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Chapter 489: Immortal Court Prince Consort (please ask for monthly tickets in the middle of the mont

The Xiantian Daluo behind Xu Ying's head was spinning leisurely and floating on the Tianhe River. He saw rippling blue waves in the river, and many aquatic creatures were drowned by the river.

——These aquatic creatures originally lived in the Tianhe River. Later, the Tianhe River dried up. After countless generations of evolution, these creatures became suitable for arid climate.

Now the Tianhe River has recovered, causing them to drown in the water.

The water in this river is extremely strange. When you stand on it, you will feel a strange pulling force, pulling you towards the river, making it difficult to fly. The power of this Milky Way is strange. Anyone who is contaminated by cause and effect will be pulled into the Milky Way.

The heavier the cause and effect, the stronger the pulling force. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous to cross the river. If you are not careful, you will fall into the river and be drowned by the water.

This is also the reason why Tianhe is so dangerous.

Xu Ying's figure was swaying, resisting the pull of the Tianhe. Although Da Luotian was also in the cause and effect, because it was composed of Tao, even if it was contaminated by the cause and effect, it would not be attracted by the Tianhe. So he can still fly on the river.

The Ruyi Daluotian must not only be as simple as entrusting Taoism, it must have other magical purposes.

Xu Ying landed on the south bank of the Tianhe River. A big flower sneaked up behind him and suddenly opened its petals. The petals were full of teeth and bit down on Xu Ying.


The big flower bit Xu Ying, but it broke all its teeth. It quickly jumped back, not daring to approach Xu Ying.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, then suddenly reached out and uprooted the strange Tianhe flower and threw it into the Ruyi Daluo Heaven. He wanted to see if Ruyi Daluotian had other effects.

However, the strange Tianhe flower fell into the Ruyi Daluotian, but there was no change. It just ran around on the ground, trying to escape from here.

Xu Ying observed it and saw the strange Tianhe flower running away for a while, seemingly giving up and feeling downcast.

It doesn't seem to have any effect.

Xu Ying stopped observing, activated the seven cave heavens, circulated the Taiyi Immortal Sutra, stepped up his practice, and said in his heart, The biggest role of the Ruyi Da Luo Tian is to gather all my Taoism into one furnace and unify it. The Taoist methods that could not be mobilized before and the magical powers that could not be used can now be used! If...

He fell into deep thought. The Supreme Demon once said that his Taoism was too high and his realm could not accommodate it. He must carve out his own path and accommodate the Taoism within it.

Later, after many twists and turns, he obtained the magic weapon refined from the nine realms of his first life, and his cultivation strength improved greatly, but this problem still troubled him.

If I can create a technique and bring my own Daluo Dojo, wouldn't I be able to imprint Tianjun's Taoism into it?

Xu Ying's heart was pounding wildly. If that was the case, he would have found his own path!

Right now, I'm just borrowing the innate Daluo from Evil Ancestor Xiao Lanshan. If one day, I don't need Ruyi Daluotian and can calmly display all kinds of heavenly king-level Taoism, then I'll be considered a success!

He walked down the Tianhe River, but he didn't notice that as he practiced in Ruyi Da Luo Tianzhong, the imprint on this Da Luo Tianzhong continued to deepen, and the power of the imprint became stronger and stronger!

Not only that, this piece of Daluo was born with Taoist rays of light, shining into the big bell and the strange flower of the Milky Way. The big bell felt that all the Taoisms were self-evident, and he couldn't help but be surprised and delighted.

I understand!

Dazhong was so excited that he realized the Tao in this great Luotian. Although he realized the Tao that Xu Ying practiced, Xu Ying's Tao and Dharma were mixed, and there were countless Tao and Dharma about cultivation. As the saying goes, it draws parallels by analogy, so it actually became Understand the self-imprint of the magic weapon and the path of practice!

And that strange flower in the Milky Way was also a blessing in disguise. Suddenly it became enlightened, its abilities became stronger and stronger, and the strange flower became bigger and bigger!

Suddenly, the Tianhe River shook violently, and loud rumbling noises kept coming from upstream. Xu Ying turned around and was stunned, but when he saw the empty void, he suddenly saw an extremely vast world appearing above his head, which was full of oppression. !

The world was vast, shrouded in fairy light, and interacted with Xu Ying's seven caves, giving him a familiar feeling.


Xu Ying was startled, and then he laughed and said: I'm too nervous. The fairy world seems to be very close, but in fact it is very far away. I don't know how long it will take before it merges with the Yin and Yang realms.

But the next moment, his smile solidified.

I can still see the fairy world from here, but I'm afraid that the fairy world is not far from the mortal world. The tide of the three realms is getting stronger and more dangerous.

His face was solemn. During this period, the fairy world was extremely conniving with the mortal world, and even did not hesitate to bring people back to the lower realm of the Jade Plate, reviving the ancient avenue of heaven and earth everywhere, creating the illusion of an invasion by the demonic realm.

The immortal world did not interfere with the plan of repairing the sky by the ancestral court and the resurrection of Taoist Taiqing, Taoist Yuxu and others, and turned a blind eye to Xu Ying.

