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Chapter 515 Wuzhuang Temple

In Xu Ying's heart, fighting for King Dong was not an option.

But watching Dong Wang desperately, waiting for the right opportunity to take action, fighting for the fruits of victory and helping Dong Wang by the way, OK.

He was sitting in the imperial chariot. The outside of the imperial chariot was surrounded by brilliant lights, forming the aura of clouds. It contained the Great Luo Dao pattern and was heavily defended. Xu Ying struck the Daluotian above his head. Outside the Daluotian was the canopy of the emperor's chariot. Inside was a world of heavens, from which he could escape at any time.

Behind Daluotian is Yingzhou, where Shenpo, Gushe, Yuan Tiangang, Master Huolong and his disciples also live in Yingzhou.

When Xu Ying defeated Yang Yanlong and left the realm of Taixu, he returned to the ancestral court, found Penglai Wonderland, and merged Penglai Wonderland with the two great caves of Yingzhou, so Shenpo and the others also lived in the merged Yingzhou.

At this time, Yingzhou was even better than before, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was extremely abundant. There were originally more than a hundred immortals in Penglai, but later there were two to three hundred. The goddess took them to wander around the ancestral court to find opportunities for ancient immortals. .

Each of them has received the inheritance from the ancient immortals of the ancestral court, and even more, the inheritance from the Daluo Jinxian such as Erlang Zhenjun. The Tianhe inheritance received by sisters Chu Xiangxiang and Hua Cuoying is no less inferior to the inheritance from the Jinxian.

It's just that they have no inheritance and don't have enough fairy spirit to practice.

The goddesses and old gods were always there, always advising them that they would have some fairy spirit. Unexpectedly, after Xu Ying came over, he actually had enough fairy spirit, which made them overjoyed.

There are hundreds of immortals living in Yingzhou, which does not affect Xu Ying's cultivation. The main source of his heaven and earth spiritual energy is Taiyi Dongyuan. Even if all the spiritual energy of Yingzhou is given to Chu Xiangxiang, Yuan Tiangang and others, it is nothing.

Xianzhu Xu, King Dong is plotting against you again! Yuan Tiangang's voice came from Yingzhou.

Xu Ying raised his head and saw light shining in the canopy above his head. He couldn't help but realize on a whim that King Dong was calculating his position.

As the saying goes, the canopy of transportation can cover the destiny of the Immortal Master and obscure all the luck. It is difficult for King Dong to calculate the whereabouts of the Immortal Master.

The Goddess smiled and said, What's more, I'm here. I ask him to figure it out, so he can figure it out.

This canopy was the burial object of Emperor Haocang, the empress of Ziwei. Xu Ying was given two canopies. The imperial chariot was also the vehicle of Empress Ziwei. There were experts like Shenpo sitting in charge. The King of the East wanted to calculate his exact location. , unless you reach the supreme level.

Xu Ying was afraid that King Dong would still be able to count him, so he even sacrificed himself in Da Luo Dojo.

The purpose of finding the Goddess was to restrain Dong Wang's divine calculation.

As for the Dong Wang and the Goddess, who has higher achievements in divine arithmetic? Xu Ying thinks that the Dong Wang is higher, but he has the Huagai of the Empress Ziwei and also owns the Daluo Dojo. It is extremely difficult for the Dong Wang to calculate his every move. .

Ah Ying, Dong Wang won't be angry if you treat him like this, right? Daluo Dojo formed a ring, and a big bell hung in the ring. While absorbing the power of the dojo, he observed the surroundings and asked.

There's no point in being angry.

The old god Xu Ying was here, looking at Wuzhuang Temple, and said, The King of East did not end up with his real body, but his clone in the lower realm. He didn't care about the clone's life or death, but I took action personally, so I had to be more careful. Besides, I I promised him that I would personally come to help him, but I didn’t say when I would help him.”

