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Chapter 444 No one can ascend!

The jade statue is the clone of Tianzun. There is a ray of soul in the clone. At this moment, the soul is also burned in the fire of eternal karma. The burned face of the soul of Tianzun is distorted and ferocious, but it does not utter a single scream!

What's even more terrifying is that he was struck by Xu Ying's Killing Immortal Sword Qi!

This sword energy stirs in his soul, and may kill his soul at any time!

The twisted soul of the Heavenly Lord stared at Xu Ying and suddenly said: I recognize you. The traitor Xu Ying. Do you think you are playing house when you come to the world of heaven? If you do this, you will only anger me. You already have an enemy, Emperor, don’t offend another person you can’t afford to offend!”

Xu Ying waved his hand gently, and the Zhuxian Sword Intent exploded, tearing him to pieces.

Ji Jue frowned slightly. Tianzun's split soul was just a ray of Tianzun's soul. It was so powerful. If the true body came, just a wisp of breath could crush them both to death!

Ah Ying, donor, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We must leave as soon as possible. He was a little nervous.

Wait a moment.

Xu Ying turned around and returned to the temple to sacrifice the Water and Fire Cauldron. However, he saw this heavenly treasure rising into the sky, and countless gorgeous heavenly runes, large and small, appeared on the sky of the entire heavenly world, circulating endlessly in the air.


Lights of heavenly light shot out and were nailed to the water-fire hybrid cauldron. The power of this cauldron gradually increased and became stronger and stronger.

Xu Ying's eyes also had the divine light of heaven shooting out, staring at the Water and Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron, imprinting the law of heaven.

In the sky above his head, the power of Heaven swarmed and swept across, forming a huge incarnation of Heaven, standing tall with the sky and the earth, at the same height as the world of Heaven, shining bright divine light, forming various Heavenly seals with him, and sealing them on the Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron!

This is the incarnation of Heavenly Dao formed by condensing the power of the Heavenly Dao World. Its power far exceeds the incarnation of Heavenly Dao that can be formed in Penglai Fairyland. At this moment, Xu Ying even feels like he has become the God King of all heavens and worlds.

It seems that at this moment, he has endless catastrophic power and can bring catastrophe to any world and any life!

He can even deprive any life, or even the life of any world!

This huge and terrifying catastrophic force was refined into the Water and Fire Mixed Heaven Cauldron by him and the incarnation of Heavenly Dao!

When the power of the Water-Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron reaches its limit, Xu Ying finally masters the operating rules of the Heavenly World and directly changes the rules set by Tianzun.

Jijue Buddha was extremely nervous and kept looking at the sky. He saw the scene of the Thunder and Fire Industry Department in the Immortal Realm reflected in the sky above the temple. Although the Thunder and Fire Industry Department was calm at the moment, there were clouds moving quietly.

A Ying Donor, hurry up, we should go! he urged loudly.

Xu Ying formed more heavenly seals with his hands and used them to refine the water-fire hybrid cauldron. This large cauldron is completely compatible with the imprints and rules of the heavenly world.

Suddenly, Ji Jue saw silhouettes flying into the Thunder and Fire Engineering Department of the Immortal Realm, leaving streaks of fairy light in the sky of the Immortal Realm. He quickly shouted: If you don't leave, it will be too late!

In the Leihuo Engineering Department, big flags flew up and fluttered in the wind.

Ji Jue didn't care much, grabbed Xu Ying's hand and ran towards Tongtian River.

Xu Ying urged the incarnation of the way of heaven, and the incarnation of the way of heaven was still making various palm prints towards the water and fire mixed heaven cauldron seal.

This big cauldron flew towards Xu Ying, and there was a faint feeling that the cauldron was integrated with the world of heaven.

But the next moment, the extremely powerful incarnation of heaven suddenly fell into pieces and disintegrated under the power of immortality.

Xu Ying sighed secretly, took back the Water-Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron, jumped into the Tongtian River with Ji Jue, and fell down the river into the lower realm.

After they left, the sky in the Heavenly World exploded, and countless immortal lights swished and fell from the sky. Tens of thousands of immortal gods descended on the Heavenly World in an instant, in neat formations, and the formations were astonishing!

