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Chapter 527 Past and Future Eternal Light Sutra

Xu Ying was stunned.

The two little Taoist boys Qingfeng Mingyue died suddenly in front of him, which made his Taoist heart violently shaken and difficult to calm down.

These two little Taoist boys, one is stupid and stupid, the other seems to be loyal but has hidden agendas, but after spending the past few days together, Xu Ying feels that they are not bad people.

They also have their own ideas and their own persistence. Qingfeng hides his scheming in order to fulfill the entrustment of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal and preserve the Tao tree and Tao fruit.

Xu Ying also admired their bravery. The two Taoist boys swept away the Tianzun and the Immortal King, and defeated the Immortal King. They were so majestic. If the Changsheng Emperor hadn't sacrificed the mountains and rivers to the sky, the two of them would have wiped out the Wuzhuang Temple.

They were not heartless people. Qingfeng knew that he would die, and when he rushed out, he told Xu Ying to take the opportunity to escape.

These two little Taoist boys died like this.

This scene had such a huge impact on Xu Ying that he felt a little dizzy.

Lan Suying flew up from behind and jumped into the abyss of his Yingzhou Cave. Her voice reached his ears and she said quickly: Xu Tianzun, leave quickly! That young man with the big sleeves fluttering is the Changsheng Emperor!

She spoke very quickly: In the ginseng fruit tree dojo, he can't sense the mountains and rivers. But as long as you walk out of the dojo, he will sense it! You have to seize this opportunity, the moment you leave the dojo, Send away the mountains and rivers and the ruler of the sky!

Xu Ying woke up from his confusion and rushed out with all his strength.

Lan Suying entered Yingzhou Dongyuan, her figure fell down, and came to Xu Jiaping, which was imitated by Xu Jing.

The Goddess rushed over immediately, with light shining in her eyes, and saluted her, saying: The Supreme Lord does not need to hide from the Emperor, Tianzun and others. With the Supreme's ability, even if a ray of incarnation comes, he can defeat the Emperor and Tianzun and escape intact. You hide Entering Yingzhou Cave Abyss, so you are not the Supreme!

Lan Suying smiled slightly: I never said I was the Supreme. You can tell me where I came from!

She sat crouched, clasped her hands together, and suddenly raised them above her head and spread them to both sides. Suddenly, countless arms sprouted, each one counting with fingers.

The goddess looked behind her and saw that there seemed to be countless Lan Suying sitting behind Lan Suying, countless of them, overlapping each other and extending into the depths of the void.

Each Lan Suying has four faces, staring at her palms.

The fingers of these palms are pinching and changing rapidly. Each pinch is to fiddle with a line of cause and effect, or to use the huge computing power to predict the future!

This is... the past and future body and mind algorithm door!

The goddess was horrified. This method mobilized her past and future bodies to allow countless selves to calculate at the same time, providing huge computing power.

Moreover, judging from its calculation techniques, Lan Suying's algorithm has the advantages of both divine calculation and the law of causality, and its calculation power is amazing!

However, the goddess is also a well-informed person, and Lan Suying's method is not completely consistent with the inheritance of the Supreme Immortal Emperor.

Lan Suying's method is even more ancient.

This person possesses an ancient divine arithmetic. Combined with the divine arithmetic of the Supreme lineage, he has achieved such amazing achievements! the goddess secretly thought.

Lan Suying said quickly: Xu Tianzun, the cultivation level of the Changsheng Emperor is unpredictable. I dare not count him. If I count him, he will definitely notice it. But there is a glimmer of life in you. Although I don't know where the life comes from, but This glimmer of hope is enough to save your life.

Emperor Changsheng didn't know that the person who killed his incarnation to win the ruler of mountains and rivers was Xu Ying. He killed Qingfeng Mingyue with a snap of his fingers, just doing it casually.

This young emperor seemed to ignore the light from the ginseng fruit tree and walked directly towards the ginseng fruit tree, not avoiding the light that touched his body.

The Dao light from the ginseng fruit tree is like the sharpest knife, which can peel off the skin of a top heavenly king like Tao Tong Mingyue, but when it falls on him, it can only lift the corners of his clothes.

His Luotian Dojo was spread out, with a Taoist tree behind him, like the oldest plum tree, fragrant for a long time, twisting and turning, like ferocious claws, reaching towards the sky.

There are plum blossoms on the Tao tree, and there is a green plum hanging on it, which is extremely dazzling.

Isn't the Immortal Emperor the Supreme?

Seeing this situation, Xu Ying was slightly startled. The Changsheng Emperor's cultivation dojo and the Taoist Refining Tree's Taoist Fruit were obviously different from Qingxuan's Taixu Ten Scenes.

Taoist Qingxuan is the first person to cultivate to the Supreme Realm. He is the founder of the Supreme Realm. If future generations cultivate to the Supreme Realm, they will definitely be similar to Qingxuan's Ten Scenes of Taixu.

The path taken by Emperor Changsheng was obviously not the path taken by Taoist Qingxuan, but the path taken by Daluo Jinxian from the ancient era!

