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Chapter 551 Sacrifice and Promise

After accepting the inheritance from the distant ancestor, am I the distant ancestor?

Xu Ying's heart beat violently. What did this mean?

Does it mean that after accepting the inheritance from the distant ancestor, he inherited the status of the distant ancestor, or did the distant ancestor take away his body?

If the former is the case, his status will be greatly improved; if the latter is the case, his life will be at risk!

Xu Ying looked at the altar again. He was no stranger to such things as altars. They were everywhere in the Yuanshou world and could often be encountered. Therefore, he knew something about the altar.

The structure of this altar looks particularly like a sacrificial altar!

Then the meaning of the sentence You are the distant ancestor couldn't be more obvious!

Becoming a distant ancestor is our dream!

Long Yu's eyes were wild, But we failed to seize the body and cannot become the distant ancestor. Only you can succeed in seizing the body, and it is a perfect seize the body! Long Ying, you can perfectly inherit the inheritance of the distant ancestor, you are the most promising person to become the distant ancestor!

Before he finished speaking, a pair of blazing eyes fell on Xu Ying, showing envy.

A vicissitudes of life dragon immortal with long eyebrows and a tall dragon looked at Xu Ying and said in a loud voice: Every step of our Longting recovery plan is crucial, and no mistakes are allowed in every step. Refined to make everything possible Dragon flags can help our souls avoid catastrophes. I don’t know how many dragons did not enter the Ten Thousand Dragon Flags back then, so that they died and disappeared. There were also some Ten Thousand Dragon Flags that failed to withstand the catastrophe and were destroyed in the catastrophe. Tens of thousands of dragon immortal souls were turned into ashes. It is also important to survive tens of millions of years!

When he opened his mouth to speak, the other dragon immortals closed their mouths and remained silent.

The long-browed Dragon Immortal walked over and said: There are many souls of the strong dragon clan, which have decayed and disappeared over thousands of years. It is also very important to nourish the Yuanshou people with the energy of the Dragon Court. There is no need to transform the Yuanshou people. Without good luck, there will be no plan for future resurrection! If any of these three steps goes wrong, the Dragon Court and the Dragon Clan will be completely ruined!

His status was obviously very high, and all the immortals gave in when they saw him approaching.

But all that has passed. The most important thing now is to revive the distant ancestors!

The long-browed Longxian came to Xu Ying, his eyes flashing with excitement, My Longting resurrection plan has been calculated by others. Someone knew about Longting's resurrection in advance and replaced Yuan Shou with someone from another world. The intention Let the immortals from the Dragon Court fail to seize the body! Qing Mufeng calculated tens of millions of years, but failed to predict that today, tens of millions of years later, there will be an enemy trying to completely bury my Dragon Clan! But fortunately, you succeeded in seizing the body. Got a Yuan Shou man!

He looked Xu Ying up and down, as if looking at a rare treasure, and said: After you become a distant ancestor, our dragon clan will have the most powerful power and can survive in this world! The dragon clan will be resurrected because of you!

His last sentence was sonorous and powerful, shocking the soul, and lifted up the spirits of hundreds of dragon immortals around him, who all looked at Xu Ying.

Xu Ying hurriedly said loudly: I have received the inheritance from my distant ancestor. If I become a distant ancestor, I will die!

All the dragon immortals around burst into laughter.

You won't die!

The long-browed dragon immortal smiled and said, You have become a distant ancestor, how can you die?

Xu Ying said: But my consciousness is gone! Without self-awareness, what occupies this body is the consciousness of our distant ancestors. What is the difference between death and death?

The long-browed Longxian frowned slightly, and Long Yu quickly stepped forward and said: Elder Jin, he is still young and doesn't know the reason for this. Let me tell him. Long Ying, you will not die if you become a distant ancestor. The physical body becomes the physical body of the distant ancestor, and your consciousness is compatible with the consciousness of the distant ancestor. You and the distant ancestor can no longer be separated, and you will become a part of the distant ancestor!

Xu Ying said angrily: It would be better to die!

The surrounding dragon immortals were furious and yelled: Being compatible with the distant ancestors is our lifelong dream. How dare you rather die than become the distant ancestors? You are treasonous!

It's an insult to Xianlong!

Not a rafter!

Long Yu couldn't help but get angry and shouted: You little dragon, why are you so selfish? Which dragon in our clan doesn't want to be inherited by our distant ancestors and become our distant ancestors? You just push back and block everything! You can't be allowed to be presumptuous!

His magic power exploded and pressed down like an overwhelming force. Xu Ying was willing to resist, but he offended the public. The dragon immortals around him burst out their magic power and pressed down on him, pressing him down on the altar with a roar!

The Long-Eyebrow Dragon Immortal was also quite angry, but he still remained rational and asked: Long Yu, our Dragon Clan has always considered it an honor to be compatible with our distant ancestors. Why is he so evasive and even feels that he might as well die? Are you? Have you tested your true identity?

