Choose a day to soar

Chapter 516 The rebel’s method of repaying debts

Xu Ying looked at these five fairy mountains and observed the trend of the fairy mountains, and was extremely surprised.

No wonder he is called the ancestor of the Earth Immortal. These five immortal mountains correspond to the five internal organs of the human body. In the Xiyi domain of the human body, there are five mountains that correspond to the five internal organs. However, the five mountains in the Xiyi domain are mountains, not internal organs, so the five internal organs need to remove the moon character and turn them into five internal organs. village.

Xu Ying looked at it and said, The word Guan probably means not only Taoist temple, but also watching and observing, which is inner view. Wuzhuang Guan means inner view of the internal organs. The ancestor of the Earth Immortal was the first to discover it. Looking inside the realm of Xiyi, I discovered the Five Sacred Mountains, which opened up the path of spiritual practice, so I was revered as the ancestor of the earthly immortals.

The name of Wuzhuangguan has a profound meaning.

Xu Ying looked towards the way he came. He saw that the threshold of Wuzhuang Temple was the foundation of a person's Taoism. The higher the Taoist line, the lower the threshold; the lower the Taoist line, the higher the threshold. That's why a large number of immortals are blocked outside Wuzhuang Temple and cannot come in.

But there are also many people who can come in. Some immortals break in through Taoism, but most of them are brought here by masters using treasures such as caves and abyss.

There are many immortals on the Wuyue Fairy Mountain, searching for treasures, and some are fighting for the fairy grass and medicine. When Xu Ying and others came here, they found more than a dozen corpses of immortals. It was obvious that the fight was fierce.

The emperor's chariot drove towards the Five Mountains. Xu Ying stopped and walked to observe the Five Mountains. The immortals in Yingzhou also looked around one after another, surveying and mapping the location of the Five Mountains in Wuzhuang Temple, checking the layout of the mountains, and sorting them out.

Based on their cultivation and Taoism, most of them will be blocked from the door and cannot even cross the threshold. Fortunately, they entered Yingzhou and were promised to be brought in.

This time can be said to be a great opportunity for them. Just observing the Five Sacred Mountains, the ancestor of the Earth Immortals, will greatly improve their cultivation foundation!

There are also various kinds of celestial herbs and elixirs in the mountain, which have not been harvested for more than 600,000 years. They have long since turned into spirits and monsters. They absorb the spiritual energy and spiritual power of the heaven and earth in the mountain, and they are very powerful.

Many of the immortals who had entered this place before were attracted by these spirits. Many of them were fighting with the spirits, and some were competing for the spirits they had obtained.

The immortals in Yingzhou were eager to try and flew out of Yingzhou, trying to capture the fairy grass and elixir. Many of the immortal herbs and elixirs are composed of immortal spiritual light. Taking them can strengthen the immortal true spirit, which is very tempting to them.

The goddess ordered: Don't go far and come back in time, otherwise you will be killed!

Although each of the Penglai Immortals has extraordinary qualifications and understanding, and their inheritance is not weak, no one has yet reached the realm of Immortal King. I am afraid that they still cannot beat the grass of Wuzhuang Temple, so the goddess is also a little worried.

She looked from a distance and even saw some immortal grass sticking the immortal's body on the branches to show off their power. It must be that the immortal who entered the mountain was beaten to death by the grass.

Xu Ying should not trust the fairy grass and elixir. Since he started practicing, he rarely needs to take this kind of thing to break through the realm.

Although it is not important to him, it is still extremely important to other immortals. When they break through the realm, they need a large amount of panacea to provide the physical soul with huge energy in an instant before they can break through the barrier!

Emperor Xu Ying's chariot rose into the air, and he stayed at a high place to observe the Five Sacred Mountains and the ancestors of the Earth Immortals. He gained a lot from the understanding of the Qi-gathering stage and felt that his foundation was more solid.

His biggest gain was his understanding of the realm of Qi collection.