Even when Lei Bu and Dou Bu suffered heavy casualties, the Immortal Realm didn't care at all. Even when Ping Nan Tianjun escaped from trouble and Jinhe Sword Lord neglected his duty, he didn't care.

Even the gains and losses in the underworld, the fairy world does not care.

However, this is more like fishing and more like a trap. When the fish swallows the bait and the prey jumps into the trap, it's time to close the pole and the net to catch all the enemies in one catch!

Emperor, Tianzun, Yuanjun, these people are all waiting to close the net.

Xu Ying calmed down and whispered, The Demon Ancestor, the Ancestral God, Taiqing Taoist, Yuxu Taoist, and Xuhuang Daojun, are all these beings targeted by the Emperor and the Heavenly Lord? They need to perform a great feat to let them I ascend to the next realm. However, there is already a person sitting on the throne in that realm. Will that person really give up the throne, or let the Emperor Tianzun and others come up to compete with me?

He looked up at the immortal world and whispered: Supreme Lord, what will you do to restrain ambitions like the Emperor and Yuanjun? You definitely don't want them to overthrow you, or to be on an equal footing with you, right?

For those in power, the feeling is completely different whether the power is in their own hands or distributed to four or five people.

What will the Supreme Being of Immortal Court do? Or is he also fishing, letting the Emperor and Tianzun do whatever they want, while he just waits to close the net? He asked silently in his heart.

On the other side, Xu Jing finally arrived at Xianting after more than a month of long journey.

He carefully disguised himself as an ordinary immortal and blended into the fairy court.

There has been no war in Xianting for many years, and he has been slacking off in checking, and he actually slipped in. However, when Xu Jing really came here, he found it difficult. He wanted to find someone but couldn't find him.

I saw that the fairy court was composed of countless fairy mountains, the big ones were comparable to Mount Xumi, and the small ones were several miles in radius. Heavenly palaces were built everywhere on the fairy mountains, large and small, and countless heavenly palaces were connected, forming an extremely spectacular and magnificent scene!

These heavenly palaces are the residences of various tribes in the Immortal Court, as well as various emperors and deities!

How can we find her...

Xu Jing was disheartened. At this moment, a fairy boy suddenly walked up to him quickly, looked Xu Jing up and down, and said with a smile: You must be my uncle! My uncle, please come here, I have been waiting for a long time!

Xu Jing was stunned and said quickly: Xiantong, did you admit the wrong person? I am not an uncle...

The fairy boy interrupted him and said with a smile: Your name is Xu Jing, right? You were originally the envoy of Kunlun Mountain, right? You have a child named Xu Jing, right?

Xu Jing nodded repeatedly and said, But...

That's right!

The fairy boy clapped his hands suddenly and said with a smile, You are my uncle! Uncle, please come with me!

Xu Jing remained motionless. The fairy boy turned around and saw that he was still a little hesitant. He smiled and said, You still have a hairpin in your hand, right? That hairpin is my uncle. Don't you want to meet the owner of the hairpin?

Xu Jing trembled, hurriedly caught up with him, grabbed his wrist, and said urgently: Do you know the owner of the hairpin? Where is she now? Take me to see her quickly!

The fairy boy was in pain and cried out: You pinched me.

Xu Jing quickly let go and apologized again and again: I'm sorry, it's my fault, I will apologize to you. The owner of the hairpin...

Fairy boy rubbed his wrist and said with a smile: You are really impatient. Come with me, can't you see the owner of the hairpin?

Xu Jing followed him all the way, and saw that the surroundings were gradually surrounded by high-walled courtyards, and the fairy palaces were magnificent, magnificent, tall and straight, showing luxury.

Above these heavenly palaces, there are huge caves. In the caves are patches of fairyland continents, which are extremely vast.

Xu Jing was new here, so he didn't know what it was, and he was anxious, so he didn't ask any more questions.

He was confused, thinking that he and his wife had been separated for many years, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Whether the owner of the hairpin was his wife, his heart couldn't help but he was in a state of confusion, and all kinds of feelings came to him.

They walked for a long time, and another dragon chariot came. The fairy boy asked him to board the dragon chariot. After the dragon chariot drove for a while, another phoenix chariot came, and he changed into a phoenix chariot.

This happened again and again, and the carriages were changed several times. When the car stopped and Xu Jing got out of the car, he saw that they had entered a certain heavenly palace.

Above their heads, there is an extremely vast and deep cave. Looking from a distance, the cave gives people a feeling that it is composed of pure Tao. The rhythm of Tao is long, and all phenomena are born from Tao, which is fascinating.

There is a big sky there.

Xu Jing suddenly heard an old voice and looked around hurriedly, only to see a burly old man walking towards him. His beard and hair were gray, but he was walking like a dragon and a tiger with great energy.

The burly old man's eyes fell on him, looked him up and down, and said with a smile: No wonder Suying fell in love with you, you are indeed a talented person. Over the years, I have tried to persuade her to remarry, but she has always refused.

You are... Xu Jing hesitated.

The burly old man smiled and said, If you don't recognize me, you must recognize this one.

