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Chapter 482 Jin Buyi, the great emperor of the demon clan (big boss reserves the place)

Although the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra was created by Yuhuzhenren, it was never Yuhuzhenren who used this technique most exquisitely, but Xu Ying.

The Ancestral God's Pure Bucket flew from outside the sky, which was exactly what Xu Ying used to turn the Pot Heaven to realize the Tao Sutra. He borrowed the magical power of space to exert the power of this treasure thousands of times!

The Ancestral God's Clean Bucket is used to store the treasures of the Ancestral God Daoshang. It is extremely powerful. However, Xu Ying's cultivation level is not high enough and he can only deal with a few people at a time. If there are too many people or the opponent is too strong, he may escape. The coverage range of the clean bucket.

However, after being amplified by the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra, at this moment, the Great Barrel from Heaven almost enveloped half of the Demon Clan's ancestral court. Golden light poured down like a tide, and the entire ancestral court was within the reach of the power of this clean barrel!

Wherever the golden light shone, no matter the golden bodies of great saints offered by various tribes, or the masters of various tribes, or the two existing great saints, Han Demon Emperor and Kun Demon Emperor, were all absorbed by the golden light of the pure barrel, and their bodies Involuntarily, they all fell towards the mouth of the bucket outside the sky!

Don't even think about it!

A loud shout came, and everyone was sucked into the air, still struggling endlessly. Each of them showed his true body and turned into an ancient beast. His body was huge and boundless. He or she could fly away with wings, or swim in the air, or control Taoism, and struggled Fly, trying to escape from the scope of the net bucket!

The golden bodies of the Great Saint were as huge as planets. The monks of all races fell on these golden bodies and fled outwards using the golden bodies.

But when the Cold Demon Emperor, the Kun Demon Emperor and the Phoenix Demon Emperor were locked by Jingtong, they had no chance to escape, let alone them?

No matter what they tried, they couldn't stop their bodies from falling into the barrel.

On the ancient fusang tree, the Demon Ancestor stared blankly at this scene. The Ancestral God's Cleaning Bucket seemed to be sweeping away all the Demon Clan's ancestral court. It seemed that as long as Xu Ying was willing, all the Demon Clan except him could be put into the bucket. middle!

The Emperor's son Jin Buyi has found a good helper.

The Demon Ancestor looked at the fairy light left behind by Lord Changqing Mansion when he fled, and smiled.

He had been hesitating whether to completely surrender to the fairy world. The fairy world is also trying to master the demon clan and make the demon clan its own force.

But by seeking refuge in the Immortal Realm, the Demon Clan will completely lose the chance of a comeback, become a lackey of the Immortal Realm, and break away from all forces in the ancestral family!

It was not what he wanted to get to that point.

But the situation is stronger than people. If you don't seek refuge in the fairy world, you must choose a powerful demon emperor, and you must also have a powerful alliance to help you.

In the view of the Demon Ancestor, the three demon emperors, Han Demon Emperor, Kun Demon Emperor, and Phoenix Demon Emperor, who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to select the Demon Emperor to serve as the hero of the dragon, had too low vision and were petty and not worth mentioning.

Only the Heavenly Lord in the Immortal Realm has weight.

If there is no other possibility, the demon clan can only choose a demon emperor who listens to Tianzun's words, and his demon ancestor must accept this result without making other considerations.

The appearance of Xu Ying gave him new hope.

Compared to the power of Xianting, Xu Ying's power is insignificant. It is definitely a mistake to bet on him. However, compared to the power of the demon clan, his power is also not worth mentioning. Isn't it a comeback?

Demon Ancestor said silently in his heart.

What the demon clan wants is a chance to make a comeback. Surrendering to the fairy world means completely losing this opportunity. Although the hope of cooperating with Xu Ying is slim, the opportunity still exists!

As long as there is one breath left, there will be a chance! He said silently in his heart.

The strong men from all races of the demon clan fell into the barrel and felt the stinky smell assail their nostrils. They immediately blocked the five qi, blocked three levels, blocked the heavy building, polluted the Yaochi, closed the dojo, and destroyed the Tao tree.

The sacred bridge is rusty, the jade capital is filthy, and it has fallen from a fairy to a mortal.

