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Chapter 687 The Immortal True King

Xu Ying turned around and saw Elder Yu, with a gloomy look on his face, walking slowly and slowly. As he walked, the Ancient God Yuan Shen behind him was urging the Wheel of Creation.

Gray mist was flying around him, rapidly transforming, and his body was getting taller and taller.

One after another, the transformed Jade Elders emerged from the Wheel of Creation and stepped off each other, with their number increasing.

Xu Ying smiled slightly: Elder Yu is really haunted. You can find me even if I am hiding here.

Elder Yu also happened to find this place and found that the ground was undulating violently. He knew that something big must happen here, but he didn't expect to meet Xu Ying.

This is how you deliver it to Huagai and seek your own death.

With a thought in Elder Yu's mind, one by one he rose and fell, surrounding Xu Ying in the center.

The commotion underground became louder and louder, even lifting up the layer of ash buried deep underground. There was a faint light coming from the ground, shining through the sky and piercing the sky!

Several of the jade elders happened to be standing in the sky above the light, and they immediately disintegrated in the light. In an instant, only their bones were left, and the next moment, even their bones melted into the light!

Xu Ying and Elder Yu each felt awe-inspiring in their hearts. This light was the confrontation between two existences that were suspected of being in the immortal realm. Their own avenues were in conflict with each other. Their magical powers collided and annihilated together to form the light. It was indestructible and extremely powerful!

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

Suddenly the ground bulged, as if the earth's lungs were deflating. Along with the whistling airflow, several more rays of light broke through the gray layer and pointed directly at the sky.

The ground below Xu Ying cracked open, Xu Ying immediately moved his figure, and a beam of light that destroyed the heaven and earth passed by him.

At this moment, all the Jade Elders rushed towards him at the same time, each using their different magical powers to attack him!

Xu Ying paused, auras of light flying around his body, rising into the sky, and a forest of Dao trees suddenly formed in the sky. Various avenues shuttled between the Dao trees, forming bursts of glow.

Xu Ying stood on his head and feet, holding the avenue against his will, turning a blind eye to the other attacking elders. He pushed his palms forward, and all the paths roared in unison. His palm power was extremely powerful, and he went straight towards Elder Yu's ancient soul!

The Eight Dharmas of Immortality, Ten Thousand Ways!

Behind the head of the ancient god Yuan Shen, the huge wheel of creation rotated, and jade orders rushed out of the wheel of creation one after another to meet Xu Ying's palm.

All the jade elders worked together, and then they heard the cracking sound of muscles and bones breaking. Each of the created bodies spurted blood from their eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and each of them suffered heavy injuries.

Elder Yu's real body was shocked. He didn't care about hiding his real body, and immediately pushed it out with both palms to help those created bodies to fight against Xu Ying's magical powers.

Their respective abysses were running wildly, Xu Ying smiled, and a creation abyss rose up behind him, forming his eighth abyss.

As soon as this creation cave abyss emerged, his cultivation level immediately increased again, forming a crushing force on Elder Jade.

Some of Elder Jade's created bodies were completely severed by the huge force of his hands and legs, some had their waists bent backwards, with their heads touching the soles of their feet, some spiraled into the sky, and were turned into twists by the spinning power, and some were crushed. The thunder and fire exploded, some were corroded by the sunflower water, and some were burned to ashes!

There are all kinds of ways to die, in all kinds of ways.

Elder Jade's real body was also seriously injured, with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and he staggered back. He was shocked and angry. Only a few days had passed, and Xu Ying's cultivation and magic power were superior to his!

Not to mention him, Xu Ying actually practiced the same Creation Mysterious Technique as him, and practiced this technique to an extremely high level!

In just a few days, Xu Ying had perfected the Xuan Gong of Creation, and it seemed that he had been promoted to either the fifth or sixth heaven of the Dao Realm!

However, if you don't have Huan Hua, you can't get the essence of the Xuan Gong of Creation!

He mobilized his soul with all his strength to meet the promised magical powers.