Behind him, an ancient aura suddenly filled the air, and one cave after another buzzed and rotated, opening one after another and appearing in front of Xu Jing's eyes.

There are six caves in total, and each one is extremely ancient. You can even see the marks of knife and ax cuts on the outer wall of the cave, as if a giant is holding an ax and slashing with a broad stroke, carving out a foothold from the void!

Xu Jing was greatly shocked. These six caves were far older than his cave. His cave had been opened for more than 50,000 years. The caves were thick and majestic. When mobilized, various elixirs were refined and turned into blazing mana!

And this burly old man’s cave is more than ten times older than his!

When the burly old man's cave was rotating, it even caused spatial tremors, causing the power of the six other shores to be evacuated and temporarily exhausted!

He has never seen such a terrifying cave before!

The burly old man smiled and said: This is the original cave. When I traveled in Taixu, I felt the longness of heaven and earth and the shortness of monks, so I wanted to create a method of immortality that would allow mortals to live forever. So I sensed the human body and Taixu. The connection between emptiness and emptiness opens up six other shores in Taixu as a place to stand.

Xu Jing was so shocked that his mind went blank. After a moment, he came back to his senses and said in a voiceless voice: You are the one who opened up the six other shores! You are the founder of Kunlun!

His mind was shocked. The Kunlun Xu family's secrets, the six secret ancestral methods, were obtained from this person!

This burly old man is the founder of the Six Secrets, the origin of the Nuo method, and creatively opened up the six other shores. All subsequent Nuo methods must call him the Patriarch of Kunlun!

The burly old man smiled and said: Kunlun Patriarch? You can also say that. When the world was undergoing drastic changes, I used Kunlun to migrate sentient beings to all heavens and worlds to avoid disasters. From this point of view, it is not wrong to call me Kunlun Patriarch.

Xu Jing was stunned and said: Are you the first generation envoy to Kunlun?

The burly old man shook his head and said: I am the one who guides all living beings. The guide is the one who guides all the heavens and all the worlds to Kunlun to worship the ancestors. You and I have different responsibilities.

Xu Jing's brain was buzzing and he couldn't recover for a long time.

The burly old man stood back and said with a smile: Later, I ordered my disciples to stay in Kunlun. They should be the ancestors of your Xu family. The Xu family has been inherited by me and has survived to this day. You and I have a very deep connection.

Xu Jing nodded, suddenly thinking of the purpose of his visit, and said quickly: When the Patriarch summoned his disciples this time, what did he say about my uncle...

The burly old man suddenly understood and said with a smile: It's a long story. Kunlun suffered a great disaster that year. When I heard about it, I sent people to find out if there were any survivors in Kunlun. I didn't expect that I actually found one person. She was a woman named Her name is Lan Suying. I felt pity for her life experience, so I recognized her as my adopted daughter.

Xu Jing was extremely excited, his temples were congested, and he was beating wildly. Lan Suying was his wife's name!

The couple were separated in life and death. They originally thought that Yin and Yang were separated, but they didn't expect that they would meet again.

The burly old man smiled and said, I recognize her as my adopted daughter, aren't you my uncle?

Xu Jing choked with tears and fell to the ground, saying, Father-in-law is here, I would like to be bowed down by my son-in-law, and I would like to express my gratitude to my father-in-law for saving me!

The burly old man laughed loudly, supported him with his hands, and said: Get up quickly. You and your wife have not seen each other for a long time. You must have a lot to say, so you don't need to accompany me, a bad old man.

He waved his hand and called the fairy boy who had guided Xu Jing just now, and said, Take my uncle to see Princess Suying.

Xu Jing thought: Palace Master Suying? Suying has become the Lord of Heavenly Palace?

He apologized and hurried away with the fairy boy.

The burly old man watched him go away with a smile on his face. At this time, Huang Tianwang, who was guarding Nantianmen, rushed over and passed by Xu Jing.

When Huang Tianwang saw the burly old man, he bowed and said: Your Majesty, I have monitored the sky and sea and found that the tides fluctuated violently. Another immortal messenger reported that the Tianhe River has revived and has been connected to the fairy world. Another immortal messenger reported that the sky The road connects again, and there are immortals coming to the immortal world from the heavenly road.

The burly old man said in surprise: Someone actually ascended to heaven from the heavenly road? At this time of year, is there anyone who can overcome the tribulation and become an immortal? What is his background?

King Huang Tian said: He comes from the world of Yuanshou, and his name is Zhao Zheng.

The burly old man said in surprise: It's the Yuanshui world again? Why are there so many powerful characters in the Yuanshui world? You bring this person to me. Also, continue to monitor Tianhai.

King Huang Tian said yes, stood up and retreated.

The burly old man's eyes were dark and he chuckled: The tide of the Three Realms is getting closer and closer. Emperor, Tianzun, Yuanjun, your little tricks are all very good. But in this immortal world, there can be and can only be one Supreme!

————It’s the middle of the month, please vote for me! Zhu knows that most of the time this month, he will be booked by the big guys. He doesn’t spend money to study, so it is difficult to generate monthly tickets. But he really needs monthly tickets, so he still asks for help. What if there is one?

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