Long Yu quickly smiled and said: Elder Jin, I have checked his Yuan Shen, and the seizure is extremely perfect. If he were not a Yuanshou, it would not be possible for him to be so compatible.

The Long-Eyebrow Dragon Immortal looked at the immobile Xu Ying on the altar and could not see any problems.

Xu Ying's physical body is that of a dragon. Although he is shorter than them, this is because Xu Ying is still young. Compared to them, Xu Ying is still a boy from the dragon clan.

As for the Yuanshen, the Yuanshen in the perfect state of seizing the body shows the characteristics of the human race. After a period of practice, it will slowly occupy the magpie's nest and become the dragon clan's Yuanshen.

The long-browed Dragon Immortal fluttered his eyebrows and turned his head to look in the direction of Long Yuan, thinking: He has a sense of resistance and is not the best body for the arrival of the distant ancestors, but now a great master has come here. This person is extremely powerful. , should be the person who allowed people from other worlds to enter Dragon Court and ruined our Dragon Court recovery plan.

He sensed the arrival of Tianzun and knew that time was running out and could not delay any longer. He immediately shouted: All dragon immortals listen to the order and sacrifice blood to the distant ancestors. Please come to the distant ancestors!

Xu Ying wanted to speak, but was suppressed by a group of dragon immortals and could not utter even a single word. I saw these dragon immortal spirits rising into the sky, as if they were opening another abnormal time and space and getting in touch with the ancient existence in that time and space.

They are burning their own blood and spirit, trying their best to open another time and space that is completely different from the current universe!

The lightning and thunder in the sky became more intense, and the call of the distant ancestors became clearer.

Especially for Xu Ying, this feeling is clearer.

He sensed that there were extremely ancient and grand thoughts turbulent in another time and space. That time and space was somewhat similar to the Taishang Cave Abyss where Taoist Wukong practiced, but it was even grander than the Taishang Cave Abyss. It was filled with the energy of the avenue and no matter could exist. .

Only non-material bodies such as consciousness or soul can exist in that time and space!

In the ancient era where Dragon Court is located, there was also a cave abyss!

Xu Ying was stunned, but the cave abyss in the Dragon Court era was too huge, even bigger and boundless than the cave abyss known as the supreme today!

Suddenly, his consciousness connected with the thinking consciousness of the distant ancestors of the Dragon Clan. At this moment, Xu Ying's universe of consciousness was filled. All senses, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, were abnormal. He could not see, hear, smell, feel, tongue or taste. He did not know. Wherever you are, where you are.

He felt that all his visions were blocked, and only darkness remained in the universe of consciousness.

The distant ancestor is too powerful! I might die... He was a little panicked.

More dragon immortals and monsters with human heads and dragon bodies came from all directions, reaching thousands in a short period of time, and joined in this blood sacrifice.

They sacrificed themselves, and the entire altar was bathed in the torrent of sacrifice, drowned by light, and the thunder in the sky became increasingly dense. Then, with the thunder outside, ancient thoughts descended from another time and space.

From a distance, it looks like a series of mighty dragons swimming from another time and space. Just thinking and consciousness exudes unparalleled power!

The dragon's roar vibrates, shaking people's hearts and souls.

Those divine dragons are the consciousness of the distant ancestor. His consciousness is so huge and powerful that the Dragon Court Era cannot keep the consciousness of the distant ancestor in the present world.

His power and size will interfere with the present world and cause many terrible anomalies.

He can only rely on that mysterious and abnormal time and space to survive for a long time.

Now, the resurrected remnants of the Dragon Clan are using their limited lives to summon their distant ancestors to come to the world, revive the Dragon Clan, and reappear in the Dragon Court!

Streams of consciousness like divine dragons descended from the sky, followed by thunder as they penetrated Xu Ying's head and disappeared. Those strings of lightning exploded inside Xu Ying's body, illuminating his body from the inside out. You could even see his bones and his Xiyi Realm!

Suddenly the long-browed Dragon Immortal's face changed slightly, and he said to Long Yu: General, that strong man has entered the Dragon Court. If he is found here and destroys the arrival of the distant ancestors, then the survival of the Dragon Court and the life and death of the Dragon Clan will all depend on him. He is under control! I will stop him and must hold him back, and you will be in charge of the overall situation!

Long Yu looked complicated and said: Elder Jin, be careful!

I am the only resurrected elder, and I have no shirking responsibility. Even if I die, I will not give up.

The long-browed Longxian turned and left.

Tianzun walked into the Dragon Court and looked far into the sky above the center of the Dragon Court. He saw dragon-shaped consciousnesses descending from the sky and rushing downwards. However, he was not in any hurry and continued to walk there like a leisurely stroll.

His title is Tianzun. In any time and space, as long as there is sky, he is the supreme there!

Tianzun took his time and even entered a fairy palace to check the layout before coming out and moving on.

He didn't take a few steps before he stopped and looked ahead.

I saw a weird man with the head of a dragon and a body with long eyebrows walking towards him. He was called a weird man, but compared to other people, for the dragon clan, this dragon fairy with long eyebrows was quite handsome in appearance and had a good temperament.

