Choose a day to soar

Chapter 438 A tragic day in Ning Qing

Xu Ying was swept up by the torrent of geomagnetic energy and headed towards Yingzhou. He seemed to be sitting on a ball of radiant waves, still staring at the sea of ​​chaos without moving.

I really can't!

The Buddha's light behind Xu Ying's head dimmed a lot unknowingly, and the word mourn in the desolation, violence, sorrow, and violence had an effect. He stood up, shook his head and said, I never understood the fairyland of Niwan Palace in my first life. Why should I force it?

His interest faded, he shook his head and walked toward Yingzhou on the geomagnetic current.

Because he killed many corpse immortals and ghosts, Jijue Buddha was chased and intercepted by those corpse kings. He had room to move before, but now that the geomagnetic current has stopped and become shorter and shorter, he is quite embarrassed.

Jijue Buddha was fighting and escaping. He caught a glimpse of Xu Ying and shouted loudly: Ah Ying, almsgiver, save me——

Xu Ying glanced at him, his eyes full of pessimism and world-weariness. He shook his head and said, Buddha, you and I will die sooner or later. What difference does it make whether it is sooner or later?

Jijue Buddha was sluggish and was beaten to the point of rolling over by a corpse king.

Fortunately, his golden body was so powerful that even the attack from Corpse Lord could not kill him.

The other corpse kings ran wildly, chasing and intercepting him, throwing all kinds of magical powers at him desperately, and Jijue Buddha shouted and hid.

Xu Ying turned a blind eye, turned a deaf ear, and unknowingly walked out of the geomagnetic torrent and returned to Yingzhou.

He came to Xujiaping and sat on the stone steps, bored. He didn't want to fight, take revenge, or open the last cave.

He couldn't even muster the energy to practice swordsmanship.

The voice of Jijue Buddha came from afar: A Ying Donor, please save me quickly, the Dharma in you is invalid! Only after you save me can I save you!


He was knocked away by a corpse king and hit a mountain in the distance. The corpse king jumped up and hit it hard. Even the fairy mountain was shaken and the mountain was cracked!

Xu Ying withdrew his gaze and continued to be lost in thought.

Not long after, a sudden laugh came from a distance: Heaven has been kind to me! I finally got the recognition of the Jade Plate of Returning to Dao, and obtained the supreme inheritance!

The source of that laughter was Mr. Ning Qing.

He hid in a fairy mountain in Yingzhou, and used the method taught by Guidao Yupan to impose a ban. Even the corpse immortals and ghost immortals from the corpse ghost immortal domain led by Pingnan Tianjun could not find him.

During this period, Master Ning Qing refined the jade plate and obtained the supreme skills recorded in the jade plate. After practicing, he made some small achievements and his cultivation strength improved by leaps and bounds. He couldn't help but be ecstatic!

He suddenly noticed Xu Ying on the stone steps of Xujiaping. He was startled and wanted to run away.

Xu Ying put his chin in his hands and glanced at him sadly, but still there was no movement.

Young Master Ning Qing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he didn't come to snatch the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao. He thought to himself: Why should I be afraid of him? He defeated me last time, but it was just that there was a flaw in my father's technique. When he noticed it, he I won by luck. This time I got the supreme skill, the Da Dong Creation Gui Yuan Jing, and he is no longer my opponent!

Xu Ying sat there motionless, but this attracted Young Master Ning Qing's interest and flew over to him.

Xu Ying, don't you envy me when I get the Jade Plate of Returning to Dao?

Young Master Ning Qing landed in front of Xu Ying, held up the jade plate for returning home, and said leisurely, This treasure is the most precious treasure. You jumped into the plate and couldn't get it. You didn't expect that this treasure would fall into my possession. In your hand?

Xu Ying was not interested and did not look at him.

Young Master Ning Qing said: I originally practiced my father's supreme Xuanyuan Yutang method and thought that this method was invincible. After being defeated by you, I noticed the flaws in my father's method. I originally planned to ask you for advice on the way of heaven and make up for it. There are flaws in Quan Yutang Dafa. But after getting the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao, I discovered, what is Yutang Dafa?

He smiled arrogantly: I have something better now! The Dadong Creation Guiyuan Sutra and even the Zun-level skills. With this method, I can cultivate to become an emperor! But in the fairy world, there are carrots and pits. I want to cultivate to a higher level. Realm, the best way is undoubtedly to ask my father to move his butt and give me the position of Tai Sui Tianzun. Only then can I get enough resources to cultivate to a higher realm!

Xu Ying glanced up at him and said casually: Your father will not give up his throne to you.

He must give in!

Young Master Ning Qing was full of confidence, If you don't want to give in, you have to give in!

Xu Ying asked curiously: The Da Dong Creation Gui Yuan Jing is someone else's technique. You learn other people's techniques and don't have your own path. Aren't you ashamed?

No shame!

Mr. Ning Qing sneered, Others have built a carriage, do I have to reinvent the wheel? Just use it if you have it. There is no need to be demanding about innovation. No matter whose shoulders I stand on, as long as I stand high enough, others will be on my shoulders. Feet.

