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Chapter 443 The Lord of Heaven

Xu Ying has a piece of immortal talisman from the Yuanshou world in his hand, which he has never used. If he sacrifices this treasure, he can return to the world of heaven.

He sacrificed the immortal talisman to the mortal world, and saw the jade tablet shining brightly, and a ray of light fell from the sky, penetrating the heavenly world and the mortal world.

Xu Ying and Ji Jue flew into the skylight and flew up along the skylight. After a while, they saw a layer of void between the heavenly world and the mortal world. There was a long river in the void, flowing between the heavenly world and the mortal world. .

This river is a river that reaches the sky, but for some unknown reason, it has been hidden by people and has never appeared in the world.

Xu Ying and Ji Jue flew over the Tongtian River and looked around, only to see that the Tongtian River extended in all directions, like the root system of a big tree in the sky, connecting all realms.

And flying along the light, you can see a huge ferry in the distance, with fairy trees, fairy trees and other objects carved from giant trees, docked at the ferry.

At this time, those gods who had previously entered the mortal world with the four great god kings, preparing to capture the traitor Xu Ying and perform meritorious service, also returned to the world of heaven one after another. They were in chaos one after another, shouting: Now that the four heavenly kings have passed away, the world of heaven has If there is no master, then we should establish a god king!

A group of gods were noisy: My god should be the Xuanli God King!

Why do you, Tianli, qualify to become the God King? Don't I, Tianji, become the God King of Xuanji?

This time it's my turn to be the God King, right?

Are you a god king? Is your name Xuan Tiao?

They were still arguing, and suddenly Xu Ying and a young monk walked out of the ferry, and the gods suddenly became stunned.

Xu Ying walked steadily, flying among these huge and weird gods, looking at the world of heaven. I saw that the sky in the world of heaven is like a bright mirror, which can reflect all kinds of things in the heavens and the world.

Many ancient behemoths and ancient alien species live in this strange ancient continent. Resplendent temples stand between heaven and earth, extremely majestic. Many heavenly beings come in and out of those temples, probably serving the gods. people.

Some temples are even larger, with white jade stone steps laid down from the sky, wide and thick, passing through the clouds and reaching the ground. Thousands of Heavenly Daoists are crawling on those huge stone steps, wiping the dust on the stone steps.

Xu Ying acted as if there was no one around, floating among the majestic gods, looking down at the heaven and earth, as if he was inspecting his own territory.

The gods looked at him blankly, wanting to take action but not daring to do so.

They couldn't help but think of all the rumors about Promise, which were the terrible legends left by their ancestors. Legend has it that on the shattered road to heaven, Xu Ying was like a god of death, killing countless gods and immortals along the way, from the immortal world to the mortal world like chopping melons and vegetables!

Just now, Xu Ying killed the four great god kings, showing such majesty!

With a move of his hand, the four great god kings were wiped out in ashes!

Xu Ying continued to look around, and saw thick copper pillars standing between the sky and the earth. It was unclear whether the pillars were solid or hollow. There were many reliefs on them, depicting the fighting postures of gods and some runes of unknown meaning.

He looked up and saw that the sky corresponding to the most magnificent palace was the most magnificent. The scene of the fairy world appeared outside the sky, corresponding to a fairy mountain palace.

Despite the extreme distance, Xu Ying could still see the words on the most magnificent portal in the palace.

Thunder and Fire Industry Department! It should be a yamen in the fairy world, right?

Xu Ying withdrew his gaze and took a long breath. The vitality of heaven and earth here was stronger than in the mortal world. He also saw rays of ascending rays of light connecting to the world of heaven. After reaching the world of heaven, they were cut off, like harvested leeks, neatly cut.

However, observing the direction of the rising glow, it should be connecting to the fairy world through the world of heaven!

And in the sky, there is still some fairy spirit falling. It seems that it should be the fairy spirit that ascends into the rays of light and leads to the fairy world, but it is intercepted when it passes through the world of heaven.