Getting the Dao Foundation of the Earth Immortal Ancestor is already a worthwhile trip! He sighed in his heart.

The rebel promised! He is the rebel promised!

Suddenly, there was a noise in the Five Sacred Mountains, but someone discovered Xu Ying in the emperor's chariot and came to kill them one after another. Xu Ying is still on the most wanted list in the fairy world, ranking first, and is more attractive than any fairy medicine or grass.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, his mind moved slightly, and he sacrificed the strange Tianhe flower in Ruyi Daluo Tian. Suddenly, he saw a strange Tianhe flower standing tall behind him. He opened his mouth of blood pool, swallowed the sky in one mouth, and killed it. Hundreds of immortals were swallowed in one gulp!

A large piece of the sky in Wuzhuang Temple was bitten off, and it did not recover for a long time!

Xu Laomo lets grass eat people!

When the other immortals saw this, they dispersed.

Xu Ying collected the strange flowers of Tianhe and still understood the Five Sacred Mountains.

In Yingzhou, Yuan Tiangang frowned and whispered to the goddess: Master, I just calculated the strange flower of the Immortal Master, and there is something wrong with what I calculated.

Fairy Gushe said: Have you figured it out too? I checked the cause and effect of that strange flower and found something...

Shut up!

The goddess lowered her voice and was even more nervous than them. Her face was earthy and she said, Don't make blind calculations, people will die!

She obviously figured something out, but didn't dare to say it.

Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang said: But...

No buts!

The goddess looked nervous and said, You don't have to worry about him, maybe he doesn't have any ill intentions!

Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang had no choice but to stop talking about this topic.

The goddess' face was uncertain, and she thought to herself: There is something wrong with that strange flower, a big problem... But how come it appears in the Immortal Master's dojo?

Xu Ying waited for a few days until all the Penglai Immortals had gained something before leaving the Five Mountains Immortal Mountain. There was a entrance gate in front of them.

The immortals from Penglai hurriedly chased after him and entered Yingzhou one after another. The goddess counted the number of people, but there were still four immortals including Jiang Yi and Wang Fei who had not returned. After a little calculation, she felt a pain in her heart.

Jiang Yi, Wang Fei and other four immortals were beaten to death by the fairy grass and used as fertilizer.

The goddess said to the immortals, Although there are opportunities everywhere here, it is an opportunity if there is a life to be taken, otherwise it will be a ghost seeking life. You must be careful and careful, and don't go too far away from Yingzhou!

Pavilion Master Lin Tianhua said: What the Goddess means is that the Immortal Lord can protect us, right?

The Goddess said: I have calculated that the Immortal Lord has many dangers, and he cannot protect himself. In terms of calculations, he cannot defeat those old foxes like Dongwang and Dijun.

All the immortals looked at each other in shock.

Master Huolong asked: What the goddess means is that if the Immortal Lord dies, how much of the inheritance can we get if we are close enough to drive Yingzhou and run away?

The Goddess rolled her eyes at him: What I mean is that the Immortal Lord is full of misfortunes, but he still has the word lucky. You bastards don't even have the word lucky. If you go too far from Yingzhou, you will die! Be honest with me Light it, otherwise you will all be used to light sky lanterns!

All the immortals were submissive and did not dare to speak.

Xu Ying came to the entrance and looked up. He saw that the Heaven and Earth entrance was majestic and majestic. The water of the Tianhe River passed through it. It corresponded to the first entrance in the Xiyi Domain, the Weilu entrance!

There were three or two people in front of the entrance, each raising their heads and looking up at the entrance. They even raised their souls to fly around the entrance to examine the mystery of the entrance.

Xu Ying sacrificed the realm of his first life, the first entrance, to compare with the entrance to heaven and earth, and then mobilized his own tail entrance to compare with the entrance to the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

When the three immortals saw this, they each looked surprised and were speechless.

Xu Ying also remained silent, contemplating this entrance together.

