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Chapter 568 Ten Waste Heavenly Lords

Because the Heavenly Dao in the human world has been revived more by Xu Ying and others, the power of Zixiao Tribulation Thunder this time is also much greater than the last time. Although Xu Ying's Dao body is extremely good, he was still severely damaged by one blow.

It's still human-shaped charcoal, and it's still a strong connection between heaven and man.

The whole village came, not to eat, but to feel that the world would naturally become faster next to the human-shaped coke.

After their perfection, the light of heaven bursts out more intensely, dispelling more darkness.

At night, the Tianhe Monster Flower jumps out of the Daluo Dojo and wanders around the wasteland, watching out for the kind of white-bone skeletons that can cry out.

Refining the Tao body for the second time? It must be stronger than before! The strange flower looked forward to Xu Ying's physical body even more.

By the evening of the next day, Xu Ying's Tao body recovered, and the newly refined Tao body was more powerful than the last time. His understanding of the way of heaven also increased.

More importantly, by mastering the Tao of Heaven, he has mastered the Tao, Dharma, and magical powers of the human world!

But, why am I not an immortal? Xu Ying looked up at the sky, wondering in his heart.


Those simple villagers flew here one after another. When they came, they kowtowed and said, I don't know the Immortal, so I disturbed and neglected the Immortal!

Xu Ying ignored them and looked up at the sky, showing doubts.

However, in the hearts of those villagers, he had become a real immortal, because they felt the nature of the world around Xu Ying. They had not noticed anything wrong before, but they soon discovered that they had become like gods!

Some have infinite power, some can fly through the clouds and mist, some can hide on the ground and walk, some can control the wind and rain, and some can control thunder and lightning!

Only then did they realize that this unattractive young man with a dark face was actually so powerful!

Previously, Xu Ying said that he was an immortal, but they didn't believe it, but now they believe it.

Suddenly, there were bursts of thunder in the sky, and the calamity clouds rose again. The villagers were frightened by the thunder and hurriedly scattered away.

Before they had gone far, purple energy suddenly filled the sky, and a thin purple thunder fell from the sky, illuminating the darkness of the human world.

They looked back and saw that the Black-faced Immortal was completely charred and black, and he fell straight down.

Exalted Immortal! someone cried.

Xiaoman said happily: We can get close to nature again!

The simple villagers turned from sadness to joy and nodded repeatedly. Honest people once again gathered around Xu Ying, and together with Xu Ying's thinking and consciousness, they understood the way of heaven and were compatible with the way of heaven and earth.

Old Long, that ball of light is even bigger.

The Ancestral God poked the Dragon Bell, raised his head and said, The Purple Sky Tribulation Thunder in the human world was brighter than before. Obviously, the power of the Tribulation Thunder is also increasing.

Long Zhong looked at the dark area of ​​​​the sky, and sure enough, the area covered by the law of heaven was a bit larger.

However, what happened? Dazhong asked.

The ancestor god said honestly: I don't know, I don't know.

Seeing this scene at the ancient ferry of Tianhai, the Supreme Immortal Emperor felt awe-inspiring in his heart and became even more eager to open up the aura river.

At night, the Tianhe Monster Flower jumped out of the Daluo Dojo again and patrolled around the charred Xu Ying. But the strange thing was that since the last time the skeletons invaded Xu Ying, no skeletons had been seen in the past two nights.

Could it be that I killed them all?

The Tianhe Monster Flower shook its head. It clearly saw many skeletons running away. Immediately, its eyes fell on Xu Ying again. Eyes sprouted from the ends of the flower's stamens. It came close to the humanoid coke and looked inside carefully.

This Taoist body must be even more perfect! My baby...

Another new day has arrived. The coke shell is broken. Xu Ying escapes from it. He stands up naked and looks up at the sky. He is a little lost and murmurs: No, no, why haven't I succeeded in overcoming the disaster? There must be something wrong here. !I'll try again...

Immortal Master!

The villagers flew over, and a halo had formed on the back of the girl Xiaoman's head. The other villagers also had powerful magic powers, and their movements were astonishingly powerful!

Before they could fly to Xu Ying, they saw calamity clouds rising suddenly in the sky, lightning and thunder, and they stopped one by one.

Don't panic, everyone, Zi Lei can only hit the Immortal Master, but it can't hit us! Xiaoman said crisply.

A purple thunderbolt fell from the sky and exploded loudly.

The Ancestral God saw this scene from a distance and poked the dragon bell. The dragon and the bell glanced at it lazily and said: It's lit up again. Call me later when the way of heaven expands.

Not long after, the Ancestral God poked the dragon bell and said: The way of heaven has expanded.