Xu Ying thought thoughtfully and whispered: He is not ashamed, but proud. He can be so shameless, so why should I be morally noble? I can't understand, so why should I be ashamed?

Thinking of this, he was in high spirits, and the depression caused by the influence of the word mourning was immediately swept away.

Young Master Ning Qing said: Xu Ying, I lost to you in the Wei Ruins, but I won't lose to you this time! Get up, you and I will fight again! I'll show you the supreme technique!

Xu Ying stood up, suddenly a fierce look appeared on his face, and a violent anger arose in his heart, and he said: How dare I see the Supreme Kung Fu? Mr. Ning Qing, please don't joke.

Young Master Ning Qing was very satisfied and said with a smile: Don't worry, I won't kill you. After all, you didn't treat me harshly last time...

Then be cruel this time!

Xu Ying shouted loudly, his voice like thunder piercing his ears. He used the Taoist sound to mobilize his spiritual consciousness and directly blasted into the mind of Young Master Ning Qing.

Mr. Ning Qing's head was buzzing, and Xu Ying covered his face with a palm. Xu Ying pushed his face, pressed his head, dragged his body, and with a roar, he crashed straight from this fairy mountain to Another fairy mountain!

A hundred miles flies by in a blink of an eye!


Mr. Ning Qing's head hit the fairy mountain first, causing the fairy mountain to fall from the sky. It fell for more than ten miles before it stabilized!

His whole body sank into the fairy mountain. Xu Ying laughed loudly and punched him wildly one after another. He only heard a loud bang-dong-dong sound coming from inside the mountain, and the next moment the backside of the mountain exploded!

Xu Ying knelt on Master Ning Qing's chest, pressed him down and fell from the sky, crashing into the earth with a roar!

Mud waves surged on the ground and rocks shattered, forming a large pit with a radius of dozens of acres and a depth of dozens of feet.

Xu Ying laughed loudly, turned over and jumped into the sky. The five caves behind him opened up, raising the vitality, spiritual consciousness, mental strength, soul and yin and yang to the extreme. The Five Mountains, the Water and Fire Cauldron, the Twelve Layers, Blessed by the Immortal Yaochi and the Third Heaven Pass, the Heavenly Dao Dojo is fully open. If you make a wrong step, you will be in the realm of the Five Immortals!


He raised his hand and unleashed the Killing Immortal Sword Qi. The sky was filled with murderous intent, and the sword Qi that destroyed all things came to the bottom of the pit in front of Mr. Ning Qing in the next moment!

Young Master Ning Qing was beaten until all his bones were shattered, and his soul was almost separated from his soul. He lay blankly in the pit, watching the incomplete sword come in front of him!

The sword intent that destroyed the heaven and earth crushed his Taoist heart, leaving his mind blank. He forgot all about the Jade Plate of Gui Dao and the Great Cave Creation Gui Yuan Sutra, and he couldn't remember anything about it.

I'm going to die... There was only one thought in his mind.

The Zhuxian Sword Qi was about to pierce him. Suddenly, Xu Ying's face changed drastically, and he forcibly dispersed the sword Qi. He stood in the air in a daze, muttering: I am not like this, this is not me, I was affected...

He yelled and jumped away.

Young Master Ning Qing narrowly escaped death. It took him a moment to wake up from the frightening scene. He struggled to treat his injuries and crawled out of the pit. His legs were still shaking.

He sacrificed the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao and activated the Great Cave's Creation Guiyuan Sutra. The energy of creation in the Jade Plate of the Returning to the Dao exploded, and his physical body and soul returned to the original state without any damage.

But the psychological damage caused by Xu Ying's crazy scene cannot be repaired by the Return to Dao Jade Plate.

This bad guy, I must defeat him!

Young Master Ning Qing gritted his teeth and said sternly, This time, I will not listen to his slander and kill him directly! Xu Ying, come out!

His voice was loud and shrill, resounding throughout the mountains.

After a while, Master Ning Qing's consciousness spread out in all directions, and he finally found traces of Xu Ying.

He jumped up and came to Xujiaping. In a mansion, Xu Ying was huddled in the corner, curled up, holding his hands on his shoulders, as if he was afraid of something.

Young Master Ning Qing was furious and said sternly: Xu Ying, I want to have a fair fight with you and exchange knowledge with each other, but you sneak attack on me, what kind of skill is that? You and I will have a showdown again! This time I will never let you Go first!”

I'm sorry. Xu Ying lowered his head and said.

Young Master Ning Qing was stunned, as if he didn't hear his words clearly, and said in a voiceless voice: What did you say?


Xu Ying choked, raised his head, with tears in his eyes, and said with tears, I know what I did just now went too far. I was cursed by the emperor. The emperor used these six words of desolation, sorrow, sorrow, and tyranny to affect my sanity. I just said It must be very violent, right? I was wrong, I'm sorry for you, I also want to control myself, but I can't...

Mr. Ning Qing's heart softened: I see, I misunderstood you, but your state is very much like being affected by the word Shang.

I kowtow to you! Xu Ying bowed and said.

