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Chapter 477 Demolition!


Xu Ying and Ling Siyi were getting closer and closer to the ancestral court of the monster clan, but they saw all kinds of monsters everywhere in Qinglong Ruins. Suddenly, a crow as tall as a man stood on a branch and croaked, Xu Ying is here! Xu Ying is here!

Xu Ying looked around and saw a group of crows fluttering their wings and flying away. There were also wolves, martens, roe deer and other monsters flying on the ground. They all shouted, Xu Ying is here!

The next moment, the mountains and plains were filled with the cries of various monsters: Xu Ying is coming!

All kinds of cries were like a flood, spreading all over the countryside.

Have I been here before? Xu Ying asked.

Ling Siyi shook his head and said: You probably haven't been here before. If you had been here, Han Demon Emperor and the others would definitely recognize you, and they wouldn't take action against you.

Xu Ying wondered: Since no one recognizes me, why do they know that I am Xu Ying?

Suddenly Xian Qi's voice came: A Ying is here?

Among the vast mountains, there is a giant snake raising its head, as huge as a mountain, swimming from the mountains and rivers shrouded in clouds and mist, it is Gong Qi.

The monsters who shouted Xu Ying is here stopped shouting and prostrated respectfully on both sides of the road, letting the giant snake swim by.

When the giant snake saw Xu Ying, it immediately transformed into a fat and white boy, and said happily: A Ying, you are finally here! It's not worth my wait here.

Xu Ying said in surprise: Why is Master Qi waiting for us here?

An Qi looked around vigilantly and said: The ancestral court has not been at peace recently. The date for selecting the Demon Emperor is approaching, and there are always some strange things happening. Lord Jin has been attacked six or seven times, and some people don't want him to become Demon Emperor. Lord Jin was worried that someone didn’t want you to enter the Demon Clan’s ancestral court alive, so he asked me to wait here.”

Xu Ying asked: Is Master Jin safe?

Most of those who came to attack him were taken away by Jingtong.

Xian Qi praised, The ancestor god's clean bucket is convenient. After the sacrifice, no matter how much cultivation you have, they will all be put into the bucket to make excrement. With this clean bucket, Jin Ye has collected several extremely powerful elders of the demon clan. .”

Xu Ying felt relieved and asked Ling Siyi: Miss Siyi, the demon clan is in such chaos that even the elders dare to sneak attack on the emperor's son, won't the demon ancestor be held accountable?

Ling Siyi explained: The body of the Demon Ancestor died, leaving only the immortal spirit. It is just a symbol of the spirit of the Demon Clan and has no real power. The power of the Demon Clan is in the hands of the Demon Emperor and the elders of each clan. At first, he did not find it. During the time of the Imperial Clan bloodline, everyone was clamoring, and there were quite a few people who planned to establish themselves as emperors. Now that we have to select the Demon Emperor, there must be someone with great ability who is ready to take action, and maybe he will take the opportunity to ascend to the throne.

Xu Ying frowned. With such a monster clan, even if Jin Buyi ascended the throne, it would be difficult to convince the public.

Xian Qi glanced at Ling Siyi and said: The ancestor's clean bucket is not perfect. The person who came to attack last night was not put into the bucket and escaped from the power of the clean bucket. Master Zhong and the insect mother watched. After counting the people coming out, I guess it was probably a visitor from the fairy world who took action. Miss Siyi probably has a lot of things that she has not explained clearly to Ah Ying.

Xu Ying understood, and followed Xian Qi's words and asked: Miss Siyi, is your demon clan's ancestral court still connected with the fairy world?

Ling Siyi glanced at Xian Qi and said with a smile: The connection between the people of the demon clan and the fairy world has never been broken. There are many ancient giant beasts in the world of heaven, which are from the ancestral court of the demon clan.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart, and suddenly remembered that when he entered the world of heaven, he did see many ancient giant beasts living in the world of heaven, and their lives were very comfortable!

There are people within the demon clan who are colluding with the immortal world. Doesn't it mean that the demon ancestor doesn't care about this? he asked.

