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Chapter 502 Xu Daxin

In the Linglong Tianzong, the sect leader Yuan Gongtong has not yet finished the tribulation, but the eldest disciple Yu Youchen and the senior sister Hu Zhuojun have already successfully overcome the tribulation.

There are many other disciples who have passed through the tribulation one after another.

Linglong Tianzong suddenly had many more immortals, which made people surprised and happy.

Hu Zhuojun looked at Yuan Gongtong, who was still overcoming the tribulation, and murmured: How come there is suddenly a calamity in the world? Why can it suddenly be overturned?

Both she and Chu Tian were deeply involved in the Tian Mending Plan, so they naturally knew that after Little Tianzun completed the Sky Mending Plan, they, the Qi Refiners, did not sense any calamity and were always trapped in the ascension stage and were not allowed to go any further.

Not only them, but even those ancient monks are trapped in the ascension stage and have no chance to break through and become immortals.

They had to turn to the spiritual way, practice with immortals and gods, and use the power of incense to strengthen themselves.

But now for some unknown reason, monks like them suddenly sensed the calamity clouds between heaven and earth, and could overcome the calamity and become immortals.

Biyou Palace.

Xuan Yazi closed his eyes and concentrated. The clouds of tribulation above his head had just dispersed. The noisy thunder left burning marks on his body, but it was not a serious problem for him.

His cultivation level is rising steadily, he is absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, and the immortal light in his body is flying and turning into rays of light!

The so-called land gods are nothing more than this.

To overcome the tribulation but not ascend, this is the tradition of ancient times.

Xuan Yazi opened his eyes and looked at Qing Ming, only to see a broken sword hanging there between heaven and earth. When he was overcoming the tribulation, the Zhuxian sword energy seemed to sense the changes in the great path between heaven and earth, and became restless. From time to time, the sword energy that tore the heaven and earth would leak out, which was extremely dangerous.

The Zhuxian Sword senses the drastic changes between heaven and earth, so it shouldn't exude fierce power. So what is the danger it senses?

Xuan Yazi looked up, surprised and uncertain.

On Xianghui Mountain, Taoist Wuliu also succeeded in overcoming the tribulation. Immortal light surrounded his body and his aura continued to rise. Both he and his sword have been tempered in the heavenly tribulation. Now this soft sword bursts out with dazzling fairy light, which circulates endlessly around him. The sword sound coming from the fairy sword is like the roar of a dragon.

His cultivation was already extremely high, but now he broke through the shackles and became an immortal, and his cultivation reached the level of the Immortal King.

And under the decaying buildings, Demon God Pan had just survived the catastrophe.

This catastrophe baptized his physical soul and tempered his body as if it had been melted and filled with incomparable tyrannical power.

However, the giant showed a look of surprise. He raised his huge and rough palm and wanted to touch the young leaves in front of him, but he did not dare.

In front of him, the tree that had fallen down and rotted unexpectedly sprouted a few buds.

Jianmu has also recovered.

Demon God Pan looked around, with huge tears rolling down his face, This world has regained its vitality. This is what you wanted to do back then, Xu Tianzun...

In the North Pole Emperor's Seat, amid the huge calamity clouds in the sky, the giant iron rod experienced the calamity and finally emitted fairy light and turned into a fairy weapon.

Under the calamity cloud, four mountain-like giants stood tall, not resisting the calamity at all and allowing it to happen.

They are the four evil spirits of the Ling family. Their double swords, double maces, and double knives have all been refined into immortal weapons, and only this iron rod remains. Nowadays, even iron rods are made into immortal weapons.

The four evil spirits cultivated themselves into giant spirits and gods, and their powerful auras stirred in the North Pole Emperor's throne.

In the west, there is also a young monk who is undergoing a tribulation, and the Buddha's light is shining brightly.

The young monk pointed to the sky with one hand and said loudly: The place where I stand is Lingshan Mountain!