At the ancient ferry, the Supreme Immortal Emperor saw this scene from a distance and showed suspicion: Purple light shines out twice every three days. Is there any pattern?

As night fell, Tianhe Strange Flower wanted to jump out of the Daluo Dojo to protect her Taoist body, but after thinking about it, she lay down again.

It's not impossible to protect yourself in Daluo Dojo...

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed, and another purple thunder streaked through the sky, hitting Xu Ying's head directly. The villagers flew in as usual and stayed nearby to appreciate the nature of the world. In the Daluo Dojo, the Tianhe Monster Flower lazily lifted up its huge flower bones and glanced out: Here we go again...

In the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court, the Ancestral God glanced up and muttered: It's much bigger. I think the scope covered by the Heavenly Dao should also be wider.

As for Da Long and Da Zhong, they no longer care about this.

At the ancient ferry, the Supreme Immortal Emperor saw this scene from a distance and ordered the Tiangong who were working hard: If you are too tired, you can rest for a day. There is no need to rush. It is important to ensure the safety of the golden boat and the Lingguang River.

As for the beings above the Nine Heavens, they are also used to it, playing chess and drinking tea, leisurely and contentedly.

Including this time, this is the eighteenth Zixiao Tribulation Thunder.

In the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao, the Ancestral God still stubbornly looked up at the sky. When he saw the purple tribulation thunder exploding, he said silently in his heart, The coverage of Heavenly Dao has also expanded to thousands of times the size before. But this is just the tip of the iceberg in the human world. There is a vast expanse of the human world shrouded in darkness.”

His eyes were deep. The human world was many times larger than the immortal world. The area of ​​heaven restored by Xu Ying was still too small.

The human world that Xu Ying can restore has reached its limit, and the outside is still shrouded in darkness. Since I said that I would let him survive the tribulation and ascend in the human world, I must not break my promise!

The Ancestral God slowly stood up and called out: God, after I leave, you will guard the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao. I give you the fishing rod. If one day, you find that the Purple Sky Tribulation Thunder breaks out again in the human world, remember to swing the fishing rod. Remember, remember. .”

After hearing this, Senior Brother Tian bowed and said yes.

The ancestor god threw up his fishing rod, and the fishing line became extremely slender and hung into the sky.

The thin fishing line reaches deep into the human world and falls into a bright light, as if fishing for fish from the human world.

Senior Brother Tian took the fishing rod and sat down.

The Earth God quickly jumped onto the drum and asked, Where does the Ancestor God plan to go?

The human world! Ancestor God said.

He has noticed the changes in the human world in recent years, and the way of heaven is slowly recovering, so when Xu Ying came here, he had the idea of ​​​​sending Xu Ying to the human world.

His purpose is to restore the way of heaven in the human world through the hand of promise.

The more Heavenly Dao in the human world is restored, the stronger his cultivation will be, and the faster his injuries will heal. If Xu Ying can level the darkness in the human world, then his injuries will be healed immediately!

But now it seems that Xu Ying has reached his limit and cannot completely restore the way of heaven in the human world, which requires him to come out personally.

In these days, Xu Ying survived the Zixiao Heavenly Tribulation eighteen times in a row, and the way of heaven restored an area as large as the Yuanshou world, which invisibly made the ancestor god's injuries better.

He didn't dare to leave the ancestral court before, but now he has enough confidence!

Distant Ancestor, you must come with me this time. The ancestor god smiled at Long Zhong.

The aura of the dragon bell is flowing and flying around, and the thick Taoist sound is like a dragon roaring. There are even dragon whiskers growing on the wall of the bell. This bell is extremely thick, and the Taoist power it exudes is even more powerful. Although it is not a supreme magic weapon, it is not far behind compared to the Daluo Immortal Weapon!

A rumbling voice came from the dragon bell, saying: Brother Taoist, can't you just pass through the starry sky and descend to the human world?

The ancestor god shook his head and said: There are dangers in the darkness. If I come from the starry sky, I will be intercepted. For safety's sake, let's go to the ancient ferry. Your body is there, and there are a few good friends accompanying you, so you will be safe.

They walked out of the Tiandao Ancestral Court and headed towards the sky.

In front of the mountain village in the human world, many villagers who were meditating on the way of heaven suddenly groaned, opened their mouths suddenly, and bursts of crying came out of their mouths!

Wherever the crying voice reached, the heavens suddenly collapsed, the vegetation withered, the water rotted, and all vitality was cut off!

Sure enough, there is something preventing me from comprehending the way of heaven on earth!

The lump of human-shaped charcoal suddenly exploded, and Xu Ying's figure flew out from the dust. His Tao body was flawless, and with a slight movement of his mind, the clothes appeared on his own, but they were the clothes he transformed with the way of heaven on earth.

