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Chapter 481 A bucket of all the demonic atmosphere

In the dark night, the stars disappeared, leaving only two dark red moons in the sky.

Pairs of eyes were staring at these two blood moons, and the night in the Demon Clan's ancestral court was filled with a strange atmosphere.

The selection of the Demon Emperor has not yet begun, but there is already an undercurrent in the Demon Clan's ancestral court, and there is a murderous intention hidden beneath the water.

Vaguely, everyone could see a huge shadow moving slowly in the dark sky. As the blood moon moved, the shadow was also moving.

But it was dark and it was hard to see what it was.

Suddenly, the two blood moons suddenly rushed downwards. Along with the blood moons, there were many topaz-like mountain peaks that fell together. The mountain peaks rubbed against the atmosphere and produced fire!

When the fire light became brighter, I saw that the yellow jade mountains were not mountains, but teeth as thick as mountain peaks!

This is a mouth big enough to cover the entire Daoji Palace, falling from the sky, trying to swallow the Daoji Palace into its belly!

Wherever the surging force passed, all the maids in the Daoji Palace were forced to reveal their true bodies in an instant, turning into various monsters, terrified, and trembling on the ground!

Even An Qi couldn't help but reveal his true form as an Anhui Snake and tried to compete with it, but was oppressed by the terrifying Demon King's aura and his body kept shrinking, and the six caves behind him closed one after another!

Ling Siyi was applying medicine to Xian Qi's wounds. She was so excited by the demon emperor's aura that she almost showed her true form. She gritted her teeth and was about to throw out the willow branches, but the terrifying emperor aura suppressed her and made her unable to sacrifice the willow branches. rise!

Their consciousness was crushed into chaos, their vitality was running wild, their yin and yang were confused, their souls were out of control, and they were unable to fight against the emperor at all!

The first one to take action was not the Liu family, but the Zhu family!

Everyone who observed in secret was shocked, The great sage Zhu Qiong of the Zhu family was transformed into a golden body by the Zong family after his death, and it remains to this day. The great sage Zhu Qiong was sacrificed, must this be under the instructions of the immortal world?

The great sage Zhu Qiong is also a legend in the ancestral court of the demon clan. He is a wild boar, ten thousand feet tall, with iron teeth and fangs. His eyes are like blood moons. When he breathes, smoke and fire billow like a volcano erupting. Sand and rocks fly everywhere he passes, and the demon aura is very strong.

During the battle between the ancestral court and the immortal world, Zhu Qiong once swallowed one hundred thousand immortals in one gulp!

Later, because among the one hundred thousand immortals, there was Tianzun from the Immortal Courtyard, his belly was ripped out by Tianzun and he was beaten to death on the spot.

The Zhu family refined Zhu Qiong into a golden body, still retaining his fierce power in life. But since Zhu Qiong, the Zhu family has followed the Immortal World, so everyone observing in secret knows that the Zhu family must be under the instructions of the Immortal World.

The real Zhu Qiong opened his mouth and was about to swallow the ruins of the Daoji Palace and the Fairy Garden of the Demon Clan. Suddenly, in Xu Ying's residence in the Daoji Palace, a golden light burst out from the top of an old tree branch, and with a swish sound, it illuminated The golden body of Great Sage Zhu Qiong!

Even though the great sage Zhu Qiong was extremely tyrannical during his lifetime, when he was illuminated by the pure barrel, his whole body immediately gathered up, losing all his arrogance. His vast body shrank rapidly, fell along the golden light, and fell into the barrel under the golden light with a hiss!

The people in Daoji Palace, who had just been shrouded in the fierce power of the Great Sage Zhu Qiong, suddenly felt that the pressure was relieved.

Saw it!

A voice came from the darkness. In Ma's House, another holy land thousands of miles away, the great sage of Ma's family suddenly stood up. He was as tall as a mountain peak, with a horse's face and a human body. There was a third eye between his eyebrows. Arrow, a bolt of arrow light breaks through the air and strikes!

The ancestral god Jing Tong was about to put Zhu Qiong into the bucket, and the arrow light also came from it, and was about to shoot the Jing Tong away.

But the next moment, purple light burst out, Jin Buyi activated the Donghuang Pingtian Jue, and slashed with the sacrificial knife. Facing the light of the arrow shot by the Great Sage of the Ma family, he split the golden arrow from the center!

