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Chapter 503 The Sky Splits

Taoist Yuan and his junior uncle boarded Xu Ying's imperial chariot. Xu Ying said, My chariot has no mounts. You have to use your magical power to transform into a mount to pull it.

Taoist Yuan asked tentatively: How about walking?

Xu Ying said with a smile: White dragon doesn't wear fish clothes, so why does Jinyi walk at night?

Taoist Yuan had no choice but to let him use his magical power to turn into four unicorns and pull the emperor's chariot forward, rushing to the Shangqing ancestral court.

Xu Ying asked: Taoist Yuan, I heard you call Taoist Taiqing my uncle. Are you from the same sect as Taoist Taiqing?

Taoist Yuan smiled and said: I go to the Qing Ancestral Court to worship Taiqing Taoist and Yuqing Taoist. Taiqing Taoist is considered my uncle, but I am of lower generation, so I want to be called my uncle.

Xu Ying was greatly puzzled: The ancestral court of the Shangqing Dynasty does not enshrine the Taoist ancestors of the Shangqing Dynasty?

Taoist Yuan smiled and said: There is no such thing as Shangqing Taoist ancestor. In my Shangqing Taoist sect, I respect Yuqing Taoist ancestor, followed by Taiqing Taoist ancestor. Later, Taiqing Taoist ancestor founded Taiqing Taoist sect and founded Lihentian Tusita Palace and Qingyang Palace. The Shangqing ancestral court practiced two classics, the Huangting Sutra and the Shangqing Great Cave Sutra.

Xu Ying knew nothing about this and said with a smile: Why not call it Yuqing Ancestral Court?

The young uncle glanced at him and sneered: Ignorance!

Taoist Yuan was afraid that Xu Ying would be angry, so he quickly said: There is no Yuqing Ancestral Court in this world. Instead, there is Yuxu Ancestral Court, which is located in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun. Mr. Xu should have a close relationship with Yuxu Palace.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. He went to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun to restore the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth there, and then left without seeing Taoist Yuxu.

However, Taoist Yuxu guards Yuxu Palace and the Xu family guards Kunlun, which does seem to be somewhat related to Yuxu Palace.

He suppressed this doubt and asked: Fellow Taoist Yuan just now said that there are two sutras in the Shangqing ancestral court. One of them is the Huang Ting Sutra. The Huang Ting is one of the six secrets of the human body and a very crucial secret in the Nuo method. Could it be that What is the connection between the Huang Ting Jing and this Huang Ting secret treasure?

Among the six secrets of the human body, Huang Ting is in charge of spiritual consciousness. The Huangting Mansion in the Xuanhuang Realm was the place where Xu Ying forged the elixir of divine consciousness in his first life.

Xu Ying is a great master in this field, so when I hear the word Huang Ting, I can't help but think of it.

Taoist Yuan shook his head and said: I don't know about this either. But I think that after coming to the Shangqing Ancestral Court, Mr. Xu's questions about Huang Ting can be easily solved.

Xu Yingda was curious and thought: What exactly is in the ancestral court of the Shangqing Dynasty?

Suddenly, there was a slight vibration between heaven and earth, causing the three people in the imperial chariot to shake slightly.

After a while, the shock slowly subsided.

The young uncle looked outside and suddenly said: Look!

Xu Ying and Taoist Yuan looked outside and saw fairy light flickering in the sky. Suddenly the sky split open and a thick fairy light fell from the sky and fell into the mountains and rivers of the ancestral court.

The fairy light dragged its tail and slowly shrank.

Xu Ying said in surprise: The immortal descended to earth? No, the cracks in the sky have not shrunk!

He looked at the sky. The immortal cracks left by the immortal when he descended to earth just now still existed, with no intention of shrinking at all!

Taoist Yuan exclaimed in shock: There is more than one crack in the sky!

Xu Ying and his junior uncle also discovered this, and saw hundreds of similar cracks in the sky of the ancestral court, some long, some short, some wide, some narrow, some straight, and some Twists and turns.