The ancient god's soul collided with Xu Ying's palm power, and a vast and profound will followed the soul and attacked Xu Ying. It was the ancient god's will.

This kind of will is the second time Xu Ying encounters a will that can confront the Zhuxian Sword Intent. It follows the power of the Yuan Shen's palm to obliterate Xu Ying's will!

When Xu Ying faced off against Cang Jue last time, he realized that the ancient god Yuan Shen trained by Cang Jue's Five Candle Burning Heaven Technique also hid a terrifying ancient god's will.

That was the first time he encountered the will of an ancient god since he entered the world of immortals.

Elder Yu's cultivation is not as good as Xu Ying's, and his magical powers are not as sophisticated as the Eight Immortal Techniques. The only thing that can defeat Xu Ying now is the will of the ancient god.

This will has been noticed since the beginning of his practice of the Xuan Gong of Creation. After this technique is transformed, he can temper his will to become stronger and stronger, so powerful that it can even affect reality!

His Taoism and cultivation can't defeat Xu Ying, but the ancient god's will can definitely obliterate Xu Ying's will. By then, this little barbarian's will will be destroyed, and he will have no choice but to be slaughtered by himself!

Xu Ying remained calm in the face of danger, and the overwhelming murderous intention surged out, turning into the unparalleled Immortal Killing Sword Intent at his fingertips, and rushed out against the will of the ancient god Yuan Shen.

This sword was as powerful as a broken bamboo, piercing the ancient god's will. The world-destroying killing intent shattered the ancient god's will. The sword light flew past, and the five fingers of the ancient god's soul were flying. It passes between the eyebrows!

call out--

The sword light flew out from the back of the ancient god Yuanshen's head and pierced into the large-scale wheel of creation. The sword force exploded and the wheel of creation suddenly collapsed and annihilated, turning into a ball of energy of creation.

However, the killing intent of Xu Ying's sword did not fly out with the sword intent. Instead, at the moment it penetrated the brain of the ancient god Yuan Shen, following the will of the ancient god, he directed the world-destroying killing intent towards the ancient god. Stab away the source of God's will!

I want to see who the strong man on the other side is who plans to harvest the Immortal Realm!

When this sword thrust out, all the realms of silence were extinguished, and no magical method could resist it. It was really refreshing.

At this moment, Xu Ying noticed that Zhu Xian's sword intent suddenly seemed to have stabbed something. The sword intent suddenly stopped, and the next moment the sword intent was annihilated!

Xu Ying's hair stood on end, and he immediately noticed that a vaster and deeper will was searching for him along with his sword intention.

This will is much stronger than the sword power I have developed!

He flew back with only one thought in his mind, leave this place immediately and never stay!

Xu Ying turned around and activated his Extreme Intention Self-Restraint Kung Fu, turning it into a rainbow light that shot through the air with a roar. The eight abyss behind his head were originally connected in a straight line, but now the line has been stretched straight. The abyss are thousands of miles apart, whistling and rotating while galloping forward!

Princess Mingman, who was floating in the martial arts cave to watch the battle, was suddenly thrown to the depths of the martial arts cave, and stuck to the peak of the martial arts with a snap. She was pressed tightly to it by the strong inertia, unable to move.

Her eyes were rolling around, and she saw all the promised phantoms running wildly in the martial arts cave, flashing in the air!

That was Xu Ying's ultimate martial arts intention. He was originally practicing martial arts moves, but now everyone was running wildly. It was obvious that the young barbarian teacher had transformed his martial arts ultimate intention into his ultimate intention of escaping!

It turns out that this is the true heritage of our lineage! Princess Mingman was surprised and happy.

At this time, a clanging sound came, and a big bell went in the opposite direction and rushed outward.

Princess Mingman was stunned: This is... a magic weapon made from immortal spiritual light.

Although the big bell was refined to the level of a treasure, its magic power was not very good. After trying hard to rush forward for a moment, it made a clanging sound and stuck to the pinnacle of martial arts like her. After struggling for a few times, it could not move.

Are you... Ming Man was very curious.

Call me Master Zhong.

