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Chapter 506 Huang Ting Enlightenment

On the top is the soul of Guanyuan, on the left is Shaoyang and on the right is Taiyin. At the back is the secret door of the past life, where the sun rises and enters the moon, and the breath exists. The combination of the four qi is divided into stars...

Xu Ying flipped through the Huang Ting Jing and couldn't help being surprised. The Huang Ting Jing was unexpectedly simple.

The beginning of the chapter talks about the method of refining and guiding Qi, which is simple and easy to understand. The following are also extremely simple Taoist methods, which can be learned immediately and are extremely easy to use.

Huang Ting Jing is so simple, is it really the two major classics of Shangqing Taoism? Xu Ying wondered.

Taoist Yuan and young Yun Hai also received Taoist Yuqing's approval and practiced Huang Ting Sutra with Xu Ying. Hearing this, young Yun Hai sneered: What do you know? This is called the Greatest Way to Simplicity! This technique is famous for being easy to learn. , it is difficult to enter the Tao. Countless people have practiced Huangting Sutra since ancient times, but not many have achieved anything.

Taoist Yuan smiled and said: Although the Huang Ting Sutra is simple, it can be deduced from the thousands of great ways that thousands of Shangqing disciples have realized! This is the idea of ​​Taiqing's uncle, the great way is simple! It seems simple, but it has great knowledge. .After you practice, you will be able to comprehend the mysteries of the Xuanhuang in the Great Cave Abyss of the Shangqing Dynasty, which is called the Huangting of Enlightenment.

The young man Yun Hai said: What are you instructing him to do? This man is obviously ignorant and incompetent.

Taoist Yuan was very good-tempered and said: In the later stage of enlightenment to Huang Ting, you can turn it into innate Tai Chi, and use innate Tai Chi to transform thousands of avenues, which are called Shang Qing Dao. But this Shang Qing Dao is called Huang Ting Superior.

Xu Ying was fascinated and said with a smile: Enlightenment of Huang Ting? Huang Ting's Supreme Purity? It would be great if I could obtain it.

Young Yun Hai couldn't help but hit him and said: Huang Ting Jing seems to have no threshold and anyone can learn it, but in fact the threshold is extremely high and only a few can master it! You will know how high the threshold is once you try it!

Xu Ying hesitated: I'll just give it a try, not more.

The young man Yun Hai said: If you try a few more times, it will be fine. If you don't try a few more times, you won't give up!

Xu Ying immediately sat cross-legged and activated the Huang Ting Sutra. After a while, a clear light of the Great Dao shone down in the center of his eyebrows, extremely clear. His soul did not know when it came to the clear light, and his Tao mind became clear.

Within a moment, his insights about the Shangqing Avenue came one after another.

Huang Ting Jing is easy to learn, and it is not difficult to enter the Tao.

Xu Ying thought to himself, If I wake up at this time and tell them that I have entered the Tao, how much will it hurt people? I will try for a while longer.

As he entered the Tao deeper and deeper, more insights came flooding in.

To practice in the cave abyss, one must have unique techniques. For example, if Qingyu practices the Taishang Dao, he needs to have the Taishang Cave Abyss Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra before his soul can enter the Taishang Cave Abyss to practice.

To practice in the Shangqing Great Cave Abyss, one must have the skills of the Shangqing lineage, otherwise the gains will be limited by relying solely on personal insights.

If there were no skills from the Shangqing lineage, Shangqing Cave Abyss would be a superior holy land for Xu Ying. He could practice in Shangqing Cave Abyss and improve his cultivation very rapidly. But it is not beneficial to the improvement of Taoism.

Only by combining the exercises of the Shangqing lineage can we achieve the best results!

And Huang Ting Jing is the top secret knowledge of Shangqing Taoism!

Xu Ying once studied the Xuanhuang Realm Dojo of Taoist Yuqing in Weixu and learned the secrets of the Xuanhuang Realm. This time he practiced the Huangting Sutra, which can be said to be a hundred times the result with half the effort. Not long after, he had entered the Huangting level of enlightenment that countless Shangqing disciples dreamed of!

When Taoist Yuan saw that Xu Ying sat down to activate Huang Ting Jing and didn't get up for a long time, he couldn't help complaining: Uncle Master, he is my benefactor of the Shangqing Taoist Sect. He saved the Taoist ancestor's heaven and earth soul. You are trying to persuade him with your words and let him If I can't get off the stage, it seems like I have no courage in Shangqing Dao Sect.

