord once, and it would definitely be more enjoyable this time.

Dalong hesitated for a moment, then temporarily let him control his body.

Xu Ying opened his eyes and saw that he was in a dragon palace, surrounded by many dragon girls, serving him comfortably, eating and drinking, which was completely different from the prisoner's life he imagined.

He saw the ancestor god, who was also being served very comfortably. He was lying on the cloud bed, with the dragon immortal waiting on him. It’s just that I didn’t see the Holy Lord.

The distant ancestor is awake! A dragon girl said happily.

Xu Ying stood up, only to feel that his physical power was locked, and his soul was also imprisoned in his body, unable to use his magic power.

He walked out, but the dragon girls did not stop him and allowed him to walk. Instead, they accompanied him with singing and dancing.

Xu Ying searched for a long time, but could not find the Holy Lord. He was shocked: Is the Holy Lord gone?

He returned and asked the ancestral god, Where is the Holy One?

The Ancestral God said in surprise: The Holy Lord used the Huan transformation method to challenge the masters of the dragon clan. Wasn't he seriously injured and recuperating? Why did you forget?

Xu Ying said, Brother Dao, can you please lead the way? I'll go visit you.

The Ancestral God had obviously also had his magic power sealed, and he didn't have much power anymore. He slowly stood up and led the way, followed by the dragon girls.

The ancestor god whispered: Promise?

Xu Ying looked at him in surprise.

The Ancestral God breathed a sigh of relief and said: It is indeed you.

He led Xu Ying to the place where the Holy Lord was recovering from his injuries. He saw that the place where the Holy Lord lived was not bad, and there were dragon immortals taking care of the food and daily life. However, the Holy Lord's injury was quite serious and he was lying motionless on the bed.

Ancestral Gods, distant ancestors, why are you here?

The Holy Lord could only move his eyes and lips, and said, Please forgive me for my inability to stand up and greet you.

He is much worse than the ancestor gods and dragons. His physical soul has no less than a hundred injuries, large and small, but his cultivation has been sealed and he cannot heal his own injuries. He can only lie here, unable to die or alive. .

Xu Ying looked carefully and found that these Taoist injuries were caused by different magical powers from the other side and contained different Taoisms. The Taoisms were extremely subtle. Even he could not understand many of the Taoisms. He felt awe-inspiring in his heart: The Taoisms of the other side of the immortal world are better than It’s a long way across the immortal world!”

Holy Lord, who hurt you like this? Xu Ying asked.

The Holy Lord was startled, and turned his eyes to look at the distant ancestor. In his heart, he knew like lightning that the distant ancestor at this time was probably not the distant ancestor.

At that time, he challenged the strong dragon clan, and the distant ancestor Dalong was also present, so there was no need to ask about these duels.

He should be Xu Ying! But how did Xu Ying enter the body of his distant ancestor?

He suppressed the curiosity in his heart and recounted his experience, saying: The Dragon Emperor of the Celestial Realm has cultivated to the Immortal Realm. He is really powerful and can penetrate into the gel zone. In the gel zone, even if the cultivation strength is With only one point difference, the advantages and disadvantages will be magnified ten times! I was captured by the Dragon Emperor, so naturally I refused to accept it and wanted to challenge him again. He refused and laughed at me for not overestimating my own abilities and letting the Dragon Immortal at the eighth level of the Tao Realm compete with me. As long as If I can win two out of three games, I will be allowed to leave with my distant ancestors and ancestors.

Shengzun won the first game, shocking both the government and the public.

The Holy Lord also knows how to transform into a Huan. After transforming into a Huan, his cultivation strength has been greatly improved. In addition, he has cultivated a new way. The new way has been half or one level higher than the previous level of cultivation. His strength has been greatly improved. Almost equal to the ancestor god!

There are only a few strong men like him in the entire world of immortals!

The Dragon Emperor ordered the second dragon to end up, who was also at the eighth level of Taoism. He had cultivated to the Dzogchen realm of this realm, and was named Yuanheng, the Prime Minister of the Dragon Court.

Yuan Heng did not transform into a warrior, so he used ten moves to defeat the transformed Shengzun.

In the third game, the person who appeared was also at the eighth level of the Tao Realm. He also had no Huan transformation and defeated the Holy Lord within ten moves.

The Dragon Emperor asked me if I wanted to compete again. As long as I can win one game, I will release us.

The Holy Lord had no expression on his face and said, In the fourth game, I lost. In the fifth game, I still lost. In the sixth game, I also lost.

Xu Ying felt heavy and said, How many times have you lost?

Twenty-seven games. The Holy Lord said.

Xu Ying said: Thank you very much.

The Holy Lord said: You're welcome, it should be done.

Twenty-eight games in a row and twenty-seven losses, which means that there are twenty-seven dragon immortals in the Dragon Court in the Immortal Realm whose cultivation strength exceeds that of the Holy Lord!

The Holy Lord's challenge was originally for a decisive victory, but later it became to find out the details of the Celestial Immortal Realm. The Celestial Immortal Realm will not let go of this opportunity to humiliate him, the number one human being, so anyone who is sure of defeating him , will take action.

But the Holy Lord also paid a heavy price for this!

If we add the Dragon Emperor and the master who attacked Grandpa Mingman underground, there are at least twenty-nine strong men who surpass the Holy Lord. Xu Ying said silently in his heart.

In a head-to-head confrontation with these strong men, no matter how strong he is, he will never be his opponent.

Ancestral God, if you can master the way of heaven in the immortal world, are you sure you can break through the seal? Xu Ying asked quietly.

The Ancestral God was slightly startled and said leisurely: It is easy to break the seal. With the Heavenly Dao of the Celestial Realm, I am the true soul of the three realms of the universe. My magic power will be as vast as the universe. However, the Heavenly Dao of the Celestial Realm has been destroyed. ”

No, I can teach you. Xu Ying said.

The ancestor god looked at him in astonishment.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I have learned a lot of the heavenly ways of the immortal world now, and I am challenging all the way to come here. Every day, I can teach you some of the heavenly ways of the immortal world... Girl, what is this place?

He stopped a dragon girl, who smiled and said, This is the imperial capital of Longting. Did our distant ancestors forget it again?

Xu Ying waved her away and said to the Ancestor God: I will borrow Lord Long's body to come here every day to teach you the way of heaven. After I enter the Longting Imperial Capital, we will fight out together!

Having said this, he withdrew his consciousness, returned the body of his distant ancestor to the dragon, and returned to his own body.

Xu Ying opened his eyes, his eyes bright, and said with a smile: Ming Man, where is the capital of the Longting Emperor?

Princess Mingman pointed to the southwest: That way.

Okay! We barbarian masters and disciples will fight all the way to the Longting Imperial Capital!

————Try to finish the second update before twelve o’clock! !

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