The most important thing is that if he shows up too early, Dong Wang will definitely push himself ahead and make himself the target of public criticism, while he will win in the chaos.

Da Zhong praised: A Ying is really a trustworthy person.

Xu Ying was so proud that he suddenly felt that the big clock was satirizing him. However, when Lord Zhong satirized him, didn't it mean that he was doing the right thing? Then he felt triumphant again.

Suddenly, the sky shook violently, and an Immortal King descended from the lower realm with an extremely powerful aura.

There is no Dongyuan, it should be Sanren!

Xu Ying looked from a distance and saw that the Immortal King had a great bearing. It should be the noble bearing cultivated by living in a high position for a long time, which was completely different from the gangster aura of the wild Immortal King.

However, he has no cave and is dressed simply, so he should not be a member of the imperial court.

It should be that he was an official in the Immortal Court and then left the field. He is no longer an Immortal official, but he thinks very highly of himself. He is careful about his own demeanor and temperament and refuses to join the ranks of ordinary people. Xu Ying thought to himself.

That Immortal King's name is Chen Shilin. He once served as an official in Beiluo Division. Later, he joined the wrong team and left the field. The voice of the goddess came from Yingzhou.

There are many similar immortal kings. In just a short moment, Xu Ying saw dozens of immortal kings descending to the lower realm and heading straight for Wuzhuang Temple.

In addition to the Immortal Kings, there are also Immortal Lords who have cultivated Taoist trees, and they are often Sanren.

A true Sanren can never hope to become an Immortal Lord, unless he has a heaven-defying opportunity to win the Immortal Lord level cave abyss. Otherwise, with the wealth they have accumulated, even if they have practiced for hundreds of millions of years, they will still be in the realm of Immortal Kings.

These Immortal Lords also serve in court and in the countryside.

The goddess looked around and said, The one riding the chariot down to the lower world is named Zhang Zining, also known as the Immortal Lord Zining. He originally performed his duties under the Changsheng Emperor. The one over there, with a lot of ostentation, is named Chu Du, and he is also an immortal. Jun, was once a master of the Ministry of Water. There is also the one over there in purple, with four maids around him, named Qin Mufeng, who loves publicity the most. Before his downfall, his official position was not small, and he was in charge of the Five Prisons.

Xu Ying looked around and saw that the demeanor of the Immortal Lord in the lower world was different from that of the Immortal King. He was very grand and often came in a chariot with many entourages. There were also maids waiting on the left and right, playing instruments and singing.

After they left the country, they were already scattered people, but when they were officials in the court, they accumulated a lot of wealth, so they were able to maintain a prosperous life after they left the country.

However, such people are often targeted by real San people, who will loot them and plunder their wealth.

There are many immortal kings among the Sanren who are very powerful.

Xu Ying's face looked a little solemn. Although he defeated Yang Yanlong and Yang Zhenjun, there were also extremely powerful beings among the immortal monarchs. Immortals' cultivation realm is often limited not because of their qualifications and understanding, but because of their resources. Without enough abyss, no matter how high your talent is, how strong your understanding is, or how deep your Taoism is, you will never be able to advance to the next realm!

But this also creates a phenomenon. Measuring a person's combat power by realm will only make mistakes.

Xu Ying noticed that the cultivation strength of Immortal Zi Ning, Chu Du and others was probably no weaker than his own!

Hey, Hao Kaiyang, the leader of the Four Hidden Evils! Xu Ying suddenly saw an acquaintance.

Hao Kaiyang is a true Sanren, the leader of the Four Evils in the Hidden Land, in the realm of the Immortal King. His eight-door rebellious life and death skills are unparalleled in the world. He once fought with Xu Ying and put Xu Ying at a disadvantage, so Xu Ying was deeply impressed by him.

Suddenly, Xu Ying frowned slightly. Hao Kaiyang's current cultivation strength has improved astonishingly, and the aura he exudes is many times more powerful than before!