Who can tell me what's going on with these soaring rays of light? Xu Ying asked.

The gods of heaven stared at each other with big eyes. After a moment, the God of Plague said: The purpose of ascending to the rays of light is to connect with the fairy world. The fairy world sprinkles the aura of fairy spirits, allowing the ascended ones to be reborn. So I, the world of heaven, will withhold a little of it and let all the gods It is used for spiritual cultivation, and if there is an immortal who comes down, you must also show some filial piety.

Xu Ying said: You are not withholding a little bit, but you are not giving any.

He shook his head.

The ascending rays of light are connected to the fairy world, but when the rays of light come to the world of heaven, they are cut off. What is spread through the rays of light to the lower world is only the vitality of heaven and earth in the world of heaven and earth.

As far as Xu Ying could see, he could see stubbles of rising rays of light, just like leeks.

A crop of leeks harvested by the gods.

Those who have ascended have transcended tribulations and ascended. After experiencing life and death, they will be exploited by you again.

Xu Ying shook his head, You guys really deserve to die.

As soon as he said this, the expressions of the three hundred and sixty gods changed drastically. Someone suddenly shouted, Butian Dao Formation, join hands to refine him!

Before he finished speaking, Xu Ying's Heavenly Dao Dojo was already spread out, and artifacts of Heavenly Dao flew out from the water and fire cauldron. These artifacts were previously controlled by these gods. However, at this moment, the imprint on the artifacts has been taken by Xu Ying. master!

When Xu Ying was in Yan Baoer's life, he was good at refining magic weapons, so it was not difficult for him to change the imprints on these magic weapons.

What's more, his cultivation strength has surpassed these gods by many!

The God of Plague was split open by the Heavenly Sword, and as soon as the spirit escaped from his body, he saw the Heavenly Drum vibrate, beating him to pieces. The God of Heavenly Law had just activated the Divine Power of Heavenly Law, and the next moment Tiansuo flew in and pierced His forehead!

The Heavenly Sword flew like a sword and cut off Tiantiao's head. The Heavenly Secret was put into the umbrella by the Heavenly Umbrella and refined into ashes.

Tian Tiao died in the Heaven Pot, and Tian Shang died in the light of the Heaven Mirror!

In just a short moment, the world of Heavenly Dao became a slaughterhouse, with corpses of dead gods everywhere. There were other gods fleeing desperately, rushing towards the Tongtian River. Some gods even tore the sky directly, intending to violate the laws of heaven and go down to the lower realm!

In the great world of Yongkang, the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful, and the sky is clear.

Suddenly, the sky split open, and the huge body of God Tianfeng tore open the sky, and descended from the world of heaven!

The body of the god was like the condensed form of a hurricane, with a huge body and eyes like the eye of the wind, extremely powerful. However, the Yongkang World is a big world after all, with a long heritage, and many immortal kings and immortal monarchs are born in this world. The holy land here is like a forest. Which holy land does not have ten or twenty rising rays of light?

Not to mention the gods, even the king of gods has to bend his back and be cautious when he comes here.

However, the next moment, the people in the Yongkang world saw that the god of heaven was suddenly poured into the boundless sky fire. The wind assisted the fire, and it actually burned in the body of the god of sky wind. In an instant, the god of heaven was burned into a ball of ashes. Falling from the air!

The people in Yongkang Great World were stunned. In each holy land, the Qi Practitioners opened their mouths and looked at the falling ashes, speechless for a long time.

In the Longxing World, there are also gods who suddenly tear apart the sky and lean into the lower world, trying to escape from the world of heaven. Suddenly, a steel fork stabbed out from behind, impaling the god!

The huge fork even pierced the barrier between the two realms, causing the sky to bleed, and the divine blood flowed down like a waterfall.

The god was not dead yet and let out a shrill scream, but the next moment an extremely huge ax fell and chopped off the head of the god.