This is still what they can see. Where they can't see, there may be more cracks!

Did that strange vibration just now crack the sky? Junior Master Uncle asked doubtfully.

This scene really looks like the sky was shattered, but the strange thing is that the vibration just now was not strong. How could it crack the sky?

Moreover, the sky in the ancestral court was shattered. How could an immortal run out of the crack?

Suddenly, the sky was illuminated by thick rays of fairy light, and immortals descended along the fairy light. Hundreds of them descended from the fairy world to every corner of the ancestral court!

Those rays of immortal light were filled with powerful immortal majesty, and before they even touched the ground, they began to pollute the heaven and earth of the ancestral court!

Aren't the immortals in the immortal world easily unable to descend to earth?

Taoist Yuan was also very puzzled. He stuck his head out and said doubtfully, I heard that when immortals descend to the earth, they need to cultivate themselves before they can enter the mortal world. Only with the instruction of the immortal court can they descend to the earth with their cultivation, and they cannot stay for a long time.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he said: These cracks in the sky are not the cracks in the ancestral court, but the cracks in the immortal world and the ancestral court. The earthquake just now shattered the ancestral court and the immortal world at the same time.

He looked solemn, stood up, and came outside the car. What caught his eyes was a honeycomb-like sky, and more immortals descended.

The sky was polluted by the fairy light, as if the paint had been spilled, and various colors were painted everywhere.

The tide of the three realms caused great vibrations in time and space, causing cracks in the time and space of the two realms. Those immortals came along these cracks.

Xu Ying exhaled a breath of turbid air, and the sky in the ancestral court was shattered. What about the heavens and the worlds?

Can it be saved there?

A great era in which immortals and mortals are one is finally coming. He whispered.

Who is in charge of the ups and downs of this vast land?

In the world of Yuanshou, a slight vibration came from the depths of the space, awakening Zhou Tianzi, Jiang Qi and others. They raised their heads and saw streaks of fairy light descending from the sky.

It was early morning, the sun had not yet risen, the sky was dark, but the east was already bright.

The fairy light shines, illuminating the earth that is still in darkness, and then the light converges and falls on the fairy sects. Momotori fell into darkness again.

The immortal has descended to earth, Your Majesty. Jiang Qi said.


Emperor Zhou's face was hidden in the darkness before dawn, and he said calmly, This is a good time to hunt down the immortals and improve your cultivation. Grand Master, you start preparing. I am a human immortal, and I want to rise in Yuanshou. , Restore Zuwei!

Jiang Qi's heart was slightly shaken and he bowed in agreement.

At the same time, the heavenly worlds such as Longxing, Yongkang, Yuanfeng, Yuanding, Taichu, and Taishi also had fairy lights descending, more or less.

On this day, the tide of the three realms pulled the heavens, the worlds, and the ancestral court. The major worlds shook, causing cracks in the barriers between immortals and mortals.

Many immortals in the immortal world descended to earth, and humans and immortals officially began to coexist.

In the ancestral court, the imperial chariot continued to drive towards the Shangqing ancestral court. After more than ten days, it finally approached the Shangqing ancestral court. On the way, Xu Ying saw the immortals competing with the natives of the ancestral home for holy places.

These holy places have become sacred because of the revival of the great road of heaven and earth. There are spiritual springs in the mountains, overflowing with fairy light and fairy energy, so they attract covetousness.

They saw dozens of such things along the way.

Fortunately, these immortals who came were not very powerful, at most they were no more than heavenly beings. And they often don't live a satisfactory life in the fairy world, so they take this opportunity to return to the mortal world to dominate and prosper.

The ancestral court's strength is more than enough to deal with these immortals.

Suddenly, there was another strange vibration between heaven and earth. This vibration was so strong that it felt like the entire space where the ancestral court was located was shaking!

Xu Ying looked up and saw that although the cracks in the sky did not become more numerous, they became larger. Many more powerful figures descended from the sky, more powerful than the first batch of immortals who came, and there were already traces of the Immortal King.