He's not me, how could he be promoted to this level in just a few years? He wondered in his heart.

The goddess took a look at Hao Kaiyang and said: This person is the prince of Yuanjun, his name is Ling Wuxin, who took away Hao Kaiyang's body. Lingwuxin practiced Yuanjun's thirty-third level of Tianshen Huigong, and the Yuan Shen was powerful, reaching the twenty-eighth level. Zhongtian is extremely powerful.”

Xu Ying was extremely surprised: Hao Kaiyang is dead? Was he taken away by Ling Wuxin?

He greatly admired Hao Kaiyang's ability, and his life-and-death skills were astonishing. He originally thought that this man was a dragon trapped in the shallows, and if he got the chance, he would become famous, but he didn't expect that he would become the container of Ling Wuxin!

Ling Wuxin entered Wuzhuang Temple and disappeared.

The emperor's clone has also arrived.

Xu Ying was awakened by the goddess's voice. He looked around hurriedly and saw a ray of rays of light falling from the sky. A young man who looked somewhat similar to the emperor walked down the rays of light and headed towards Wuzhuang Temple.

This person's name is Bai Mingzhong, and he is the emperor's previous life. In order to cultivate and discover the secrets of the realm of the heavenly king, the emperor reincarnated more than 480 times, leaving his previous life in 480 worlds. body.

The goddess said, The emperor's previous life was the head of the Bai family in the Great World of Taishi, and his cultivation level is also at the level of the Immortal Lord, which is extremely powerful. The emperor's Taoism is extremely high. I count the emperor, and he will notice it six times out of ten. Don't allow him. The Immortal Master has to guard against it.

Xu Ying's pupils shrank and he clenched his fists, and then relaxed them after a moment.

He watched the emperor's previous life walk into Wuzhuang Temple without making any move.

Suddenly, there was a more violent shock in the sky, thunder and lightning, and the terrifying thunder almost tore the sky of the New Territories into pieces. It was extremely terrifying!

A two-winged birdman flew out of the crack in the sky, riding the divine fire.

This person is the incarnation of the Heavenly Demon of Lei Bu Tianzun.

The Goddess said, Even if I am a Heavenly Lord, my calculations are often inaccurate.

At this time, there was the sound of jingling bells in the sky again, and the goddess scattered flowers. The petals were Dao flowers, floating down from the sky, and the fragrance was fragrant.

A fairy was gentle and charming, walking towards Wuzhuang Temple on Dao flowers.

This woman is the Taoist body of Yuanjun.

The goddess said, Yuan Jun's soul cultivation is too strong, and her physical body can hardly bear her soul. She usually puts it in the Tao body. The Tao body is so powerful that it is even better than her physical body. She uses the Tao body. , which shows the importance attached to Wuzhuang Temple.”

Xu Ying waited for a while, and saw another deity from the plague, fire, water, and wealth departments descending in their clones or incarnations, and they also headed straight for the Wuzhuang Temple.

There are also many immortal kings and immortal kings who came personally from the Immortal Court, and they are bound to get the treasures of Wuzhuang Temple!

When Xu Ying saw this, he couldn't help being surprised and said: Goddess, what is the origin of Wuzhuang Temple? Why did the birth of this temple attract so many masters?

The goddess smiled and said: I dare not calculate the owner of Wuzhuang Temple, nor can I calculate his whereabouts. However, I heard that this person is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

Ancestor of the Earth Immortal?

Xu Ying exclaimed, doesn't this mean that the master of Wuzhuang Temple is the ancestor of all the immortals in the earthly immortal world?

“Some people say that he is the incarnation of the Earth Immortal Realm, some say that he is the ancestor of all the immortals in the Earth Immortal Realm, some say that his sacred tree was transformed from the spiritual roots of heaven and earth in the Earth Immortal Realm, and some say that it is his Dao tree.

