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Chapter 534 Dreaming Back to Erlang Temple

Xu Ying was surprised and happy when he heard this voice: Taoist Wukong?

He followed the sound, but did not see the figure of Taoist Wukong. He thought that Taoist Wukong was not in the dojo. The primary purpose of his visit this time was to find Taoist Wukong and ask him to see if the strange flower in the Milky Way was Xiao Lanshan, the evil golden immortal. The secondary purpose is the Nine Transformations Mysterious Skill.

Previously, he was worried that Emperor Changsheng would come here.

The big black dog said alertly: Monkey? He's not dead yet? Why did he come to the Second Master's immortal tomb? Damn monkey, when did you start digging graves?

Xu Ying blinked and asked tentatively: Brother Tian, ​​do you know Taoist Wukong?

The big black dog said nonchalantly: I fought with him back then and almost bit off one of his legs. I captured him and sent him to the Immortal Killing Platform, that's all.

Xu Ying and Xiao Tianzun were shocked and thought he was bragging.

The big black dog became anxious and followed Taoist Wukong's voice, shouting: If you don't believe me, ask him yourself later, did he get bitten by me and fall?

Xu Ying still didn't believe it. Taoist Wukong could be said to be the most powerful existence he had ever seen. He could sit in front of the big crack in Taishang Cave Abyss and remain unchanged for hundreds of thousands of years. Although the big black dog is powerful, it won't almost bite off one of his legs, right?

As for going to the Immortal Killing Platform, where do we start talking about it?

The big black dog said angrily: The monkey made a big fuss in Emperor Haocang's fairy court. Emperor Haocang sent out many masters, as well as the Santan Haihui God and the Tota King, but they couldn't defeat him. Later, someone asked the second master to take action. I fought with him for hundreds of rounds, no matter the outcome, and in the end it was me who took action to win him.

He darted back and forth in the dojo at extremely fast speeds. Xu Ying and Xiao Tianzun hurriedly followed him for fear of losing them.

But Monkey does have some abilities. Back then, he was the Great Sage of the Demon Clan. Apart from me, the Demon Clan has not had a decent strong man for a long time. But I am indifferent to fame and fortune, and I don't do these gimmicks.

The big black dog said, After that monkey rose, Emperor Haocang was worried that he would cause trouble and gave him an official position. As a result, this guy went to the Immortal Court and secretly ate the Nine-turn Great Return Pill of Taiqing Taozu and became immortal. , he was refined in the Bagua Alchemy Furnace again, and after escaping from the trap, he made a big fuss in the Immortal Courtyard. After being captured by me, I took him to the Immortal Killing Platform, but he did not die, but he escaped from the trap.

He lamented: I originally thought he died crying, but I didn't expect he survived.

Xu Ying thought for a while and said: Brother Tian, ​​Taoist Wukong is not what he used to be. His cultivation is unfathomable. You can brag like this in front of us, but you have to be more open-minded in front of him to avoid suffering a disadvantage.

Dazhong said quickly: This is not timidity, but open-mindedness and broad-mindedness, and you don't care about him.

Xu Ying nodded repeatedly: That's the truth.

The big black dog sneered: How can I be open-minded to my defeated general back then? When we meet, let me spray him with black dog blood and tell him to show his true colors!

Xu Ying, Da Zhong and Xiao Tianzun were each worried.

The tombs of the seven Meishan brothers were built like a maze, twisting and turning. Even with a big black dog leading the way, they walked for a long time before they came to the tomb of Zhenjun Erlang.

What caught their eyes was a mountain and river. The river was surging and flowing between the two mountains. At the mouth of the river, there was an ancient temple with an antique building and the words Erlang Temple written on it.

This place is filled with a thick and long Taoist charm, which is ancient, profound and extremely extraordinary.

This place is Daluotian at Guanjiangkou. Erlang Temple at Guanjiangkou is Er Ye's dojo, but this dojo is just a place for incense.

The big black dog ran towards Erlang Temple and said, Second Master has become a saint in his physical body and has attained the Daluo Golden Immortal. He himself is the Taoist temple and attains Taoism within. There is no such thing as the Daluo Tian.

The body is sanctified, and the Tao is attained within? Xu Ying couldn't help but be fascinated after hearing this.

Da Luotian is his physical body, and his physical body, Yuanshen Dao, is refined into one body. How powerful is this physical body?

So the monkey said that Zhenjun's Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique is not the best body-refining holy method in the world. How can it be that his monkey's technique is not the best in the world? The big black dog sneered.

Uncle Dog, be open-minded! Little Tianzun reminded him quickly.

You are the dog! Call me Uncle Xiaotian! the big black dog said with an evil look on his face.

They came to the Erlang Temple in Guanjiangkou. The big black dog rushed into the temple with great momentum. Xu Ying was worried about his safety and rushed in. He only heard the big black dog getting very angry and shouting: When will the Great Sage come? You don’t want to inform her in advance so that I can go and greet you.”

Xu Ying, Xiao Tianzun and Master Zhong all breathed a sigh of relief and said to themselves: Master Gou is indeed an old man, very open-minded!