The Purple Netherworld Sword, the emperor's magic weapon, was once used to suppress the Heaven and Earth Soul of Xuhuang Daojun. Its power is extremely fierce. Under Jin Buyi's sacrifice, the purple sword light even followed the light of the arrow. , kill the great sage of the Ma family directly!

The three-eyed Ma family great sage shot out divine light and cut off the purple air sword light.

The great sage of the Ma family was a king-like existence during his lifetime, and he still retained his power after death. Even if Jin Buyi practiced the Donghuang Pingtian Jue and held the Purple Netherworld Sword, he was far from his opponent.

However, the Ma family members who were offering sacrifices to the golden body of the Great Saint saw that although the light of the sword was broken, the intention of the sword was coming towards them. He groaned, raised his hand to meet the sword intention, and suddenly saw that four of the five fingers were broken. There was obviously no sword light and sword energy, but the floating condition of the fingers was clearly visible.

The pain on the fingertips also hurts my heart!

His brows were about to split when suddenly a hand came out from one side and clamped his index finger and middle finger like lightning, clamping Jin Buyi's sword intent.

The Ma family elder hurriedly raised his hand to touch it, and there was indeed a wound between his eyebrows!

Jin Buyi's sword intention was actually superior to his magical power, and he was injured from thousands of miles away!

If the palm of his hand hadn't caught Jin Buyi's sword intent just now, he would have been seriously injured if the sword intent entered his brain!

What a powerful emperor, Jin Buyi! How can other emperors compete with him? He was still frightened.

He is the elder of the Ma family, has strong cultivation, and claims to have the fighting power of an immortal king. However, he could not resist Jin Buji's sword intent and was almost seriously injured. The three emperors, Jin Daoli, Jin Yiqi and Jin Lan, should be far inferior to him in terms of cultivation and strength, and would not be able to compete with Jin Buyi.

The Donghuang Pingtian Jue is indeed the skill of the Demon Clan Immortal Emperor, a treasure among treasures!

An exclaimed voice came from behind the Ma family elder, saying, I have long heard that this skill is a magical skill passed down from generation to generation by the Immortal Emperor of the Demon Clan. It can prove the supreme skill. It has only been a few years since Jin Buyi obtained this magical skill, and his cultivation strength has reached this level. Such a level! Mr. Ma can take a rest. The Zhu family and the Ma family have made a good start, and there is no need for you to take action later.

The old man of the Ma family bowed his head and said yes.

A slender figure slowly walked out of the darkness, came into the light, looked at Daoji Palace, and said leisurely: The demon clan is amazing. Not much vitality was damaged in the battle that destroyed the ancestral court. There are still three great ones who have survived to this day. Saint. All major families also have so many golden bodies of great saints. If Xu Ying and Jin Buyi cannot be destroyed this time, it would be a shame.

He has slender eyebrows and a rather elegant air. He is the prince of Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion and is under the command of Tianzun.

The Fujun's name is Zhang Changqing, also known as Changqing Fujun. This time he went down to the lower realm to take care of the demon clan emperor. Just now, it was he who pinched Jin Buyi's sword intention between his two fingers and saved the Ma family elder.

When the ancestral court was destroyed, the demon clan cooperated with the immortal world to establish the world of heaven. Naturally, it was Tianzun who pulled the strings. This time the Demon Ancestor found the Golden Crow Emperor Clan and wanted to establish another Demon Emperor, so of course Tianzun had to intervene.

Lord Changqing Mansion, as the person most valued by Tianzun, took care of this matter as a matter of course.

Lord Changqing Mansion looked towards the Daoji Palace, but saw countless phantoms shaking, extending, flying like dragons outside the Daoji Palace, invading the Daoji Palace from all directions, it was the golden body of the great sage of the Liu family!

The golden body of the great sage of the Liu family appeared in its true form, which was an old willow tree. Its roots flew up, intertwined and intertwined, and invaded the Daoji Palace. Liu Shengtao, the elder of the Liu family, was beheaded by Xu Ying. The Liu family, together with a group of demons, stood on the old willow tree, offered sacrifices to various magic weapons accumulated by the Liu family over the generations, and killed everyone on sight!

Jin Buyi's body moved, and the sword light poured out like moonlight, cutting off branches and roots. Suddenly, the wooden barrel floated in the sky above him, flipped down, and golden light poured down. The powerful demon clan fell into the barrel one after another!


Suddenly, a big furry hand slapped the Ancestral God's bucket. Unexpectedly, the Ancestral God's wooden bucket spun and flew out.