Ling Siyi smiled and said, Why do you ask? The Immortal Realm is so powerful that it is a good thing for some of the demon clan to seek refuge in the Immortal Realm, so that the Immortal Realm will not exterminate the demon clan. This is the wisdom of the Demon Ancestor. Besides, the God of the Heavenly World is the Ancient Giant. It evolved from a beast and can be regarded as the power of our demon clan.

Xu Ying was stunned. He really couldn't figure out the relationship between the gods and the demon clan. He shook his head and said, But the fairy world will never stop interfering with the demon clan because of this. It will only interfere more and more deeply!

Ling Siyi shook his head and said: It's useless for Mr. Xu to tell me this. I am not the one in power of the demon clan, and the ones in power of the demon clan are not the demon ancestors, but the major demon emperors and clan elders.

The three of them were walking and talking, when suddenly a cold light shot out, directly taking the promise. The cold light was like a snake swimming, but it was a spine, filled with strong evil aura, making people feel like they were falling into a cold pool!

The Great Sage Immortal Soldier from the Immortal Court Era?

Ling Siyi's face changed slightly, she held up a willow branch, stirred the willow leaves, and headed towards the Great Sage Immortal Soldier. Her willow branches are refined from the branches of the Demon Emperor Dao tree. They grow in the wind and are moderately soft and hard. They are swung like a long whip and wrap around the spine.

Suddenly, an ancient and incomparable demonic power burst out from the Great Sage Immortal Armament, as if a great demon standing tall on the sky was resurrected, filled with demonic power, and shook the willow leaves away.

Xu Ying immediately noticed the extraordinary quality of the Great Sage's Immortal Weapon. He had seen many of the Immortal Weapons in the Immortal Realm. Most of the Immortal Weapons were imprinted with Taoism and carried the energy and blood of the person who made the weapon. Even better, let the immortal weapon have spirituality, be able to practice independently, and be more powerful.

But the demon clan’s immortal weapons are different.

This kind of celestial weapon is often taken from a key part of the demon clan strongman himself, refined into a magic weapon, and refined into his own essence, spirit, and Taoism.

Even if the weapon refiner dies and the descendants obtain the immortal weapon, they can still activate the spirit and energy hidden in the immortal weapon by the strong demon clan, and explode with unparalleled power in an instant!

At this moment, the string of vertebrae was like a great sage of the demon clan coming to life. Even if Ling Siyi's willow branch was a magical weapon made from the branches of the demon emperor's Dao tree, it was suppressed by it!

Ling Siyi moved the willow branches, swimming like a dragon in the air, using softness to overcome hardness, making it impossible for the Great Sage Immortal Soldier to approach, but he was also shaken to the point of being unstable.

When An Qi saw this, he immediately offered the Vajra Zhuo. The Vajra Zhuo soared into the air, and the two qi of Yin and Yang turned into a Tai Chi diagram and appeared in the Zhuo. He was about to trap the spine-shaped Great Sage Immortal Soldier into the trap when suddenly another piece of demonic energy surged into the sky. The treasure spun and headed straight for Xian Qi's neck, but it was a shield made of huge scales.

The edge of the shield was extremely sharp, covered with jagged teeth, and was harder than ordinary fairy gold. The next moment it came to Anhui Qi's neck.

An Qi turned over and jumped back. King Kong Zhuo flew back and hit the shield with a clang.

The shield was as smooth as a mirror, and thick immortal textures appeared on the mirror surface. When it was hit by the diamond, the textures snapped and cracks appeared at the impact point.

What a powerful silver bracelet, it even broke my Azure Dragon Immortal Shield! A scream came from the distance.

Before the voice fell, the ground shook and the trees fell down. A huge thing the size of a small mountain rumbled straight towards Xu Ying. It was a bear demon covered in black armor, holding a sledgehammer made from animal bones. With a loud roar, he swung the giant hammer with both hands, raised it high, and used all his strength to hit Xu Ying down!

The bone hammer is also a great sage immortal weapon. When the bear demon sacrificed it, the ancient essence hidden in the bone hammer suddenly burst out. However, another majestic figure appeared behind the giant bear, with a dragon head and body and four arms. , also raised the phantom of a sledgehammer, and smashed it down with him!

That is the spirit of the great sage of the demon clan hidden in the bone hammer, and it is inspired by him!