This bucket is the dirtiest.

The Ancestral God used it to store his Dao Wounds. Originally, it was just a container for storing Dao Wounds. It was just a little bit of sacrifice. There was no need to refine it too well. But by accident, the ancestor god was injured too much, and all the filthiest parts in the universe were removed and thrown into the bucket.

The original body of the Ancestral God is the primordial spirit of the void of the universe. It is so big that the part of the Tao damage that has been refined away is naturally extremely powerful. Over time, this filth infected the barrel and became an extremely powerful magic weapon.

Anyone who is put into a bucket will have their cultivation level contaminated and their Dao mind invaded by filth. If they fall into the bucket, they will lose the possibility of escaping.

Only when it is poured out can it be restored.

Everyone fell into the barrel one after another and lost the power to resist. Even the two great saints, the Cold Demon Emperor and the Kun Demon Emperor, could not escape and fell into the barrel one after another.

Don't panic, everyone!

Demon King Kun raised his eight hands to signal everyone in the barrel to calm down, and said in a deep voice, Brother Han Dao and I have had experience. As long as we leave this barrel, our cultivation will be restored immediately. Then we should be poured out. At that time, we can kill him by surprise!

The Cold Demon Emperor said: What Brother Kun said is absolutely true. Everyone is prepared and ready to take action at any time.

Xu Ying killed all these people in one bucket and took back the Ancestral God's clean bucket. The three heaven and earth spirits collapsed one after another and turned into a ray of clear energy and returned to Xu Ying's body. Xu Ying and Yuanshen only felt that their cultivation was empty. Even with the support of the six caves, their cultivation had bottomed out at this moment.

Using the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra to sacrifice the ancestral god Jingtong, the loss of cultivation is too great and too fast. With his current cultivation, plus the nine magic weapons as his external realm, he cannot sustain it.

If the Cold Demon Emperor and others could hold on for just one more breath, Xu Ying would exhaust his cultivation and be unable to do anything to them. Unfortunately, they couldn't hold on.

Xu Ying took back his soul, activated the six caves, and continuously restored his cultivation. By the time he returned to Daoji Palace, his cultivation had returned to its peak.

Seventh Master.

He summoned An Qi, grabbed the demon cat that had swallowed Kongo Tzu out of the bucket, picked up the soft skin behind its head, and said, Did this monster eat King Kong Tzu?

An Qi saw the color of the big raccoon fur and said quickly: That's him! Spit it out!

The demon cat bared its teeth at him, looking very ferocious.

Ling Siyi hurriedly came over and said: This is a demon cultivator from the raccoon clan in my demon clan. His name is Li Gangze. He has a strong personality and won't take soft or hard things. I'm here to persuade him to spit out the diamond.

Xu Ying shook his head and said, Why bother? Just kill him, disembowel him, and take out the diamond.

The demon cat Li Gangze quickly shouted: Wait a minute! I surrender! After saying that, he spit out the King Kong Zhuo.

Xian Qi took back Jingang Zhuo and asked doubtfully: Ling, what did you say about his temperament just now?

Strong, strong... Ling Siyi was a little unsure.

An Qi said: What else don't you want to eat?

Ling Siyi knew that he was sarcastic about her, so she glared at him fiercely and turned away.

An Qi couldn't stop laughing.

The Cold Demon Emperor and others looked up eagerly in the bucket, waiting for Xu Ying to pour them out, then they turned against the odds and killed Xu Ying alone.

Suddenly, a golden body of the Great Sage was taken out of the barrel, and then another Great Sage flew out of the barrel.

When everyone saw this, they were secretly anxious. The elder of the Zhu family shouted: The two demon kings, Xu Ying is cunning, first take away the golden bodies of the great saints from our clans, so that we have no strength to compete with him!

The Cold Demon Emperor chuckled and said: Although this kid has some tricks up his sleeve, he is still not good enough for playing tricks in front of me. His cultivation strength is far inferior to ours, and he will knock us out sooner or later. Let's see how I take him down!

Soon after, Xu Ying took out the golden bodies of the Great Saint one by one from the barrel.