Then, one after another, the important artifacts of the Immortal Path appeared from another time and space, like one continent after another floating in the sky, shaking the wind and clouds.

Just now, these powerful weapons of the Immortal Dao were used to kill Xu Ying's seemingly extremely powerful incarnation of the Dao of Heaven. The incarnation formed by the condensed power of heaven in the entire world of heaven is simply vulnerable to the powerful immortal weapons of the First Prefecture, Second Academy and Third Division of the Lei Department!

The Thunder Chief and the Ten Thousand Gods were originally wiped out, but the immortal world was full of talents and had long since replenished these two divisions.

The immortals in the first government, the second hospital, and the third department looked solemn and said nothing.

Has the Heavenly Lord arrived yet? the Lord of the Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion asked.

All the Immortal Kings and Immortals from the Five Thunder Academy, the Exorcist Academy, the Thunder Division, the Thunder Division and the Ten Thousand Gods Lei Division shook their heads.

Tianzun asked us to handle such a trivial matter, so why should we come in person?

There are five thunder kings in Wuleiyuan, all of them are immortal kings, in charge of the important weapons of the immortal family. The five thunder kings glanced around and frowned. I saw that the gods were slaughtered, leaving only the ancient behemoths and the ancient behemoths here.

The way of heaven here has been tampered with!

The deified Thunder King frowned and said, The way of heaven is different from the way of heaven taught by Tianzun. That thief promised to tamper with the way of heaven, how brave a dog is!

The mighty thunder king soared into the sky, grabbed the sky of the world of heaven, and shouted: Just change his heavenly runes back!

When he took action, he saw various heavenly runes suddenly appearing in the sky, which were extremely gorgeous and reflected the rainbow all over the sky.

Immortals from various offices, courtyards and departments looked up one after another, each showing a shocked expression.

Although the heavenly runes laid down by Xu Ying were pulled by the Divine Power Thunder King, they were not torn off by him. Although the Divine Power Thunder King was an Immortal King, his cultivation strength was on par with the Immortal Lord.

His tug can even shake the world of Heavenly Dao!

In the Five Thunder Courtyard, all the Lei generals, Lei commanders, Zhongsi, and Cao bureaus obeyed the order and raised the Five Thunder flags!

With the command of the mighty thunder king, nearly ten thousand immortals under the jurisdiction of the thunder generals, thunder commanders and other immortal generals of the Five Thunder Academy all used their magic power to activate the souls and sacrifice the five thunder weapons.

The five thunder weapons are five large flags. The flags are unfolded, and the Taoist text of the Xian family's divine thunder is written on the flags, which are divided into five types of thunder methods: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The five thunder kings of the Five Thunder Academy each waved their flags, and suddenly they saw the runes of Xu Ying's brand in the world of heaven being shattered one by one, and most of them were soon destroyed.

When the mark of Xu Ying was completely gone, the five thunder kings each collected their five thunder flags and looked up.

I saw the power of heaven gathering in the sky, and the promised mark of heaven was once again formed without any change.

The five thunder kings and the immortals from the third division of the Exorcist Academy were each startled and secretly said something strange.

The Lord of Yuqing Mansion said: In the world of Heaven, there used to be a Heavenly Treasure to suppress luck. Now that the Heavenly Treasure, Jade Ruyi, has been destroyed, it must have been promised to this beast, stealing the sky in exchange for the sun, and replacing it with other magic weapons. This magic weapon must also be a Heavenly Treasure. A treasure.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar.

The way of heaven is in the hands of Lei Bu. Lei Bu Tianzun came into being at the time. He is a born god who controls the way of heaven. Seeing that the way of heaven was controlled by the primitive gods, he mourned the misfortune of all living beings and the hardships of people's lives, so he personally wrote three thousand runes of the way of heaven, refined the artifacts of the way of heaven, supported various god kings, selected gods, and recreated the world of heaven.

After the world of Heavenly Dao was built, the people of all heavens and worlds knew that the Heavenly Lord was the orthodox Heavenly Dao.

