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Chapter 507 The Founder of the Six Secrets

The young man Yunhai hesitated for a moment, but then walked over, somewhat reluctantly. Taoist Yuqing saw this and asked, You don't want to open the memory of your past life?

The young man Yun Hai said: When I open the memory of my past life, I will become the person I was in my previous life, and the person I am in this life will die.

Taoist Yuqing said: Who told you?

The young Yunhai glanced at Xu Ying.

Taoist Yuqing looked at Xu Ying and said with a smile: He is different from you. He was not dead in the first life, but was sealed. After opening the seal of the first life, he will be replaced by the first life. But you are different, your previous life has been After death, even if the memory of the past life is revived, it is just a memory and will not overwhelm the memory.

After hearing this, the young Yunhai felt relieved and glared at Xu Ying fiercely.

Ever since Xu Ying scared him and awakened the memory of his previous life, he might become a small part of his previous life. He was worried about gain and loss. Even if Yuan Taoist's Taoist sound sticks, he could not completely free himself from this fear.

When Xu Ying heard this, his heart suddenly trembled, and he quickly smiled and said: Brother Dao, if I open the seal and awaken the memory of my first life, will I be replaced?

Taoist Yuqing smiled and said, I never said that, fellow Taoist, please don't make false accusations against good people.

Xu panicked: That's what you just said!

Taoist Yuqing said: What I just said was not to you, but to another Taoist friend in your body. In the future, when this fellow Taoist wakes up, he will trouble me and blame me for what I said. I almost killed him, isn't that the cause and effect I created? So there are some things I can't say. Even if I say them, I can't admit them.

Xu Ying's hair stood on end and he hurriedly asked, Where will I be after he wakes up?

Taoist Yuqing did not answer, and concentrated on helping young Yun Hai unlock his past life memories. After a while, he discovered that Yun Hai's past life memories not only contained the mystery of the womb, but also had a strange immortal seal, which suppressed his memory seal.

Taoist Yuqing frowned slightly and muttered: It's a bit tricky. Yunhai's immortal seal is a bit troublesome to solve. Its sealing techniques are complicated and are immortal techniques. I can unlock the upper part, but the other parts are...

He is just the Yuqing Taoist's Xuanhuang Realm Heaven and Earth Yuanshen. He can't help with things that are beyond his ability.

Xu Ying showed a smile and said: What a coincidence. I have become a doctor after a long illness and am good at breaking the seal.

Taoist Yuqing's eyes fell on him.

Xu Ying remained motionless and had no intention of helping Yun Hai unlock the memory of his past life.

Taoist Yuqing understood and said meaningfully: If you unlock the seal of the first life, all the currents will flow back to the sea.

Xu Ying asked: What about me? Where am I?

Taoist Yuqing hesitated for a moment and said, Fellow Taoist, why do you care so much about yourself? You are just a memory of that fellow Taoist in your body, a bubble in a dream, and the bubble will burst when you wake up from the dream. Be more generous.

Xu Ying's heart felt cold and he murmured: I am just a memory, a bubble of Xu Ying's dream...

He couldn't help but feel a little lost.

This was what worried him most.

In fact, he had already thought that he was no different from the promises he had made in the past forty thousand years and countless lives. They were all based on a false memory and were not the main memory at all.

In his first life, he was sleeping in a seal, and like those promises, he was a dream he had during his sleep in the first life. When he woke up in the first life, the dream would be shattered.

Fellow Daoist Xu, after Emperor Haotian became the Immortal Emperor, in order to achieve the highest achievement, he turned immortals into mortals many times, reincarnated, and practiced all over again. Every time he reincarnated and practiced in the immortal world, he had all kinds of love and hatred of his own.

Taoist Yuqing told the legendary story of Emperor Haotian, and said, When he cultivates to a certain level, he will awaken the memory of his previous life. At that moment, he wakes up from the dream bubble. He is still Emperor Haotian, After reincarnation, he is only a part of his huge memory. After practicing life after life, he has practiced for thousands of lives, and finally reached the wonderful realm of Great Luo.