He flew quickly and quickly came to the villagers who were crying. He bent his fingers and integrated the knowledge of the world and heaven that he had understood during this period into the power of his fingers. The Tao cried and forced him to retreat!

This cry came in response to their induction when they sensed the way of heaven, and invaded their bodies, causing them to cry and attack Xu Ying.

However, in just a short moment, Xu Ying sent Dao Wei back the way he came. The Taoist method was so exquisite that it was unbelievable!

Xu Ying's consciousness followed the source of the cry and traced it all the way back to the past. When he reached the depths of darkness, his vision suddenly turned black.

There was a faint voice in his ear: How brave!

A terrifying force burst out, trying to track his location. Xu Ying immediately shook his sleeves and used his hand as a heavenly sword to cut off his consciousness and cut off the pursuer!

Eighteen times of transcending tribulations, Xu Ying's understanding of the ways of heaven in the human world has reached an extremely advanced level. This application is just a small test.

However, he always wanted to go further, but found it extremely difficult.

The way of heaven in the human world is far more complicated than the way of heaven in the immortal world. After all, the human world is the most complicated place. The human heart is unpredictable but better than the heart of heaven, and the will of man is hard to describe but better than the will of heaven.

More importantly, he realized that there was always a powerful force in the human world that prevented him from reviving the way of heaven. In recent times, this feeling has become stronger.

With the interference of this kind of power, he didn't understand much about the way of heaven these few times, and his achievements in the Tao body also reached the limit.

Xu Ying frowned slightly: It's strange, this cry is a little not pure, it doesn't seem to be a pure cry...

The villagers kowtowed and worshiped him one after another, calling him Immortal Master.

Xu Ying helped them up and said with a smile: I am not an immortal yet. Although I have passed through the tribulation this time, it is not considered a true tribulation because the tribulation is incomplete. After the tribulation is over, I will be a real immortal. Until then. Then, you can call me Immortal Master.

He looked at these villagers and couldn't help but be moved. All of these villagers had extraordinary talents. They had never practiced, and they had not even entered the Qi-collecting stage, yet they possessed considerable magic power and mastered powerful supernatural powers!

He looked carefully and suddenly understood: These villagers have followed me into Taoism, comprehended the way of heaven, and repaired the way of heaven. They have invisibly mastered part of the natural power of heaven and earth.

The villagers who have mastered the power of heaven have extremely high moral conduct and have already surpassed the realm of realm.

They have no idea how powerful the power they control is and how much changes it will bring to them in the future.

Xu Ying looked at their simple eyes and felt pity for the talents in his heart. He decided to teach them the skills so that they could practice individually so that they could live up to their body and conduct.

Suddenly, his heart moved slightly. If he did not teach these villagers the skills and allowed them to realize on their own, would these villagers create a system of Qi gathering, knocking on the pass, and cross-refining, or would they follow a different path?

Thinking of this, he gave up the idea of ​​passing on the skills, waved goodbye to the villagers, and said with a smile: I have been in your place for a long time, and I haven't had time to go to other places. Farewell.

The villagers tried hard to persuade them to stay, but Xu Ying stepped on his feet and turned into a stream of light and disappeared through the sky.

The purpose of his trip is to ascend. Now that he cannot ascend, he will look for the source that prevents him from ascending and find a solution!

The villagers jumped into the air one after another, but they had just comprehended some Taoist and magical powers. How could they catch up with Xu Ying?

Xu Ying left everyone behind and looked around, only to see that the sky was vast, covering all four ends. But outside the shroud of heaven, there is an unparalleled darkness, so dense that it is unimaginable.

The area covered by the law of heaven is like an alternative to the human world, not invaded by filth!

The catastrophe that destroyed the Dragon Court that year also destroyed the human world. Could it be that that catastrophe was also a cry? But what about that voice that said I was so bold?

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and walked towards the source of the cry.

Suddenly, a voice was heard saying: Brother, my master has invited you!

Xu Ying looked around and saw a little Taoist boy riding a crane, with an air of immortality and an air of ecstasy. The crane came to Xu Ying, fluttered its wings and floated in the air. The little Taoist boy hurriedly greeted him and said: The master was very happy to see the visitors from his hometown, so I ordered the boy to come and be sure to invite me to meet my master!

Seeing that his origin was suspicious, Xu Ying said, May I ask who your master is?

The little Taoist boy smiled and said: My master is an ancient immortal from ancient times. He once created ten methods of enlightenment and is famous all over the world. My surname is Liu, and his name is Liu Guanyi...

Xu Ying asked in shock: The Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord Liu Guanyi? Why does he appear in the human world?

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