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Chapter 437 I’m not as good as me

Jinhe Sword Lord and Pingnan Tianjun followed closely behind the gray-haired scholar, passing through the waves and entering one world after another, but they did not stay in those worlds.

Jinhe Sword Lord looked at Pingnan Tianjun and had no intention of continuing.

He felt melancholy in his heart. He was originally the Immortal Lord of the Immortal Realm. Whether he was encircling and suppressing the Beiyin Emperor or suppressing the Immortal Realm of Corpses, he was acting under orders and had to do what he was responsible for.

However, if the fairy world is not the so-called fairy world, why should I obey the orders of the so-called fairy court?

He had a feeling of spiritual philosophy suddenly collapsing and becoming disillusioned.

He once thought it was orthodox, but he didn't expect it to be anything but orthodox.

The boundary monument of the Earthly Immortal Realm had a greater impact on Tianjun Pingnan.

He died fighting for the immortal world. He thought he died a great and noble death, but he was not treated fairly after his death, so he was filled with resentment. But now he suddenly realized that he seemed to have died in the wrong way, and the fairy world was not what he thought at all.

The two of them were confused and had no idea where the scholar named Xu Jing was going or why they were following him. They only knew that they were following his footsteps.

Why are you following me?

The scholar Xu Jing turned around and said with a smile, You are free now. You can go wherever you want.


Jinhe Sword Lord and Ping Nantian Lord each smiled bitterly. They were indeed free, but they also lost their direction and were confused about what they were doing in this life.

Since you have nowhere to go, then follow me to the ancestral court. Scholar Xu Jing said with a smile.

He crossed a wave of waves, Jinhe Sword Lord and Ping Nantian Lord followed him, and the world of the early Yuan Dynasty came into their eyes.

Most of this world has been demonized and the avenues are twisted.

When Pingnan Tianjun saw this, he was filled with grief and anger, and said sadly: Back then, we and the soldiers fought hard to eradicate the demon atmosphere, but the fairy world can't even defend the country we conquered!

What if the so-called magic atmosphere is not magic atmosphere? Scholar Xu Jing turned around and said with a smile.

Pingnan Tianjun snorted, his face looked a little unhappy, and he whispered: This is the country I conquered, you little bastards...

They passed through the great world of Yuanchu and came to the boundless sea of ​​fire, waiting for the ferry.

When the ferry came, the demon on the boat was shocked when he saw them, but he still carried them through the sea of ​​fire.

They passed by the Immortal Tomb of Zhenjun Erlang. The Immortal Tomb shook violently. The peerless evil creature suppressed in the Immortal Tomb emitted a torrent of fierce power, impacting the Immortal Tomb and destabilizing the immeasurable sea of ​​fire.

I'm afraid this immortal tomb won't be able to suppress the things in Laojun's Bagua furnace.

Scholar Xu Jing said, We can help so that the Immortal Tomb can be suppressed for a while longer.

Pingnan Tianjun said coldly: I am the Heavenly Lord of the Immortal Realm, and Erlang Zhenjun is the Demon Lord. Why should I help him suppress the things in Laojun's furnace? Maybe those suppressed in the furnace are my fellow immortals!

Xu Jing looked at him with a smile and said in a persuasive manner: Does the fairy world really exist? Without the fairy world, where would the devil come from?


Pingnan Tianjun's corpse energy was violently turbulent, but he was speechless.

Lord Jinhe Sword offered sacrifices to the Jinhe Sword and said, The man in the tomb is a righteous person and must not be a bad person. I'm here to help him.

Tianjun Pingnan snorted and also activated his cultivation. Xu Jing smiled slightly, and six caves appeared behind him. They were extremely ancient and distorted the starry sky.

The three people stood on the boat, their respective dojos erupted, and each cast their magic power. For a moment, the surroundings of the Immortal Tomb were colorful, suppressing the overwhelming evil energy!

You are an immortal! Jinhe Sword Lord and Ping Nantian Lord said in unison.