The Daluo Jinxian of the ancient times followed the path of the Taoist tree and the Taoguo!

The Eternal Life Emperor is a Daluo Golden Immortal who practices ancient methods!

Xu Ying was extremely shocked, but after crying, hadn't the ancient methods been eliminated? From then on, the immortals should take the path of the Supreme Realm.

After Tao Weeping, the ancestral court was slandered as a demonic realm, and the ancient laws were called demonic techniques. Why does even a being like the Changsheng Emperor practice the demonic techniques of the demonic realm?

Qingfeng Mingyue was executed by the Changsheng Emperor. The emperor, Tianzun and others also relieved their urgent needs. They each breathed a sigh of relief and bowed to the Changsheng Emperor.

Xu Ying rushed towards this side, and the Changsheng Emperor's eyes fell on him. A strange light flashed in his eyes, and he said silently in his heart: It's best not to touch the supreme plaything.

He turned a blind eye to Xu Ying and allowed Xu Ying to rush past him.

He has only one goal, and that is the ginseng fruit tree.

He didn't stop Xu Ying, but that didn't mean that Dijun, Yuanjun and others wouldn't stop him. The emperor and others immediately stepped into the dojo again and rushed towards Xu Ying.

Lan Suying's voice reached Xu Ying's ears, and she said quickly: Emperor, move forward three to six from the left, retreat two to four from the right, and swing your right hand backward!

Xu Ying rushed to the left without thinking, taking three steps and then six steps forward. In these short nine steps, he avoided the twelve magical moves from the emperor!

The Emperor's twelve magical moves passed by him, and he was shocked. But at this moment, Xu Ying swung his right hand backwards, hitting the back of his hand.

The emperor's whole body was covered with chills, his face suddenly changed, and twelve chakras appeared in the back of his head, but Xu Ying had already rushed out from his side.

Just now he used his twelfth magical move. Xu Ying dodged and swatted at the flaw in his magical power with his right hand, startling him.

He almost thought that Xu Ying already had supernatural powers at the supreme level.

The emperor avoided the light from the ginseng fruit tree and looked back in a hurry, only to see Xu Ying taking strange steps, moving back and forth and dodging left and right, easily avoiding Cai Tianzun's money attack and the light from the ginseng fruit tree.

Xu Ying even took a few coins from Cai Tianzun. Fortunately, Caitianzun is rich and has many magic weapons, so he doesn't take it to heart.

But Xu Ying's movement skills were simply miraculous and beyond description in words. He seemed to be able to anticipate the enemy's opportunities and make judgments in advance.

Xu Ying, what kind of adventure did he get?

The emperor was extremely shocked, but the light from the ginseng fruit tree struck, forcing him to distract himself. He had to continue to deal with the light and approach the ginseng fruit tree.

Although Emperor Changsheng came to collect the ginseng fruit tree, he did not think that Emperor Changsheng would be able to get this strange tree, and he still had a chance.

Compared with Xu Ying, Ginseng Daoguo was more tempting to him.

“Only by obtaining this Taoist fruit can you occupy a place in the future!”

His eyes fell on the remaining twenty Dao fruits of the ginseng fruit tree, and his heart was filled with heat. Otherwise, if the behemoth behind the fairy world attacks, hey, even Tianjun won't be able to survive! With Dao fruits, there is still a glimmer of hope!

In this short moment, Xu Ying escaped the stranglehold of Fire Lord Li Sixue and pinched Sixue's buttocks, causing Sixue to scream.

Xu Ying was secretly annoyed: No wonder Lao Liu asked me to stretch out my left hand and grab it downwards. I thought she was trying to defeat the Fire Lord's move, but I didn't expect that she asked me to pinch someone's butt! The Supreme Immortal Emperor is indeed a bit strange. Fetish!

Sixue Tianzun's pretty face turned red, and she glared at Xu Ying fiercely, thinking: The devil will never change his ways! He secretly pinched me like this back then... That's all. I'm thinking of old friendship, let him go!

She didn't bother and rushed towards the ginseng fruit tree.

Ginseng Tao Fruit is more important than promising this old lover.

Lan Suying also breathed a sigh of relief and said silently in her heart: Fortunately, my silly son still has his old lover and is nostalgic, and he has not yet killed his inner demons.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Ying avoided the plot of Xie Qingshan, the Heavenly Lord of the Water Department. Xie Qingshan made more than ten attacks in a row without touching Xu Ying at all, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

Everyone screamed in surprise, and suddenly King Dong's eyes lit up, he attacked Xu Ying, and said with a smile: So, there is an amazing god who is helping Xu Tianzun?

He was happy to see Hunter Xin, and seeing that Xu Ying could easily avoid everyone's magical powers, he knew that he had met a first-class divine fortune teller, who was probably no weaker than himself, so he decided to compete.

Xu Ying was furious: Your Highness Dongwang, have you forgotten that we are allies? I am here just to help you, but you attack me instead, are you not a human?

King Dong attacked him and sneered: You came to help me, but my clone died here, and you picked the Dao Fruit. How is it?

