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Chapter 533 Above the Nine Heavens

Xu Ying stared blankly at the big black dog, his mind in confusion. He finally knew why he never mentioned anything about what happened in the tomb after he walked out of Erlang Zhenjun's immortal tomb.

Could it be that after he went out, he could still tell Little Tianzun that he had sworn sworn vows with a dog in the immortal tomb, and that he still worshiped this big black dog as his eldest brother?

What should the little Tianzun think of his wise and mighty master?

Little Tianzun's eyes were full of doubts. He looked at Xu Ying and whispered: Teacher, uncle?

He was confused, and this wasn't the first time. Little Tianzun still remembered the situation when Xu Ying asked him to call Gong Qi and Dazhong his uncles, and now he had another uncle.

Xu Ying gave him a calm look, and Little Tianzun groaned. He wanted to say that he was used to it, but he still couldn't accept it.

The big black dog said: Now that you have found me, I will open the skylight and speak frankly.

He turned around and said solemnly: You said back then that you would come back to see me often after you left. What happened? It has been almost fifty thousand years since you came back. Today, I have severed all ties with you. We are no longer brother!

Little Tianzun looked at Xu Ying with a look of expectation: Teacher, how about you agree to come down?

Xu Ying was silent for a moment and said: I have not lived a good life in the past forty-eight thousand years. I was cut into pieces, and my realm was refined into a magic weapon. Only the immortal spirit is left, and I can't remember the past. Over the years, I He has been reincarnated nearly ten thousand times, and it was only in the past two years that he escaped from the fate of being controlled by others...

The big black dog fell silent, and after a moment, he said, I didn't know you were living in such a miserable life.

He immediately cheered up and said: Let's not talk about the sad things in the past. Brother Xian, you can't remember me. My name is Xiaotian. Ergou, you can call me Uncle Xiaotian. You guys came just in time, this Lao Shizi The emperor has bad intentions and has come to Zhenjun's dojo to cause trouble. We cannot let him act haphazardly!

The big black dog suddenly stood up, landed on its hind legs, trotted, and sneakily approached the golden emperor, saying: You guys are here, I'll tease him first!

He jumped out suddenly, suddenly swung his body, his head was huge, and he opened his mouth to swallow the golden emperor.

That big mouth could swallow the sky, and actually swallowed most of the Immortal Kings and Immortals under the command of the Golden Banner Emperor. Only the Immortal Lord was able to escape.

The two golden banners and two palm fans of the Golden Banner Emperor were also swallowed by him.

The emperor had a stern look on his face, soared into the air, and slapped the black dog on the forehead. The black dog was beaten so hard that it rolled over and fell out.

The emperor came forward in pursuit, but there was no trace of the big black dog.

Zhenjun Erlang's barking dog?

The emperor's face turned pale and he stopped.

He is the Zhongyi Emperor of the Immortal Realm and is in charge of Zhongyi in the Immortal Realm. When I came to the Immortal Tomb this time, I originally thought it would be an easy feat. What I didn't expect was that not only Erlang Zhenjun was buried in this Immortal Tomb, but also the seven Meishan brothers were buried here.

This Immortal Tomb is composed of seven dojos. They have been wandering around the dojos for this period of time, but they have not found the center of the Immortal Tomb at all.

What he didn't even expect was that there was actually a ferocious big black dog inside this fairy tomb, attacking them everywhere!

The Roaring Sky Dog has been hit by one of my attacks and will definitely die! Emperor Zhong Yi said.

Next to the emperor was a young man, who was actually walking under the golden banner with him. He was obviously of a very high status, and said: Emperor Zhongyi, even Zhenjun Erlang is dead, how come Roaring Sky Dog is alive until now? I I heard that when Dao Weeping broke out, those who practiced Dongyuan often had trouble escaping. Only those who have cultivated to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian can protect themselves from Dao Weeping. This roaring dog is obviously not Da Luo Jinxian.