In the ancestral court of the demon clan, the demon emperor Jin Buyi also broke through and became a demon immortal. Ling Siyi, Jin Lan, Jin Yiqi, Jin Daoli and others also survived the disaster one after another.

At the same time, the Four Saints of the Ancestral Court, Yan Zhenjun, and everyone in the Penglai Fairyland also successively broke through and cultivated into the Fairyland.

These monks who were trapped in the realm of ascension entered the fairyland one after another at this moment. They were freed from life, death, sickness and old age, and their cultivation that had been trapped in them for a long time could finally be improved again.

It's just that this time they succeeded in overcoming the tribulation. While they were happy, they were also confused.

Why was it that I couldn't survive the tribulation before, but now I can?

Who did all this but remained silent? Why not publicize his merits?

In Lihentian's Doului Palace, Taoist Yuan and his junior uncle survived the tribulation one after another, and their respective cultivation levels increased greatly, but the uncle and nephew were not happy.

This catastrophe was caused by a believer named Xu, right? asked the junior uncle.

Taoist Yuan hesitated for a moment and said: Most likely. If the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in Ziwei's Ancestral Court is not restored, there will be no fairyland. We can overcome the catastrophe, so it can be said that the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in Ziwei's Ancestral Court has been restored. Nan Ziyan also said that the emperor invited A person named Xu went to Ziwei's ancestral court as a guest, obviously it was just for this matter...

The young uncle sneered: Xu Xinren has already passed through the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court, the Demon Clan Ancestral Court, and now he has gone to the Ziwei Ancestral Court, but he has not come to my Shangqing Ancestral Court!

Taoist Yuan hesitated for a moment and said: I think Mr. Xu Xin should come to see us...

The young uncle was furious: He has visited all the ancestral courts, and we are the only ones left! If he doesn't come to see us, does he plan to go to those ancestral courts again?

Taoist Yuan said hurriedly: Uncle, be careful what you say! Be careful what you say!

Xu Ying said goodbye to Nan Ziyan and said with a smile: Brother Nan, you and your senior sisters can also survive the catastrophe and become immortals. Now, it is time for me to fulfill my promise and go to the Tusita Palace of Lihentian to meet Taoist Yuan . Taoist Yuan has been waiting for me for a long time.

Nan Ziyan waved to see him off.

After Xu Ying left, he went through the tribulation outside Ziweican and became an immortal before returning to Ziwei's ancestral court.

In Ziwei's ancestral court, Empress Ziwei called Nan Ziyan, looked him up and down, and said, You have reached the Immortal Realm? Yes, yes. Although your qualifications are not excellent and far inferior to mine, but you can There can only be one person who can compare with me in a million years, and this person is not you. Today I will teach you the True Interpretation of Taicang Dongyuan Daluo.

Nan Ziyan was originally shocked by his previous words, but his next words made Nan Ziyan surprised, happy, and a little sad.

Taicang Dongyuan Da Luo Zhenjie is the skill of the later master. The emperor of the latter master is named Haocang, and his other side is called Taicang Dongyuan. Therefore, his skill also carries the word Taicang.

The Empress Ziwei taught him the true interpretation of Daluo, which showed that he had the approval of the Empress, who taught Yibo, but it also showed that Empress Ziwei had already had the idea of ​​entrusting Yibo to the Taoism.

Empress Ziwei said: Your qualifications, understanding and ability are not as good as Xu Ying's, but you are my successor and cannot be weaker than him. I didn't teach you the skills originally, not because I was stingy, but because I was afraid of you. After practicing, I want to take the Tai Cang Cave Abyss. The Tai Cang Cave Abyss is in the hands of the enemy who killed me, and you cannot match it.

He taught the True Interpretation of Da Luo to Nan Ziyan and taught him earnestly: You learn my skills first, but don't even touch the Tai Cang Cave Abyss. Once you learn the True Interpretation of Da Luo, you will be able to compete with the heroes in the world. In the future, when you are successful in your cultivation, you can study the Tai Cang Cave Abyss again.

