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Chapter 478 The ancestral court establishes its power

Demon Ancestor looked at Xu Ying from a distance and said with a smile: Of course I didn't invite him to demolish the ancestral court. Monkey... Taoist Wukong, don't think about demolishing this or that. I invited him to come and restore the ancestral court. On the great road of heaven and earth, we also have to see which side we should stand on.

Taoist Wukong also looked at Xu Ying with great interest and said: The demon race, the race that ruled the world in the past, has a glorious history. When did it become so humble that it was necessary to choose sides?

The Demon Ancestor sighed and said: Six hundred thousand years ago, the Demon Clan didn't choose anyone. As a result, they didn't get any benefits. Instead, they were liquidated afterwards. Now it's a time of great change. If we don't choose sides, I'm afraid we won't be able to take sides in the future. There is no chance to choose a side.”

Taoist Wukong asked doubtfully: The tide of the three realms is not a time of great change, right?

He suddenly woke up and lost his voice: What do you mean?

He turned into a golden light and flew away. The next moment, the golden ape flew out of the Demon Clan's ancestral court, came outside, penetrated the sky of the ancestral court, and soared into the void.

But when he saw his eyes turning, two rays of golden light were as bright as pillars, shining towards the void.

Affected by the tides of the three realms, the Immortal Realm is approaching in the void, and the heavenly road connecting the two immortal realms is also being squeezed and shrinking at this moment.

Even some parts of the broken sky road have begun to be reconnected!

However, Taoist Wukong is not looking at the heavenly road or the fairy world, but looking behind the fairy world.

The void there was so deep that it was difficult to see clearly. He could only vaguely feel that there seemed to be something huge behind the fairy world, which was infinitely larger than the fairy world, and was quietly approaching.

Taoist Wukong took a breath of air, turned back and jumped into the ancestral court.

A ray of golden light entered the demon clan's ancestral court again. When the golden light stopped, Taoist Wukong walked out to the demon ancestor's side, his face uncertain.

After a long time, the golden ape sighed: It's difficult! It's difficult! It's difficult!

The old demon ancestor was here, looking at Xu Ying from a distance, and said leisurely: So, let's choose a side first.

There, in front of Xu Ying, countless branches flying in the sky in the collapsed immortal palace were the true form of Liu Shengtao, the elder of the Liu family.

The sword promised earlier was extremely overbearing. The Purple Netherworld Saber fell from the crown of the old willow tree and almost hit the root!

The surging power of the sword shattered countless branches, and the big tree was almost split in half!

Fortunately, the roots were not injured, and clan elder Liu Shengtao was not dead. But what kind of powerful immortal weapon is the Purple Nether Sword?

The peerless magic sword forged by the emperor once cut off Xu Ying's magic weapon, so that when Xu Ying sees this sword, he feels as if he has been cut by a knife, and the pain is unbearable.

The power of the sword invaded clan elder Liu Shengtao's tree body, breaking his path and causing injuries all over.

Countless branches flying in front of Xu Ying were like tentacles, and clan elder Liu Shengtao was twitching in pain.

He wanted to restore his true body, but the emperor's Taoism was much greater than his, making it impossible for him to decipher the Taoism contained in the sword.

Xu Ying sheathed his sword and his voice was loud, as his consciousness spread throughout the ancestral court of the demon clan: I promise, this brother plotted against me on the road, so I killed him. I am a guest invited by the demon ancestor. I have no ill intentions, but I will not let others bully me. I will kill this demonic dragon today to serve as a warning to others!

As soon as Xu Ying said this, the masters from each of the major demon clans originally exuded amazing demonic aura, and even sacrificed ancient immortal weapons with great power. At this moment, they all stopped and there was no movement.

An Qi flew over. Hearing this, he quietly raised his tail and secretly praised: A Ying is gradually becoming more knowledgeable. It's because I taught him well.

He suddenly thought that when he and Xu Ying separated, Xu Ying was still a rough guy. Apart from his ability to solve immortal runes, he had no talent at all. How come you are so knowledgeable after being separated?