Just now, he mobilized the dojo and used the magical power of sealing, which was the method of immortality. Therefore, the two people immediately saw that he was also an immortal, and his cultivation level was extremely high!

Scholar Xu Jing smiled and said: You are immortals, so naturally I am an immortal too.

It's just that, how come I haven't heard of or seen an Immortal Lord like you?

Lord Jinhe Sword said, If you were in the immortal world, you must be extremely famous. There is no way I wouldn't recognize you!

No one has become an immortal in the past 40,000 years. It is naturally impossible for the scholar Xu Jing to ascend during this time. If he had ascended before and was an Immortal Lord in the Immortal World, he would naturally be a prominent figure in the Immortal World.

But he had never heard of such a person in the immortal world.

Scholar Xu Jing smiled and said: I passed through the tribulation forty-eight thousand years ago.


The two shook their heads categorically. The evil man caused a super catastrophe, making it extremely difficult to overcome the tribulation. He also interrupted the path to heaven, making it impossible for people to ascend. There is no way anyone could have survived the tribulation forty-eight thousand years ago!

I am going through a tribulation in the immortal world.

Scholar Xu Jing said, I also cultivated to become an Immortal King in the Immortal Realm.


The two of them said in unison, and were so surprised that the demon holding the boat looked at them again and again. Jinhe Sword Lord said categorically: If you were to ascend in forty-eight thousand years, you would never be able to become an Immortal Lord! In the Immortal Realm, every step forward in cultivation requires great achievements. Without merit, there will be no resources!

Pingnan Tianjun said: One of the big reasons why I risked my life in the battle of the ancestral court is that I need this kind of military exploits so that I can obtain more resources and territory in the immortal world and become the supreme master. Recently. For more than 40,000 years, the immortal world has been peaceful, and you have no chance to make meritorious deeds.

Sword Lord Jinhe nodded: If you can cultivate from human immortal to earth immortal, you have made rapid progress.

Scholar Xu Jing smiled and said: I am in Yingzhou, which means I am in the fairyland.

With a smile on his face, he said: I have a very powerful child who stole an immortal mountain from the immortal world called Yingzhou, where I cultivated to become an immortal king.

Pingnan Tianjun said: Yingzhou is very big, and the resources of the entire Yingzhou can indeed support you to become an Immortal Lord, but if you want to break through to Tianjun, it is not enough.

Jinhe Sword Master's heart moved slightly: Your child's name is Xu Ying?

Xu Jing nodded slightly, very proud.

Lord Jinhe Sword said: Xu Ying was in Yingzhou just now. I have seen him.

Scholar Xu Jing was extremely excited and said quickly: Have you seen him? He is in Yingzhou? Is he looking for me?

Lord Jinhe Sword said: He went to look for you. But he didn't find you. He didn't know you left Tianhai.

The scholar Xu Jing was in a daze. He had been practicing in Yingzhou and tried many times to sneak into the fairy world to find Xu Ying. However, after Xu Ying ascended, he never came down again.

Has he sought revenge on Kunlun this time? he asked.

Jinhe Sword Lord was startled and asked in doubt: You practiced in Yingzhou and never left? Don't you know? After he stole Yingzhou, he came down from the immortal world and was intercepted on the road. The immortal true The spirit has been suppressed for more than 40,000 years.”

Scholar Xu Jing stood there blankly, motionless.

I don't know. He just asked me to practice in Yingzhou and leave the outside matters to him...

He suddenly shouted, and in the immeasurable sea of ​​fire, the fire of Tushita rose into the sky. The fire was like anger, filled with grief and indignation, exploding in the sky.

He has never understood why Xu Ying has never looked for him in the past 40,000 years. Is he really so busy, or has Xu Ying forgotten the Kunlun tragedy and is enjoying happiness in the immortal world?

Is it because he is a rebel and Xu Ying needs to avoid suspicion?

He had all kinds of speculations, and finally after cultivating to the realm of Immortal Lord, he could no longer sit still and looked around for a way to leave Yingzhou.

