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Chapter 569: People of the same mind (Happy Pigs)

The Taoist boy asked in surprise: Do you know my master's nickname?

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

At the beginning, he got three volumes of foreign exercises collected by the Demon Ancestor from the Demon Ancestor. The first one was Ten Cave Heaven Enlightenment Methods, the second one was Emerald Rock Carvings, and the third one was compiled by Liu Guanyi. Ten Evidences of Tao and Fruit!

The author of The Method of Enlightenment in the Ten Caves is actually the current Supreme Immortal Emperor. However, the method of enlightenment of the Ten Cave Heavens was not created by the Immortal Emperor, but came from the Ten Scenes of Taixu, his master Qingxuan.

Cuiyan Carving is a rubbing of Cuiyan. It is said that Cuiyan is a thing from the other side, flying to the immortal world. The method of the cave abyss was created by Emperor Haotian deciphering the Emerald Rock Carvings and comprehending the Taiyi Cave Abyss!

Ten Caves of Heavenly Enlightenment and Emerald Rock Carvings are both unfathomable and profound, and are extremely powerful inheritances. Ten Evidences of Tao and Fruit can be ranked alongside these two volumes, which shows that it is no small matter!

Liu Guanyi's Ten Evidences of Taoism and Fruition records ten ways to achieve Taoism, which can allow people to cultivate Taoism and achieve Taoism ten times.

Although Liu Guanyi practiced ten times and was disabled ten times, it was because of his lack of qualifications, and his talent was still extraordinary!

This little Taoist boy said that the ten methods of enlightenment were created by Liu Guanyi, which shows that he is putting his master in a good position.

Xu Yingxin said, The Demon Ancestor clearly said that Liu Guanyi is an expert in digging graves. He collected ten methods of enlightenment from the tombs of ancient sages. It is rare to meet a colleague, so you must pay a visit.

He was quite puzzled. The Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord should be very ancient. The Demon Ancestor said that he disappeared without a trace after crying. How could he end up in the human world?

The human world is full of dangers. When Xu Ying comes here, his Taoism is almost useless and all his Taoism can no longer be used. Only martial arts can be powerful. Now Xu Ying relies on understanding the way of heaven and repairing the way of heaven, so that he can use his magic power.

Liu Guanyi should have no way of understanding the way of heaven. How did he survive in such a dangerous human world?

In the Daluo dojo, Tianhe Weihua was awestruck: The Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord Liu Guanyi, is he the master who said that I am nosy? What kind of trick is this guy trying to see Xu Ying? Is he trying to attack me?

He had heard of Liu Guanyi's name before. After all, the person who had achieved enlightenment ten times and failed ten times was the only person throughout the ages who was famous all over the world. It was difficult not to know who he was.

Since the Ten Waste Heavenly Lords have invited me, I naturally want to go.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Little fellow Taoist, please lead the way.

The little Taoist boy said yes and said: One more thing, when you see my master, don't call him Shizhi Tianjun. He doesn't like this nickname. It seems like he has no ability.

Xu Ying nodded and said, What do you call my little fellow Taoist? Where are you from?

My name is Tong Hao. I am from the ancestral family. I followed the master seven hundred thousand years ago. Tong Hao said.

Xu Ying blinked and smiled: You are a few years older than me.

Xu Ying followed the crane for a stroll in the courtyard. The crane was a strong man from the demon clan, with graceful posture and profound cultivation.

Not long after, they came to a mountain. They saw that the mountain was steep and steep, and there were many spiritual springs in the mountains, and they actually gurgled with fairy energy.

When they flew to the top of the mountain, they saw a fairy palace at the top, bustling with many disciples.

Xu Ying looked carefully and saw four characters written on the door of the Immortal Palace, which were the characters of the Immortal family.

Shiquan Dao Sect. Xu Ying read.

Shi Fei Tianjun actually named the dojo he created Shiquan Dao Sect!

Xu Ying was surprised. Isn't this too shameless?

Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord, attained enlightenment ten times and failed ten times. On the same road to enlightenment, there is only one chance to achieve enlightenment. If you fail to succeed the first time, you will never have the possibility of success.

Liu Guan failed to attain enlightenment ten times, which means that his ten methods of attaining enlightenment will never succeed!

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, he suddenly heard a loud roar, golden springs gushed from the ground, and a fountain formed by fairy energy rose into the sky from the mountains!

This is not a fairyland, but there are fairy mountains.

Xu Ying was looking around, when suddenly a loud laugh came: A long drought brings sweet rain, and old friends meet in a foreign land. Today, I encountered both of these things! Liu Guanyi, a Taoist friend from the ancestral court, is so polite!

Xu Bing looked around hurriedly and saw that the person who came was a gentle scholar. He didn't look like the Shizhai Tianjun he had imagined. He was very elegant and easy-going, holding a fan in his hand. ——Xu Ying originally thought he should hold the Luoyang shovel.

