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Chapter 526 The bright moon is drunk by the breeze

Seeing this, Qingfeng quickly raised the golden fairy weapon and picked off one ginseng fruit after another. Xu Ying hurriedly caught it.

When Qingfeng laid down the fourth Dao Fruit, the Emperor, Tianzun, Yuanjun and many other Heavenly Lords were already very close to them.

Xu Ying was very worried and couldn't leave if he didn't leave.

Mingyue, take the Dao Fruit!

There was a roar in the breeze, and Mingyue Taoist boy heard the words and immediately drank his Tao fruit.

Qingfeng swallowed his Dao Fruit whole. Both of them had experience in taking Dao Fruit, and immediately activated the Tianjun Dojo. They saw the brilliance flowing in the two dojos, and the Tao Yun was perfected.

The Dao Fruit of the two of them was originally broken by Shanshui Zhangtianzhi. After taking the Ginseng Dao Fruit, the two Dao Fruits were quickly restored.

The clear breeze and bright moon stimulated the Dao Fruit to heal the injuries on their bodies, but after a short time, the Dao injuries that had been bothering them for a long time were eliminated by them!

The breeze lifted up Jin Ruyi, and Jin Ruyi flew through the air and touched a Dao Fruit, which immediately fell down.

Senior Brother Xu, we two brothers owe you nothing! Mingyue follow me!

The breeze roared, and the two brothers, one on the left and one on the right, rushed out at the same time, saying solemnly: Death to the intruder!

Xu Ying caught the Dao Fruit and shouted loudly: Qingfeng Mingyue, don't go!

The voice of Qingfeng came from a distance: The two of us are ordered by the ancestor to guard Wuzhuang Temple. Even if we die, we cannot disobey the instruction of the ancestor! Senior Brother Xu, farewell!

He turned around and waved to Xu Ying, saying: Look for opportunities and escape by yourself!

Qingfeng glanced at the silly Mingyue, and saw that Mingyue also waved to Xu Ying silly, feeling both relieved and desolate in her heart.

He knew that no one in ancient times could resist the Immortal Court, let alone the Wuzhuang Temple.

If I and Mingyue go here, I'm afraid they will be shattered into pieces.

Junior Brother Mingyue, follow me! He called out and stepped forward to meet him.

Qingfeng and Mingyue were originally Heavenly Lords. They looked young, but in fact they were hundreds of thousands of years old monsters with profound skills.

They had already died in the Dao Cry, relying on the Dao Fruit to maintain a seemingly dead state, and their Dao Trees and Dao Flowers were also destroyed. Without the Dao Tree, the Dao Fruit would have less support and would not be as powerful as the real Da Luo Jinxian.

Therefore, their kind of path and fruit is called false path and fruit.

Of course, if they can repair the incomplete soul, they can also refine it into a Taoist tree.

It's just that the two of them are eager to protect the tree, and they are both in a state of seemingly dying, unable to practice from scratch.

Xu Ying quickly took a ginseng Tao fruit to activate the Tao fruit and refine it.

Lan Suying put away her two Dao Fruits and did not take them.

Their eyes fell firmly on Qingfeng Mingyue, and they saw the two people walking through the dojo with ghostly movements, without touching any light, to greet the Lord God.

The emperor paused and realized that the two men had profound cultivation and possessed the Tao Fruit that he dreamed of. He did not dare to neglect, and immediately activated the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique, used the Nine Heavens Dao King Seal, and faced the attack of the two!

With one against two, he suddenly felt two terrifying forces crushing him.

The emperor retreated, jumping unsteadily like a civet cat, constantly changing his body shape and posture, while avoiding the light of the ginseng fruit tree, and praised: What a powerful magic power! If I get the ginseng fruit, I will definitely go one step further!

In a few steps, he removed the power of Qingfeng Mingyue, and he was still calm and unhurt.

Under the ginseng fruit tree, Xu Ying's pupils narrowed slightly. The emperor faced the breeze and the bright moon at the same time, which was completely different from his clone's performance.

The emperor's real body was so calm in dealing with the breeze and the bright moon. Compared with the embarrassment of his clone, he was in the sky and on the ground.