The goddess told all the information she knew, and said, The origins of this Earth Immortal's ancestor are very mysterious. There are still many speculations about his roots and feet. However, before Dao Cry came, this Earth Immortal's origin was very mysterious. The ancestor then disappeared, leaving only Wuzhuang Temple.

She did not dare to speculate on the whereabouts of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, for fear of being too deeply implicated, and said: When the Earth Immortal World was split, Wuzhuang Temple also disappeared without a trace. It is said that the Supreme Lord also searched for Wuzhuang Temple back then, but he did not find it. If traces of him can be found, over time, Wuzhuang Temple and the ancestor of the Earth Immortal will become a legend. With this tide of the Three Realms, all the heavens and worlds will merge, and Wuzhuang Temple will also appear, so many people with ideas People are eyeing this place.”

Xu Ying asked: Where did that Taoist tree come from? Is it a natural sacred tree, or is it the Taoist tree of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal?

The goddess shook her head: I don't know either.

Xu Ying smiled and said, You do the math.

Can't figure it out.

Hearing this, Xu Ying took a deep breath, widened his eyes, and lost his voice: Goddess, you once said that you were not a supreme being. Could it be that this Taoist tree...

The goddess sighed and said: I don't know if it is a supreme existence, but I just can't figure out its whereabouts. By the way, some people call it the ginseng fruit tree. They say that if you can take the Tao fruit on it, you can Become a Daluo Golden Immortal immediately!

She was quite sorry. If she could figure out the whereabouts of this Taoist tree, she would have gotten it long ago, and now she wouldn't have to hide in a place like Penglai Yingzhou.

Even divine calculations are powerless.

There is also a rumor that the ancestor of the Earth Immortal also had a cave that he hid before he left. It may be in this Wuzhuang Temple.

The goddess said, The emperor, Tianzun and others are looking forward to the tides of the three realms. They also hope that through the changes in the tides of the three realms, they can find more treasures and help them break through the realm.

While he was talking, Xu Ying's imperial chariot had already arrived outside the Wuzhuang Temple. Xu Ying looked towards the Wuzhuang Temple, but saw that the temple seemed to be hidden in an illusory world, and there was always a feeling of unreality.

This temple is extremely old. The stone steps are covered with moss and are polished in some places. The threshold of the temple gate is very high and the door is dilapidated.

Inside the temple, it was clear and vast. The ginseng fruit tree stood in the backyard of the temple, emitting rays of light that was extremely eye-catching.

This temple doesn't look very deep, but so many masters who just entered it disappeared like mud cows into the sea, which shows that there is something inside this place.

At this moment, there are many immortals outside the temple, trying to pass through the temple door and enter. However, most people were trapped outside the temple.

The threshold for the Earth Immortal Ancestor is not generally high, but a natural chasm!

An immortal shouted, How can you fly across the chasm?

At this time, an immortal king sneered and said: Where is the threshold? This is the foundation for entering the Tao. Without the foundation for entering the Tao, how can you enter the temple?

The Immortal King flew into the Wuzhuang Temple and disappeared.

Other immortals flew over one after another, only to see that the threshold was getting higher and higher, stretching between heaven and earth, reaching infinity at the top, and connecting to the underworld below. They could not enter the door at all, and they all looked sad.

Xu Ying came in the imperial chariot. As the imperial chariot approached, he saw that the threshold was getting lower and lower, and it was easy to drive into the temple.

In the Wuzhuang Temple, there are five fairy mountains standing between heaven and earth, with springs and waterfalls, majestic and spectacular, and the Tianhe falls from the sky and passes through the five fairy mountains.

Xu Ying looked up and saw a heaven and earth entrance gate standing behind the Five Sacred Mountains in the distance.

Wuzhuang Temple should be called Five Zang Temple.

Xu Ying was surprised and confused. When he walked into Wuzhuang Temple, it was like walking into the realm of the human body. The five fairy mountains correspond to the five mountains!

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