Two days later, one of the immortals left, and Xu Ying also stood up and left the entrance.

The remaining two immortals still stayed in front of the entrance and continued to comprehend.

Those two immortals actually took so long to comprehend, which shows that their qualifications are average. Han Zekang said with a smile.

The goddess sneered and said: These two immortals are the disciples of Emperor Changsheng. They are the geniuses selected by Emperor Changsheng. Although they are still immortal kings at this level, they are more than enough to kill you guys!

Everyone was shocked, only to realize that the two immortals had such a powerful background.

Fairy Gushe asked: Who is the immortal who left? He understood the profound entrance and was faster than the disciples of the Changsheng Emperor, and almost as fast as the Immortal Master!

The Goddess made some calculations, frowned slightly, and said: This person is called Ming Shuangxiu. He is a layman with extremely high qualifications and understanding. He was an official in the Finance Department of Xianting when he offended Guan Tianzun of the Finance Department and escaped overnight. He left the Ministry of Finance and went to the borderlands. But for some reason, I calculated that he was suffering from a bloody disaster. I wonder, where did this bloody disaster come from?

After Xu Ying came out of this pass, he looked up and saw a layer of sky, connected by the Tianhe River.

The immortal named Ming Shuangxiu walked up and entered the first heaven. When he saw Xu Ying following him, he slowed down and Xu Ying sat on the imperial chariot and reached the first heaven.

The internal layout of Wuzhuang Temple is the same as that of the Hidden Scenery. By studying here, you can get the secrets of the cultivation of the ancestors of the Earth Immortals.

Ming Shuangxiu said to himself, It's ridiculous that many people don't know the real wealth and run to the front to find the Taoist tree.

Xu Ying glanced at him, Ming Shuangxiu looked at him, and said with a smile: But Xu Tianzun is a wonderful man and knows where the wealth is.

Xu Yingdao: Brother Ming is also a wonderful man.

Ming Shuangxiu looked at Yingzhou Cave Heaven, his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: Is the one above Xu Tianzun's head the Yingzhou Cave Heaven? Can you lend me my little brother to practice for a few days?

Xu Ying smiled and said, Are you here to hunt for treasure, or are you here to rob?

Ming Shuangxiu suddenly took action, stepped forward and attacked Xu Ying in the imperial chariot. He smiled and said, I'm here to hunt for treasures, and I'm also here to rob!

Xu Ying sat motionless in the imperial chariot when he saw clouds rising in the glow outside the imperial chariot, and the clouds exploded, blocking all Ming Shuangxiu's magical powers.

What a magic weapon!

Ming Shuangxiu attacked repeatedly, used the Taoist temple, and sacrificed Tao trees, but he could not break into the imperial chariot.

Xu Ying raised his hand to break the demon seal with one move of nine heavens and ten earths. Ming Shuangxiu caught his move, swayed slightly, laughed, and quickly retreated, saying with a smile: Xu Tianzun is indeed extraordinary. You actually have the emperor's magical power. Its mystery is admirable!”

Xu Ying drove there, and suddenly he saw Ming Shuangxiu's footsteps falling, gold ingots appearing in the air, and the imperial chariot passing by, bumping up and down, and slowing down greatly.

Do you still have such magical powers?

Xu Ying stopped the imperial chariot, stopped chasing, and said with a smile, This man is a talent. Among the ordinary people in the immortal world, I have met three masters before and after, and they are all good.

He was moved by pity for the talented people and had no murderous intention. Unexpectedly, a large copper coin suddenly fell from the sky, and Ming Shuangxiu, who was on the run, was caught in the money's eye!

Ming Shuangxiu fell into Qian's eye and was about to jump out of Qian's eye, but saw Qian's eye getting smaller and smaller and hugging his forehead.

Guan Tianzun, spare your life!

As soon as he shouted these words, his head was blown open by the copper coin, his brain spewed out, and he died!

Before his soul could escape, another bunch of money flew in, trapped his soul, and killed him!