I promise.

Xu Ying saw the gift and smiled and said, Mr. Liu's name has been heard for a long time. I had the honor to read your Ten Evidences of Tao and Fruit from Demon Ancestor, and I was astonished.

Scholar Liu Guanyi showed joy and said with a smile: Have you read the book I wrote? It's really great! Please, please!

He extended his hand to greet each other, led the way, and said with a smile: It is rare to meet a fellow countryman in a foreign land, and even more rare is to meet a close friend in a foreign land! You have read my Ten Evidences of Taoism and Fruit, and we are Taoist friends. We are called fellow Taoists. Friend, you and I are of the same mind!

Xu Ying smiled and said, I feel the same way.

But he secretly complained in his heart: I have almost finished the books that Master Qi taught me in a few words. If I talk to him later, won't he want to see that I actually have no education?

Suddenly, he observed the trend of the nearby mountains and water flow, and his heart moved slightly, and said: Brother Tao, I only saw nine springs and three passes here on the way here, surrounded by green dragons, there must be a big tomb!

Liu Guanyi's body was shaken, and he turned around, extremely excited, and said in a hoarse voice: Are you also a fellow in the world?

Xu Ying said humbly: I have dabbled a little. In order to find out the truth behind the lost cultivation method, I once traveled around the country, looked for the tombs of sages, visited the seniors who have passed away, and communicated with them, hoping to complete the cultivation method.

Me too!

Liu Guanyi stretched out his hands and held his hands tightly. He was inexplicably excited, tears welled up in his eyes, and said, I also want to find the secret of enlightenment. I don't believe that there are only one or two methods of enlightenment in this world, so I Chat with those sages who have passed away. In fact, I am not greedy at all for the treasures in the tombs of these sages. However, the world is too vulgar, misunderstood me, and accused me of robbing tombs!

These words touched Xu Ying's heart, and he said excitedly: Me too! In my heart, I only have respect for these seniors, without any blasphemy. Looking for them is just to have a communication that spans time and space. How noble? But... Someone wants to poke me in the spine and call me a thief!”

The two of them looked at each other, feeling at ease, and felt that there was nothing better than a close friend in the world.

Xu Ying said: I thought that the human world had been destroyed, but I never thought that I would still encounter the surviving human race here. I also didn't expect that I would meet Dao Brother! How did Dao Brother come here?

Liu Guanyi smiled and said, Has the human world ever been destroyed?

Xu Ying was stunned.

Liu Guanyi walked side by side with him and said with a smile: The world of the human world has only been destroyed, but all living beings are still there. Not only the human race has survived, but other races have also survived. I was originally like you, thinking that the world of the human world must be one piece. It’s dark and lifeless. I didn’t expect to find out after I came here that under this lawless sky, life is still full of vitality. As for why I came here...

His face darkened, his tone turned cold, and he said: I was exiled here. At that time, some people were very ambitious and wanted to change the dynasty. They were also the ones in power in the New Immortal Court, and even wanted to be the Supreme Emperor. They did nothing to us. These rebels couldn't see it, so they made up accusations and exiled me here. Hehe, they thought that there was no way of heaven and earth in the human world, and I would definitely die if I fell here. They must not have thought that I have survived until now, and even lived very well. Moisturize!”

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: New Immortal Court? Change of dynasties but not generations? Is he one of the strong men who overthrew the ancient era?

The Demon Ancestor said that Liu Guanyi disappeared after crying. It seems that Liu Guanyi's deeds don't stop there.

Liu Guanyi should be one of the strong men who overthrew Empress Ziwei back then. Later, he lost in the struggle and was purged.

Xu Ying thought, It's amazing that he can overcome crying and live to this day.

He asked: Brother Dao, could it be that you were one of the strong men who rebelled with Qingxuan back then?

He had met Taoist Qingxuan in Taoist Yunhai's memory. In Taoist Yunhai's memory, there were also some people who plotted great things with Qingxuan, but Yunhai was sealed and he had never seen the faces of those people.

When Liu Guanyi heard the name Qingxuan, he showed admiration and admiration, and said: It's not that we revolted together, but that I followed him in the uprising. Qingxuan Supreme is a man of great perseverance and wisdom. He realizes that when Dao Cry comes, Heaven's Dao There have been changes, but each Taoist sect is still stuck in its ways, and the Immortal Court is still a wine pond and a forest of meat, ignoring the suffering of all living beings under the chaotic heaven. Qingxuan Supreme has a far-sighted vision and thinks that he wants to change all this, enter the Immortal Court and become an immortal official, and reform the shortcomings of the imperial court. .

The Immortal Court has long since imprisoned itself. The aloof Immortal Official has not moved his butt for tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years. Even if the Immortal Official dies unexpectedly, his people will still be the ones to replace him. The Immortal Court has become a big family. Below No matter how talented a person is, it is impossible for him to climb to a high place, let alone reform the government. The only way is to overthrow the Immortal Court!