The Great Sage Immortal Armament made from the spine and the demon shield made from the dragon scales were all to cover up this strike and prepare for this strike to kill Xu Ying!


Under the hammer head, the demonic power condensed and crushed the space. Before it could fall on Xu Ying, countless fragments of the space were crushed out and flew everywhere!

Xu Ying raised his head, and suddenly nine magic weapons including the Five Sacred Mountains, the First Mysterious Passage, and the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron were arranged neatly behind him, forming a dragon-shaped arc behind him.

This is exactly how the nine realms are arranged in the human body.

The nine realms of the human body are connected by the thirty-three heavens and the Tianhe formed by the Tianshan Mountains. The thirty-three heavens and the Tianhe formed by the Tianshan Mountains are like the backbone of a dragon. Each realm is like a dragon's tail, claws, mouth, and head, arranged forward until the jade. Beijing.

Xu Ying used his magic power, and the nine magic weapons immediately formed a set of external realms, from the Five Sacred Mountains to the Jade Capital City, all connected!

At this moment, he stepped into wonderland.

Xu Ying raised his hand and used the Dao Hammer Seal of the Eight Methods of the God of War to face the bone hammer. He heard a loud bang, and the demon power and Dao light of destruction were everywhere around the bone hammer. The demon clan great sage was refined into the bone hammer. As a result, a lot of his energy and energy were wiped out.

The bone hammer was beaten into the sky, and the bear demon roared. The bear's paw holding the bone hammer was rubbed with blood by the flying bone hammer.

Xu Ying jumped into the air, came to the bear demon, and flicked his fingers. His fingertips were still dozens of feet away from the bear demon. A hole opened in the bear demon's forehead, and then the back of its head exploded and blood mist flew.

Xu Ying flew through the air between his forehead and his head, his clothes flying, but not stained with any blood.

These were the clothes given to him by the Supreme Demon. Although they were luxurious, they were also extraordinary magic weapons.

Xu Ying passed through the bear demon's corpse and flew through the dense forest behind the bear demon. He raised his hand in vain, but saw the shadows of nine heavens and ten earths appearing behind him.

He pressed his palm down, and the mountains in front rumbled and shook, sinking to the ground. The huge pressure even crushed the mountain where the ancient Qinglong's corpse was transformed!

The giant demon hiding in the mountain was still controlling the Great Saint Immortal Armament made from the spine. Feeling the terrifying power, he didn't care much and immediately roared and revealed his true form.

It was a toad with six big eyes, crawling among the mountains. Its body even exceeded the mountains. With a roar, its neck expanded rapidly, and the surrounding air flow surged.

The six-eyed golden toad suddenly stood up on its hind legs, exerted all its strength, pushed up with both palms, and faced the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths King Seal!


The Dao King Seal suddenly fell down, crushing the giant monster of the demon tribe to the ground, beating his intestines to pieces with one palm, and died under the huge palm print!

The so-called Tao King is the king of the great road.

The magical power created by the emperor has the courage to dominate the world. This magical power did not show the Tao king style in Mr. Yuchuan, but it was fully displayed in Xu Ying.

Even if the emperor is here, if he sees Xu Ying's magical power, he can't help but give a thumbs up and praise me for being so wonderful.

Xu Ying killed the six-eyed golden toad with his palm, and his body floated forward, surrounded by wind and clouds, and bursts of thunder from the sky. The black clouds were so powerful that they were threatening to destroy the city.

Ahead, there was suddenly a demonic cloud billowing, but it was a demonic dragon flying in the clouds and mist, soaring from the mountains, riding the demonic cloud and escaping in the wind.

That demon dragon was the demon warrior who activated the dragon-scale demon shield. Although his dragon-scale demon shield was broken by King Kong Zhuo's blow and all the Dao patterns exploded, it was not that the dragon-scale demon shield was not good enough. The power of King Kong Zhuo is too strong.

However, the demon dragon was frightened by Xu Ying's two moves to kill the two powerful demon clansmen. He was so frightened that he did not dare to fight with him, so he ran away immediately.

Xu Ying followed him leisurely. No matter how fast the demonic dragon was, he could always keep up.

The demonic dragon was horrified and shouted loudly: Elder Liu, help me! Elder Liu, save my life!

