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Chapter 401 Return to Yuanshou (please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

The insect mother didn't know why she was standing on Xu Ying's shoulder. She didn't know that now was the best opportunity to kill Xu Ying and others, and she wasted the opportunity.

Its intelligence has just begun, and it is not yet good at seizing opportunities.

Four days later, Xu Yingcai woke up under the care of the Seven Immortals of Penglai.

Even though he woke up, he still looked haggard and had no color on his face. After a long time, I recovered a little, but my head still felt like someone was chopping it with an ax.

The big clock was still in a coma, twitching and shaking while sleeping, but the sound was relatively soft. It is like a person with a high fever, shivering with cold.

Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang were still sleeping and did not seem to wake up.

Fortunately, Xu Ying saw the opportunity early and stood in front, otherwise just a look in his eyes would be enough to kill them!

The goddess came with a group of elixirs that looked like strong muscles, and the grave grass was among them. The goddess asked those elixirs that had a soothing effect to treat them. After another two days, Fairy Gushe, Yuan Tiangang and Da Zhongcai one by one wake up.

In the past two days, Xu Ying's headache has gotten better, but he is still a little weak.

Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang were still a little distracted and answered questions incorrectly. Da Zhong also fell into a daze from time to time, or said some nonsense.

When An Qi saw this, he couldn't help but feel horrified and frightened.

After they had recovered a little, it was already ten days later. Xu Ying asked Fairy Gushe what she had seen that day. Fairy Gushe shook her head and said, My eyes just touched the line of cause and effect. I was about to look up when I was noticed. .The cause and effect connected by King Kong Zhuo is really terrifying and far beyond my ability to understand.

Anhui Qi's face turned to earth.

Xu Ying consoled him, Don't worry, Master Qi, you won't be able to wait until that terrifying existence comes to kill you.

An Qi's eyes lit up: That terrifying existence doesn't even bother to kill me?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Before that, you would have been dead long ago. After all, you still have tens of thousands of karma from ancient existences in the fairy world. The chance of them killing you before the horror exists is definitely greater!

An Qi groaned and said in a trembling voice: Can this Vajra be returned to Taoist Taiqing?

Xu Ying shook his head. Taoist Taoist Taiqing had given it to him several times, but he had always rejected it. It was finally delivered to An Qi, how could he let An Qi return it so easily?

Fairy Gushe, if the treasures that the Seventh Master collected from the abnormal area of ​​the ancestral immortal path are returned, can the cause and effect with the ancient existence of the immortal world be resolved? Xu Ying asked.

Fairy Gushe hesitated and said, You can give it a try. It should be able to resolve the cause and effect.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Xian Qi, and said: You take out those treasures first, and we will solve the cause and effect of this fairyland first, and then think of other solutions.

An Qi said honestly: Those treasures were taken away by the dog... the little Tianzun.

Xu Ying was stunned: You gave the things you fought so hard to grab to the little Tianzun like this?

An Qi said aggrievedly: He is your apprentice. He calls me Master Uncle and Master Qi. He calls me a senior. He gives me gifts and so on. He is so good at flattering me. I was so stunned by him that I lost my mind. All the treasures were given to him. He also said that he wanted to find someone to refining these immortal weapons, to imprint the heaven and earth avenue of the ancestral court, and to restore the heaven and earth. By then, I will be the meritorious saint of the ancestral court...

Xu Ying couldn't help but shook his head and thought to himself: Little Tianzun has also learned badly. It takes three years to learn well and three days to learn badly. He was good before, but who did he learn from recently?

An Qi said: I told him that I knew a heavenly craftsman who was very good at refining treasures, so I recommended Patriarch Chanchan to him. Then he ran to all the heavens and worlds to find Patriarch Chanchan.

Xu Ying frowned, then relaxed his brows and said with a smile: Master Qi, don't worry, there will be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. There will definitely be a way. What does Master Qi want to eat or play recently? Yes, go ahead and eat and play. Time is limited, why not hurry up and enjoy it?

An Qi looked at the big clock with a sad face.

Dazhong comforted him: What's the point? Cut off the head and leave a big scar. Eighteen years later, it will be a good snake demon. By the way, Seventh Master, filial piety comes first. You don't have any offspring yet, do you? Hurry up and find a female snake. Snake, finish the matter and stay behind. Don’t leave too hastily.”

An Qi knew that they were full of bad intentions, so he ignored them.

Master Huolong and Han Zekang also came to Penglai, and they were extremely excited. This place is simply a fairyland, and they can receive fairy energy and fairy light everywhere.

The two masters and apprentices soon got together with the Seven Immortals of Penglai, causing them to look down upon them.