The young man Yun Hai said: Huang Ting Sutra is very difficult to begin with, but he has no discernment and cannot see where the difficulty is. Why can't he make things difficult for him? He has practiced and knows where the difficulty is, so he is willing to study hard and not come back empty-handed. .”

Seeing that what he said made sense, Taoist Yuan smiled and said, When he wakes up later, we will explain some of the key points to him and help him answer his questions.

Just when the two of them said this, the surroundings suddenly became brighter. A clear and clear light actually bloomed from the center of Xu Ying's eyebrows. The light became clearer and clearer. Waves of Taoist rhymes also radiated from Xu Ying's body. The Taoist sounds were curling and melodious. .

The clear light loomed around Xu Ying, forming a yellow palace with an ethereal fairy aura.

Huang, Huang Ting is enlightened!

Taoist Yuan and young man Yun Hai widened their eyes and almost jumped up, staring blankly at the yellow court formed by clear light.

The realm of Huangting, which can only be entered by comprehending the wonders of Xuanhuang, was actually achieved by Xu Ying in just a few moments!

Uncle Junior, is this the fastest Huang Ting to realize Tao? Taoist Yuan murmured.

The young Yun Hai was also dumbfounded: How do I know? Have you forgotten that I was brought up by you? I have never recovered my memory... But having said that, except for Taiqing Master's uncle, there should be no one faster than this...

While the two were talking, they saw two black and yellow qi qi merging with each other above Xu Ying's head, gradually forming a Tai Chi pattern.

The faces of the two people changed again, and they saw the fairy spirit energy in the Shangqing Cave Abyss rolling in, rushing towards the black and yellow Tai Chi diagram. This black and yellow Tai Chi diagram is the innate Tai Chi, which contains the evolution of heaven and earth, the evolution of yin and yang, and the evolution of all things. The Tao is wonderful, extremely high, extremely extraordinary!

The amount of fairy energy required to form the Xuanhuang Tai Chi diagram is also extremely large. The young Yun Hai and Yuan Taoist were choked by the incoming fairy energy. They felt as if they were about to be suffocated to death by the fairy energy. Even after taking a breath, they could not practice for a long time. change!

If they are like this, let alone the promise of being at the center of spiritual energy gathering?

However, Xu Ying didn't seem to feel any discomfort at all, because although he was the one who absorbed the spiritual energy, the spiritual energy was used to turn into the black and yellow Tai Chi diagram, and the spiritual energy was not enough.

More fairy energy fell down like a waterfall, and was refined into the black and yellow Qi, forming a strange scene of heaven and earth intersecting, and yin and yang intermingling!

In the Xuanhuang Tai Chi diagram, heaven and earth loom, the heavenly way governs the rules, the earth gives birth to all things, all things are full of vitality, and all kinds of things are competing!

After a long time, Xu Ying's black and yellow Tai Chi diagram was cast, and the surging fairy spirit slowly dissipated.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes, only to see Taoist Yuan and young man Yun Hai looking at him in horror.

Xu Ying thought for a while and said: You two, I have just entered Taoism. Huang Ting Jing is indeed very difficult to enter Taoism.

After all, he was kind-hearted, and thought to himself: It took me so long to become a Taoist, so it doesn't count as a blow to them.

Taoist Yuan stammered: You, as soon as you enter, you will enter the Dao Huangting Shangqing?

Only then did Xu Ying realize that the scene of him entering the Tao was seen by them, and he felt sorry for them in his heart. He quickly said humbly: I entered the Tao a little bit, and accidentally entered the Tao Huang Ting Shangqing. But I didn't realize it. How many……

Seeing that Taoist Yuan and young man Yun Hai looked a little ugly, he quickly said: Although I don't understand much, if you don't understand anything, you can ask me and I can help you answer your doubts.

Taoist Yuan and the young man Yun Hai stood there dumbly and thanked them dumbly.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: Master Qi said that you should be humble as a person. As expected, they and I are very decent.

This time Huang Ting realized Taoism, he gained a lot, and he can already be said to be the great master of Huang Ting Jing. Although he is not as good as the two Taoist ancestors, looking at the history of Shangqing Taoism, there are only a handful of people who can achieve his level of achievement.

Xu Ying compared the Huang Ting Jing and the Huang Ting ancestral law of the Xu family, and found that they had something in common.

