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Chapter 488 Ruyi Daluo

Xiancha flew between the immortal and mortal realms. Emperor Chonghua suddenly saw a golden light rising through the sky, flying past Xiancha, racing along the Tianhe River, and suddenly disappeared as if it had broken through some kind of barrier!

The speed of that golden light was so fast that even Xiancha could not catch up with it.

The two people on the Xiancha were stunned, wondering what the golden light was and how fast it was!

Joy looked at the place where the golden light broke, and a strange world that had never appeared before came into view. The entrance to that world was shrinking rapidly and was about to disappear.

During the 40,000 to 50,000 years she has been running the Tianhe River for smuggling, she still doesn’t know that there is something else going on in the Tianhe River!

Unfortunately, that world closed up too quickly and disappeared.

Did you hear the bell just now? Emperor Chonghua asked.

Joy was surprised and shook her head.

Her cultivation was not as good as Emperor Chonghua, and she did not hear the voice in the golden light.

Emperor Chonghua showed a strange look and said: I just heard the sound of a bell in the golden light, clanging like it was swinging left and right.

He wondered: Could it be that a bell flew through the air? What kind of bell has such an amazing speed?

The tide of the Three Realms is approaching, and too many strange things have happened.

He didn't take it to heart.

In that golden light, the big bell hung above Xu Ying's head, clanging, but it was because Taoist Wukong's speed was so fast that it was agitated and swayed left and right.

Xu Ying could only see various rays of light flashing past in front of his eyes. He didn't know how fast he was going, and he didn't know where he was going.

Suddenly, the golden light stopped.

Taoist Wukong smiled and said: Xu Xiaoyou, I have been thinking about it these days. I gave Qingyu three lotus seeds, but Qingyatou is not the main force to save me, you are my savior. So what I give you must not be Inferior than Qing Yatou.

After Fairy Qingyu obtained three lotus seed Taoist fruits, her cultivation strength and Taoist practices improved by leaps and bounds, and she became an immortal directly without going through a tribulation. Her Dao foundation has also become more stable, and the benefits she has received are so great that she is envied by countless people.

Xu Ying looked around and saw that the place was desolate and empty. The heaven and earth were dilapidated and decayed. The sky was like a spider web, riddled with holes. The land was also broken into pieces. It was a scene of death of all things.

There was also an evil and gloomy atmosphere here, which made Xu Ying very uneasy.

This kind of evil always wants to invade his Taoist heart and awaken something.

The big bell flew up and made a clanging sound, but the sky was annihilated in pieces, the earth was broken, and evolved into earth, water, wind and fire. Earthquakes continued, floods were surging, and the wind helped the fire. Thousands of miles of space were destroyed in an instant!

Da Zhong was startled and said quickly: Pengci! Pengci, right? I don't admit it!

Xu Ying was also shocked. The hidden space in the Milky Way has become more easily broken than porcelain. If you are not careful, it may turn into ashes!

I was thinking about giving you a few things that you can use, so I checked your body and spirit. This discovery is extraordinary. It turns out that Taiqing, Yuxu, and Xuhuang have all given you benefits.

Taoist Wukong sighed and said, This puts me in a difficult position. I can't be stingier than the Demon Ancestor, right? I thought about it and gave you three lotus seeds. You will definitely be laughed at. So I wandered around and searched to see who it was. We still have a baby at home...

Xu Ying blinked and looked to see who had the treasure. What did it mean?

Taoist Wukong smiled happily and said: Who would have thought that I would actually find it! This is it! Don't underestimate this place. This place is the dojo of a Daluo Jinxian. His name is Xiao Lanshan, who was also a famous figure in my time. He is a famous evil master who has done many evil things. But he is so powerful that he actually turned him into Daluo Jinxian. There is nothing unusual about Daluo Jinxian's dojo, but this place is extraordinary. It is not a dojo created by just finding a space. .”

Only then did Xu Ying notice that strange clear energy appeared in the place that had been shattered by the bell just now, slowly restoring the shattered world to its original state.

He couldn't help but marvel that this world, which had obviously decayed to such an extent, could actually repair itself. It was really weird.

Although Xiao Lanshan practices an evil way, he is also extremely remarkable. He collected a ball of innate energy from the universe from nowhere, refined it into a Daluo dojo, and imprinted his own way into it in an attempt to be immortal.

Taoist Wukong flew forward and said, Unfortunately, he is still dead. Look at the decayed appearance of this world, it should be that he suffered a cry before his death. His great road collapsed and disintegrated, and this piece of innate Qi also We can’t guarantee his immortality.”

He didn't know much about Tao Cry.

When the Tao Cry occurred, he was already sitting in front of the big crack in the Supreme Realm, fascinated by the Supreme Tao. Taoist Wukong actually slept for hundreds of thousands of years, and when he woke up, everything changed.

He went to find some old friends to have a heart-to-heart talk, and then he learned about crying.

But he didn't know exactly what was going on.