Xu Ying was silent for a moment and asked: After Emperor Haotian awakens, are his reincarnation experiences, his friends, his enemies, and his persistence still important?

This was his last insistence.

Taoist Yuqing smiled and said: For him in the reincarnation, it is important. But for Emperor Haotian, it is not important. He has been reincarnated for thousands of lives and practiced for thousands of lives. If every life is so important, he is not worthy to do it. He is the emperor forever. Those things he has not disappeared, they have just become memories.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: If the experiences of friends, enemies, and persistence are no longer important, then the moment Emperor Haotian wakes up, he will be dead in those reincarnations.

Taoist Yuqing turned his head and thought for a while, then smiled and said: I am just the soul of heaven and earth in the dojo, not a real person. I don't know what your concerns are. You should be more generous. It's not like you don't exist anymore, you just become memory.

Xu Ying calmed down. Taoist Yuqing didn't have a human way of thinking, so he naturally didn't understand the meaning of life to him.

He was not so generous.

Someone saw a child at the beach throwing the small fish that washed up on the beach back into the sea one by one, and asked him why he did this. No one cared about the life or death of these small fish.

The child picked up a small fish and threw it into the sea, saying that this little fish cared, and this little fish also cared, and this one, this one...

Xu Ying is that little fish who cares about his own life.

His life is like a slight fire in the wind, weak but longing for immortality.

Although Taoist Yuqing felt that he was still the same person when he restored the memory of his first life, he felt that that person was not him and that he was already dead at that time.

Xu Ying calmed down and followed the agreement to help young Yun Hai solve the memory seal of his previous life.

He had been ill for a long time and had become a master of sealing. Suddenly, the immortal soul appeared behind him. He stretched out his hand and pointed, hitting the young Yun Hai between his eyebrows.

The young Yunhai's body was shaken, and he felt that everything in front of him suddenly passed away quickly.

Countless versions of himself appeared around him, some were practicing, some were talking to people, some were running for their lives to avoid being chased, and some were in Taoist Taiqing's Tusita Palace. It was very strange.

No need to look around, these are your past memories.

Taoist Yuqing said to him, Fellow Taoist Xu's finger inspired your memory. Now we are looking back in your memory, preparing to return to your previous life!

The young Yunhai was horrified and murmured: Do you still have such magical powers?

With their clothes flying, everyone looked back in time in Yun Hai's memory, returning to the moment of Yun Hai's death.

Suddenly, there was chaos and darkness ahead, bursts of fairy sounds came from the chaos, and huge fairy runes such as prison, sealing, trapped, 囹 and 圄 were vaguely visible in the energy of chaos!

These immortal runes sealed and suppressed Yunhai's past life memories so that no one could pry into them, not even Yunhai himself could recall them at all.

These immortal runes are not the same system as the Tao patterns that Yuqing Taoist is familiar with, but they are not unfamiliar to Xu Ying.

It's very similar to the runes the emperor used to seal me.

Xu Ying looked at it and was surprised.

The immortal runes that sealed Yunhai could even be said to be of the same origin as the runes that sealed him!

The emperor's runes should be said to be inherited from the runes that sealed the sea of ​​clouds. Could it be that the emperor and the person who sealed the sea of ​​clouds have a master-disciple relationship?

Thinking of this, he suddenly jumped up and invaded the chaos.

Taoist Yuqing, Taoist Yuan, and young man Yunhai were waiting outside. After a moment, they saw the chaos gradually dissipating.

They walked forward into a memory.

Taoist Yunhai fell rapidly from the sky and hit the ground with a bang. He vomited blood and stood up unsteadily.

Junior brother, why are you unwilling to reveal the whereabouts of Shangqing Dongyuan?

A middle-aged Taoist walked up to him with a warm smile on his face and said, You don't know how many fellow disciples I killed in order to get the Shangqing Great Dongyuan. Do you think that you and I had the best friendship back then, so I would let you go? ?

Taoist Yunhai puffed up his breath, and a Huangting appeared behind him, ready to fight him to the death.

Useless junior brother. Your attainments in the Huangting Sutra are indeed very high and are still above mine, but in the years since I left the Shangqing Dao Sect, I have learned something better.