The people of the lower realm then picked the jade from Kunlun and refined it into Ruyi jade and presented it to the Heavenly Lord. The Heavenly Lord then refined the Ruyi jade into the most precious treasure of heaven to suppress the destiny of the world.

This story is widely circulated in the fairy world!

Now, Tianzun's Heavenly Treasure has been replaced by someone, and the control of the Heavenly World has also been stolen!

The immortal kings from all walks of life in the Exorcist Academy shouted angrily, Change these heavenly runes back!

However, Lord Yuqing looked solemn and called the heads of other departments and departments, saying: Xu Ying is so cunning that he took that heavenly treasure to the lower world. We cannot modify it without destroying that heavenly treasure. His imprint of Heavenly Dao runes. His Heavenly Dao runes are indeed more complete than Tianzun’s.”

When the heads of various departments in various courtyards heard this, they were shocked. The deified Thunder King whispered: Your Majesty, be careful what you say.

The Lord of Yuqing Mansion said: It doesn't matter. There are only three ways to plan now. One is to send experts down to the world to search for Xu Ying's whereabouts, kill him and seize the heavenly treasure. If you can't kill him, you have to destroy the heavenly treasure! The second is Arrange smart people to copy the rune imprints in the world of heaven and study them. After thorough research, we will find ways to crack his imprint. The third is to completely destroy the world of heaven and create another one.

The heads of each department in each academy thought about it and said at once: The third method is not appropriate. If we try to refine the world of heaven, there will be too much noise, and we don't know when and what month it will be completed. The first two methods can be promoted together. .”

Lord Yuqing nodded slightly and said: Now there is another matter, that is, the gods and god kings died at the hands of Xu Ying, and a new group of gods and god kings must be selected. This matter will be left to Lu Xianwang of the Thunder Department. manage.

King Lu Xian bowed and said yes, and led the order to descend to the realm and fly to Wei Xu.

Half a month later, he came to Wei Xu and met Wu Jue and the Ninth Immortal King. The two Immortal Kings entertained them enthusiastically and said, Brother Lu, how come you are here free?

King Lu Xian said: The evil man Xu Ying came to the world of heaven and slaughtered the gods. I was told by the superiors to select a group of gods and kings.

The two immortal kings were shocked: The four great god kings were also killed by him?

King Lu Xian said: Isn't it true? If there are no divine kings and gods in the world of heaven, there will be chaos in the world. You two, please forgive me for not being able to stay for a long time.

The two immortal kings did not dare to persuade him to stay, so they sent him to the Demonic Immortal Realm in shock.

There are many unsane demons in the Demonic Fairy Realm that day. They are masses of black energy. When they see life, they will pounce on them, seize the opponent's body, and occupy the opponent's body.

After all, King Lu Xian was the leader of the Thunder Department, with extraordinary abilities. He quickly gathered hundreds of demons before returning to the world of heaven.

When they arrived in the world of heaven, soldiers from the Thunder Department had already captured the ancient behemoths and branded them with the runes of heaven.

The Immortal King Lu sent each of the heavenly demons into the bodies of those ancient giant beasts. The bodies of the ancient giant beasts were twisted and roared, and soon they transformed into giant gods!

Four of the ancient giant beasts received preferential treatment, with the most heavenly runes imprinted on them, and they became the four great god kings.

They were originally ancient giant beasts without much wisdom. Now they are imprinted with the way of heaven, and they have demons as their souls. They follow the rules of the way of heaven and are powerful.

In the world of heaven, all the immortals sit on their backs, copying the heavenly runes in the sky, studying the mysteries and deducing the mysteries of heaven.

On the other side, Lord Yuqing summoned the scattered people from the immortal world to hunt down Xu Ying in the lower world.

As long as he performs a meritorious service and kills Xu Ying, he can enter the Lei Department and prosper.

Master Fu, why do you want to give this credit to Sanren?

The deified Thunder King was quite puzzled and said, We have many masters in the Lei Department. Are you afraid that there is no one capable of capturing Xu Ying and bringing him to justice?