He tried to sneak into the fairy world from Yingzhou, but failed. He tried to enter the six other shores, but found that the outside was just void and had nowhere to go.

He did not wait for the geomagnetic torrent on the other side of Huangting in Yingzhou and Weixu, but before that, he discovered that the sea in Yingzhou might lead to the outside world.

So he left Yingzhou.

I didn’t expect to leave this time and miss the meeting between father and son.

He also didn't expect that Xu Ying hadn't come to see him for more than 40,000 years, not because he didn't want to, but because his physical soul was killed, everything was suppressed, and he became an immortal god who wandered in the world and was manipulated by his destiny.

The demon held the boat, and the ferry finally reached the other side of the boundless sea of ​​fire.

On the shore, the basalt beast drove Penglai towards this side.

The goddess floated on the Penglai Fairy Mountain and looked at the scholar Xu Jing on the boat with a smile.

Yingzhou is so big that it is as vast as the world. After Jinhe Sword Lord and Ping Nantian Lord left, only corpse immortals and corpse ghosts were left here. Xu Ying received help from Jijue Buddha and became sane, with Buddha light flowing behind his head, just like a young Buddha who was dedicated to doing good.

Ji Jue was worried that he would get sick again, so he hung the Buddha beads around his neck and asked him to move the beads all the time.

Grasp the beads with your left hand, and move the beads with a thought in your mind... You will be doomed!

Ji Jue was full of murderous intent, and suddenly a Buddha light flew out, beating a group of corpse immortals to death. Then he ran back, his face full of Buddha light, and said to Xu Ying, God has the virtue of good life, A Ying Donor, you must devote yourself to the Buddha, just like I'm just as peaceful, so I can't be affected by the curse... and be saved!


The ghosts and immortals in the distance exploded in the mighty sound of Buddha, turning into green smoke and drifting away.

Xu Ying always felt that Ji Jue's so-called peace was a bit unreliable. This monk had a beautiful face, but wherever he passed, blood flowed into rivers. Of course, those who died were corpse immortals and ghost immortals cultivated by those immortal corpses with overwhelming resentment. People from harm.

If these corpse immortals and ghost immortals escape from Wei Ruins, they will definitely cause great damage. How can the Qi Refiners in all the worlds be able to defeat them?

At this moment, the sky suddenly shook and Yingzhou was shaking like a drunkard's hands. From the depths of the earth, streaks of rays of light surged up into the sky and gathered into streams in mid-air!

That glow is the light formed by the geomagnetic force ejected from the earth's lungs. It is attracted by the power of the Chaos Sea and gradually forms a torrent hundreds of miles thick, heading straight for the other side of Chaos!

Xu Ying looked at the other side of chaos, his heart moved slightly, and said: Ji Jue, I want to go to the other side of chaos to look for the traces left by my first life!

Jijue Buddha was afraid that if he was not by his side, he would be controlled by the curse, so he quickly said: I will go with you!

Xu Ying flew into the sky, and rushed into the geomagnetic current one after another with Ji Jue, heading towards the other side of chaos.

At the same time, many corpse immortals and ghost immortals also rose into the sky and flew towards the other side of chaos.

They are trapped in Yingzhou and don't know the way out. Without Pingnan Tianjun's corpse ghost fairyland, they will only gradually weaken and decay until they die.

Therefore, they also have to find a way out.

When Ji Jue saw this, he immediately rushed forward and fought with the corpse immortals and ghosts in the geomagnetic torrent.

There were several corpse kings in the torrent, who were very powerful and were attacking Ji Jue. Although Ji Jue's cultivation strength was not as good as theirs, the Dharma restrained them and used the torrent of geomagnetic energy to deal with them.

Xu Ying couldn't help but wanted to use the beads, but he was worried that if he used the beads, he would be taken advantage of by the emperor's sealing spell, so he had to move on.

The other shore of chaos was shrouded in a sea of ​​fire, and its original appearance could no longer be seen. Only the Chaos Niwan Palace stood in the chaos fairy fire.