The middle-aged Taoist rushed towards him. At this time, the six magnificent scenes of the cave appeared in the sky, including the black and yellow Qi, the sea of ​​chaos, and the immortal true spirit. Six strange and imaginary scenes were dazzling!

Senior Brother Qingxuan! Taoist Yunhai fell under his seal, raised his head and shouted.

The middle-aged Taoist was about to kill him, but when he heard the call, he suddenly hesitated and did not kill him.

At this time, a powerful figure appeared in the sky, surrounding them.


A voice exploded in the air, Kill him! Our whereabouts and purpose must not be leaked! We still have to deal with the Immortal Court, the Ancestral God, and the Demon Ancestor. We must not spoil the big event just because of temporary pity!

The middle-aged Taoist hesitated for a moment and looked at the boy from the same sect.

Junior Brother Yunhai, since you don't want to say it, then never say it out loud. Don't blame Brother, Brother is also thinking about the common people. This decadent world is no longer sustainable.

The middle-aged Taoist used the immortal seal to seal Taoist Yunhai's soul, and said in a low voice, After the Taoist cry, the heaven and earth avenue of the ancestral court has completely collapsed, and mortals cannot survive. However, these ancestral courts still control the wealth, and the immortals Ting controls the power. I want to work with some like-minded fellow Taoists to do a big thing, a big thing that will change the world. When this thing is done, I will unblock you and you will definitely understand me...

After sealing the sea of ​​Taoist clouds, he rose into the sky and joined the majestic figures in the sky.

At this time, a palm print fell from the sky, beating Taoist Yunhai to pieces!

The middle-aged Taoist got angry and stood in front of Yunhai Yuanshen, shouting: Fellow Taoists, I have sealed his memory, why do I need to kill them all?

Qing Xuanzi, if you keep him alive, you will only harm us!

Thunder rolled in the air, and a voice said solemnly, Although Immortal Emperor Haocang has been weakened by Dao Weeping, his strength is still extraordinary. If there are any clues...

I will take responsibility myself!

Xu Ying looked at the key parts of Yun Hai's past life memory and looked up at Taoist Yuqing with a questioning expression.

Yuqing Taoist said: Qingxuan is a disciple of my Shangqing Taoist sect. He is a very talented young man. In just a few hundred years, he has understood the Huangting Tao and has become the Huangting Shangqing. He is a wizard and can learn anything at once. Once you know it, you will understand it with just a little bit, and you will understand it as soon as you realize it. But later he left the Shangqing Dao Sect and disappeared.

His eyes were strange and he said: I didn't expect that he would make friends with a group of gangsters. These gangsters may be the same people who destroyed the ancestral court back then.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

Since he is a member of the Taoist sect, why did he force Yunhai to reveal the whereabouts of Shangqing Dongyuan? Xu Ying asked.

Yuqing Taoist said: At that time, I was afraid that Tao Weeping would invade again, so I closed the Shangqing Cave Abyss and strictly prohibited anyone from entering the cave abyss to practice. Even I stayed away from Shangqing Cave Abyss to beware of the second Tao Weeping.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and said, Qingxuan said that after Dao cried, the heaven and earth collapsed and mortals could not survive. What's going on?

Yuqing Taoist said: At that time, the great road of heaven and earth collapsed, the way of heaven collapsed, and natural disasters continued for years. It was indeed difficult for mortals to survive.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, feeling that there might be something else going on, but Taoist Yuqing didn't say anything.

However, this Taoist Qingxuan used the Six Secrets. This Six Secrets ancestral method is extremely ancient, and it is extremely domineering when used. We are both in the realm of Tianjun, so it shouldn't be too easy for him to defeat Yunhai.

Xu Ying thought, This person should be the founder of the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Technique. Did he also leave the Taiyi Innate Technique to the Xu family? Could it be that he joined forces with another group of masters to overthrow the Immortal Court and kill Emperor Ai? , get rid of the demon ancestors and ancestral gods, and destroy the ancestral court? Then, who are the other masters?

————Thanks to the boss of Zhaicai for the reward, the boss... is wise and powerful~

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