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Chapter 550 Everyone is evil

Xing Daoyuan, the owner of Niwan Palace, activated the Tao Zhuan Heart Sutra to refine the alien energy in his body. Finally, he refined the alien energy of thousands of fishermen from Yuanshou.

The giant slowly stretched his body. He did not look for the treasures in the Dragon Court like others, but kept watching.

The magic weapons and even the exercises in the Dragon Court may not be useful to him. After all, the exercises in the Dragon Court are all Dragon Clan exercises. The body structure is different from that of the human race, so it may not be beneficial to forcefully practice the Dragon Clan exercises.

The same is true for Longting's magic weapons. Such magic weapons often require corresponding skills to activate. Even if he gets the magic weapon, it is not even as useful to him as the magic weapons of other immortals in the immortal world.

After a while, strange people who looked like more than a dozen dragon heads and bodies in the palace filed out and rushed towards the depths of the Dragon Court.

After they walked away, Xing Daoyuan slowly appeared and walked into Zhenru Hall.

Scattered on the ground are the skins of many immortals who just entered this hall. As for their physical bodies, they have become the new bodies of the powerful men of Longting.

Since ancient times, the law of the jungle has never changed.

Xing Daoyuan was not surprised by this situation and walked forward. Suddenly, black figures walked out from the shadow behind him. They were thin and without any thickness, and they were like shadows, tiptoeing.

These shadows are connected to his shadow, some are tall or short, some are fat or thin, some are male or female, and they look different. If Xu Ying were here, he would probably be able to recognize many familiar people from the outlines of these shadows.

The outlines of these shadows are somewhat similar to those of the fishermen who were eaten by the owner of Niwan Palace!

The people he ate seemed to have become his minions, working for him and doing things for him!

However, these shadows are not ghosts, but more like the people he ate, who became his inner demons and were refined by him into some kind of terrifying magical power.

The shadows moved forward furtively, rummaging through the skins and looting treasures from them.

These treasures are of no use to the powerful men of Dragon Court, so they are often abandoned. But for the owner of Niwan Palace, the treasures on these immortals are what really attracts him.

Most people's goals are on the treasures of Longting, but his goal is not Longting from beginning to end. His goal is the immortal who enters Longting.

To him, these people were a treasure trove of treasures.

Some shadows even penetrated into the realm of these immortals, looking for any treasures hidden in these hidden areas.

After a while, these shadows came out again, carrying various treasures and returning to the shadow behind him.

There are also some shadows rolling up these human skins, being very careful not to break them.

They sent the skin bag to the owner of Niwan Palace. The owner of Niwan Palace gently touched the texture of human skin and smiled: Not bad. This time I harvested the Immortal Lord of Tianlei City. With these skin bags, I have different face.

He blew lightly, and the skin of the Immortal Lord of Tianlei City suddenly bulged up. The body in the shape of the Master of Niwan Palace seemed to be inflated, gradually leaking air, and his body became smaller and smaller.

After a while, he shrunk down to the size of an ordinary person, twisted his body, and got in through the large hole opened above the head of the Immortal Lord of Tianlu City.

The master of Niwan Palace moved his body, but his posture seemed quite strange, but he quickly became familiar with this skin.

He cleared his voice and kept adjusting his throat line. Soon his voice was exactly the same as the voice of the Immortal Lord of Tianlu City!

The master of Niwan Palace smiled: From now on, I have a different identity! I am the Immortal Lord of Tianlei City! I not only want to become the Immortal Lord of Tianlei City, I also want to become Emperor Xiao and Mingxia Yuanjun , Emperor of the Five Prisons! Their identity, status, and wealth are all for my use!

He walked outside and said to himself: I want to have more identities!

When he came outside, he saw a group of dragon-headed weirdos from a distance surrounded by a smaller weirdo, heading straight to the place surrounded by the nine dragons of the Dragon Court.

Eternal Immortal!

The master of Niwan Palace looked at the strange man and was quite surprised. Has he been captured? It doesn't look like it. These dragon immortals respect him very much.

Although the shorter dragon-headed monster looked like a dragon immortal, Xu Ying's shadow could still be seen vaguely on his face, and his clothes had not changed, so he recognized it as Xu Ying at a glance.

These dragon immortals suddenly encountered Xiao Dijun and his party, so they started fighting. The Dragon Immortal was extremely powerful, and within a few moves, those Immortals suffered heavy casualties. Only Emperor Xiao escaped.

The Immortal Immortal has committed adultery?

The master of Niwan Palace was stunned and immediately rejected the idea. Although Xu Ying seemed to have been raped, he knew Xu Ying very well and knew that Xu Ying would never do this.

No matter who the Immortal God meets, he will either mingle with the other person or become one with the other person.

He ignored Xu Ying and quietly walked to other Longting Immortal Palaces.

His goal is very clear. Regardless of whether there are any conspiracies in Long Ting, he only wants what he wants and ignores everything else.

Luckily I run fast!

Emperor Xiao had just calmed down from the shock and looked back, only to see that those dragon immortals were not chasing him just now.