This master died just like that!

The corners of the goddess's eyes twitched: I thought that Ming Shuangxiu's bloody disaster should be on the Immortal Master. After all, the Immortal Master is vicious. Unexpectedly, the Immortal Master did not kill him, but his old master killed him instead.

She shook her head.

The bunch of money flew up, and an arm with money eyes hung down from the air, holding the bunch of money in his hand.

Ming Shuangxiu, if I let you live again, won't you want to take my position in the future?

A cold voice came from above the arm full of money eyes, I noticed that your talent was too high back then. I wanted to take action, but you escaped. Didn't you come to my door this time?

Xu Ying's face darkened: People in the fairy world kill each other, and the fights in the nest are so fierce. When will new people come forward?

He looked up and saw a sleeve falling down, covering the money eye on his arm. The moment those money eyes were covered, Xu Ying saw the eyes popping out one after another, turning and falling on him.

It turns out to be Xu Tianzun, the rebel thief from Doubu!

A cold voice came from the sky, Before you rebelled, you borrowed a large sum of money from the Ministry of Finance. When will you pay it back?

Xu Ying raised his head and said in surprise: When did I borrow money from Brother Dao? Don't slander people for nothing!

A face hangs down from the sky with three eyes. The middle eye is also a money eye. It is Guan Tianzun of the Ministry of Finance.

Guan Tianzun reached out with one hand, grabbed a file and shook it vigorously. He saw that the file was spread out from top to bottom. There were dense writings on it, all of which were the IOUs owed by Xu Ying's first generation to borrow money from the Ministry of Finance!

Xu Ying's face darkened: If I borrow so much money, can I recruit troops to rebel?

Guan Tianzun's eyes fell on his imperial chariot, and he said calmly: I don't care if you borrow money from my finance department to rebel. Even if you establish yourself as the Immortal Emperor, I don't care, but you must pay back the money you owe! Collect it first. You pay some interest, your car is nice, take it!

He spread his fingers, and a bunch of money flew down, getting bigger quickly. Each copper coin was as small as an acre, and the big one was as big as dozens of acres. The big money was robbed of the small money, and it was robbed to the emperor's chariot!

Xu Ying laughed loudly, stood up from the emperor's chariot, and said loudly: Guan Tianzun, if you come here in your true form, I can't beat you and you will definitely pay back the money. But you are not your true form, and you have brought an IOU. Xu I have no choice but to kill you and take away the IOU, so that the old debt between me and the Ministry of Finance can be wiped off!

His golden bridge flew up and slightly touched the bunch of money. Guan Tianzun suddenly felt that the energy in the big coins dispersed, and the big coins fell down with a clatter.

Xu Ying caught a bunch of money, tossed it casually, and said with a smile: Thank you Guan Tianzun for the interest!

Guan Tianzun's face darkened, and he was about to take action himself, when suddenly he heard a voice saying: Friend Guan, the Ministry of Finance had better leave the matter alone.

Guan Tianzun's expression changed slightly, he waved his sleeves and left.

Xu Ying's face slowly darkened, he raised his head and looked towards the sky. Beyond the sky was the emperor's face.

The emperor was high up, looking down, with a calm expression, and said with a smile: Xu Ying, your Golden Bridge magical power is not bad. It seems that your ability has improved a lot in this life. You don't want to know how big the gap is between you and me. Really? I'll wait for you under the ginseng fruit tree.

Xu Ying's heart was filled with anger. He sat in the imperial chariot and drove to the thirty-third heaven!

After a while, the emperor's chariot returned again. Xu Ying sat in the emperor's chariot and continued to observe the first heaven of the ancestor of the earth immortals. He said leisurely: Forty-eight thousand years have passed, so why rush? I've been waiting all the way. Understand the past and beat him to death!

————Thanks to the three alliance leaders Ling Duyu, Papaya Prawn and Hua Huo Changge for their rewards! ! !

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