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Chapter 400 Bringing its own cause and effect

A fool will surely gain something after all his worries. Master Qi is right! The meaning of escaping from the other side may be escaping from the fairy world!

Xu Ying thought, But why should we escape from the other side?

He shook his head. The six other shores corresponding to the six secrets of the human body can bring improvements in many aspects such as physical body, consciousness, soul, and seven. If the fairy world is also the other shore, what the fairy world can bring to people is eternal life.

The benefits of the other side are obvious, but why escape from the other side?

Moreover, the Six Secrets Ancestral Technique is a technique passed down from the ancestors of the Xu family, and Xu Ying also gained huge benefits from practicing the Six Secrets. If you don't practice Nuo, how can you fight with the powerful people in the immortal world?

No matter what the other side is, you must practice. What's more, isn't the method of refining qi the method of ascending to the other side?

But the young monk's words still made him a little uneasy.

The big bell said: Get that young monk out of the darkness and ask him carefully, won't you be able to know the reason?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: He is standing in the darkness, getting closer and closer to me, but no matter how I reach out, I can't catch him.

This situation was extremely strange. After he left the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Mount Sumeru, the young monk seemed to have left with him. No matter where he went, the young monk followed him there, and Xu Ying would be pulled into the dreamlike darkness by him from time to time.

Every time he entered the illusory darkness, the young monk's position would change, as if he was trying his best to move towards him.

But he seemed to be frozen in dark time and space, walking very slowly.

An Qi and Dazhong were amazed when they heard his description. An Qi said: When this happens again, you call me, and I will sacrifice the Vajra to see if I can put the monk into the Vajra.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up: This is a good idea!

He was a little hesitant: Master Qi seems to be getting smarter and smarter. It's not like a fool will always get something after all his worries. Is it true that reading can make you smarter?

However, there is no fixed time for him to enter the illusory darkness every time. He always enters the darkness suddenly, and in the darkness he cannot communicate with the outside world. How to contact An Qi to offer sacrifices to King Kong Zhuo is a difficult problem, unless An Qi can be pulled into the dark space together.

This is simple.

The big clock said, You put a mark on me, and when you enter the darkness, you can use this mark to motivate me. Then I will know that you have entered the dark time and space. At that time, I will put Qi Ye into the clock, You pulled me into dark time and space through your brand.”

Xu Ying smiled and said, Just use this method!

An Qi hesitated for a moment and did not refute, thinking: It would be easier to put a mark on me. When A Ying finds out that he has entered the dark space, he can just pull me in. But in that case, wouldn't I become a magic weapon? ?”

If it turns into a magic weapon, wouldn't Mr. Niu Qi be in cahoots with Dazhong? Where is the face?

Xu Ying flew to Penglai with them and said, Where is Mr. Cao?

Practice with a group of fairy grass at the goddess's place.

Xian Qi asked, Where is the Chong Lord? During the last battle in Penglai, Xian Qi released the fairy insects, gnawed Penglai, and also gnawed Xu Ying. They were sealed and given to Xu Ying for safekeeping.

Xu Ying's injuries have not healed yet, and the Six Secrets were almost completely destroyed. He had no choice but to look around for the places where he had been in his first life, in an attempt to find a new way to open up a fairyland cave to replace the destroyed Six Secrets cave.

The main culprit, apart from the two Immortal Kings of Wei Xu, is the Immortal Insect.

When Xu Ying was seriously injured, these fairy insects burrowed into his body, gnawing at his physical soul, devouring his Xiyi Realm, and even his Six Secret Cave Heavens were riddled with holes.

The seal of Xiao Tianzun is also very heavy. With the four characters 囹圄忿圉, the immortals and insects are refined into one body, and they are suppressed like wood carvings and clay sculptures, unable to move.

Xu Ying took out the immortal insect and said: This insect is inexplicably ferocious. It keeps swallowing and splitting. If it gets out of control, it will definitely cause a catastrophe. It is a creature born from the immortal way, and it is the way itself.

His eyes fell on the fairy insects. A long time ago, Xu Ying had seen that the fairy insects were composed of immortal runes and were an extremely wonderful immortal creature. It's just that he can't understand this kind of immortal rune.

But now that he has gained the emperor's wisdom to break the seals of the Buddhas, he can see the immortal insects clearly before he understands them.

Xu Ying pondered for a moment, then came up with a piece of immortal rune, carefully inserted it into the body of the immortal insect, and merged this piece of immortal rune with the immortal rune that constructed the immortal insect.

He was extremely cautious and refined two different immortal runes into one. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: Now, I will give you wisdom so that you will no longer be chaotic and ignorant. From now on, you will be the mother of insects.

He unlocked the seal, and the four-character seal placed by Little Tianzun immediately fell apart.

The fairy insect's wings buzzed and vibrated as it flew into the air.

An Qi and Dazhong were horrified. An Qi sacrificed Vajra, and Dazhong sacrificed himself, and quickly took precautions.