The admiration in his eyes became even stronger, and he said: If that's all, it's not worthy of my admiration or following. I have never convinced anyone in my life, but I am convinced by him wholeheartedly. I have written Ten Evidences of Tao and Fruit for a long time. Amazing, right? But Qingxuan is more accomplished than me. I wrote the Ten Certificates of Tao and Fruit based on my predecessors, but he came from scratch, comprehended the new Tao, sorted it out, created the runes of the Immortal Tao, and taught Man! This is the real Grand Master!

Xu Ying also felt endless admiration in his heart. The immortal rune system was actually created by Taoist Qingxuan!

The immortal rune system contains amazing mysteries, and is no weaker than the ancient rune system, and is even simpler. To describe a kind of avenue, you need to use many Dao runes, but to describe a kind of avenue, you only need one Immortal Dao rune!

Taoist Qingxuan created the immortal rune system and replaced the old way. He can indeed be called a real grand master!

Liu Guanyi continued: After he created the rune system of the Immortal Dao, he actually did what others couldn't do, and he immediately overwhelmed us all. He actually created the Supreme Realm and became the first person in the new Dao to achieve the Supreme Realm. People! This is a realm that can compete with the Da Luo Golden Immortal Da Luo Dao Realm!

He was stunned.

Those of them who practice the New Way have always had one knot in their minds, that is, the New Way can only cultivate to the Heavenly Lord Realm, and if they go further up, they can only practice the Daluo Jinxian and Daluo Wonderful Realm of the old way, so they are ridiculed by others.

But Qingxuan created the supreme realm and became the first to become supreme, proving that the new way is definitely not weaker than the old way, or even stronger.

This achievement undoubtedly inspired everyone, allowed Xindao to truly stand up, and gave Xindao hope to win!

Liu Guandao said: I don't admire anyone in my life, I only admire him. Fellow Taoist Xu, are you a disciple of Qingxuan? It was Qingxuan who asked you to come to the human world to overcome the tribulation, right? He is still so far-sighted that he can see your The future is not trivial, so letting you come here may seem like a hardship, but in fact it is a blessing for you.”

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I am not Qingxuan's disciple.

Liu Guanyi was stunned, looking him up and down, and his eyes fell on his Da Luo dojo.

Although Xu Ying disguised the Daluo Dojo as a halo behind his head, he couldn't hide it from a great master like him. He could see the problems with Daluo Dojo at a glance.

Liu Guanyi sneered and said: There are ten kinds of Taoist scenes in your dojo, which are exactly the same as those of Qingxuan Supreme, and you still say that you are not his disciple? Don't worry, although I hated him for not interceding for me when he exiled me, but he After all, he is the person I admire the most, and I will not attack you just because you are his disciple.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I'm really not his disciple. I just understood the heaven and earth avenues of each Taoist sect and understood the ten scenes. I have never seen Qingxuan. The Supreme Qingxuan should have been dead for 600,000 years.

Liu Guanyi was stunned, then shook his head and said: Impossible, impossible! He can't die! He is so powerful, how could he die? He can't die! You lied to me!

Xu Ying said: Why should I lie to you? I have seen his Ten Scenes of Taixu in the realm of Taixu. Now six of the ten scenes of Taixu have become the training holy land of Nuo masters.

Liu Guanyi was suddenly furious and screamed up to the sky, his voice extremely sad: Qingxuan will never die! If you die, who will redress my injustice? If you die, I will be exiled for 600,000 years, isn't it? Did you prove my crime?

He was so angry that he yelled at God, scolded God for being unfair, and scolded villains for causing trouble.

Xu Ying stood aside, waiting quietly for him to vent.

After a long time, Liu Guanyi suddenly knelt on the ground and cried loudly. He cried for a long time, still choking and sobbing.

Seeing this scene from a distance, the disciples of Shiquan Taoist Sect did not dare to come forward. Their ancestor seemed to be a scholar, but in fact he was indulgent and indulgent, never restrained his Taoist heart, and released his emotions wantonly.

They have long been accustomed to their ancestor's strange behavior.

Liu Guanyi stood up and sneered: Back then, Qingxuan was the Immortal Emperor, and Qingxuan acted as the master to free me. Now that he is dead, I will deny the crime of exile! From now on, I will be innocent. The body of sin! Don't even think about trapping me in the human world! Xu Ying, do you want to go with me?

Seeing that his mood had stabilized, Xu Ying said, Brother Dao, don't worry, I can leave the human world when I pass the tribulation and ascend.

Liu Guanyi shook his head and said: You will never be able to repair the way of heaven in the human world, and you will never be able to ascend. You don't know the horror of the human world.

——Today is Pig’s birthday, wish me a happy birthday! ! !

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