In the house, Xu Ying stuffed the golden book into his arms and was about to take back the bucket when he saw a golden roc fluttering its wings in the dark night. It whistled, stretched out its claws to grab the bucket and flew away. He flew tens of thousands of miles in an instant!

The figure of the owner of the big furry hand jumped up, with demonic and Taoist power surging. Under the big hand, the palaces, walls and mansions around Xu Ying collapsed one after another, and the earth cracked, leaving only Xu Ying standing where he was.

Xu Ying looked calm: Seventh Master.

Suddenly, King Kong Zhuo flew out and hit the head of the owner of the big furry hand. It made a crisp impact and cracked the head of the owner of the big furry hand. His brains were flowing out, and all his strength was almost dispersed!

An Qi was about to sacrifice King Kong Zhuo and put away the golden body of the Great Sage, when suddenly he felt sharp claws swinging in the dark night, and couldn't help but scream: Master Zhong!

The big bell fell from the sky, and a bell rang. Immortal sounds were loud for a while, and various sealing runes flowed, hanging down along with the light curtain. It was the rune promised by the emperor's seal, which was displayed by it, and circled around Anchi. .

On the wall of the bell, the insect mother fluttered her wings and flew up, turning into countless tiny fairy insects that shuttled through the dark night, looking for the person who had sacrificed the golden body of the Great Sage.


The sharp claws swung out, tearing apart the immortal runes one by one, and the speed became slower and slower. The big bell exhausted all its strength, and the bell body almost deformed, and finally blocked the blow.

However, the claw master's other claw has already torn apart the space and is attacking!

Xian Qi offered the Vajra Zhuo and was about to block the owner of the sharp claws. Suddenly, he saw the owner of the sharp claws pushing the golden mountain and knocking down the jade pillar. He fell down and there was no movement.

On the shoulder of the owner of the sharp claw, there was a man with a tiger face and a human body. Suddenly, countless insects came out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. The man's flesh and blood were hollowed out, leaving only the skin.

The fairy insect cannot bite the golden body of the Great Saint, but it can still bite the demon clan that sacrificed the golden body of the Great Saint.

The insect mother is really a man!

Xian Qi praised the Vajra and offered it to the Vajra. Suddenly a hand came out from the side and flicked the Vajra away.

Outside the wall, a big raccoon leaped into the air, opened its mouth and sucked the Vajra into its mouth, then turned into a golden light and disappeared through the air.

An Qi sensed it repeatedly, but could not sense the Vajra, and had no way to sacrifice it. He stood there blankly. The big bell also exhausted its power and fell from the air with a clang, hitting him next to him.

Shi Shiran, the man who bounced the King Kong Zhuo, came up. He was wrapped tightly in a white velvet robe. He was the Cold Demon Emperor, but his face was covered with black gold. With a wave of his hand, he bounced countless fairy insects away.

The fairy insects that were bounced away by him were shattered one after another!

Xian Qi grabbed the scrapped clock and stepped back. The mother insect also gathered other fairy insects and landed on his shoulder, squeaking strangely, but did not dare to step forward.

At this time, Xian Qi bumped into someone and stopped hurriedly, only to see Jinghong Demon Emperor standing behind him. An Qi quickly got out of the way.

Han Demon Emperor, can you cover your face with a black scarf to hide your eyes and ears? Jinghong Demon Emperor said calmly.

The Cold Demon Emperor smiled and said: As long as I am not caught in the act, I will deny myself as the Cold Demon Emperor. Without real evidence, who dares to convict me? Jinghong, you are old, you have no body, and you have no energy. God is no match for me.”

Jinghong Demon Emperor said coldly: When the last Demon Emperor was still in power, I was a rebellious great sage. I experienced countless fights and killed countless great sages. You think I can't kill you because I don't have a body. you?

The Cold Demon Emperor snorted coldly, his figure floated up like a ghost, his demonic power exploded, and he attacked the Jinghong Demon Emperor!

One of the two demon emperors was intact, and the other only had his soul. However, after a few collisions, the cold demon emperor felt the pressure increase sharply!

The Jinghong Demon Emperor was a hero who was killed from the pile of corpses. He was a ruthless character who dared to rebel against the Demon Emperor. He had gone through countless battles, all of which were with the strong men of the Demon Clan. Even though he had no body, he was still beaten to a disadvantage!

At this moment, Kun Yaohuang also covered his face with a black scarf, came over to kill him, and said with a smile: Old monster Jinghong is worthy of being a rebel general, but it is a pity that the emperor's son, Jin Buyi, only has you!