Then, the elders and masters of various clans were also taken out of the bucket one by one by a ray of light. They were nowhere to be found, and neither screams nor curses could be heard.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer monsters in the barrel. When the Han Demon Emperor saw this, he murmured in his heart: What the hell is Xu Ying doing? I can rest assured, there is nothing he can do to me. Last time he was able to throw me into the waste pool of the universe, but this time he is not in the Ancestral Court of Heaven!

As soon as he thought of this, he saw a ray of light falling down, like a rope, trapping him several times.

The Cold Demon Emperor's eyes flashed, and he laughed secretly in his heart: You want to tie me up with this kind of magical power? What a dream! After I get out, I will...

Just as he was thinking about it, he was pulled out of the bucket by the rope. He saw Xu Ying's Yuanshen standing outside the bucket, holding a big bell in his hand. When he saw himself, he immediately put it under the bell!

The Cold Demon Emperor was detained in the bell, and the sixteen-character immortal runes on the wall of the bell were flying, swish, swish, and branded on his body, sealing the essence of the soul's physical body in an instant!

Before the Cold Demon Emperor could resist, he was sealed firmly.

There was a fat and fair boy next to him. He kicked him in the crook of his leg and he knelt on the ground.

Only then did the Cold Demon Emperor notice that everyone from the major aristocratic families was kneeling neatly like him. It seemed that as soon as these people came out of the clean bucket, they were sealed under the bell as if stamped with stamps. Therefore, That's why he is so honest.

Xu Ying followed suit, tied up Kun Demon Emperor and pulled him up. After sealing it, Xian Qi kicked him and made Kun Demon Emperor kneel down.

After all this hard work, the night has passed and the sky is bright.

Master Jin, you want to become the Demon Emperor and unify the Demon Clan, how can you do it if you don't establish your authority?

Xu Ying came to Jin Buyi and said, You are the emperor's son, of the imperial clan's blood, and you have found the imperial clan's long-lost imperial clan's Donghuang Pingtian Jue. You have made great contributions to the demon clan. You should have become the demon emperor. Change The Monster Clan is divided and weak, and strives to rise. But instead of supporting you as the Demon Emperor, you tribe members have repeatedly killed you, forcing you to hand over the Donghuang Pingtian Jue, in an attempt to split the Monster Clan, and even bring in foreign enemies.

His palm fell on Jin Buyi's shoulder and said: Master Jin, if you cut it off, it's better to kill these rebels in one go. With this power, you can bypass the struggle for the throne and directly proclaim yourself emperor!

He was full of pride and said with a smile: Three thousand demon heads are rolling in the sky. Who dares to compete with such power?

Jin Buyi was so excited by what he said that he stepped forward with the Purple Nether Sword in his hand, came to the Han Demon Emperor, Kun Demon Emperor and others, and walked slowly in front of the demons with the purple long knife.

The Purple Netherworld Sword is known as the Demon Sword. It is a demonic thing refined by the Emperor. It has a very murderous and evil spirit, otherwise it would not have inspired Zhuxian Broken Sword's competitive spirit to come and touch it.

At this moment, the purple sword was filled with evil spirits. Wherever Jin Buyi walked, the evil spirits circled on the necks of these kneeling people, as if if they circled a few more times, their heads would fall to the ground!

The elders of all ethnic groups were trembling with fear, and there was even a smell of urine coming from the crowd.

Jin Buyi's Purple Netherworld Sword faintly conveyed the terrifying sword intent, which was the sword intent he had developed over thousands of years of fighting side by side with Xu Ying and fighting against the immortal world and the heavenly world.

The flow of this sword's intention can split the heart and soul, cut off the will of a person, and destroy the spirit of a person!

His sword has entered the Tao.

His footsteps fell to the ground, as if stepping on the hearts of these people, and they felt death approaching with his footsteps.

Suddenly, Jin Buyi stopped, raised his head and looked around, looking at the ancestral court of the demon clan. He saw that the place was devastated. The fairy court was broken and in pieces. It was occupied by various demon clans and established aristocratic families.

Although the major aristocratic families are living well, the entire demon clan is actually in decline.

Nowadays, the sun is rising, but the ancestral palace of the Monster Clan seems to be setting at sunset, showing the desolation of the rich family in their old age.