The shorter Dragon Immortal just now looked familiar, as if he promised that boy...

Just now, he was killed by Xu Ying and a group of dragon immortals. He was the only one who fled and escaped.

It can't be Xu Ying. He is from the human race, how could he get mixed up among the dragon immortals?

With a gloomy expression on his face, he turned around and left resolutely, thinking, This Longting is a trap. Although there are countless treasures in it, it is all for fishing and luring people to come and let them seize their bodies. No wonder the Emperor and Tianzun No one has come! They had expected this place to be a trap!

He rushed out quickly and saw many immortals heading towards the Dragon Court from the outside world, obviously intending to enter the Dragon Court to gain wealth.

Emperor Xiao shook his head: People die for wealth and birds die for food. Even immortals are not exempt from vulgarity.

He hesitated for a moment and did not warn these immortals that the Dragon Court was just a trap. He thought to himself: There are too many immortals in the immortal world. If there were not so many immortals, maybe I could get a Tianjun-level cave abyss, and I wouldn't have to be so cautious.

He has the realm of the Heavenly Lord, but he is unable to fully unleash the strength of the Heavenly Lord. The Immortal Lord-level cave abyss given by the Immortal Court is not even enough to sustain his daily practice!

He was deeply touched by the crowding in the fairy world. There are so many immortals in the immortal world that every cave and abyss is inhabited by as few as dozens, as many as tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of immortals!

Just as he was about to enter the dragon abyss, he saw a tall figure flying towards this side from the dragon abyss. Emperor Xiao's expression suddenly changed, he turned around hastily, pretending that he was an immortal who had just entered Longting from Longyuan, and rushed towards Longting.

Tianzun, why is he here? Xiao Dijun was surprised and confused.

Ever since Tianzun received the reward from the Immortal Emperor, he has been in seclusion, refining the ginseng Tao fruit. Also announcing the retreat at the same time as him were the Emperor, Dong Wang, Yuan Jun and others.

Therefore, after the news spread that Longting was about to appear, Xiao Dijun and others started to think about entering Longyuan to seize the treasure.

In normal times, they would definitely not dare to seize the treasure. For example, last time the ginseng fruit tree appeared in the world, only those who were not afraid of death dared to enter Wuzhuang Temple to compete with Tianzun, Emperor and others for the ginseng fruit. As for Emperor Xiao, those who have official positions, few dare to go.

When Tianzun appears at this time, he must be here to pick fruits!

Emperor Xiao rushed towards Longting slowly, his eyes flashing and his mind spinning rapidly.

Now that the biggest danger in Longting has been discovered, for Tianzun, who refines the ginseng fruit, Longting is no longer so dangerous and is just right for him to pick fruits.

Dragon Court appears, who spread this news?

Emperor Xiao suddenly shuddered and said to himself, From my perspective, I can't see any sign of the birth of Longting. I don't even know that there is such a thing as Longting!

There was more and more cold sweat on his forehead, turning into big beads of sweat.

Even if they knew that there was a Dragon Clan Immortal Court thousands of years ago, people today would not be able to understand so clearly that the Dragon Court was buried.

But the people who spread the news of Long Ting's birth knew where Long Ting was buried and when he would appear.

There is even news that people in Longxing World have the luck of Longting, and only these people can pick up the treasures of Longting.

Although Emperor Xiao had doubted the authenticity of these rumors in the past, various strange phenomena did occur in the early days of Dragon Court, which made him unconvinced.

However, now that I think about it carefully, this kind of news cannot be something that people with lower status and power in the fairy world can know!

Those who know these things must be those with great power and extremely high cultivation in the fairy world!

There is only one reason why this person spread this news: to find some scapegoats to find out the dangers of Longting on his behalf!

This person's plan is just to let thousands of immortals come to Longting to die. After they find out all the dangers of Longting, they will come to harvest the fruits!

This person is Tianzun!

When Xiao Dijun thought of this, he saw Tianzun flying not far away from him, without giving him a second glance at the ordinary treasure-hunting immortal.

He breathed a sigh of relief, immediately turned around, and flew towards Long Yuan, thinking: The purpose of Tianzun's coming to pick fruits this time may not be to exterminate all dragon immortals. He is ambitious and aims to become the supreme king of the immortal world. Cooperating with Long Ting is his destiny The first target! Therefore, he will definitely not allow anyone to get out alive!

Dragon Abyss is just ahead, and Xiao Dijun is happy in his heart. As long as he flies out of Dragon Abyss, he can survive!

Xu Ying hit me twice, but he couldn't kill me. As expected, I am a lucky person with my own destiny!

He had just thought of this when Tianzun's voice came from behind: Isn't this Xiao Daoli, Emperor Xiao? I said that when I saw your back just now, I felt a little familiar.

Emperor Xiao's body froze.

Tianzun's voice came from behind him, seemingly with a smile, and said: Why did Emperor Xiao leave so quickly? And he didn't even say hello when he saw me.