Qingfeng Mingyue came to kill again, the emperor smiled slightly, and a Taoist wheel suddenly appeared behind him, facing Qingfeng Mingyue and the two of them, and they fought more than ten times in a short period of time.

Suddenly, the emperor retreated and praised: The Taoism of the ancient times is indeed good.

I'll try!

Dong Wang roared, rushed towards Qingfeng Mingyue, and attacked the two men at the same time. The emperor just avoided Daoguang while taking the two attacks head on. Dong Wang had fought with the emperor in the early years and knew that although it was a draw in name, he had actually lost.

This time, he wanted to use Qingfeng and Mingyue to verify his own strength and speculate on the emperor's strength.

He is proficient in divine calculation, and even the attacks of Daoguang and Qingfeng Mingyue from the ginseng fruit tree were calculated by him.

However, Qingfeng Mingyue and Qingfeng Mingyue possessed Dao Fruit, and their fighting power was too strong. Dong Wang connected with sixteen moves and had no choice but to retreat.

I'll try!

Yuan Jun roared loudly, and at the same time that Dong Wang withdrew, he rushed into the battle and took over from Dong Wang.

She fought Qingfeng Mingyue for fifteen rounds before exiting the battlefield.

At this time, the tall Tianzun came up to meet the clear breeze and bright moon. After fighting for more than ten rounds, he retreated.

Taisui Bu Ning Tianzun stepped forward and said, Let me give it a try.

He is also a top Heavenly Lord, and is extremely skilled in the Supreme Xuanyuan Yutang method. However, as soon as he received the two moves of Qingfeng Mingyue, blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth. He had no choice but to jump out and was struck by the light from the ginseng fruit tree!

Ning Tianzun sacrificed the treasure of the Taisui tribe, a ball of ancient flesh and blood. However, he saw that the ancient flesh and blood instantly covered his body. When the light swept over, the flesh and blood gathered with his soul, endless and endless.

When everyone saw this, they all felt awe-inspiring in their hearts: This treasure of the Taisui Department is better than countless other magic weapons!

Li Sixue, the Heavenly Lord of the Ministry of Fire, jumped up and ran towards her. The flame wheel behind her head rotated, and balls of chaotic fairy fire flew out. Following her magical power, the power was so powerful that it could destroy the world.

But the next moment, the female Heavenly Lord flew away upside down, vomiting blood from her mouth, and only received three moves from Qingfeng Mingyue and the others.

Sixue Tianzun was stronger by nature, so when he saw Ning Tianzun failed in two moves, he wanted to outsmart him and forcefully took the third move, thus being more seriously injured.

I'll meet them!

The water from the Tianhe River surged under Xie Qingshan's feet, lifting his figure up. The Qingshan Tianzun used the Tianhe as a long whip to hit the breeze and the bright moon.

Under the ginseng fruit tree, Xu Ying was stimulating the power of the medicine while staring at this scene intently.

Seeing the Qingshan Tianzun defeated, the Finance Tianzun stepped forward again and competed with Qingfeng Mingyue for one or two moves before retreating.

They are using Qingfeng Mingyue's hand to test the gap between themselves and the Emperor, Tianzun, Dongwang and Yuanjun!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, In this battle, they will realize the position they should be in, and they will not dare to compete with the four giants such as the Emperor and Tianzun.

In addition to these few people, there were several unfamiliar Sanren Tianjun who also stepped forward and exchanged two moves with Qingfeng Mingyue.

These Sanren Heavenly Kings are Sanren in name, but in fact they are all members of the imperial court who have gone out of power. They failed in the struggle, lost their power, and were taken down by others.

This time they came to Wuzhuang Temple for the sake of Tao and Fruit.

If they take the Dao Fruit and become Da Luo Jinxian, even if it is just a fake Dao Fruit, they will not be just ordinary people in the immortal world.

Qingfengmingyue, the situation is not good.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, After these people have tried their hand and know their true level, they will no longer test and directly attack Qingfeng Mingyue!

Just when he thought of this, the power of ginseng fruit suddenly burst out!

This ginseng Tao Fruit looks like a baby. It is a human-shaped Tao Fruit. It is composed of dots of immortal spiritual light. If you take it and refine it, you can follow your own Tao and transform into the corresponding Tao Fruit.