The Lord of Yuqing Mansion said: I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at our Lei Department now. The destruction of Thunder Dusi and Wanshen Lei Division has caused a lot of criticism. The Lei Department cannot make any more mistakes. If we make any more mistakes, Tianzun's face will be at stake. So. , it is the best way to let the San people in the immortal world hunt down Xu Ying. Moreover, these San people cannot squeeze into the imperial court, so they will definitely fight tooth and nail to enter the imperial court and receive royal pay!

The deified Thunder King said: They don't have the talismans of the immortal world, so they can only cut down to the lower realm. I heard that Xu Ying's cultivation strength is as strong as before. Of these Sanren who have reached the ascension stage, which one is his opponent?

Lord Yuqing smiled and said: You don't have to worry about this. These Sanren have many connections and will definitely try their best to sneak into the lower world. The only problem now is that Xu Ying has mastered the treasure of heaven, blinding the sight of heaven and hearing, so that the immortals in the immortal world cannot Interfering with the tribulation.

With a sad look on his face, he said: I'm afraid it will be difficult for Tianzun to recruit a group of immortals to ascend this time. I can't afford to lose this face.

This time Tianzun issued an order to allocate more than 2,000 ascension quotas. In addition to attracting these Qi Refiners who are about to ascend, they also need to win over the immortals behind these Qi Refiners.

If the descendants and disciples of these immortals were killed, they would undoubtedly not win over these forces, but would have many more enemies.

This is the most troublesome thing for Lord Yuqing, but he cannot tell these immortals not to let his descendants survive the tribulation, otherwise, it will be a shocking scandal and make Tianzun lose his face!

The tide of the Three Realms is coming, and today's fairy world is in troubled times. Countless pairs of eyes are staring at Tianzun. If you make a wrong step, you will be doomed.

Lord Yuqing said in a low voice, Under the overturned nest, how can there be any intact eggs?

At this time, both the immortal world and the heavens and worlds were in chaos.

The Heavenly Lord sends decrees to various worlds, promising places for ascension. The big worlds have many places, the small worlds have few places, and some worlds have none. But this event is definitely an unprecedented event, so countless people are gearing up to prepare for the disaster.

But after all, there are only a few people who can survive the tribulation. Those who have no background also want to survive the tribulation, but they are just dreaming and often die under the natural disaster. Only those who have immortals in their ancestors and who help them overcome the calamity can lift up the clouds and fly to the immortal world to become immortals.

But suddenly it didn't work.

Xu Ying entered the world of Heavenly Dao, restored Heavenly Dao, and changed the rules of Heavenly Dao. Those Qi Refiners who were originally confident about overcoming the tribulation did not wait for the blessing of their ancestors' immortals and were directly killed by the thunder.

For a time, countless people were killed and injured in all the worlds, and those who were hacked to death were all leaders of famous sects.

The immortal world was also in an uproar. It was originally a common practice for immortals to help their descendants or successors of Taoism to overcome disasters.

When a certain immortal in the immortal world dies and a carrot pit is vacated, it is a well-established rule that one of his own is promoted to the immortal world to occupy the pit.

Now, the immortals in the fairy world have discovered that the road to incense has been cut off, and they cannot intervene in the lower world through the world of heaven. If you want to ascend, you can only rely on your true ability to overcome the tribulation and ascend. Each of these immortals complained quite a lot, especially those whose descendants or descendants were killed by the heavenly calamity. It was unkind to complain about the Heavenly Lord.

At this time, the emperor was invited to drink tea by Yuanjun. Yuanjun said with a smile: You have been operating in the world of heaven for tens of thousands of years, and it was not easy to replace the thunder and fire department with your own people, and control the world of heaven with the thunder and fire department. It's just that you didn't Do you think of it? The Heavenly World you have obtained will be handed over to you once the Heavenly Lord gives an order.

The emperor drank tea and said calmly: Many descendants of immortals have died in the lower world because of the promotion quota. Tianzun is definitely not such an upright and selfless person. In my opinion, something big will happen in the world of heaven. Those who lose control of the world of heaven will , not me, but Tianzun!

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