The fairy insect was fierce and fierce. It raised its front legs and rubbed its mouthparts. Suddenly its golden wings vibrated and split into millions of fairy insects. They buzzed like clouds covering the sky and were about to pounce on Xu Ying and others!

Xu Ying sneered, silently activating the immortal rune in his heart, and the immortal insects all over the sky were frozen in the air, unable to move.

Each fairy insect felt unbearable severe pain in its body, especially the female insect, which was in agony.

Xu Ying said: I give you wisdom, not to eat me, but to be my insect general. If you are still stubborn and don't listen to my orders, I will kill you now!

He waved his sleeves, and the fairy insects all over the sky merged into two, merged into one, and turned into a mother insect.

The insect mother has become much better behaved and no longer dares to act recklessly.

Xu promised: Fly to my side and follow me.

The insect mother then flew behind him and followed him with fluttering golden wings.

Anhui Qi and Dazhong were extremely nervous. They saw the compound eyes of the insect mother staring at the back of Xu Ying's head, obviously not really surrendering.

Xu Ying ignored it and rushed to Penglai. Suddenly, the insect mother's golden wings fluttered slightly and came to Xu Ying's head. Two large pliers pointed at Xu Ying's head and cut off it!

Unexpectedly, before it touched Xu Ying, it fell down like an electric shock, twitching all over and unable to move.

After a while, it recovered, hurriedly fluttered its wings and flew behind Xu Ying.

Xu Ying said: Do you know the lesson?

The insect mother nodded hurriedly.

Xu agreed: Fly to the top of Master Qi's head.

The mother insect flew to the top of Anchi Qi's head, landed, her eyes flashed fiercely, she was grinding her mouthparts loudly, and was about to eat.

An Qi felt a sudden chill in his head, as if his skull had been opened. He couldn't help but scream, but the fairy insect twitched all over and fell down.

An Qi said quickly: Ah Ying! Master Zhong! What's wrong with my head? I feel a little cool on top of my head!

Xu Ying comforted him: It's's really nothing, it's just a piece of brain that's popped's definitely not missing! I'm sure of it! If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Zhong!

Xu Ying comforted An Qi, and Chong Mu was taught a lesson and became more honest.

Xu Ying asked the insect mother to come to the wall of the big bell again, and the big bell trembled.

When the mother insect was about to start eating, she suddenly twitched all over again and fell down.

Xu Ying shouted: I am helping you to enlighten your wisdom, not to ask you to do evil and eat whatever you want. You can only eat after I order you to eat. If I don't let you eat, you can't move your mouth!

The insect mother was so wronged that she suddenly transformed into millions of fairy insects, flying in all directions, trying to escape from Xu Ying's control.

Xu Ying sneered, and with a thought, he gathered the insects together again.

Only then did the insect mother become obedient, not daring to be presumptuous anymore, and stood on Xu Ying's shoulders.

An Qi and Dazhong didn't dare to get close, for fear that this guy would get wild again.

Xu Ying said: Although I enlightened its wisdom, it is after all an immortal creature created by the powerful in the immortal world. It was originally created by the powerful in the immortal world as a tool to supervise oaths. After breaking the oath, it eats those who violated the oath. The person will fly back to the fairy world and return to his master. If it is left behind, it will only have the thought of eating everything. But now that its wisdom has been awakened, it will slowly restrain its instincts so that it will not be too dangerous.

Although this fairy insect is not very strong individually, but together, even Xu Ying will suffer disaster. You can imagine how terrifying it is. It would be a great thing to be able to tame it.

When they came to Kunlun, they saw the Queen Mother of the West coming out of the Amitabha Temple, and the goddess saw them off diligently all the way. The goddess could not leave Penglai, so Xu Ying, as the Immortal Lord of Penglai, sent her off on her behalf.

Does Queen Mother Xi recognize the goddess? Xu Ying asked.

When Queen Mother Xi saw the fairy insect on his shoulder, she couldn't help but take a closer look. The fairy insect looked so fierce that she was ready to beat him with teeth as a sacrifice. Queen Mother Xi smiled and said: I have seen it before, but I don't know much about it. This insect is quite vicious.

Xu Ying asked curiously: Could she be an immortal from ancient times?

Queen Mother Xi said: You brought her from the fairy world to the lower world. It shows that you know her better than I do. Xu Jiazi, when you recover your memory, you will naturally know who she is, so why be in a hurry? You are in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Realm, How is the situation?

Xu Ying's thoughts moved slightly, and two immortal caves appeared behind him.

Each of these two caves has its own emphasis. One cave is used to refine the spirit of the immortal world as his mental energy, and the other is used to refine the spirit of the immortal world as his vitality, making his cultivation and strength stronger and stronger!

Seeing this, the Queen Mother of the West exclaimed in admiration and said with emotion: Kunlun has a Yaochi, a divine bridge, a Jade Capital, and a cave. Could it be that the cave also corresponds to the realm of the Qi Refiner?