Emperor Zhong Yi respected him quite a bit and guessed: The Roaring Sky Dog should be a strong man of the demon clan. He is not a cultivator of Dongyuan, so he can avoid the Tao Cry.

Dongyuan started from Emperor Haotian. Emperor Haotian understood the Cuiyan Kung Fu and achieved some achievements. He summoned Taiyi Dongyuan and took over the kingdom of the demon clan.

From then on Dongyuan practice became mainstream.

But before, the demon clan occupied the world's orthodoxy, and the source of their spiritual energy during cultivation was the fairy energy produced by the sacred mountains in the earthly immortal world.

After the decline of the demon clan, they still had a lot of wealth, but it was gradually taken away by the human race. After Dao Weeping, they wanted to build the immortal world, and the sacred land of the earthly immortal world, the fairy mountain, was divided up and became part of the immortal world.

Emperor Zhongyi said: Friend Chaosheng Taoist, when he made the sacred mountain of the Earthly Immortal Realm into a cave, those who practiced this Tao were not attacked by Taoist Cry. This group of people survived, and although their strength was weak, they were still extraordinary. .”

The young man's name was Chen Chaosheng. He was born when the last tide came, so he was named Chaosheng. He smiled and said, My master has never told me these things.

Emperor Zhong Yi looked solemn and said: The way to respect a master is so profound and far-reaching that we cannot fathom it. Probably, he just thinks this is a trivial matter.

Chen Chaosheng said yes and said: But this time, the master is very concerned about the being suppressed under the tomb of Zhenjun Erlang, and sent us here. Does Emperor Zhongyi know who is suppressed under the tomb of this immortal?

Emperor Zhong Yi shook his head and said: I don't know either. However, Master is a being who is above the nine heavens. There must be a purpose for us to rescue this person.

Xu Ying and Xiao Tianzun were shocked when they saw the big black dog being slapped by Emperor Zhong Yi. They were about to rescue him, but they saw the black dog running towards them, shouting: Protect me, wait for me to turn my magic. Gong, go tease them again!

Is this okay? Xu Ying was startled.

Although Emperor Zhongyi is not as powerful as the Emperor Tianzun, he is still no small matter. If this blow were to fall on Xu Ying, he would probably be able to blow his body apart!

But this big black dog was only slightly injured. This body is really powerful!

The big black dog looked like a dog, sat down cross-legged, and immediately activated the Xuan Gong. His body suddenly grew bigger and smaller, and it made nine turns in an instant, making Xu Ying and Little Tianzun's eyes go straight!

The Nine-turn Mysterious Technique that they had been searching for for so long but failed to achieve was actually perfected by this big black dog!

The next moment, their eyes almost popped out of their sockets. They saw the dojo emerging around this big black dog, with Tao chains entwined, rooted in the earth, and a Tao tree growing lushly behind it!

There is even a flower bone hanging on this Taoist tree!

Black Dog Heavenly Lord?

The little Tianzun is a little confused. Who would have thought that this big black dog is actually a Tianzun!

The Big Black Dog technique has been running for several days, and all the old wounds are gone. He jumps up, his eyes shine, and shouts: Let's look for another opportunity to bury these thieves here!

Xu Ying caught up with him and asked, Could it be that Brother Xiaotian gave me the fragment of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique that I took away from the Immortal Tomb last time?

The big black dog took small steps briskly and said: Of course I gave it to you. At that time, your cultivation level was still low and you could only practice to the fourth level, so I gave you the fourth level technique. Wait for you to practice At the fourth turn, you come back to see me, and I will teach you the remaining techniques.

The little Tianzun looked at Xu Ying pitifully. What happened to all the hard work he had done over the years to repair his skills?

Xu Ying consoled him: Didn't I ascend to the fairy world? I forgot about it. Brother Tian, ​​now that Ergou and I are back here, can the Nine Transformations Mysterious Power be passed on to us?