Xu Ying walked in and saw Taoist Wukong wearing yellow clothes, a wide robe with big sleeves, and the clothes were very ill-fitting.

Sitting opposite him was a young man with a handsome appearance and a dignified appearance. He was quite delicate, and his clothes were also quite gorgeous. He seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and he was high-spirited and extraordinary.

There is an eye between his eyebrows, standing there like a willow leaf that has just been pulled out.

He is Zhenjun Erlang.

The eyes between his eyebrows can see the vast world, and the scenes of the heavens and the world are often reflected in these eyes, which is extremely magical and extraordinary.

Xu Ying looked around and thought to himself that it was a pity that this young man had passed away and had no breath.

Taoist Wukong sat opposite Zhenjun Erlang. There was a tray between the two of them. There were wine and cups on the tray, and the aroma of the wine was overflowing.

Taoist Wukong was already 70 to 80% drunk. He didn't pay attention to the arrival of the big black dog, Xu Ying and others. He raised his glasses and said, Your Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique has never been better than my Wu Leak Gold. Body. I didn't win back then, and I won't win now. It's a pity that after I come back, you have passed away. From now on, I will never know who is the best in the world.

After he drank, he burst into tears.

The big black dog advised: Grandpa Great Sage, when the second master passed away, he was also thinking about you and said that he was very sorry that he could not truly distinguish himself from you.

When Taoist Wukong heard this, he cried until the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

The big black dog said: The impact of Dao Wei back then caused him a lot of Dao Weeping injuries. In order to investigate the truth about Dao Wei, Er Ye sealed a part of Dao Wei inside his body, so that the injury could not be healed for a long time and his vitality was damaged. And then again. Later, Xindao overthrew Emperor Haocang and fought to establish the immortal world. The world was in chaos. They said that the ancestral court was a demonic realm, and the path of cultivation in the past was the demonic way. At that time, there were not many people left in the ancestral court who could fight, and the Three Tanhai The great master Hui also died in the battle, and the second master had to take care of his affairs, so he had no choice but to step forward.

In order to protect the people living in his ancestral home, Erlang Zhenjun had a big battle with the strong men of the new way. He ran around to rescue people all over the place, but in the end his old injuries recurred, and he ran out of energy and failed to survive.

After he passed away, I will guard his immortal tomb.

The big black dog said, I haven't gone out for hundreds of thousands of years. I wonder what the world is like outside? How are the people protected by the Second Master?

Little Tianzun straightened up and said: Uncle Xiaotian, they survived. Although it was very difficult, they still survived. Now go out and take a look. The shattered heaven and earth outside have also been restored, and the avenue of heaven and earth has been repaired. Now. Although the ancestral court today is not as good as before, it is more vibrant than before!

The big black dog was ecstatic: Really?

He then said sadly: It's a pity that the second master can't see it anymore.

He was stunned. Erlang Zhenjun is both an immortal and a god. Gods have incense. If all living beings believe in him and believe in him, he will have divine power. Along with having divine power, he also shoulders the responsibility of protecting all living beings.

Erlang Zhenjun has been fulfilling the purpose of being a god and protecting the people of his ancestral court.

He doesn't care whether the person sitting on the supreme throne in the Immortal Court is Emperor Haocang or the current Supreme Immortal Emperor, nor does he care whether the prevailing path between heaven and earth is the old path or the new path.

He only knows that if the people are incense, he will protect all living beings.

This is true whether you are a god or a human being.

So he became the last guardian of the ancestral court, sinking into the Bagua alchemy furnace with his enemies, and used his last strength to seal and suppress the powerful enemies.

Even if he dies, he will still use the power of the Daluo Immortal Weapon to refine the enemy!

Taoist Wukong seemed to be drunk. He lay back with a pop and poured wine into his mouth. After a while, he murmured: Silly thing...but a true hero! I wish you could get up and fight again...

Before he finished drinking, he was so drunk that he lay on the ground and fell asleep.

The big black dog frowned and called out: Great Sage Grandpa? Great Sage Grandpa?

Taoist Wukong began to snore gradually, and murmured in his dream: At the mouth of the Guanjiang River, I can't see Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun...

Mr. Zhong praised: Master Gou is so open-minded. If I had known you were so open-minded, we wouldn't have to persuade you.

The big black dog got angry and said: Call me Xiaotian! Or God! This monkey... Grandpa Great Sage is very powerful. Back then, I had a fight with Zhenjun, and the sky was dark and the ground was dark. Zhenjun sacrificed me without hesitation and bit me. He took a bite and then captured him. Now that the true king is dead, I am certainly no match for him.

Master Zhong said: How do you know you are not his match if you don't try?

The big black dog sneered: I smell the breath of a strong man from him.

Mr. Zhong was inexplicably surprised: You actually have such magical powers? Listen to me!

I don't need to smell it to know that the three of you are so cowardly.

Suddenly, the big black dog's face changed slightly: No! That Emperor Lao Shizi has already found his way here! Let's leave quickly... They came so fast! We can't leave!