It can be seen that the person who teaches Xu Ying knowledge may not be himself.

The big willow tree suddenly closed its branches forcibly and joined together, but there was still a faint light of sword in the middle of the tree, which seemed to be revealed from the tree.

An old man with gray hair walked from the broken palace on crutches and said in a hoarse voice: Master Xu, that evil dragon hurt you, but I have no enmity with you, so why did it hurt me?

This gray-haired old man is the clan elder Liu Shengtao, who has transformed into a human body.

Behind him were many members of the Liu clan, one of whom shouted: Sacrifice the body of the Great Sage and fight with him!

Ling Siyi felt awe-struck in her heart, and hurriedly flew forward, opened her hands to stop Xu Ying, and shouted: Young Master Xu is a distinguished guest invited by the Demon Ancestor, who dares to mess around?

The physical body of the Great Sage is the golden body left behind after the death of the Great Sage of the demon clan. After being sacrificed by the demon clan, his previous cultivation was retained with the power of incense. After being sacrificed, it becomes extremely powerful, just like the resurrection of the Great Sage. It is extremely powerful.

The Liu clan members were furious: Can the guests of the Demon Ancestor hurt people?

The elder Liu Shengtao paused his crutches, motioned them not to make any noise, and recalled to Lingsi: Although Mr. Xu is a respected guest of the Demon Ancestor, he hurt me for no reason. This matter cannot be let go. If Mr. Xu hurts me with a knife, then he will be killed. Keep the knife. When the old man recovers from his injuries, he will naturally return the knife.

Ling Siyi hesitated, knowing that the reason why Xu Ying did not come to the Demon Clan's ancestral court with the emperor's son Jin Buyi was to refine the Purple Nether Sword again. He planned to use this important weapon of the Xian family as a gift to Jin Buyi to help Jin Buyi seize the throne.

Jin Buyi was good at swordsmanship, and the Purple Netherworld Sword was suitable for him. Liu Shengtao asked for the Purple Netherworld Sword, so how could Xu Ying be willing to give it to him?

But if the promise is not given, the Liu family will have a reason to dispatch the body of the great sage.

The Liu family is also determined to aspire for the position of Demon Emperor, and they will definitely not let this opportunity pass by, and will try their best to eliminate Jin Buyi's reinforcements!

Suddenly, Xu Ying drew out the Purple Nether Sword again and said leisurely: Do you want this knife?

The light of the Purple Netherworld Knife reflected the surrounding area in purple. Xu Ying's eyes fell on this magical weapon, and he waved the knife gently. The stars in the sky also flew with the dance of this magical weapon, as if the sword energy had invaded the Milky Way. , swinging up the stars in the Milky Way!

Suddenly, Xu Ying held up the knife with both hands and said with a smile: In that case, please put the knife away.

Liu Shengtao stepped forward, getting closer and closer to the Purple Netherworld Saber. He stretched out his hand to grab the Purple Netherworld Saber. Suddenly his expression changed and his steps froze in place.

Behind him, in the huge ancient willow tree, a sharp sword energy suddenly burst out of his body, as if it was going to tear his real body apart!

Liu Shengtao snorted, his eyes fell on Xu Ying's face, and he said solemnly: Young man, a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake. If you hand over this knife, you can still save your life.

Xu Ying smiled and said: It's not like a fierce dragon can't cross the river. If I want this sword, just come and get it.

Liu Shengtao stretched out his palm, still one foot away from the Purple Netherworld Sword in Xu Ying's hand.

He only needed to take half a step forward to grab the knife in his hand.

However, this half step seems to be the distance between life and death, which is difficult to cross.

Liu Shengtao encouraged his cultivation and tried his best to suppress the injury, but the knife wound was still like a gangrene attached to the bone, getting stronger and stronger as he suppressed it.

The closer you get to the Purple Netherworld Sword, the stronger the damage from the sword becomes and the more difficult it is to suppress!