The big black dog said: Of course I can pass it on to you after you completed the True Lord's test. As for whether you want to pass it on to Ergou, that's your business and has nothing to do with me. But today, kill the thief first!

He suddenly stood up, ran forward with his hind legs on the ground, and shouted: Follow me, let's block them on the road ahead!

Xu Ying and Xiao Tianzun quickly followed him, and Xiao Tianzun said: Teacher, didn't you rob tombs last time you came here? How come you still passed the test of Zhenjun Erlang?

Xu Ying was confused: I don't know.

The big black dog rushed out and killed Emperor Zhongyi. However, most of the immortals around Emperor Zhongyi were eaten by him. The rest were all masters and had been prepared for it.

Emperor Zhong Yi waved his hand, and more than a dozen golden bells appeared in the sky. The bells vibrated, and sand and stones flew from the bells, covering the sky and the earth. The sand and stones were like planets, and in an instant they evolved into an infinite space in all directions. The big black dog trapped him, leaving him nowhere to escape!

Several immortal monarchs under Emperor Zhongyi immediately stepped forward and besieged the big black dog. The black dog man stood up, activated his Xuan Gong, and sacrificed to the Tao tree. The magic weapons and supernatural powers of the immortal monarchs fell on him, and they could not hurt him at all. Not even a hair on the dog was cut off!

Seeing this, Emperor Zhongyi offered sacrifices to rows of bells, large and small. Some were melodic bells, some were large bronze bells, and there were also imperial bells, porcelain bells and other objects with different functions.

As the Zhongyi Emperor, he was in charge of all kinds of bells. When the Supreme Immortal of the Immortal Realm, Daluo Jinxian, went on patrol, he asked him to clear the way, sacrifice the imperial bell, and sound the alarm in the surrounding areas.

Now, Emperor Zhong Yi sacrifices these magic weapons, which is really dazzling!

He used a bunch of bells to trap the big black dog and ordered: Temper him to death!

The immortal kings under his command each sacrificed an imperial bell and rang the imperial bell. Waves of sound surged towards the big black dog.

Other clocks were flying around, and some fairy bells kept hitting him, knocking him staggering, and some even hit him directly on the head, causing fire to fly everywhere.

Although the big black dog is a great demon in the Heavenly Monarch Realm, it is still difficult to compete with the immortal weapons created by the Supreme and Daluo Jinxian. These magical weapons are so powerful that even the Nine Transformation Mysterious Techniques are shaken to the point where their bodies become soft and weak. God will gradually separate from the flesh.

Huge souls as big as stars appeared behind him from time to time. It was these bells that were signs of breaking his Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, knocking his soul out of his body again and again!

When his soul is completely separated from his physical body, it will be the time when the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique is broken.

Seeing that his Xuan Gong was about to be broken, another bell suddenly rang. When Emperor Zhong Yi heard the bell, he was startled: This bell is different from the bells in my collection...

A strange feeling arose in his heart, and he looked out, only to see a fairy bell knocking open the imperial bell, rushing in, and protecting the black dog's head.


The bell of the fairy bell trembled, and all kinds of wonderful things suddenly struck, causing all the bells and instruments to sway here and there.

Along with the impact of the bell, I saw the first-level dojo rippled out from under the mouth of the fairy bell, and at the same time, a green dojo fruit hung under the bell, shining brightly and extremely dazzling!

This is the first time I've seen a bell made into a Dao Fruit!

Emperor Zhongyi's eyes shone brightly, and he suddenly felt that all the hundreds of bells he had collected had lost their color, and only this fairy bell remained!

The fairy bell rescued the big black dog and broke out of the encirclement. Emperor Zhong Yi, Chen Chaosheng and others rushed forward and shouted: We can't let them go!

Emperor Zhongyi's dojo was spread out, but a bell flew out of the dojo, followed closely by Master Zhong. The bell shook without noticing and rushed towards Master Zhong!