If there are people going down to the lower world, then no one will go up to the upper world?

Xu Ying suddenly laughed and said, I can sneak into the upper realm at this time and save Xiao Xixian's smuggling fee.

In the Immortal World, at some point, the sky in the Immortal World became devastated, and Qi Refiners who had not yet passed the tribulation flew out of the cracks in the Immortal World and broke into the Immortal World.

These ascended Qigong practitioners are stronger than ordinary immortals. Some are wandering around, curious about everything, some are visiting relatives and friends, carrying large and small bags of mortal souvenirs, and some are robbing homes. , the strength is very tyrannical.

The fairy world is full of smoke and smoke.

Go and capture these Qi Refiners. There are too many to capture. Moreover, there are really sects in the lower realm from the Immortal Kings, Immortal Lords and even Emperors. If the wrong person is arrested, it will cause a lot of trouble.

But if they turn a blind eye, these Qigong practitioners will live in the fairy world and never leave.

In the ancestral court, the imperial chariot slowly stopped. Xu Ying, Taoist Yuan and his junior uncle got off the car. Taoist Yuan was about to open the door to the Shangqing Ancestral Court. This door was hidden between heaven and earth and could not be opened by outsiders. At this time, I heard a voice laughing: The ancestral court of the Shangqing Dynasty is indeed here!

As soon as Taoist Yuan activated his magical powers, he saw a vermilion door suddenly appear between heaven and earth. Four immortals rushed from the thorns and blocked the door, showing a look of surprise.

Ling Feng, what you said is indeed correct. In a place like the Demon Realm, where birds don't shit, there is actually the Shangqing Ancestral Court!

One of them is not weak in cultivation. He has completed the Taoist field and practiced the Taoist chain, reaching the realm of the Immortal King. He smiled and said, So, the Shangqing Great Cave Abyss is in this portal!

The immortal named Ling Feng was a handsome young man. He smiled and said: Back then, I was a fairy boy under the Emperor Changsheng. One day, Emperor Changsheng was receiving distinguished guests. He accidentally mentioned that the Great Cave Abyss in the Shangqing Ancestral Court was In the Supreme Treasure Realm, I secretly kept it in my mind, today it is finally our turn to be prosperous!

Taoist Yuan said quickly: Fellow Immortals, this is indeed the Shangqing Ancestral Court, but Da Dongyuan has long been missing. You are late.

Ling Feng smiled and said: You still want to deceive us? Capture them and torture them severely. They will not do anything!

Taoist Yuan was still waiting to say anything more, but suddenly Junior Uncle shouted: What are you talking about with them? Senior Nephew Yuan, sacrifice me!

When Taoist Yuan saw the four men coming to kill him, he had no choice but to sacrifice his junior uncle.

The young master uncle was sacrificed in the air by him, and the next moment a ten thousand-foot-long Yuanshen descended from the sky. The avenue around him was like a chain wrapped around his body. The ancient Taoist tree behind him stood tall and straight, with Taoist flowers hanging on the branches!

Xu Ying looked straight at it.

I saw the soul of the young master uncle reaching for him. The strongest among the four immortals was the Immortal King. Facing such a tyrannical existence, how could they compete with it?

The four of them were about to escape, but they saw a starry sky emerging from the palm of the young master's uncle Yuan Shen. The four of them were traveling through the starry sky. Before they could escape, the palm of their hand grasped hard!

The four immortals were immediately crushed by the incoming stars, and their bodies and spirits were shattered into powder!

The young master uncle put away his soul, descended from the sky, landed in front of Xu Ying, smiled at Xu Ying and said, Xu Daxin, how are my abilities?

He had long disliked Xu Ying, and now that he had eliminated the four great immortals in one fell swoop, he couldn't help but feel proud.

Xu Ying praised: The Heavenly Lord Yuan Shen is really extraordinary, far better than me. My Yuan Shen is still at the Shenqiao stage, far inferior to yours.