He joined forces with the Cold Demon Emperor and immediately gained the upper hand. The Cold Demon Emperor opened his mouth and let out a silent scream, which shook his soul to pieces. Immediately, the Kun Demon Emperor sacrificed countless monster insects, invaded his soul, and gnawed at his soul.

The mother insect immediately flew out to eat the demon insect. The two kinds of insects fought inside Jinghong Demon Emperor's body, killing him like a river of blood.

On the other side, Jin Buyi staggered back, turned around and slashed with the knife, but the light of the knife was caught between the palms of a golden body of a great saint. On another road to Daoji Palace, the Moon Cave Gate was squeezed by a huge body and collapsed. Another golden body of the Great Sage came over, forming a siege on Jin Buyi.

The dust has settled.

On the ancient fusang tree, the Demon Ancestor looked at Daoji Palace in the distance. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but shake his head, Our demon clan and these aristocratic families are just a pile of loose sand. They can't even fight against this pile of loose sand. How can they support the new emperor to ascend the throne and fight against the immortals who are thousands of times bigger? Court? Xu Ying, you can’t do it.”

He shook his head and eliminated Jin Buyi from the selection of Demon Emperor candidates.

Lord Changqing of the Ma family and Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion also showed a smile and said with a smile: The big thing is over. The demon clan has evil intentions when establishing an emperor. There is also a promise to rebel and contribute to the chaos. If he succeeds in establishing the emperor, the demon clan will The clan is afraid that it will become a big trouble. Today, we can finally let Xianting take control of the imperial power of the demon clan, and we can also get rid of the scourge of Xu Ying, killing two birds with one stone.

What's more important is that he managed to defeat Xu Ying in one fell swoop without even using any force in this battle, and held the demon clan's future imperial power in his hands. His method was so clever that he felt quite proud of it.

Let's say that the golden-winged roc grabbed the bucket and flew tens of thousands of miles away. Suddenly he heard a voice laughing: You stupid bird can't run very fast. I almost couldn't catch up with you.

The golden-winged Dapeng was the clan elder of Zu Ting Yue Family. This time he was ordered to get the clean bucket. Hearing this, he was startled. He looked up and saw Xu Ying floating above him at some unknown moment.

He exclaimed in shock: Xu Ying? Why are you here? Aren't you in Daoji Palace?

In the Daoji Palace, He Hai, the elder of the He family, worshiped the golden body of his great saint, turned into a flying crane and drove Jin Buyi away. He rushed into Xu Ying's mansion and shouted: Xu Ying, behead you!

A white light flashed as he waved his hand. Before Xu Ying could resist, the white light flashed across his neck and his head fell to the ground.

He Hai was overjoyed and was about to pick up Xu Ying's head to claim credit. Suddenly, Xu Ying's head and body suddenly turned into a streak of yellow and flew out, disappearing, leaving only a golden book on the ground.

At the same time, Yue Peng, the elder of the Yue family, was about to kill Xu Ying. Suddenly, the golden bucket under his claws flashed, and he was put into the bucket.

A streak of yellow Qi flew over, landed on top of Xu Ying's head, and penetrated into his body through the fontanel.

Xu Ying held up the bucket with one hand, and with a flash of his eyes, he saw the Qing Qi flying above his head, turning into three Xu Ying and falling down, standing on his left and right.

I'm afraid I don't have enough mana to sacrifice this treasure by myself, so I have to invite the three of you!

Behind Xu Ying, Yuan Shen emerged, and the six caves suddenly opened. The other three Xu Yings in yellow, white, and Qingyi also shouted loudly, and the six caves opened behind them!


Xu Ying and the four great spirits worked together to activate their supernatural powers, but saw the bucket flying up, getting higher and higher, and submerged into the sky the next moment.

At this time, almost everyone in the Demon Clan's ancestral court felt an inexplicable palpitation in their hearts, and they all raised their heads and looked toward the sky.

Lord Changqing Mansion looked out into the sky and saw an extremely huge Ancestral God Cleaning Bucket flying from the sky, invading the atmosphere of the Demon Clan's ancestral court and covering half of the sky in the ancestral court.


The corners of his eyes twitched, and he immediately turned into a celestial light and escaped through the air.

At the same time, Xu Ying and the four great spirits worked together to activate the power of the Ancestral God's Cleaning Bucket, and saw immeasurable golden light pouring out from the extremely huge Cleaning Bucket and spilling downwards!

Bring it to you! Xu Ying shouted.

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