For example, if a monk practices the Tao of Fire, and takes the Tao Fruit of Ginseng, he will develop the Tao Fruit of Fire. If it is the path of water, it will cultivate the fruit of the path of water.

If there are many great avenues that have been practiced, the energy of the human body's path fruit will also change accordingly and be distributed to different avenues.

If you divide it too much, you may not be able to refine the Tao Fruit.

Xu Ying felt a surge of power coming from his body, entering his own Daluotian dojo, and suddenly divided into ten, flowing towards the ten scenes of Daluotian.

Xu Ying's Ten Scenes of Daluo are the same as the Ten Scenes of Taixu in the Realm of Taixu. The ten scenes represent ten kinds of avenues and ten kinds of achievements.

The Chaos Sea represents chaos, Xuanhuang and Huangqi correspond to Xuanhuang, Liuli Jingkong corresponds to nature, the immortal aura corresponds to the soul, Yujing Immortal City corresponds to Yin and Yang, Jianggong Immortal Domain corresponds to energy, Shenqiao corresponds to life and death, and the Indefinite River corresponds to Dao power. , the flame of the void corresponds to the void, and the Taiyi Cave Abyss corresponds to the Tao of Taiyi.

The Dao Fruit that Xu Ying took was divided into ten forces, which were attracted by these ten kinds of Dao and rushed towards the ten scenes respectively.

Xu Ying frowned. If the power of Dao Fruit can only bless one kind of Dao, then he can practice the False Dao Fruit and have the strength to break out of the siege.

However, the power of Dao Fruit is divided into ten parts, and each part can only exert one-tenth of the power of Dao Fruit. Together, they can exert not ten-tenths, but one-tenth!

It is equivalent to having ten Ascension stage magic weapons in your hand. If you sacrifice one magic weapon, the power it exerts is actually about the same as if you sacrifice ten magic weapons at the same time.

Because what limits you is actually your realm.

If what you sacrifice is an immortal weapon, that would be extraordinary. Immortal weapons are equivalent to allowing you to enter the realm of immortals in advance, and their power is naturally different from that of magic weapons in the ascension period.

Furthermore, among the ten great ways, how can one attain the path and fruition?

Xu Ying felt a little moved in his heart. When they parted ways, Demon Ancestor gave him two volumes of books, one of which was Ten Evidences of Taoist Fruit written by Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord!

But the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lords haven't cultivated the Tao Fruit either.

Xu Ying's face was a little gloomy. He looked at the Tianjun who came this time. There should not be Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Tianjun among them.

The power of the Dao Fruit pouring into the Ten Scenes of Da Luo is getting stronger and stronger. Xu Ying also feels that the power in the Ten Scenes of Da Luo is rising steadily. The charm of the Dao is long and profound, and his attainments in the Taoist field are getting higher and higher!

The power of the avenue he can control is getting stronger and stronger!

There are even Dao flowers formed in the ten scenes of Da Luo. Xuanhuang Daohua was born between Xuanhuang and Huangqi and took root in the two realms. The peanut in the void is in the fire of the void, and it is extremely beautiful. There are also the glazed flowers in the glazed sky, the fairy plants in the immortal light, the lotus flowers in the indefinite river, the yin and yang plants in the fairy city of Yujing, the flowers of life and death under the divine bridge...

All kinds of wonderful Taoist flowers bloom quietly, adding a bit of splendor to his dojo.

At this moment, there was a loud sound, and the big bell hit the strange flower of Tianhe fiercely, causing the strange flower to fly up and fall from the sky above the Promising Chaos Sea.

A Ying, this old boy wants to swallow your Chaos Flower! Dazhong said angrily.

Xu Ying's mind moved slightly, and he fixed the strange river flower that day, and said quickly, Master Zhong, keep an eye on it, I have to concentrate and rush out of this place!

The big bell said yes, and it was placed upside down in the sky above the strange flowers in the Tianhe River. It only waited for the strange flowers in the Tianhe River to move, and then suppressed them.

Xu Ying continued to refine the Dao Fruit to increase his strength. He saw that the Emperor, Tianzun and others had finished trying the moves. Suddenly Yuan Jun smiled and said: Why bother with two dead people? Let's go forward together and get the Dao Fruit as soon as possible. .”

Everyone said yes and went to kill Qingfeng Mingyue.