All the glorious history cannot conceal the misery of today.

There was a ball of fire beating in Jin Buyi's chest, burning his heart red, burning the blood all over his body, and burning the ancient bloodline like refined gold in the fire, glowing bright red!


Behind him, the tens of thousands of souls rose up from the ground, spread out their three-legged golden crow wings, and filled the air with majestic demonic power. He unleashed infinite firepower, burning the sky red, surpassing the red flowers and covering up the scorching sun!

How many thousands of years have the demon clan been mourning? How many great saints have appeared in this land? How many demon heroes have been nurtured? Is the sky that the demon clan's wings once covered just the sky of the ancestral court?

Jin Buyi raised his head and looked at the sky, his voice was low but very penetrating.

The ancestors of the demon clan have traveled all over the universe and the starry sky, and their wings have flown across the sky, blocking the brilliance of the sun. They were once the most powerful monks, the proudest race, and had the most splendid civilization. They were in a place beyond the reach of mortals. In the fairy world, they built fairy courts. Their palaces floated in the sky.

They possess the most powerful physiques, the most exquisite Taoist techniques, and the latest Taoist magical powers! They are the scholars, lords, and mentors of this universe! They are not the trash like you kneeling on the ground today!

The imperial bloodline in Jinbu's body surged, and the ancient power hidden in the bloodline continued to revive, causing the essence in his body to soar, forming a golden crow-shaped flame around him, flying around.

I am of the bloodline of the Imperial Clan, and I came with the inheritance of the Demon Emperor, but you have repeatedly bullied me, forced me to teach my skills, and carried out assassinations and sneak attacks. You think I am an outsider, and you want to kill me. You want to control the Imperial Clan. You want to Cultivate a great emperor of the demon clan that you can control! However, the demon clan has been a mess in your hands over the years!

His voice was full of grief and anger, and he suddenly vibrated his sword. The sound of the sword was clear and clear, stirring the sky and clearing away the clouds.

That Peiran murderous aura was so intense that Han Demon Emperor and the others were ashamed and ashamed. They lowered their heads and were extremely worried, fearing that if the sword flashed, their heads would fall to the ground.

You are ignorant and thirsty for power, and you don't know that the only territory left in the Demon Clan's territory is this ancestral palace.

You are incompetent and have attracted enemies to interfere in the internal affairs of the ancestral court. You are not ashamed but proud of it.

You have killed your own people, using threats, coercion, ambushes, and schemes. But you are obedient to foreign enemies!

His voice is like a demon, with a strong demonic quality, and also like a god, with a sacredness.

I want to kill you rebellious subjects and hang your heads in the sky as sacrifices to honor our ancestors in ancient times. I want to use your bones to pave the road and ascend to the throne of God!

His sense of oppression reached the extreme, and he said solemnly, I will not be servile to the enemy, I will not kill my clansmen, I will definitely do better than you! You are the scum of the demon clan, the scum of the demon clan !”

A demon clan cried out, thinking of what he had done, he felt ashamed and angry.

The Cold Demon Emperor and others were silent, thinking back on their actions in this life, they only felt that it was absurd and absurd, and said in their hearts: That's all, we deserved to die under his sword.

But I forgive you.

Jin Buyi's blood was even more agitated, and his voice was passionate, You are scum, scum, and you deserve death, but I forgive you! I give you a chance to make amends!

I need you scum to cheer up before the end of my demon clan and wake up more sleeping clan members!

I need you scum to protect your fellow tribesmen, teach your fellow tribesmen, inherit the will of your ancestors, and pass on the immortal spirit in the upcoming bloody battle!

I need you to live like your ancestors, and I need you to follow me, so that your descendants can live like their ancestors, and be upright demons, not groveling beasts!

I forgive you!

In the distance, the Feng family. Beside Phoenix Demon Emperor, Jin Lan looked pale and whispered: Demon Emperor, I have failed you. It is impossible for me to defeat him and seize the throne.

Phoenix Demon Emperor nodded slightly and said with a smile: But isn't it great that the Demon Clan has a promising emperor?

————The big boss is booking the venue again! Thanks man! Zhaizhu is free again. I’m so sorry, please give me a monthly pass!

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