The little uncle was very proud.

Xu Ying asked Yuan Taoist: Is your uncle a heavenly king from ancient times who was reincarnated and re-cultivated?

Taoist Yuan nodded and said: He is the reincarnation of my uncle, Taoist Yunhai. But after the reincarnation of uncle Yunhai, he no longer remembers his previous life, only this magnificent Tianjun Yuanshen. In this life, he is still called Yunhai.

Xu Ying said to the young man Yunhai: If you could recover your past life memories, would you rather you were the past life and you are just a drop in the ocean, or would you rather be who you are now?

The young Yunhai suddenly fell into confusion and distress, frowning.

Taoist Yuan shouted quickly: Hey, Uncle Master, those who abandon me will not be able to keep yesterday's day. Those who mess up my heart will be troubled today! In the past life, dreams are in vain, and the bubbles are shattered. All rest! Wake up! Come!

The young man Yunhai's eyes gradually became clearer, he glanced at Xu Ying warily, and shouted: You almost messed with my Taoist heart!

He stepped forward to say Xu Ying, but was quickly stopped by Taoist Yuan.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he said to Taoist Yuan: Fellow Taoist Yuan, drink me like this and wake me up.

Taoist Yuan said hurriedly: How dare I drink you like this? Mr. Xu, please come this way!

Xu Ying had no choice but to follow him into the Shangqing portal. Behind the portal, there was a cave. Xu Ying suddenly felt that he had entered a fairyland, with immortal energy and power like a vast ocean.

Here, fairy mountains are floating everywhere, with thousands of palaces and palaces standing on fairy mountains.


Xu Ying suddenly woke up and lost his voice, This is the Shangqing Great Cave Abyss! The Shangqing Great Cave Abyss has never been lost!

Taoist Yuan smiled and said: Master Xu Fayan. Yes, the Shangqing Ancestral Court is the Shangqing Great Cave Abyss. The place we are standing on now is the other shore.

The young man Yun Hai snorted and said: We went looking for you seven years ago and planned to invite you to the Shangqing Ancestral Court. If you hadn't been running around like a rabbit that doesn't sit in its nest, you would have practiced here for seven years. Years! In seven years, your achievements will definitely exceed this!

He was quite unhappy.

The purpose of their coming to find Xu Ying was to invite Xu Ying to come here to practice, but they didn't expect that Xu Ying had left them alone until now.

Xu Ying smiled slightly, shook his head and said, Seven years ago, if I followed you to the Shangqing Ancestral Court, my achievements would definitely not be as good as they are now. Senior Brother Yun, you don't know how great my achievements are now.

The young Yunhai was eager to try and wanted to know.

Taoist Yuan had long known that his junior uncle had always wanted to beat Xu Ying up, so he hurriedly came to Xu Ying's side and said with a smile: Master Xu, please come here. The two of us have invited you this time. I want to ask you to find the soul of heaven and earth of my Taoist Yuqing...

Just as he said this, he suddenly froze and looked ahead blankly.

In front of a majestic fairy palace, there was a Taoist wearing black and yellow robes standing there, tall and thin, looking at them with a smile.

Ancestor, Ancestor! Taoist Yuan lost his voice.

Xu Ying looked at Taoist Xuanhuang, a little surprised, and said with a smile: So he is Patriarch Yuqing of your Shangqing Ancestral Court. I rescued him a long time ago. Taoist brother, we meet again.

The Taoist saw the courtesy from afar and said with a smile: It turns out to be fellow Taoist Xu. Taoist, you are so polite.

Xu Ying returned the gift: That's polite.

——My daughter is having an erection, and I have a poisonous mouth, which I can’t explain. I spent the afternoon tidying up the room, keeping my daughter in isolation, taking her temperature at all times, and taking care of her medicine and diet. There is also a two-year-old daughter, who is quarreling and looking for her sister, and is very worried. I don't know how long I can survive. I will continue to code before the sun rises, but the updates will definitely not be on time. I'm not on time anyway, sorry.

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