Tianzun is a tall and majestic man, and his appearance is quite like that of a hero. He is the Tianzun of the Lei Department. He is in charge of the first house, second hospital and third division of the Lei Department. The Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion alone is equivalent to a small fairy court. Some official positions are available in Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion!

As a result, he developed an extraordinary demeanor, like an emperor of the immortal family.

If this Taoist brother were still alive, he could still compete with me and compete.

Tianzun said lightly, It's a pity that your soul has experienced millions of years of ravages and has become rotten, and you have taken away a body that is not suitable for you. Your strength is far less than before.

The Long-Eyebrow Dragon Immortal came to the opposite side of him, stopped and said, During my lifetime, I cultivated to the seventh level of the Tao Realm. Although your cultivation is advanced, it looks like you are only at the sixth level.

Tianzun said in surprise: Dao realm? The realm of cultivation in the Dragon Court era seems to be different from ours today.

The Long-Eyebrow Dragon Immortal was trying to delay the arrival of the distant ancestor. Seeing that he was not in a hurry to take action, he was happy to explain to him and said: My dragon clan is better at understanding the great ways of heaven and earth than your human clan monster clan. After the human clan monster clan was born, they were ignorant. I understand, I only know how to eat and drink, but don’t understand what Tao is. But after my dragon clan was born, my own bloodline awakened, and I knew how to eat wind, drink dew, and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice. Therefore, when the dragon clan becomes an immortal, it is the Tao realm that I cultivate.

Tianzun showed a smile: I understand. In different eras, because the protagonists between heaven and earth are different, the realms are also different. But as long as what is understood is Tao, then all realms will lead to the same destination through different paths.

He slowly released his dojo and said leisurely: And I have reached the edge of reaching the same destination through different paths.

His dojo slowly became brighter, and one world after another appeared in his dojo, gradually lighting up. They were the shapes of the heavens and the worlds, floating quietly in the dojo.

An ancient tree stands tall, and all the heavens and worlds slowly rotate around the ancient tree.

In addition, the Ancestral Immortal Realm is also included!

This is his technique, the Immortal Sutra of the Taoist Master of All Realms!

This skill is as famous as the Emperor's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique and Yuanjun's Thirty-Third Heavenly God Meeting Skill, but when performed by Tianzun, it feels like it even surpasses those two skills!

When the Long-Eyebrow Dragon Immortal saw his technique, his expression suddenly changed. Even at the peak of his life, he had to deal with such a being seriously!

You are extraordinary!

The Long-Eyebrow Dragon Immortal took the initiative to attack, and once he took action, it was the pinnacle of his lifelong skills. He attacked Tianzun without any reservations!

He didn't dare to have any reservations.

The moral character shown by the other party is already close to his peak period. Any reservation will be suicidal!

Tianzun stood there and allowed him to attack. He only moved his feet occasionally, but after three moves, the Long-Eyebrow Dragon Immortal was already at a disadvantage.

After five moves, the long-browed dragon immortal coughed up blood.

After ten moves, Tianzun used Dao Zun's Immortal Sutra, cutting off all his vitality and severely damaging his soul.

The long-browed Dragon Immortal's breath was exhausted, his aura quickly declined, and he said in a hoarse voice: Your Taoist practice has reached the seventh level of the Tao realm, why have you never made a breakthrough?

Tianzun looked desolate and said sadly: This is the crux of why I have to lay out the Dragon Court. I don't want to be subordinate to others all my life. I also want to ascend to the realm of the Supreme. Unfortunately, without the Supreme Cave Abyss, everything is a delusion. …”

The long-browed dragon immortal fell to the ground and died.

His soul appears to be powerful, but is actually fragile.

Thousands of years of time have caused his soul to decay. Faced with Tianzun's ten magical powers, his soul collapsed.

Tianzun said to the corpse: As for the seventh level of the Tao Realm you mentioned, it aroused my interest. There are seven levels of the Tao Realm. Are there eight, nine, and ten levels? However, the Supreme Realm is obviously the pinnacle...

He looked up in the direction of the Longting Altar and murmured: Longting is really a big treasure house, it must be in hand!

Above the altar, Long Yu's heart sank. He sensed that the aura of the Long-browed Dragon Immortal suddenly disappeared, and he must have encountered something unexpected.

Such a short time, in my lifetime...

The corners of his eyes trembled, and he suddenly said, Huo Wenxiu, you take charge of the overall situation. I will replace Elder Jin.

The Dragon Immortal beside him was shocked: General!

Long Yu said resolutely: I guess I won't be able to stop the intruders for long. After I die, you can follow me and you must persist until the distant ancestors arrive!

The Dragon Immortal Fire Wenxiu nodded silently.

Long Yu turned around and walked towards the place where the Long-Eyebrow Dragon Immortal died in battle. His voice was like thunder exploding in the air: Dragon Clan, we cannot fail this time, and we will never allow failure! If you fail, you will be doomed!

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