Xu Ying was relieved to see their master and apprentice settled down in Penglai. He felt guilty about Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang. After all, it was because of his involvement that they could not survive in the Taishi world. There is a home that cannot be returned to.

But for Master Fire Dragon’s master and disciple, Penglai is better. Because there were only two masters and apprentices left in the Condor Palace, so where else could they go?

Xianzhu Xu, did you find anything in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Realm? The goddess found Xu Ying and asked with a smile.

Xu Ying asked in surprise: What discovery?

For example, a Taoist or something. The goddess smiled.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: Taoist?

After he integrated the great avenues of heaven and earth in the Kunlun Realm, when he left, he indeed seemed to have seen a Taoist priest!

The goddess looked expectant and said with a smile: The Taoist didn't give you any benefit?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I just seemed to see a Taoist in a trance, but I don't know if there really is such a person.

The goddess was confused: There should be such a person, but he is just weird. Why didn't he give you some benefit?

Xu Ying did not take this seriously and said with a smile: I have already received a lot of benefits from the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Realm. I have understood the great ways of heaven and earth there, and understood the fairyland and cave hidden in Yuchi. Why do I need to ask for more benefits? Just Taoist Taoist Taiqing wants to give me the King Kong Zhuo, but I don't dare to ask for such a benefit.

The goddess smiled and said: That's true. Poor that big snake, now I'm afraid it will be scared to death. What are the immortal master's plans?

Xu Ying said: I am determined to go to the underworld to find the Great Emperor of Beiyin and find out the whereabouts of the 12th floor of the Underworld Realm. The 12th floor of the Underworld Realm is probably the place where I understood the 12th floor of the other side of the gushing spring!

The goddess smiled and said: The four giants in the underworld are all seriously injured and have not recovered. If you look for Beidi, you may not be able to find him. But I know that there may be Huangting Mansion in a place, and you can find it easily.

Xu Ying asked: This place you are talking about?


Xu Ying had a sudden thought. With his current strength, going to Wei Xu might be a dead end. But the goddess is right. It will be difficult to find the Beiyin Emperor, Dongyue, and Cangwu who are avoiding the pursuit of the immortal world. Instead of wasting time looking for Beidi, it is better to go to Wei Xu.

However, he still wanted to go to the underworld.

Because he got the news from Fang Songhuai, the director of the Thunder Department, who chased his father deep into Wangxiang Terrace, where he lost track of his father.

He wanted to go to the underworld and have a look there.

If you can't find your father or Beidi, then go to Wei Xu and give it a try!

Xu Ying hesitated again and again and decided to take Gong Qi and Dazhong with him. As for the grave grass, he stayed in Penglai Fairy Mountain to practice.

He sacrificed the Third Heaven Pass and opened and closed the portal again and again. Every time the portal was opened, a different world appeared behind the portal.

What he is looking for this time is the world of Yuanshou.

After a long time, when the portal opened again, what appeared behind the portal was the familiar scenery, Jiuyi Mountain and sycamore trees.

After more than seven years of absence, Xu Yingyi finally returned to his hometown. Unable to conceal his excitement, he walked into the door.

Four wild worlds.

The God King Xuankong came. Because of his failure at Mount Sumeru, he had to stay away from the Great World of Taishi to avoid being besieged and purged by various immortal sects. Mr. Tamagawa is not dead either, so it is not too difficult to eradicate him.

The figure of God King Xuankong merged with the sky, floating like floating clouds, searching around, and suddenly noticed that on a vast plain below, five fairy mountains were floating, shaped like the Five Sacred Mountains.

Beneath the Fairy Mountain is a land-based kingdom of gods. All the people in the country worship the gods who live on the Five Mountains Fairy Mountain. They must attend to the gods, worship the gods, and offer incense every morning.

Before going to bed at night, you must burn incense and worship God.

Especially on major festivals, it is like a grand event, with incense flowing like pillars to the Five Sacred Mountains!

Those five fairy mountains are filled with incense and filled with divine power, just like the vast ocean. Each of the five fairy mountains has a god with monstrous magic power, amazing combat power, and even affects the celestial phenomena!

Seeing this scene, God King Xuankong flew there directly. His consciousness fluctuated and turned into a loud voice: God King Xuantian, do you still remember our old friend?

The five gods stood up one after another, raised their heads in surprise, and looked at the sky. At this time, there was a temple on the Xinyue Immortal Mountain. A person walked out of the temple and said with a smile: It turns out to be God King Xuankong. I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years, how come you have time to come to me?