The big bell said, Maybe you can call me Uncle Zhong.

Elder Yu's ancient god Yuanshen was struck by Xu Ying's extermination sword, and cracks appeared on the surface of the Yuanshen. In the cracks, the sword energy was radiating, and it was about to collapse and disintegrate.

At this moment, darkness surged out of the ancient god's eyes, swallowing up all his pupils and turning them into pure black.

Tongtian Taoist's sword intention?

The Ancient God Yuan Shen spoke the words of the other side, shocking Elder Yu to the point of being frozen in place, motionless.

He had no idea that one day his soul would have another will that did not belong to him.

This discovery made his hair stand on end.

Where did this will come from, and why did it appear in his soul?

Why can't he control his soul now?

The Ancient God Yuan Shen stepped towards the direction where Xu Ying fled and said to himself: Are you a disciple of Taoist Tongtian? Could it be that Taoist Tongtian comes from this world?

Elder Yu struggled to get up and shouted: Who is this monster, invading my soul...

Before he could finish speaking, the ancient god Yuanshen raised his right hand and shook it hard. With a bang, Elder Jade's physical body exploded. Then the sound of bang bang bang was heard endlessly, and the created bodies of Elder Jade also exploded.

Flesh and blood flew across the sky, then floated in the sky, merged into one place, and rotated to form a wheel of flesh and blood.

The wheel of creation.

The Ancient God Yuan Shen's steps were getting faster and faster, and he suddenly squatted with his right leg and ran with all his strength!

Master Tongtian, I have found your roots!


He broke through the air and left.

Xu Ying noticed that a figure behind him was approaching quickly, faster than himself. He immediately made a decision to sacrifice the Yuanshen, jumped up and jumped onto the Yuanshen's shoulders.

His martial arts soul is larger than his body, about a thousand feet tall, and it can fly wildly, and its speed is not slower than his body.

Master Zhong, I can't stop you this time, help me!

As soon as he finished speaking, the big bell next to Princess Mingman suddenly had brilliant light flowing around it. It vibrated, buzzed, and a series of caves emerged from the bell.

With the blessing of Dongyuan, the big bell roared up and rushed outward.

Princess Mingman was stunned: This Uncle Zhong is actually a Taoist! But, but... it is obviously a bell!

This situation really subverted her understanding. Even the emperor's daughter has never seen such an outrageous thing.

The big bell flew out of the martial arts cave and immediately flipped down to protect Xu Ying.

With its blessing, Xu Ying's cultivation level skyrocketed, and he immediately mobilized his magic power to withdraw the caves and abyss floating behind him. He used Wu Ji to realize the Tao, activated the Immortal Killing Sword Intent, and transformed the supreme Exterminating Sword Intent into Make a sword light and run straight towards the person coming!

His other magical powers, whether they are the creation of the earth, the heavens, the dragon dance, or the ten thousand ways, the years, and the reincarnation, are unable to compete with the will of the ancient god.

Only the Zhuxian Sword Intention has the same strength as the opponent, and it is possible to block the opponent.

This sword thrust was more powerful than before. It was the strongest sword Xu Ying had ever used so far!

At the moment when the sword intention flew out, the caves and abyss practiced by the big bell also rotated crazily, and the raging magic power was blessed in this sword.

This sword gained the power of their two masters, and the sword energy penetrated the sky, struck thousands of miles, and encountered the rushing ancient god Yuan Shen!


The sword energy that placed high hopes on one person exploded, and the will of the ancient god's soul came counterattack along with the sword energy, heading straight for Xu Ying!

Xu Ying desperately urged the Zhuxian Sword Intention to fight against the terrifying will, and brought the Zhuxian Sword Intent to the extreme. The big bell rotated rapidly, and various dojos flowed out on the bell wall, blessing Xu Ying in various dojos. , to boost his cultivation strength.

However, it still couldn't be stopped.

Master Jian——

Xu Ying roared and tried his best to improve his sword power and bring it to its maximum.