There was blood seeping out of his clothes, and it was green blood.

Liu Shengtao mobilized all his magic power to suppress the injury. He suddenly raised his foot, took half a step forward, grabbed the handle of the knife with his palm, and lifted the Purple Netherworld Knife!

At this moment, the purple sword light burst out of his body, forming a line from his forehead to his crotch. There was a hiss and blood splattered everywhere!

Liu Shengtao was flatly split from the center, split in half by the sword's intent!

The Purple Netherworld Sword he had just grasped suddenly fell out of his hands and fell into Xu Ying's hands again!

Xu Ying raised the knife with one hand, turned around, with his back to everyone, the long knife slowly slid through the air, filled with purple energy, and said with a smile: If you don't take this knife, you won't die. This knife, Not everyone can get it.”


In the palace of the Liu family, the ancient willow tree suddenly erupted with sword light, splitting the tree in half from the middle!

The two halves of the tree made a loud rumbling sound and fell to both sides. The sound was terrifying!

Liu Shengtao, the elder of the Liu clan, died!

Xu Ying sheathed his sword and said loudly: Xu Ying, a Sanye Sanye, has been invited to come and ask to see the Demon Ancestor!

The fragments of the Fairy Court of the Demon Clan are scattered, and on each fragment there are different demon clans who have established aristocratic families, forming a large force. At this moment, on these fragments, masters of the demon clan are looking here one after another, and they see Liu Shengtao being killed by the sword energy. Excited to death, each is awe-inspiring.

Ling Siyi said quickly: Xu Tianzun, please come this way!

Her heart was pounding wildly. It seemed that Liu Shengtao grabbed the knife and was stirred to death by the knife's energy, but in fact he was killed by Xu Ying.

As soon as he arrived at the Demon Clan's ancestral court, he killed the elder of the Demon Clan to establish his authority. If the Demon Clan's power rebounded, even if he had the name of the Demon Clan's ancestor, he would probably die without a burial place!

In the fusang tree, Demon Ancestor and Taoist Wukong watched Xu Ying and his party coming this way. Suddenly, the Demon Ancestor shook his head and said: Xu Ying acts domineeringly, but he is easy to break if he is strong. He used the Emperor's Purple Netherworld Sword to teach the Liu clan a lesson. He wanted to establish his authority and warn all the demon clan forces not to treat him and Jin Bu. Wrong thinking.

He sighed and said: But he forgot one thing. After all, the demon clan was once the race that ruled the world. There were still three thousand nails left after the ship was destroyed. The demon clan can survive to this day. Which aristocratic family has not produced several demons? The great sage of the clan? I don’t think highly of him.”

Wukong Taoist said: But in this world, if you are not domineering and gentle, what achievements can you make? You are so gentle that after your death, you will be manipulated by the elders of various tribes, and you will have no power at all. I have seen it. I hate him. I like him.

Demon Ancestor's heart was filled with anger, and he couldn't hold it back any longer, so he shouted: Hozen!

Taoist Wukong smiled slightly: If your tree fell, the hozens would have dispersed long ago.

The demon ancestor was trembling with anger, and the hibiscus tree also trembled.

Taoist Wukong said solemnly: The Demon Ancestor is dead but not stiff, and his residual magic power is still quite large! If we fight with him, I may not be able to hold back my strength and beat him to death.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said: Old...old man, please don't get angry or hurt yourself. I will make amends for you.

The demon ancestor's anger has just subsided a little.

Taoist Wukong smiled and said: After all, you have experienced the existence of the Demon Emperor of the Ten Dynasties, but you are still so petty. You will get angry just by saying something to you. Calm down. Xu Ying is here.

Demon Ancestor quickly walked to his throne and sat upright.

With his long sleeves fluttering, Taoist Wukong found a futon and sat under the Demon Ancestor. Although he is a golden ape, he has an immortal spirit.

The two people have solemn treasures, their eyes look at their noses, and their noses look at their hearts.