Nanzi said yes and asked: After practicing Da Luo Zhenjie, how do you compare to Mr. Xu?

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: You are willing to compare yourself with him, it seems that you are motivated. In the future, after Xu Ying's death, you will have the opportunity to reach the top and become the first person in the ancestral court!

Nan Ziyan was surprised: Why did Your Majesty say such things? Although this disciple hopes to keep pace with Mr. Xu, I never want him to die!

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: He is being targeted by a most powerful being in the immortal world. Although I can help him disrupt the other party's divine calculation, sooner or later the other party will still notice that he has obtained the Taiyi Cave Abyss. When will the other party notice it? This is the day of his death.”

Nan Ziyan hurriedly asked: Does Mr. Xu still have a chance to survive?

Empress Ziwei said: What do you think of my power?

Nan Zi spoke solemnly, bowed and said: Your Majesty's power is unfathomable, and my disciples cannot understand it at all.

Empress Ziwei said: I only have a wisp of my soul left that has not been extinguished, and I only have control of part of the power I had during my lifetime. The existence in the fairy world calculated and promised, and I followed the traces to find him. I originally planned to give him an unforgettable moment with a glass lamp. Lessons learned. But who would have expected...

His face was solemn: My blow failed to cause much damage to him. I even doubted that my blow failed to hurt him. Such a being wants to kill Xu Ying and seize the Taiyi Cave Abyss, and it is divine calculation. No matter where he hides, he will be found!

He shook his head. In his opinion, Xu Ying no longer had any chance of survival!

After Xu Ying's death, you will shine brightly.

Empress Ziwei smiled and said, As a teacher, I will use this broken body to fight for your chance! Ziwei's inheritance will never be extinguished!

He has always called himself I, and even when he accepted Nan Ziyan and others as his disciples, he always maintained his identity. This is the first time he calls himself a master and puts down his identity as Immortal Emperor.

Nan Ziyan bowed down.

From the words of Empress Ziwei, he heard a will to die.

Once upon a time, Tao Weep suddenly broke out, causing Ziwei's empress to be overthrown, defeated and killed. However, his obsession did not dissipate, and he drove a ray of spirit to escape into the painting, plotting to make a comeback.

Now that he has a successor, that stubborn obsession has turned into a feeling of licking the calf, trying to find a chance of survival for his successor and his own orthodoxy!

Xu Ying rode the emperor's chariot through the sky, and saw only calamity clouds along the way, which actually created an extraordinary atmosphere in the ancestral court, and he was very happy in his heart.

The snotty-nosed little boy who followed me and followed behind me has finally become something great!

Xu Ying thought of the little Tianzun back then, and also remembered the joy of wearing red clothes. She was still a little girl at that time. Both of them called themselves master and studied with him.

When Xu Ying thought of this, his face suddenly changed slightly, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

He didn't try to break the emperor's remaining five-character seal, but the memory of his first life was still remembered by him unconsciously!

When I entered the Emperor's Mausoleum in the Ziwei Ancestral Court, I comprehended too many supreme runes, which caused my Taoism to improve too much unknowingly! The emperor's five-character inscription was unlocked by me unknowingly. A lot!

He was horrified.

He learned Emperor Haotian's Taiyi Enlightenment, and then understood those supreme rune seals, and it was a matter of course. The sealing method contained in the Supreme Rune Seal was much more powerful than Emperor Zun's seal, causing him to break through many of Emperor Zun's five-character seals without even realizing it!

My moral character is too high!

Xu Ying calmed down. The biggest danger for him was that when he awakened the first Xu Ying, his memories of more than ten years suddenly became a drop in the ocean, insignificant.

Just like the thousands of memories he recalled in the past, the memories of each lifetime are like books recording time. Opening the memory of one lifetime is like reading the story of the characters in the book.

Although the characters in the book are themselves, they have different personalities, different lives, and different loves.