Xiao Lanshan is a great master of the evil way. He is called the founder of the evil way. His cultivation is all over the world, but his Taoist heart is a little bit off, and he was cried to death by the Tao. This Daluo dojo, where the innate Qi has evolved, can be regarded as a land without a master. land.

Taoist Wukong smiled and said, A gentleman loves money and gets it in a wise way. Based on the principle of whoever finds it first, this Daluo dojo belongs to me. Now I will give this dojo to you...

Before he could finish speaking, an extremely violent shock suddenly came from the depths of the Daluo dojo. Evil energy filled the air, and an ancient evil consciousness slowly awakened.

Who broke into my Daluotian?

That consciousness is deep and powerful, and as soon as it revives, it causes the world to continuously shatter, disintegrate, and then reorganize again!

The world is shattered and reorganized in an instant!

In an instant, the world that was still decaying just now became lush and green, with mountains rising one after another, birds singing and flowers fragrant all around, grass and trees everywhere, blue sky and white clouds, flowing water and waterfalls, everything you need. It seemed that in an instant, this place changed from a place of destruction to a place of destruction. Fairyland!

But the next moment, this world collapsed and collapsed again, and everything withered!

Xu Ying and Da Zhong had a slight contact with that consciousness, and they were suddenly confused. They felt that the great magical power they had practiced seemed to be broken and destroyed!

I thought that although this evil powerful man was buried in Tao weeping, he was not completely dead!

Xu Ying's Taoism is so high that even if he can feel that the magical powers he practices are about to be shattered, his humanity must be unfathomable!

Taoist Wukong, this is not a deserted land!

Xu Ying said quickly, Let's leave quickly!

Suddenly, Taoist Wukong walked forward and said, Please wait a moment, this will soon be the land of no one.

He muttered: It's really disappointing, Xiao Lanshan is not completely dead yet. It's really difficult for Daluo Jinxian to die...

Da Zhong whispered: Ah Ying, this senior Wukong looks a little unreliable. There is obviously a master here.

Before he finished speaking, he saw the terrifying spiritual consciousness turbulence in the center of the Daluo dojo. In an instant, an innate god towering over the sky and the earth was formed. The whole body was composed of avenues. He was called a Taoist god. It must have been the innate god of Daluo Jinxian Xiao Lanshan. Made of Qi.

The aura emanating from the body of this Taoist god suppressed the world and was more terrifying than any immortal Xu Ying had ever seen. All the vitality, spiritual consciousness, yin and yang, and soul in his body were all suppressed.

He raised his palm, Xu Ying looked up at its palm prints, and saw all kinds of stars, all under the palm prints!


This palm was struck at them, and the world of Daluo Dojo continued to collapse. Everything was shattered and turned into powder!

The evil voice said excitedly: My avenue has been polluted, and you came just in time. I will use your bodies to be reborn! Luo Tian will annihilate the Dafa, and all phenomena will flow together, and flesh and blood will be reborn!

An evil Taoist law invaded, and Xu Ying suddenly felt that his flesh and blood was about to move, as if it wanted to grow in all directions and merge with this world!

Taoist Wukong was not as tall as promised, he was very small. At this time, he raised his palm and met the Taoist God of Xiaolan Mountain with a peerless blow, and said with a smile: Little Dao'er.


The hand of the extremely huge Taoist god was cut off inch by inch, and the huge body continued to shatter, and soon it was completely destroyed.

Taoist Wukong rose into the air and punched into the hiding place of Xiao Lanshan's remaining spiritual consciousness, annihilating it and sweeping away all the spiritual consciousness inside and outside.

Xu Ying suddenly felt that the evil oppression dissipated, and there was a violent vibration in the Daluo Dojo under his feet, as if there was a huge collision in the ground, and the voice of Taoist Wukong could be heard in the distance.

Are you going to die? Fellow Daoist Xiao, are you going to die?

Xu Ying and Da Zhong were horrified. After a while, the golden ape in yellow robe walked towards them and said with a smile from a distance: Don't worry, little friend Xu, it's a land without one now.

Xu Ying tried his best and said, Senior Evil Gold Immortal Xiao...

Taoist Wukong said regretfully: He failed to survive the Tao weeping. His Taoist road rotted and turned into powder in the Tao weeping. If you see how dilapidated his Da Luo Tian is, you will know his situation back then. Fellow Daoist Xiao died miserably.

Xu Ying and Dazhong hesitated.

Taoist Wukong smiled and said: Your cultivation realm will not reach the realm of Daluo Tian where the Dao is imprinted. Fortunately, this place is Da Luo Tian without an owner. You can imprint your own Dao symbols and patterns on this innate Da Luo.中, refine this place into your Innate Great Luo.

Xu Ying hesitated and said: My cultivation realm is so different, can I be branded?