Xuan Kong appeared from the sky, his figure gradually shrunk, and he came to the temple like an ordinary person, met with God King Xuantian, and said: Ashamed. Does God King still remember the promise he made back then? A few days ago, Xu Ying made a comeback, went to my Sumeru Mountain, and stole my Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron. I thought that you were assigned to his Five Mountains Immortal Mountain, and he would probably come to you and take back the Immortal Mountain, so I came to inform you. you.

God King Xuantian was moved: Then Xu Ying actually made a comeback?

Xuankong said: Isn't that true? Although Xu Ying's strength is not as good as before, he is very clever. However, the superiors ignored him and allowed him to grow like a weed. It is extremely weird.

Divine King Xuantian quickly thanked me and said: To be honest, I have managed the Four Wilderness Worlds these years. Although it is not as good as your Taishi Great World, I can still manage it well. All sentient beings offer my incense, and I will refine it into the incarnation of the Five Elements. . The five fairy mountains have also been refined by me to make them as big and small as I want, sending and receiving them with one heart. It is not easy for Xu Ying to take them away.

Xuankong shook his head and said: Xu Ying is even more cunning than in his first life. You must not take it lightly.

He told Xu Ying about the situation of seizing the Water and Fire Huntian Cauldron. King Xuantian was stunned. After a moment, he said: To be honest, although I have been seized by the new gods, I still have someone to protect me in the immortal world. That existence Tell me to operate here and try to make a comeback.

Xuan Kong's heart moved slightly and he said: I also have someone in the immortal world. You and I might as well write down that existence separately to see if it is the same person.

Xuantian said yes.

The two of them each used the breath of incense to write in their palms and spread them out.

When they saw the words on each other's palms clearly, both of them couldn't help laughing. It turned out that the words Yuanjun were written on Xuankong's palms, and the four words Lingsu Yuanjun were written on Xuantian's palms.

Yuanjun and Lingsu Yuanjun are the same person!

They didn't know until now that they were all working under the same person.

Xuantian put down his guard and asked the Five Elements incarnations on the surrounding Wuyue Immortal Mountain to take their seats. He secretly dispersed the Five Elements Tribulation Formation and said with a smile: Since they are all under Yuanjun's sect, I will tell you the truth. To be honest, Yuan You contacted me through Yuhu Zhenren. Yuhu Zhenren has gone down to the realm, and I got a message from him. He said that he wanted to go to the Yuanshou world first to take care of a small matter.

Seeing that he had let down his guard, Xuankong dispersed his hidden killing move and said with emotion: I am also the go-between for Master Yuhu to contact Yuanjun. This Master Yuhu is the key to our comeback and is related to whether we can return to the immortal world. . If we wait for him to come to find us when he descends to the next world, wouldn’t we be neglecting him? We should prepare a generous gift and go to find him!

Xuantian suddenly came to his senses, clapped his hands and praised: Brother Dao is still a good man. I will make preparations, prepare generous gifts, and go to Yuanshou to welcome Master Yuhu!

The two god kings immediately made preparations and set off to the Yuanshou world that day.

They were once the god kings of the heavenly world, and they knew some secret roads to travel to different worlds, but even for existences like them, it would take a few days.

At the same time, Master Yuhu passed through the broken heavenly road, speeding all the way, and finally reached the spiritual root of the first level. He followed the double vine spiritual root through the vortex of time and space and came to the world of Yuanshou.

In Yunmeng Daze, an old golden crow on the hibiscus tree raised its head and saw the light falling from the sky, falling into Yunmeng Daze.

It looks like someone fell down.

Jin Buqi was puzzled and looked back, continuing to enjoy people's sacrifices. It has been practicing in the sun for several years. When it came back this time, it came to Yunmengze to see if its merchants were doing well. Unexpectedly, it met the real Yuhu coming to the world.

But it was not curious at all, and thought to itself: I have been practicing the Great Sun Sutra these years, and I have done well. I have gradually become more energetic, and my cultivation has also made great progress. But, where did Aying go?

After a while, it fluttered its wings and flew towards Jiuyi, thinking: Why don't you go ask the little Phoenix Fairy there first, maybe she knows where A Ying is. Yes, there is a brainless one there. Fool……

On Jiuyi Mountain, the fool Ah Fu was lying on a barren grave under the sycamore tree, dangling his legs leisurely.

At this moment, he stood up in astonishment, looked up at the sky, and saw a majestic sky gate emerging, the door opened, and Xu Ying walked out of the gate with An Qi and the big bell.

The gates of heaven suddenly closed, taking in his territory of Xiyi.

Afu, I'm back. Xu Ying smiled at him.

——Thank you to the leader Amao574 for the reward! Brothers, it’s November 1st, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket! ! The monthly vote list is very important, so please don’t be stingy with your votes~~~

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