Elder Liu clan?

Ling Siyi's face changed slightly after hearing this, and she immediately grabbed the uncontrolled Great Sage Immortal Soldier, feeling uneasy in her heart, Could it be that the Liu Clan ordered them to plot against Xu Ying and prevent Xu Ying from entering the Demon Clan's ancestral court?

The Great Sage Immortal Armament was forged from the spine of the Great Sage of the Demon Clan in the Immortal Court Era. It is famous among the Demon Clan and is called the Thirty-Three-Day Golden Lock.

Ling Siyi felt happy and worried at the same time as she accepted this immortal soldier. She hurriedly speeded up and chased Xu Ying.

Behind her, a big snake suddenly flew up from the clouds and mist, and suddenly lifted her up, but it was Xian Qi who used the diamond sword to smash the dragon scale demon shield and quickly chased after her.

Xian Qi said quickly: The Liu clan's elders have a very deep foundation. If Ah Ying chases the demon dragon to find trouble for the Liu clan's elders, it will probably be bad!

Ling Siyi deeply believed that the Liu clan was always a family of the demon clan and one of the largest forces in the ancestral family of the demon clan. In the history of the decline of the demon clan, many demon clan great saints appeared in the Liu clan.

Even if these great sages of the demon clan died, they left behind countless wealth and supported the prosperity of the Liu clan.

Even the four demon kings must give face to the Liu clan elders.

He sent people to plot against Xu Ying. Xu Ying could only suffer the loss of being dumb and must not cause trouble for him, otherwise the trouble would be big.

The demonic dragon drove the demonic cloud into the head of the Qinglong skeleton and disappeared.

Xu Ying followed closely and stepped into it. The next moment, the magnificent Demon Clan's ancestral court came into view.

The fallen hibiscus tree supported the sky of the Demon Clan's Ancestral Court. The Demon Clan's Immortal Court of all dynasties fell and was scattered all over the Ancestral Court. One end of the extremely thick chains was connected to the earth, and the other end was tied to the fragments of the Demon Clan's Immortal Court. These fairy garden fragments flew higher and higher.

The demon clan used these fragments of the fairy court as the foundation and established various demon clan territories on them, which were extremely prosperous.

Even if the world outside is shattered, the Demon Clan's ancestral court is still prosperous.

Elder Liu, save me——

The demon dragon flew towards one of the fragments of the demon clan's fairy court suspended in the air, but saw that in that holy land, the palaces were lined up in rows, at different heights, and in order. There is a big willow tree in the palace, ten thousand feet high, with hanging willow branches fluttering in the wind, exuding a monstrous aura.

The demonic dragon rushed into the fairy palace and quickly climbed up the big willow tree.

In the palace, many monster clans flew into the air and shouted loudly at Xu Ying from a distance: Who dares to invade my Liu clan's territory? Send your name!

Without saying a word, Xu Ying took out the Purple Netherworld Sword, activated his magic power, raised the sword, and slashed it down!

An Qi carried Ling Siyi and rushed into the ancestral court of the Demon Clan. Before he could call Xu Ying, he saw purple energy in the sky, and a sword beam struck through the air, crashing into the Immortal Palace of the Demon City!

The many powerful men of the Liu clan who stood in front of Xu Ying were frightened and fled in all directions. However, wherever the sword light passed, the houses collapsed, and all the immortal palaces and palaces fell apart!


The sword light slashed at the monster big willow tree, cutting the demon dragon hiding in the tree in two. The exciting sword light swept in all directions, cutting off countless willow branches, and almost split the ancient willow tree in half!

On the ancient fusang tree, Taoist Wukong saw this scene from a distance. He suddenly became curious and asked sideways: Old... Demon Ancestor, you invited Xu Ying to the ancestral court to demolish the house? Why did you invite him? You invited me. ah!

————The big boss reservation is over! Do you guys enjoy watching it for free? There are still two days left for the private limited free event, the 11th and 15th respectively, and there are still four chapters left!

Thank you to Mr. Zhaicai for your strong support!

In addition, another side story of Mu Shen will be updated on the 14th. If you refresh the directory of Mu Shen now, you will see the first story about Bai Xuer and Qin Mu.

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