Emperor Xiao tried hard to suppress the fear in his heart, changed his face to a smile, turned around, and said with a smile: Tianzun...

What caught his eyes was Tianzun's pointed finger, piercing like lightning and hitting his forehead!


The back of Xiao Dijun's head exploded, and blood mist splattered everywhere.

Tianzun's finger was so powerful that it penetrated his dojo, directly destroying his soul. Even the Tao tree was crushed to pieces by this finger, completely extinguishing all hope for Emperor Xiao!

Why are you running?

Tianzun took out a white handkerchief, wiped off the blood on his fingertips, threw the handkerchief on Xiao Dijun's face, and said lightly, Although I have sealed all the dragon abyss, I don't think you can break my seal, but you are Tianjun after all. .”

Xiao Dijun's body fell backwards and fell to the ground with a thud, the handkerchief covering his face.

Who can become a Heavenly King but not a genius? I am also worried that you will break my seal, so I have to get rid of you first.

Tianzun walked towards Longting and said with a smile, My action this time is related to my supreme cause, so there cannot be any mistakes. Therefore, everyone who enters this place must die.

Xu Ying and others soon arrived at the place overlooking the Nine Dragons. Nine giant dragons in the sky leaned down from the sky, and their eyes focused on the magnificent altar in front of them.

The summons of the distant ancestors that had been interfering with Xu Ying came from this altar.

After arriving here, the impact of the call of the distant ancestors on Xu Ying was even more serious, making it almost difficult for him to control his physical body!

His physical body seems to have its own consciousness, out of his control, and must act according to the call of his distant ancestors!

Suddenly, Xu Ying felt something in his heart, and looked in the direction of Long Yuan, wondering in his heart: What a strong breath of heaven! Where does this heaven come from?

Xu Ying was very familiar with this aura of heaven. He had studied Brother Tian's aura in the Ancestral Court of Heaven and had also experienced this aura of heaven.

Yuan Daohai!

Xu Ying calmed down and said silently in his heart, Heavenly Lord is here.

The way of heaven in the Dragon Court is obviously different from the way of heaven in the outside world. It has experienced an extremely terrifying catastrophe. The dragon clan was destroyed and the way of heaven also collapsed. However, as Xu Ying sensed the aura of Tianzun, the way of heaven in Longting actually slowed down. Slow recovery!

The way of heaven in the ancient times includes the way of heaven in the human world, which is different from the way of heaven today. The way of heaven in Longting is decayed and broken, and it is impossible to revive it.

And the impossible is becoming possible.

The resurrection of the Heavenly Dao in Longting is definitely related to Yuan Daohai! This person's attainments in the Heavenly Dao are deeper than those of Senior Brother Tian and I! He has obtained the true inheritance of the Ancestral God!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed. Senior Brother Tian is the heaven of the ancestral court, a god. He also understands the heavenly way of the ancestral court, which has its limitations.

But Tianzun Yuan Daohai is a human being and can realize more heavenly ways on his own.

This person is extremely talented and has astonishing enchantments. After setting foot in the Dragon Court, he understood the way of heaven in the Dragon Court era.

His purpose of repairing the Heavenly Way of Longting is naturally not out of kindness, but to control Longting!

After mastering the Heavenly Way of Longting, he is afraid that he will have the power of life and death!

Long Yu and others obviously didn't notice the changes in Longting's heavenly way. They flew up one by one and floated in the air, with their arms spread out, as if they were sacrificing themselves!

When they came to the altar, there were already many dragon immortals floating around the altar. The powerful aura emitted from them shot straight into the sky, causing the sky to distort and thunder and lightning to appear!

There are also immortals who have transformed into dragons, with dragon bodies and human heads. They were not taken away from their bodies, but were contaminated by the dragon aura and fierceness here and turned into dragons. These creatures with dragon bodies and human heads are relatively low-end and often crawl under the altar.

These dragon immortals and mutated dragon-shaped creatures recite an ancient mantra. The mantra should be composed of the Tao language of the dragon clan. Every syllable is an understanding of the Tao, and contains great power!

Xu Ying has now absorbed the dragon energy and fierce energy from Longting, and can understand part of the dragon clan's Taoist language. The main meaning of the mantra is to use the power of his own Taoism in exchange for the awakening of his distant ancestors.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

The big bell suddenly floated, as if infected by these dragon immortals, using the bell to recite the ancient mantra!

Master Zhong! Wake up! Xu Ying summoned his consciousness and struck the big clock, trying to wake it up.

The big clock didn't notice anything.

Long Yu said: Brother Long Ying, the heroic spirit of the distant ancestor is about to awaken. Go to the center of the altar and prepare to accept the inheritance of the distant ancestor!

Xu Ying looked at the center of the altar and suddenly felt that this altar was more like an altar for sacrifice.

Senior Long Yu, tell me, what will happen after I accept the inheritance from my distant ancestor? Xu Ying asked.

The long beard beside Long Yu's lips fluttered, his narrow eyes gradually opened, and his voice was a little strange: At that time, you were the distant ancestor.

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