Under Lan Suying's guidance, Xu Ying avoided his attacks one after another, and at the same time avoided the attacks of other Tianjuns. He lowered his voice and said: I helped your clone, but you were useless and died. I What can be done?

Ning Tianzun from the Tai Sui Department is also attacking Xu Ying, and with a powerful divination expert like Dong Wang, even Lan Suying is having a hard time.

Ning Zhong Tianzun is the father of Ning Qing, and he is also very strong. He was injured by Qingfeng Mingyue just now, and was affected by Dao Cry, but his strength is still amazing.

Although his Yutang Dafa had flaws, Xu Ying had no time to seize his flaws, and the opportunity always passed by.

There is still a big gap between him and Tianjun.

Dong Wang smiled and said: Don't worry, I just want to see how good this fellow Taoist's divine calculation is. I don't really want to kill you. I will hold back my strength and my moves will fall on you, so I won't kill you.

Having said that, if you were attacked by him in such a dangerous situation and suffered heavy damage, you might not be able to block Ning Tianzun's moves, and you would probably be killed by random attacks.

Dong Wang made dozens of attacks, but was blocked by Xu Ying. Sometimes, he was interrupted by Xu Ying before he even had time to use his magical powers. He was shocked and confused: Am I not the best fortune teller in the world?

He immediately came to his senses and said with horror: The divine calculator who guided Xu Ying to avoid the attacks of so many Heavenly Lords must be my father!

He was shocked, angry, and a little scared. He immediately stopped testing Xu Ying and said in his heart: Father, you hide it so well! I thought I was the number one fortune teller. I didn't expect that your achievements are still there. Your Majesty! But you turned your elbows outward and actually helped Xu Ying seize the Ginseng Dao Fruit!

He didn't know that his clone had already made a similar guess, so he guessed again.

However, he never expected that the person who was hiding in Yingzhou Dongyuan and giving guidance was not the clone of the Immortal Emperor, but the adopted daughter Lan Suying who had been under house arrest in the palace by the Immortal Emperor.

He also knew that the Supreme Immortal Emperor accepted Lan Suying as his adopted daughter, and he never cared about this adopted sister. Lan Suying had met with him several times and asked him for advice on arithmetic. Dong Wang only taught her some basic arithmetic skills.

But what he didn't expect was that Lan Suying relied on these simple divine arithmetic skills to reversely deduce the supreme divine arithmetic, and then merged it with the divine arithmetic she had mastered before, to cultivate the past and future body, and mastered astonishing arithmetic power!

You must know that Lan Suying's computing power was not weak. When Xu Ying was still young, only eight or nine years old, she had just finished class in Xu Jing's class and ran out when she bumped into a young man.

The child promised to look back, but saw no one.

However, Lan Suying saw that 48,000 years later, her son came to Wangxiangtai and met her across time and space.

At that time, her computing power had reached this level, and she had a vague vision of the future. Although she didn't know the reason, she was already unique in the world in having such ability.

After merging the Supreme Divine Calculation, she created her own Past and Future Universe Light Sutra and unknowingly surpassed Dong Wang, but she has been hiding it all these years, waiting for the opportunity!

Xu Ying took advantage of the moment when Dong Wang was distracted, attacked Ning Tianzun several times, and whispered: Your son Ning Qing is in my hands!

Ning Zhong Tianzun turned a deaf ear and killed him.

Xu Ying immediately changed his words and said: The way of heaven is incomplete, your Yutang Dafa has flaws! Let me out, and I will teach you the real three thousand ways of heaven!

Ning Zhong Tianzun withdrew his troops and allowed Xu Ying to leave.

The Heavenly Lord's eyes flashed, and he turned and walked towards the ginseng fruit tree.

Before King Dong could take action against Xu Ying, Xu Ying suddenly seemed to have anticipated his attack and pointed his finger, hitting him right in the palm, breaking the magical power he was about to unleash.

King Dong was shocked: It is indeed my father who is giving him guidance!

He was filled with hatred and turned towards the ginseng fruit tree.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, avoided Tianzun and Yuanjun, and rushed to the edge of the dojo.

Lan Suying was extremely nervous and reminded: The moment you rush out of the dojo, that's when the Changsheng Emperor senses that the mountains and rivers are as big as the sky! You must seize this opportunity!

The Goddess, Fairy Gushe and others were also very nervous. They looked up at the canopy. The world in the canopy was still obscured by the dojo of the ginseng fruit tree.

Xu Ying avoided the Daoguang coming from behind and took a step forward. Half of his feet had already stepped out of the dojo.

His figure flew upwards, and while rushing out of the dojo, he dived into the canopy with a hiss.

Yingzhou Cave Abyss stirred slightly and disappeared.

At the same time, the Changsheng Emperor under the ginseng fruit tree suddenly turned his head, his eyes were sharp, and he swept over hard!

You little thief is so bold! You even dare to touch my supreme magic weapon, I won't tolerate you!

——Well, the reason why this chapter is so fast is because I wrote more than 6,000 words in the previous chapter and cut it to 4,300 words before publishing. Fortunately, I am still updating in the world!

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