Taoist Wukong smiled and said: If it were a complete Daluotian, you would never expect to be branded successfully, but this world is rotten, and it is easy to be branded. Your imprint is also to repair this Daluotian. With the blessing of your Taoist practice, Daluotian will Luo Tian will gradually stabilize. Just give it a try.

Xu Ying immediately launched his Seven Immortals Domain. He has now opened up seven types of caves. These seven caves contain different powers and have more power of life and death than the original Six Immortals Domain.

He imprinted the various Taoist phenomena contained in the Domain of the Seven Immortals on the surrounding heaven and earth, but saw that the decaying heaven and earth gradually strengthened, and some cracked places slowly healed with his Taoist phenomena.

What's even more amazing is that this place is desolate and silent. At this moment, with the imprint of promise, there is actually a touch of green color, and it is gradually becoming alive.

Xu Ying imprinted three thousand Heavenly Dao runes into this innate vast land. Heaven and earth were once again consolidated, Heavenly Dao began to move, and Taoism gradually circulated between heaven and earth.

Taoist Wukong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: Xu Xiaoyou, I have repaid your kindness! Let's go -

call out--

He turned into a golden light, flew through the sky, and disappeared from the vast sky.

Senior Wukong, wait a minute!

Xu Ying called out, but Taoist Wukong had already disappeared without a trace and was not heard at all. Xu Ying stood in this vast sky and murmured: You haven't told me how to return to the ancestral court...

The big bell hung high, and the bell trembled. He suddenly said: A Ying, do you think that Daluo Jinxian named Xiao Lanshan is completely dead?

Xu Ying was a little unsure: You should be dead, right? After experiencing the Taoist cry, the road being broken, and just being beaten like that by Taoist Wukong, you should be dead no matter what...

Having said this, he couldn't help but shudder and looked around alertly.

But the surroundings were calm, and Xiao Lanshan's consciousness did not suddenly appear.

Xu Ying did not dare to neglect, and stepped up his efforts to imprint his own avenues, imprinting all his understanding of various avenues on this innate heaven.

He has experienced five ancient dojos, Taiqing Dojo, Yuxu Dojo, Xuandu Dojo, Minghai Dojo, and Xuanhuang Dojo.

As for Chaos, he has never found the Chaos Dojo, but he has experienced the Chaos Niwan Palace, understood its secrets, and opened up the Niwan Cave in the Immortal World.

If you add the understanding of the power of life and death, it is the seven wonders of the Tao.

Although Xu Ying received seven kinds of Taoism and his Taoism was already comparable to that of the Heavenly Lord, he was unable to bring his Taoism into full play due to the limitations of his realm.

This time he was branded with the Innate Daluo, and he suddenly felt that this Xiantian Daluo was like the path he had always wanted!

The path he was trying to take on his own!

His Tao Xing is too high and his realm is too low, so he cannot exert the power of Tao Xing. But with this innate great Luo and the seven kinds of Tao Wonders imprinted on it, wouldn't it be possible to bring out the strengths of his Tao Xing?

His heart was pounding wildly. If he continued to understand Tao power, void, Hunyuan Taiyi and other Tao magic, could he imprint these Tao magic in Da Luo Tian and bring out the ten Tao magic?

Xu Ying branded Xiantian Daluo over and over again, making his brand gradually stronger. Da Zhong also noticed that there were many wonderful things coming here, making it feel like a fairyland.

These are the wonders of the Tao that Xu Ying has understood. Xu Ying explains them on weekdays, but the Tao methods are boring and difficult to understand. But here, it found that enlightenment was much simpler than before!

This is what the dojo is for.

At this time, this innate Daluo is Xu Ying's Daluo Dojo. Here, Da Zhong can comprehend various Taoist methods and get twice the result with half the effort.

Xu Ying stayed here, and dozens of days passed before he knew it. Xiantian Daluo was sacrificed countless times by him, and the brand became more and more stable.

Staying here is not an option after all. How should I get out?

Just when he thought of this, his feet were suddenly suspended in the air. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was already above the Tianhe River. The river below was surging and rushing.

Xu Ying was stunned and said: How should I enter...

call out!

His figure appeared again in Daluo Dojo.

Xu Ying was surprised and happy, and then had some troubles: Everything about this Daluo Dojo is good, but it's too big. Every time you enter Daluo Dojo, you have to go to Tianhe and search for a long time. If you can take it with you...

When he thought of this, he saw that he had arrived outside the Innate Great Luo, and the innate Qi turned into a halo, hanging behind his head.

The big bell hangs in the center of the halo, enlightening the Tao and breathing in a decent manner.

Xu Ying turned his head, Xiantian Daluo also turned accordingly, and the big bell could not help but emit bursts of chimes. However, this bell was currently in the Xiantian Daluo dojo, and the bells seemed to be coming from a very far away place.

This Da Luo Taoist temple made with innate Qi is really satisfying, why not call it Ruyi Da Luo Tian!

——Zhai Zhu felt relieved and was not as sleepy as the previous two days. Keep your spirits up and write hard! ! !

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