When Xu Ying came to Niwan Palace, the Taoist method to open the palace door unconsciously appeared in his mind, and then he formed various immortal talisman marks with his hands and stamped them on the palace door.

The palace gate retreated.

Xu Ying walked into Niwan Palace and saw that there was indeed a fairy furnace here, but the scale of the fairy furnace was much larger than that of Huang Ting Mansion.

From the top of the cauldron, a ray of chaotic energy fell down, and was sucked in by the cauldron.

Come to think of it, this is the raw material of Niwan Palace’s elixir of longevity!

This wisp of Chaos Qi has fed countless Nuo Masters and Nuo Immortals, allowing them to live forever. Similarly, this ray of Chaos Qi has also caused countless Nuo Masters and Nuo Immortals to be harvested and turned into leeks.

Xu Ying sighed secretly in his heart, remembering what happened to Yuan Shou.

Now that he has an extraordinary vision, he looks at the various mark patterns on the surface of the immortal furnace, and immediately understands the mystery of the immortal way represented by these mark patterns.

He didn't know where he understood the refining method of the Chaos Niwan Palace, so he could only go to the other side of Chaos to look for clues.

In my first life, I became an immortal seven times and descended to earth seven times. I must have experienced a lot of things, and I must have been to many more places than me. He might have met a chaotic enlightened being somewhere, and he must have experienced a lot. That man understood the refining method of Niwan Palace, so he created this place to refine the energy of chaos into immortal medicine.

Xu Ying speculated while trying to figure out the secrets of the various marks of the Immortal Furnace.

Gradually, Xu Ying discovered that something was wrong.

The immortal runes and ancestral court patterns used in this immortal furnace are all ones I have learned before. It's just that the immortal runes and patterns are mixed together.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he whispered, In other words, in the Chaos Niwan Palace, I did not go to any dojo to understand the existence of the way of chaos. Instead, I used the methods I had learned before to refine this dojo. Use the Chaos Immortal Furnace to refine the energy of Chaos into Immortal Medicine.

Xu Ying thought of this, exhaled a breath, and murmured: I am too powerful. But I am so powerful, it makes it difficult for me to do anything.

He couldn't help but feel a headache. In his first life, he couldn't find the Chaos Dojo and couldn't copy it. So he devoted all his life's learning and used his great wisdom to create something out of nothing, creating a system that refines the energy of Chaos into elixir. Dharma door!

With this method, he created the Chaos Immortal Furnace and the Niwan Palace, benefiting Nuo masters all over the world.

But this also posed a problem for Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was able to open the other five immortal caves in the past. They were all dojos where powerful beings from various ancient eras were studied, and he learned the Taoist methods of these ancient powerful people, and thus realized the immortal caves.

Now, the road is opened by oneself, the road is paved by oneself, and he cannot copy it!

Xu Ying sighed, turned around and left Niwan Palace, closed the door and walked out of the sea of ​​fire.

He was ready to give up.

In his first life, he had not yet comprehended the Chaos Dojo and was unable to open up the Immortal World. He could only build the Niwan Palace and refine the Qi of Chaos.

He has not yet fully awakened the memory of his first life, and it is simply impossible to understand the Chaos Dojo on this basis!

He walked into the geomagnetic torrent, and all kinds of gorgeous geomagnetic lights flashed past in front of him, colorful.

Xu Ying suddenly stopped and looked back towards the other side of chaos.

The sea of ​​chaos is boundless, the other shore is like a leaf swaying in the sea, and Niwan Palace is like a little fire on the leaf.

He hesitated, sat down in the geomagnetic current, and said to himself: In my first life, I was able to create something out of nothing and create a method for refining the energy of chaos. He is me, and I am me. Am I not better than him? Fuck me?

With his eyes widened, he looked closely at the Sea of ​​Chaos, verifying what he had gained from studying various dojos of ancient existences over the past few years, and several days passed unknowingly.

Suddenly, the torrent of geomagnetic energy violently turbulent and suddenly stopped.

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