After a while, Taoist Wukong smiled and said, If you have something to ask for, do you want to be so solemn?

The Demon Ancestor smiled and said, It is true that I have something to ask for.

They both relaxed.

Xu Ying followed Ling Siyi and entered the temple among the hibiscus trees. He saw the Demon Ancestor walking towards him. Ling Siyi quickly bowed and said: Old Ancestor, my disciple Ling Siyi is lucky to be here. In disgrace, I invited Mr. Xu.

Xu Ying stepped forward and was about to pay his respects when he suddenly noticed that there was a golden-haired ape sitting next to the old Taoist, wearing a yellow robe. Isn't it the missing body that he picked up from the Supreme Realm?

Monkey, monkey...

When he said this, he suddenly remembered Fairy Qingqi's instructions, and he quickly said in surprise: Senior Golden Monkey, are you still alive? It's really a lucky person who has his own destiny, it's really great!

Taoist Wukong smiled and said: I have some things to do, so I saw you guys healing, so I left without saying goodbye. When I came back, you were no longer there, so I came here to wait. Little friend Xu doesn't know my origin, and there are poems to prove it! In the early days of Hongmeng To rectify the original non-nature, to break the stubbornness, one must be enlightened. This is where my Taoist name comes from.

Xu Ying said happily: Xu Ying has met Senior Asexual!

When Taoist Wukong heard this, he hesitated: Do I want to repay the favor of saving my life, or should I just beat him to death?

Xu Ying observed the words, had a sudden thought, and said with a smile: Senior, I must have misunderstood. Then senior must be called Ming, Ming... Xu Wukong, right?

Taoist Wukong turned his anger into joy and said with a smile: There is an extra character Xu. I am here to repay the favor, and I will leave after repaying the favor.

Xu Ying smiled heartily: Senior, this trivial matter is not worth mentioning. I originally rescued senior, but I just planned to take his body back to see if I could make a magic weapon or something. It was not with the intention of saving people. Fortunately, senior is not dead. , if he died, he would have been refined into a magic weapon by me at this moment.

Taoist Wukong was also on tenterhooks, secretly thinking he was lucky, and said with a smile: Although you don't want to repay the favor, I must repay the favor.

His golden eyes were shining brightly as he looked at Xu Ying, frowning and thinking silently.

Seeing that he was in trouble, Demon Ancestor smiled and said, Xu Xiaoyou, do you know why I invited you here?

Xu Ying saw the gift and guessed: Could it be that the disciples were repairing the sky in Lihentian, which alarmed the Demon Ancestor, so the Demon Ancestor wanted to ask me to repair the heaven and earth avenue in the Demon Clan's ancestral court?

The Demon Ancestor smiled and said: Yes and no. Your enlightenment on mending the sky in Lihentian really shocked me. Although the heaven and earth avenue of my Demon Clan's ancestral court was also broken, there is no need for you to repair it. After I recover, I will It can be completed.”

Xu Ying was puzzled and asked, Senior, why do you want me to come?

The Demon Ancestor smiled and said: Because you enlightened the Tao and mended the sky in the Lihen Heaven, and opened the cave in the Immortal Realm. The Cave in the Immortal Realm can refine the Yao Pond Immortal Liquid, and this thing can heal my Dao injuries. After my resurrection, the Heaven and Earth Avenue in the Demon Clan's Ancestral Court, Naturally complete.”

Xu Ying suddenly realized: I see. However, I have opened up six immortal worlds and caves, and none of them has the effect of Yao Chi's immortal water.

His six caves in the fairy world correspond to physical activity, spiritual consciousness, soul power, vitality, yin and yang and mental power respectively. No cave can refine the spirit of the fairy into the fairy water of Yaochi.

The Demon Ancestor smiled and said: I have an ancient book here, which records the method of understanding the ten caves. It's a pity that no one in our Demon Clan can understand it.

Xu Ying's face changed slightly and he asked anxiously: Who is the person who wrote the method of enlightenment?

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