For Xu Ying, recalling his memories is like an ordinary person recalling his past life, and he will not regard it as part of this life.

Because, different personalities, different lives, different experiences.

Most of his past was mediocre. Except for Yan Baoer's achievements in that life, he was manipulated and fooled the rest of the time.

But the first life was different.

His first life was so powerful and his experiences were so dazzling that both enemies and friends praised him highly. When the memory of this life awakens, the character, life, and experiences of the first life will dominate. Today's Xu Ying will probably become an insignificant page in his life, lightly turned over.

The imperial chariot slowed down unknowingly and drove slowly through the sky.

Xu Ying looked to the west.

There is Kunlun there. On Kunlun Mountain, there is a fairy who is silently waiting for the return of his lover.

Xu Ying went to see the fairy. He wanted to find the shadow of his former lover Yuan Weiyang from the fairy, but he saw that it was not Yuan Weiyang.

The rouge girl Yuan Weiyang he liked, the Yuan Weiyang who caught loaches with him, were just a drop in the ocean in the long memory of the fairy on Kunlun Mountain.

The lover the fairy is waiting for is not the promise of the snake catcher, but the promise of the first life.

The difference is unknown to outsiders, but Xu should know it.

Perhaps, I should help the emperor deepen the seal...

In Lihentian Dousita Palace, Taiqing Taoist suddenly felt something in his heart, showed joy, and said with a smile: Now I can be considered pure!

The young uncle noticed something, picked up a fairy sword, and hurriedly said: Master nephew, someone is coming this way!

Taoist Yuan stood up in a hurry: Is Xu Daxin here?

The three people hurriedly walked out of the Tushita Palace and looked up. They saw the auspicious light and auspicious energy in the sky gathering into clouds. Four dragons were galloping above the clouds, pulling a magnificent imperial chariot towards them.

As the emperor's chariot moved, the blue sky moved with it. Under the blue sky was a young man with a melancholy look.

Xu Daxin people!

The young uncle shouted loudly, raised his sword, and shouted, My nephew Yuan and I have been waiting for you in Laoshizi Tusita Palace for five years! It has been five years. Even if you have committed a serious crime, your sentence should be completed. Released! It's good for you, you are living happily outside, but you let us sit in prison here! Today, you must give an explanation to our uncle and nephew!

Xu Ying stood up, dissipated his magical power, put away the imperial chariot, walked directly in front of them, bowed to the ground, and said sincerely: I originally wanted to be a man of his word, but I really can't get away from it. These five years have passed. I have been running westward, and I have never dared to slack off for a day. I just hope to see you two soon and apologize to you two! I apologize to these two Taoist friends.

Young Master Uncle wanted to say more, and Taoist Yuan quickly said: Little Master Uncle, as long as Mr. Xu is here, I will still trust you. Mr. Xu, let's set off quickly!

He turned around, bowed to Taoist Taiqing and thanked him, saying, Thank you, great uncle, for your hospitality over the past five years!

Taiqing Taoist took out a broom from nowhere, swept it around their feet, and said with a smile: No trouble, no trouble... Why are you standing there? Still not leaving?

In the Immortal Courtyard, in the Emperor's Mansion, Immortal King Jiang Zhongfu looked happy and hurriedly came to see the Emperor. He said with a smile: Congratulations, Master! Master, the five-character sealing rune that sealed the promise has been turbulent these days and has become... It's getting lighter and fainter, and for some reason today, the seal suddenly became clear! That thief is probably doomed!

The emperor was surprised and said: Is this happening? I'll go take a look!

The two came to Prince Jiangxian's Mansion. The emperor looked at the demon-suppressing talisman on the shrine. The five characters on the talisman were actually clearer than what he had written in his own hand. The truth contained in it was even more profound than what he had written!

The emperor's mouth trembled, and he returned to the house silently without commenting.

After a long time, the emperor flicked out a ray of demon and fell to the lower world.

God damn the promise, what on earth are you doing!

————I’m not masculine yet, but I can still code! !

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