As soon as he finished speaking, a majestic aura suddenly covered the sky and the earth, covering the surrounding areas. The Changsheng Emperor's dojo actually spread out by itself, directly filling the Guanjiang estuary!

Promise, you kill my incarnation and take my magic weapon, I won't embarrass you.

The voice of Emperor Changsheng came, and he said leisurely, You return my magic weapon, and I will let you live.

Xu Ying's expression changed slightly, he offered the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler, and said in a low voice: Master Gou, Master Zhong, Ergou, although I have obtained this supreme magic weapon, the time for sacrifice is still short and I cannot fully exert the power of this treasure. Let’s activate this treasure together later to compete with that white-headed boy!”

The big black dog said: Where did the white-headed boy come from?

Now there is a Daluo Jinxian in Immortal Court!

Just when Xu Ying said this, a yawn suddenly came from behind. The big black dog looked in disbelief, looked behind him, and said in a voiceless voice: Second Master, are you still alive?

Xu Ying turned around and saw Erlang Zhenjun raising his hands high and stretching, as if he had come back to life from death!

Within the body of True Monarch Erlang, powerful Tao power was surging and reviving, as if there were thousands of dragons and elephants roaring in his belly.

He stood up slowly, and the world swayed this way and that as he stood up, and the space shook violently. Even Emperor Changsheng's Daluo Dojo was unstable and was shaken by the movement he made when he stood up!

The big black dog burst into tears and happily jumped around the Lord Erlang, shouting: Second Master, I thought you were really dead! It's so good that you are alive, so good!

Xu Ying looked at Zhenjun Erlang, and then at Taoist Wukong who fell on the ground, drunk and sleeping, thoughtfully.

Lord Erlang bowed, gently stroked the big black dog's head, smoothed his fur, and stood up suddenly!

In an instant, he made nine turns of his Xuan Gong, stretched out one hand, and heard a shout from heaven and earth: Where is the three-pointed, two-edged sword?

The immeasurable sea of ​​fire shook violently, and a supreme immortal weapon came through the air, passed through many dojos, and with a buzzing sound, the blazing Tusita Immortal Fire landed in his palm!

This magical weapon of Daluo Jinxian has a long handle like a spear, with three blades at the top, and two sharp edges. It is a close combat weapon!

Erlang Zhenjun held a three-pointed two-edged sword, which was the Daluo dojo. With a sudden bang, he split open the Changsheng Emperor's dojo with one strike!

The Changsheng Emperor groaned, and saw the blade of the blade squeaking, cutting open his dojo, and the blade almost came to him!

Who is this sacred? Although he was frightened, he did not retreat but advanced, shouting loudly.

I once saved my mother by chopping peach mountains with an axe, and I struck down two phoenixes with palms and luos! I am the True Lord Guanjiangkou Erlang, and so is your second master!

Erlang Zhenjun jumped up, swung the three-pointed two-edged sword, and with one movement, he walked through his dojo and came directly in front of him. The three-pointed and two-edged sword reached the Changsheng Emperor's face!

The Emperor Changsheng is not afraid in the face of danger. The old plum tree behind him is strong and tall, the flowers are blooming, and the fruit is green, but it emits the light of the Tao, invulnerable to all means!

But the next moment, the Dao tree was shaken by a rumble, and a petal of the Dao flower floated up, thus damaging the brilliance of the Dao fruit!

Emperor Changsheng did not dare to neglect, his long sleeves fluttered, and he faced Zhenjun Erlang.

He also has another magic weapon, which is a plum blossom branch made from the branches of his own Taoist tree. This treasure is extremely elegant. There is also a Taoist flower hanging on the branch, but it is extremely powerful.

However, when the plum blossom branch collided with the three-pointed two-edged knife, it was chopped into pieces!

Chi chi chi——

His sleeves flew wildly and shattered into butterflies. Emperor Changsheng was stabbed several times and vomited blood. The Taoist tree behind him was sacrificed by him, but it was also chopped down until the Taoist tree withered and the Taoist flowers withered!

Go quickly——

With a hoarse voice, he yelled and took the lead in driving away with a beam of fairy light. Emperor Zhongyi and Chen Chaosheng from behind hurriedly followed him and fled in confusion.

Erlang Zhenjun laughed, and his body turned into a ray of golden light and fell into Erlang Temple. He inserted the three-pointed two-edged sword beside him, sat down cross-legged, and lost his breath.

Taoist Wukong was drunk, and he had a dream. He dreamed that he had transformed into the True Lord Erlang, allowing his old friend to wield the three-pointed two-edged sword again, and use the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Skill to his heart's content.

————My stiff neck was a bit serious today, which was beyond my expectation. When I woke up in the morning, I felt that my neck was twisted, so I lay on the bed and stretched my body. I heard a click in my neck, and then I collapsed on the bed and didn't get up for a long time. I tried massage, moxibustion, hot compress and lying at the end of the bed. I thought it would be better in the afternoon, so I said I would update in the afternoon, but I felt like a zombie until the evening, with severe pain in half of my body. Still broke my promise. depressed.

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