Although Mr. Zhong refined the ginseng Tao Fruit and made his own Tao Fruit, it was the first time he fought with so many powerful bell-shaped magic weapons, and he was soon confused.

It escorted the big black dog and fled in a hurry. Hundreds of fairy bells of various colors roared from behind and followed closely. When this wave of fairy bells rushed past, suddenly a figure flashed, and a tall young man appeared between the fairy bells and the fairy bells. Zhong Yi and the emperor were smiling.

Xu Tianzun?

Emperor Zhong Yi was shocked. Xu Ying had already taken the opportunity to kill him. With one move of his feet, a golden bridge lifted up from under his feet. Emperor Zhong Yi stood on this section of the bridge, and Xu Ying stood on the other end of the bridge.

Xu Ying, you are just a prisoner of the emperor, why do you need to provoke me?

With a smile on his face, Emperor Zhong Yi suddenly took a step forward and rushed towards Xu Ying at the other end of the Golden Bridge. Behind him, the branches of the Taoist trees were flying and the Taoist flowers were fragrant.

Xu Ying smiled slightly, Ruyi Daluo Tian spread out, and a Dao flower bloomed in each of the ten Daluo scenes. The two collided suddenly, with only two or three moves, Emperor Zhong Yi secretly said something bad, and blood bleeded from the corner of his mouth.

That golden bridge invisibly limited his strength, making him feel that his cultivation was about to move and might be refined at any time!

Are you Xu Ying?

Suddenly, Chen Chaosheng jumped up, landed on the Jinqiao, and suppressed the Jinqiao with one step.

Xu Ying was surprised, separated from Emperor Zhong Yi, and asked doubtfully: The Supreme Successor?


Chen Chaosheng said calmly, There is only one Supreme Being in the Immortal World. Of course I am not the Supreme Being's descendant. I come from the Nine Heavens.

Xu Ying was about to sacrifice the supreme magic weapon, the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler, and beat the young man from nine heavens to death. Suddenly he saw a familiar figure appearing behind the two of them.

Immortal Emperor Shi Shiran came over, walked directly to the two of them, glanced at Emperor Zhong Yi, then looked at Chen Chaosheng, and asked doubtfully: Are you from Daluotian?

When Chen Chaosheng saw him, he quickly bowed: Uncle Master!

Emperor Changsheng said calmly: Do you know that you just escaped a disaster?

Chen Chaosheng was quite dissatisfied and said: Although Xu Ying's magical powers are exquisite, my inheritance from the Nine Heavens will only be stronger than his magical powers, not weaker than his.

The Emperor Changsheng smiled and said: Xu Yingxin is very evil. Just now he planned to sacrifice the supreme magic weapon to kill you. If I hadn't appeared in time, you would have turned into ashes.

Chen Chaosheng was startled and lost his voice: How can he have the supreme magic weapon?

Emperor Changsheng's face darkened and he remained silent.

Xu Ying quickly met up with the big bell, and saw that the hundreds of big bells were still chasing the big bell, and they were clashing continuously. The little Tianzun stood under the big bell, and together with the big black dog, they fought against these bells.

This Emperor Zhongyi is also extraordinary. I injured him. I originally thought he was not as good as me, but he controls so many clocks at the same time. It is obvious that he is more than capable. Xu Ying secretly praised in his heart.

He flew up from the dojo, suppressed all the bells, and rescued a man, a bell, and a dog. He quickly said: I have an enemy coming. This person is Daluo Jinxian! Let's go!

The big black dog was startled and said: I can't resist the Great Luo Jinxian, let's go see the True Lord! After meeting the True Lord, I will pass on the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Skill to you. This skill is the best in the world. Body Holy Method!

As soon as he finished speaking, an unpleasant voice came from him: Who said that Erlang Zhenjun's Nine Revolutions Mysterious Skill is the best in the world?

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