Similar scenes also occurred in Changyang, Zhuanzhou, Helin, Yingtian, Pingjiang, Canglang and other worlds. In these places, gods also escaped, and before they came, they were killed by the divine weapons of heaven!

There were even gods who escaped from the world of heaven and came to the lower world, but were killed by the heavenly artifacts that fell from the sky!

This scene is thrilling, cruel and outrageous.

Something must have happened in the world of Heaven! People in these worlds were frightened and secretly speculated.

It didn't take long before the three hundred and sixty righteous gods of heaven were promised to be killed. As for the other gods who were not righteous gods, they were often the gods of the earth and other gods in the heavens and the world, and were not among the righteous gods.

Jijue Buddha watched this scene and quietly threw a few rays of Buddha's light on Xu Ying. Seeing that Xu Ying had no reaction, he thought to himself: Is he immune to my Dharma?

After a while, he finally confirmed: A Ying Donor is not affected by the six-character curse, but he is so cruel himself!

Many ancient behemoths in the world of heaven are also trembling and do not dare to approach.

Xu Ying walked in the air, his steps were not fast, but his speed was very fast. Wherever he passed, heavenly artifacts as big as mountains rose into the sky and merged into the sky.

All kinds of vast Heavenly Dao runes suddenly appeared in the world of Heavenly Dao, overlapping and replacing the original runes of this world.

Xu Ying walked forward unhurriedly. It didn't take long for all the Heavenly Dao artifacts to be integrated into the Heavenly Dao world, integrating with the world, refining the rules of the Heavenly Dao world and replacing the original rules!

Suddenly, Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he walked towards the highest temple in the world of heaven. Jijue Buddha quickly followed him.

I saw an unknown number of Heavenly Daoists gathered inside and outside the temple, guarding the temple. They were full of murderous intent and had the courage to protect this hall with their own flesh and blood.

Xu Ying walked forward and with a flick of his hand, countless Heavenly Daoists immediately flew up, danced and fell in all directions.

When Ji Jue Buddha saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Xu Ying would continue his previous cruelty and go on a killing spree to kill all the heavenly Taoists. Unexpectedly, Xu Ying just sent the Heavenly Daoists away with a flick of his sleeves, without harming anyone's life.

Xu Ying strode into the hall, where the jade statue of Tianzun was enshrined. In the hand of the jade statue, there is a piece of jade Ruyi, which bursts out with heavy heavenly power, far superior to other heavenly artifacts!

The treasure of heaven that suppresses the world of heaven!

Xu Ying was shocked. He had just refined more than 300 heavenly artifacts and realized that he could not completely change the rules of the heavenly world. There should be a center.

It is this jade Ruyi that controls the operation of the world of heaven!

Xu Ying jumped up and grabbed Yu Ruyi. Suddenly Ji Jue shouted: Be careful!

The young monk suddenly moved sideways and stood in front of Xu Ying: Infinite Golden Body!

In front of the two of them, the jade statue of Tianzun suddenly opened its eyes, and a thick voice came from the jade statue: How presumptuous!

The jade statue of Tianzun waved the jade Ruyi, the most precious treasure of heaven, and then smashed it down. For a moment, the power of heaven was so heavy that the two of them could not breathe!


Ji Jue's whole body was covered with golden light, and the shadow of a big bell appeared, whistling around him, but the big bell immediately shattered under Yu Ruyi!

Yu Ruyi hit Ji Jue on the head, and a large piece of the young monk's forehead was dented, causing two arrows of blood to spurt out of his nostrils.

The surging air wave caused by this blow caused the entire walls of the temple to fly out, leaving only pillars!

Even Xu Ying was very envious of Ji Jue's immeasurable golden body. He believed that only by cultivating the Six Secrets to the ninth level could he refine his physical body to be comparable to Ji Jue's.