Qingfeng Mingyue was far smaller than them, just like two boys, facing the emperor, Tianzun and others without any fear, and fought with them. However, it is difficult for two fists to beat four hands. There are too many masters, and there are even emperors, Tianzun, Dongwang and others who have not used their full strength. In this battle, even though the two of them took the Dao Fruit, they were still in danger and suffered repeated injuries!

Suddenly, Qingfeng shouted: Mingyue, cry!

Mingyue opened her mouth, and a sharp and strange sound suddenly came from her mouth.

When this voice burst out, the emperor was the first to bear the brunt. He was suddenly confused and confused, and then he felt that his great path was corrupting rapidly.

He was startled, and without caring about hiding his strength, he immediately activated the real technique. In just a moment, a huge Taoist wheel appeared behind him.

There are twelve more Dao Wheels on the Dao Wheel's ring. Among the twelve Dao Wheels, each sits an incarnation of an emperor, extremely powerful!

This is the external manifestation of his Supreme Level Kung Fu!

Just as he activated the technique, Qingfeng opened his mouth, and a cry came out of his mouth. The emperor's Taoist wheel was swaying, and the twelve external incarnations all showed signs of decay and might be destroyed at any time.

The emperor was shocked, and Qingfeng Mingyue attacked together. He made several moves in succession, and his mind became more and more dizzy. Qingfeng Mingyue hit him in the chest, and he fell down and flew away!

Qingfeng Mingyue kept crying, and the two Taoist boys rose and fell, severely injuring Dong Wang in a few moves. Even if Dong Wang used the Immortal Emperor's supreme technique, he couldn't stop it!

The next moment, Yuanjun was bleeding, Tianzun was defeated, Cai Tianzun's treasures were shattered, Sixue Tianzun's chaotic fairy fire was extinguished, Qingshan Tianzun's Tianhe whip collapsed!

In just a short moment, the heavenly kings of the Immortal Courtyard, who were in a good situation just now, were completely defeated!

Qingfeng Xiaodao boy led Mingyue to kill the heavenly kings, shouting: Junior brother Mingyue, get rid of them all and restore peace to Wuzhuang Temple!

The two men kept crying, and the emperor, Tianzun and others were defeated step by step as they were killed, and they felt great humiliation in their hearts.

They obviously have great and boundless strength, but they can't show it when facing Dao Wei, and they can only fall into the situation of being beaten. What's even more terrifying is that their Tao flowers began to wither, their Tao trees began to lose their leaves, and their avenues began to disintegrate!

This is what makes their hair stand on end!

Suddenly, Lan Suying's voice came to Xu Ying's ears: Xu Tianzun, fight out now. This is the only chance of survival.

Xu Ying was slightly startled when he heard this. The only chance of survival?

Because they were standing under the ginseng fruit tree, they were less affected by the Taoist cry. The ginseng fruit tree emitted bursts of Taoist sounds, which offset a lot of the Taoist cry.

If you rush out now, you will enter the attack range of Daowei!

However, Xu Ying still rushed out resolutely and rushed outside the ginseng fruit tree dojo.

He believed that Lan Suying would never kill him, because if she were the Supreme Immortal Emperor, she would definitely save her life and obtain the Taiyi Cave Abyss for her!

Qingfeng Mingyue was as powerful as a rainbow, crying constantly, and was about to catch the Emperor, Tianzun and others in one fell swoop. Suddenly, a cold light flew past Qingfeng's cheek.

The cry in Mingyue's mouth suddenly stopped and became silent.

Qingfeng noticed that his junior brother had stopped and looked back, only to see the stupid Mingyue standing motionless with black blood on his forehead.

Senior brother, my head hurts so much... He seemed to finally wake up from his crying, uttered a voice, and forced a smile to Qingfeng.

Qingfeng saw a big hole in his forehead.

Qingfeng, be careful!

In the distance, Xu Ying shouted to him. Qingfeng turned around and saw a white-haired boy in a wide robe and long sleeves walking towards this side. He shook his wide sleeves and revealed his white palms.

The young man appeared in front of him, and with a slight finger, Qingfeng's eyebrows exploded, and the life in his eyes quickly disappeared.

————The next chapter will probably be updated during the underworld period~~

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