Indeed, as Taoist Yuqing said, the ancestral method secretly stored in Huang Ting is in line with many contents of the Huang Ting Sutra. However, there is no way to understand Huang Ting in the ancestral method.

There is no way to understand Huang Ting, that is to say, you just borrow the power from the other side without knowing the way.

It's just that there are too many similarities between the Huangting Ancestral Law and the Huangting Sutra.

Xu Ying read it over and over again, and the more he read, the more suspicious he became, Did the person who created the ancestral method ever read the Huangting Sutra? This person's understanding of the Huangting Sutra is probably at the same level as mine, and he has also practiced to the Huangting Shangqing. degree!

He continued to compare Huang Ting Sutra and Huang Ting's ancestral method, frowning slightly: If this person has read Huang Ting Sutra, why didn't he add the secret of Huang Ting's enlightenment into it, but only taught people how to use it? The Xu family's ancestral method is not a true inheritance...

Suddenly, another thought came into Xu Ying's mind: If I add Huang Ting of Enlightenment, won't it become a true inheritance?

He immediately became interested.

Since ancient times, the Nuo method has troubled countless people. The Nuo method is full of fishing methods, leek methods, Zhengfa, and ancestral methods. All people who practice Nuo method want to get the ancestral method, but with their own intelligence, they cannot complete it at all.

But for Xu Ying now, his way has reached the point where it is not that difficult to modify it based on the ancestral law.

Not long after, he added the content of Huang Ting's Enlightenment on the basis of Huang Ting's ancestral method, making this ancestral method finally complete.

Although I can't practice, my father and the others can still practice... Wait a minute, the Great Cave Abyss of the Supreme Purity contains the mystery of the Great Path of the Supreme Purity, so my Taiyi Cave Abyss should also contain the mystery of the Way of Taiyi!

Xu Ying suddenly woke up. He relied on his understanding of the Tao of Taiyi to summon Taiyi Cave Abyss. However, Taiyi Cave Abyss had not yet been completely summoned. At present, only a steady stream of spiritual energy and spiritual power came from Taiyi Cave Heaven. He had not yet received it. How many insights into the way of Taiyi.

If we are unable to gain the understanding of the Tao of Taiyi, wouldn’t it be the same as the ancestral method, which can only be used for its purpose but not its Tao?

Emperor Ziwei Ai said that there is a very powerful being who wants to use my hand to seize the Taiyi Cave Abyss. This person should be the person who created the Six Secrets Ancestral Technique. The Taiyi Innate Technique and the Six Secrets all came from him. Hand. Judging from his understanding of Huang Ting Jing, he should be a disciple of Shangqing!

Xu Ying thought of this and asked: Taoist Yuan, Shangqing Taoist sect, besides you two, are there any other sects alive?

Yuan Taoist said: I heard from Master that after Tao Weeping, the Shangqing Taoist Sect was almost completely destroyed, but it experienced a period of peace. At that time, the Shangqing Taoist Sect had several new disciples, but at that time the Patriarch no longer dared to let him go. We entered Shangqing Cave Abyss to practice. After the Great Migration, the Immortal Realm destroyed the ancestral court, and the Shangqing Taoist Sect also experienced a catastrophe, leaving only our lineage. Why does fellow Taoist Xu have this question?

Xu Ying said: Besides you, there should be one person who survived. This person used the Huang Ting Sutra to create the Huang Ting Ancestral Method among the Six Secret Ancestral Methods. I observed the Ancestral Method and the Huang Ting Sutra and found that only by cultivating the Huang Ting Sutra to my level can I create the Huang Ting Ancestral Method. Therefore, this person must be an important figure in the Shangqing Taoist Sect back then!

Taoist Yuan hesitated for a moment and said: Maybe the young master knows some stories, but he doesn't remember his past life. His memory has been covered by reincarnation. When the master entrusted him to me before his death, he said that the young master is extremely old, maybe sixty years old. The disciples of the Shangqing Dynasty who lived thousands of years ago, somehow only their souls are left.

At this time, the voice of Taoist Yuqing came: After the Taoist cry, there were indeed several extraordinary Shangqing disciples. Unfortunately, after my death, I don't know their movements. Yunhai, come here, I will help you open your past life memory, See if you know their whereabouts.

——Zhai Zhu is still in a state of brain fog caused by the sequelae of COVID-19. He has to sleep for two hours to recover from heavy brain use. Do you have any good ways to adjust?

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