In fact, Ji Jue's physical body is indeed extraordinary. Several zombie kings in Yingzhou besieged him, but they were unable to break his infinite golden body. They killed him for more than ten days without even injuring him at all.

And the jade statue of Tianzun holds the jade Ruyi, and with just one blow, it breaks the infinite golden body. This kind of combat power is far better than that of the Immortal Lord!

If this blow fell on Xu Ying, it would probably shatter Xu Ying's body and soul, leaving only the immortal true spirit!

And this is just a jade statue of Tianzun standing in the world of heaven.

Xu Ying let out a long roar, and the six caves and heavens all opened, and the five great treasures were sacrificed to serve as realms, and he activated the Immortal Killing Sword Qi to meet the jade statue of the Heavenly Lord!

At the same time, Ji Jue was beaten so badly that he almost thought he was going to die. Unexpectedly, the next moment he heard a powerful message of life from Xu Ying, and his injuries were healed in an instant!

Not only that, he had just received a blow from Ruyi, the Supreme Treasure of Heaven, and suffered serious injuries from Heaven. This kind of heavenly way is different from his Buddhist way. The pollution of the heavenly way not only polluted his wounds, but also invaded his physical body and eroded his Xiyi realm and soul.

For him, this kind of heavenly injury was extremely difficult to remove, but the next moment, all the heavenly injuries were wiped away by Xu Ying!

Ji Jue was surprised and delighted: Donor Ah Ying and I support each other, he is my jade plate to return to the path! Great mercy and compassion!

He and Xu Ying, one on the left and the other on the right, attacked Tianzun crazily. Xu Ying shouted and shouted, while Ji Jue shouted out the name of the move with full force every time he made a move. It was full of power!


It's so exciting!


Xu Ying offered the Water-Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron and sneered: Why are all the gods my father-in-law? I didn't expect to inherit it from you!

The big cauldron met Yu Ruyi. The two treasures were both heavenly treasures, but one was refined by Tian Zun and the other was refined by Xuan Kong God King.

The power of the water-fire hybrid heaven cauldron made by Xuankong God King is a bit weaker than the jade Ruyi made by Tianzun, but it was the jade Ruyi that was damaged by the collision!

Although the jade Ruyi is also a heavenly treasure, it is also imprinted with three thousand heavenly runes, but most of these runes are missing. If he hadn't encountered the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron, it would have been fine. Would he have been able to exert a power that seemed even more powerful than the Huntian Cauldron? But when he encountered the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron, all kinds of flaws would have been revealed immediately!

Yu Ruyi collided with the water and fire Hun Tian Cauldron several times, and then made a clicking sound, and was broken by the big cauldron.

There was no jade Ruyi in the hands of the Tianzun jade statue, and it immediately became weak. Just as it blocked Ji Jue's stick, it was hit by the eight desolate sun refining seals promised, and staggered back.

Before he could stand still, he was faced with Ji Jue's Buddhist magical power, and he was lifted into the air.

However, Xu Ying in the sky stirred up the anger of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and the divine thunder came from the Nine Heavens and struck hard on the forehead of the jade statue of Tianzun.


The Buddha's light rushed down from his top door, and the jade statue of Tianzun fell from the sky. It flew up to meet Xu Ying's move and penetrated the jade statue.

Ji Jue pushed out his palms: Immortal disaster!

Behind him appeared the great Buddha spirit, and he pushed out his palms. Immediately he saw immeasurable karma fire coming in, wrapping around the jade statue of Tianzun and falling into the karma fire!

Xu Ying used the Zhuxian Sword Qi and slashed it all the way from the top door of the Tianzun Jade Statue to the soles of the Jade Statue's feet.

The jade statue suddenly cracked, split into two halves, and slowly fell to both sides.

Xu Ying slowly straightened up and dissipated the Zhuxian Sword Qi, feeling a surge of heroic spirit in his chest.

From today on, I am the Lord of Heaven! No one can ascend!

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