Suddenly, he only felt that his sword heart was penetrating, and the time and space barrier between the heavenly and earthly immortal worlds seemed to be broken. A emerald green sword light reflected in the sea of ​​consciousness between his eyebrows, separated by infinite time and space, and his The swords and hearts reflect each other.

The next moment, the monstrous sword intent burst out from the center of Xu Ying's eyebrows and swept away with such force that it pierced the oncoming ancient god's will in just an instant!

The shattered will of the ancient god is still waiting to be reunited, but the kendo formed by the condensed sword intention explodes at this moment, as if there are countless tiny kendo lights flying through the air, destroying all the broken will of the ancient god!

And that monstrous sword intent came straight towards the Ancient God Yuan Shen, and with a flash of light, it shocked the world of immortals and illuminated half of the sky.

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

The ground behind the ancient god's soul continued to crack, and the sword's intention was invisible, but the sword's path still formed leaking sword energy after splitting the ancient god's soul.

Under the influence of the sword energy, the ground cracked for thousands of miles before dissipating.

But in the canyon formed on the ground, there are still remnants of the Zhuxian Sword Intent, which may not dissipate for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

After this sword intent passed, the ancient god Yuanshen suddenly stopped and froze in place, motionless.

Master Tongtian, your swordsmanship is really good!

He sighed in admiration, and suddenly a bright light appeared from the center of his eyebrows, coming down from above and separating his body. Then the Extinction Sword Intent exploded, tearing him to pieces and cutting off his will that descended from another universe and time and space!

The terrifying will sighed unwillingly and had to take it back.

Xu Ying was still frightened, so he calmed down and said, Thank you Master Jian for your help!

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the emerald-green Zhuxian Sword gradually faded away, cutting off its connection with him.

At the same time, in the ancestral court of the Earthly Immortal Realm, in the wasteland outside Biyou Palace, the broken sword of Zhu Xian stood between heaven and earth. The sword energy was vast and leveled the surrounding mountains. No one dared to live here.

After this sword came back from the Heavenly Palace, it changed color and became emerald green. It looked very arrogant for a while.

But I found it boring, no one dared to provoke it and let it try the sword!

In the end, it had to return to its homeland and hang upside down.

At this moment, the Zhuxian Broken Sword suddenly felt something. The sword body buzzed and vibrated. The overflowing sword energy swept away the clouds, and the sky became clear in an instant.

call out--

This broken sword suddenly disappeared from the sky and the earth, leaving only an extremely bright sword light piercing the sky!

Everyone in Biyou Palace came out of the palace one after another and looked up, only to see the bright sword energy passing from the wasteland through the sky of the Earthly Immortal Realm, into the starry sky, and directly to the gel zone!

After arriving at the gel zone, there was another sword light tens of thousands of miles away.

It was only then that the sword light in the Earthly Immortal Realm gradually faded, and then the sword light in the starry sky also gradually faded.

Only the emerald-green sword light in the gel zone became shorter and shorter, heading towards the Celestial Immortal Realm, slowly, a bit slower than the strong man in the Celestial Immortal Realm of the Earthly Immortal Realm urging Cuiyan.

If it wants to pass through the gel zone and fly to the fairy world, it will probably take more than ten days.

The Zhuxian Broken Sword is like a small insect, trying to move forward, stubbornly going to the world of immortals.

It went to the Immortal Realm not to make a promise, but at the moment when it confronted the will of the immortal from the other side, it noticed the whereabouts of its master, the Master of the Sky Sword, from the other's remaining will.

The immortal's will was incomplete, and only fragments of many memories were floating around.

It calls itself the True King of Creation.

In his memory, there are many negative emotions about Tongtian Sword Master, and he should be the enemy of Tongtian Sword Master.

However, True King Creation calls the Master of Tongtian Sword Taoist Tongtian.

Zhu Xian Remnant Sword is going to the Heavenly Immortal Realm to find more clues about the Master of Tongtian Sword.

Find the broken boy and promise to work with him to find those weird true king's wills, kill them, collect more fragments, and put them together, you can find more clues about the master.

————Nine thousand one hundred words completed today! !

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