Young Master Ning Qing quickly supported him and said, How can this make...


Xu Ying lifted his right knee and pushed it hard under his lower abdomen. Master Ning Qing's body was bent like a cooked shrimp, and his eyes were so round that they seemed to pop out of their sockets.

Bang bang bang bang!

Xu Ying hugged his head and pushed his knees continuously. From the top of this fairy mountain to another fairy mountain, Master Ning Qing had lost all sense of pain and his ears were ringing.

Xu Ying laughed loudly, and suddenly urged Hu Tian to realize the Dao Sutra. Big hands fell from the sky and slapped Master Ning Qing from the air to the ground!

Young Master Ning Qing looked up at the sky with dull eyes, and saw Xu Ying offering sacrifices to five fairy mountains and smashing them down with a rumble.

This beast... he thought feebly.

Suddenly Xianshan paused, and Xu Ying's voice came from the pit: We can't do this, we have been affected, and we are not bad people!

Another evil voice came: Bah! What happened to being a bad person? Only by being a bad person can you survive. Have you forgotten what you have experienced in the past 40,000 years? How many good people have you met? According to me, you have to do it Just be an upright bad guy! Start by killing this kid!

Another sneaky voice came: Hush. Be careful if he hears it. Let's not beat him to death all at once, torture him slowly. Hearing his screams makes me happy, hee hee hee...

There was another fierce voice, saying: Cut off his head and send it to his father to see how his father reacts!

Young Master Ning Qing carefully controlled the Jade Plate of Guidao, activated its function, and let the energy of creation in the jade plate envelope his whole body, slowly restoring his flesh-colored soul.

He tried his best not to make any noise, so as not to disturb the promise above, and thought to himself: What's going on? I seem to hear several voices from the promise. What on earth is he doing? But...

He looked gloomy: No matter what he does this time, I will never believe a word of his nonsense again! This time I touched it quietly, without making a sound, and directly activated the Great Cave Creation Guiyuan Jing, catching him off guard!

He quietly floated up, his eyes flashed, and he stared at the direction of the source of the sound. Xu Ying was still there saying: We should kowtow to apologize and obtain his forgiveness...

I believe you are the only one who has ghosts!

Young Master Ning Qing had a ferocious look on his face, and he rushed forward suddenly, involuntarily activating the Great Cave Creation Guiyuan Jing, and slapped out thousands of Guiyuan Jin with one palm.

This blow was so fierce. Xu Ying was squatting there on the big pit. When he heard the voice behind him, he turned around with joy and said with a smile: Master Ning Qing, I sincerely apologize to you...


Young Master Ning Qing's palm with ten thousand rays of Gui Yuan Jin was so powerful. With one strike, Xu Yingheng didn't even have time to grunt, and was wiped out by his palm power, with no bones left!

Young Master Ning Qing killed a powerful enemy with one palm, but his heart was empty, he didn't know whether he was happy or sad.

He thought of Xu Ying's sad yet flattering eyes before he died, and for a moment he felt very uncomfortable. He shouldn't have killed an unsuspecting person like this.

Let me just say, we showed mercy to him, but he never showed mercy to us.

Xu Ying's voice suddenly came from behind him. Master Ning Qing was surprised and happy. He turned around hurriedly, and what came face to face was Xu Ying's Eight Desolate Sun Refining Seal!

Young Master Ning Qing vomited blood and flew away.

Vaguely, he saw two other Xu Ying suddenly appear behind Xu Ying, one from the left and one from the right attacking him.

He was about to activate the Great Cave Creation Guiyuan Jing to resist, when the promise in the middle had already flown up, raised his hand and was covered with the palm seal of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

Young Master Ning Qing hit the ground with a bang, two Xu Yings on the left and right rushed towards him, and three Xu Yings attacked him.

After a while, Mr. Ning Qing, with a bruised nose and swollen face, lay motionless on the ground, looking up at the sky with lifeless eyes.

Not far away from him, Xu Ying was still whispering, as if there were five or six people arguing there, some with rough voices, some with thin voices, some vicious, some cruel, and some full of hostility.

After a while, the voices gradually became rarer.

Not long after, Xu Ying came over with a smile on his face: Master Ning Qing, I'm really sorry. I was previously affected by the Emperor's Six-Character Curse, so my words and actions were absurd. Now I have figured out a way to fight against it.

Mr. Ning Qing lay on the ground and moved his eyes to show his disbelief.

Xu Ying activated Yi Qi to transform into three pure beings, and three more Xu Ying, dressed in blue, white, and yellow, each walked down from the cloud above his head. Xu Ying smiled and said: I use these three heaven and earth souls to contain the emperor's great curse. If the sealing curse falls on the three pure souls, it will not affect me.

Mr. Ning Qing's eyes lit up, he struggled to get up, and said: I just want to have a fair fight with you...

With a smile on his face, Xu Ying said with a smile: We also want to learn the master's supreme skills.

The corners of Young Master Ning Qing's eyes twitched: We? There are six words in total for Desolation, Sadness, Violence, and Tyranny, but only three people can be transformed into three pure beings with one energy. Where are the remaining three? Could it be...

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