Xu Ying smiled and said: If Dongtian also corresponds to the realm of Qi Refiner, then this realm may penetrate other realms.

Queen Mother Xi thought about it for a while, but still couldn't figure it out, and said with a smile: Xu family, since you have found Yuxu Palace in Kunlun, you should become the master of Yuxu Peak, right? From now on, you and I will be fellow Taoists, equal to each other.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: The master of Yuxu Peak has to bear the responsibility. He must stay at Yuxu Peak to receive the emperors of all heavens and worlds and contact the ancestral court. I can't stay at Yuxu Peak now. I still have many mysteries. It has not yet been released, and most of its own seals have not yet been released. Please also ask the Queen Mother of the West to still guard here.

Queen Mother Xi sighed and said: I don't know when Kunlun will become the original Kunlun as you said. Well, Xu family, please go back.

Xu Ying stopped and watched him return to Kunlun. Then he returned to Penglai and immediately took Jian Qi to find Fairy Gushe. Fairy Gushe was exchanging Taoist teachings with Yuan Tiangang, and Xu responded: Fairy, please help me take a look at the cause and effect on Master Qi. Master Qi, you have plated it up, don't move around, and let the fairy take a look at the King Kong Zhuo you brought. The cause and effect is serious or not.

Fairy Gushe didn't have a good impression of snakes and insects, but Xu Ying was the Immortal Master of Penglai after all. When he asked for help, of course he had to calculate the cause and effect.

Her soul sat in the void, and with a roar, she revealed the various causes and effects on Jian Qi.

Fairy Gushe took a cursory glance, her face was pale, her voice was trembling, she looked back at Yuan Tiangang and said, Come and take a look.

Yuan Tiangang walked closer, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but change his expression, saying: Fairy, don't panic, first sort out the cause and effect caused by the King Kong Zhuo.

Fairy Gushe said yes and said: I was also frightened, so I was confused.

An Qi said quickly: What cause and effect? ​​You fortune tellers just like to scare people!

Fairy Gushe turned a deaf ear to his words, and sorted out the cause and effect lines of Nian Qi, discarding all those that had nothing to do with King Kong Zhuo, leaving only the cause and effect brought by King Kong Zhuo.

Fairy Gushe turned pale and said with a trembling voice, That's right, it really is so!

Seeing this, Yuan Tiangang sighed and said, It's hopeless.

Xian Qi laughed and said: I know your fortune-telling methods. When we meet, you will tell me that your fortune is dark. If you want to avoid disaster, I will give you money to bribe the ancestor. This trick is useless to me!

Xu Yingsu knew Gushe Xianzi's method, came to him, and asked: Fairy, why can't you save her?

Fairy Gushe pointed to the thousands of causal lines connecting An Qi's life and said: Immortal Lord, follow these causal lines and look up.

Xu Ying looked along these causal lines, and saw that time and space are vast and boundless. These causal lines connected the ancient time and space, and each one was shining with golden light, rushing to another world!

Suddenly, the fairy light shines brightly in front of him, the fairy spirit lingers, and the fairy world is getting closer and closer!


Yuan Tiangang drew his sword and made a false strike, cutting off his gaze towards the immortal world, and said in a deep voice: There are too many ancient beings in the immortal world, tens of thousands. If you follow these lines of cause and effect, you will definitely be noticed by them. ! At that time, they will come back and be afraid that it will be detrimental to you.

Xu Ying thanked him and asked doubtfully: But why are there so many causal lines in Master Qi's body? When did he form such a big gap with the ancient existence of the immortal world?

Fairy Gushe said: Let's take a look at what Qi Ye has done during the time he got King Kong Zhuo.

An Qi said: I just went to those abnormal areas of the Immortal Dao and seized the treasures in the abnormal areas. I didn't do anything else.

Xu Ying was stunned for a long time, then exhaled a breath and said: This is the reason. The abnormal area of ​​​​the immortal path in the ancestral court was the power that destroyed the ancestral court in the past. It was left to suppress the ancestral court. You seize the treasures in the abnormal area, It is to form a relationship with those ancient existences. Master Qi, you are the cause and effect...

He shook his head, a little troubled.

An Qi was stunned and said quickly: Can I return those treasures? If I return them, will there be any cause and effect... Wait a minute, there are a few thicker lines of cause and effect here, what are their origins?

Fairy Gushe said: These few roots should be the cause and effect of Vajra. You have never practiced the law of cause and effect, and you don't know the dangers involved. Let me take a look.

She followed the source of one of the light yellow causal lines and suddenly Xu Ying's hair stood on end. Without any explanation, she raised her cultivation level to the extreme and stood in front of Fairy Gushe!

He activated his magic power, stirred up his spiritual consciousness, and activated his magical powers to bury Dao Yuan!

Yuan Tiangang and Dazhong also realized the danger. One held a sword and the other activated his power to block Fairy Gushe.

A look without any emotion swept from the dark world, and Zang Daoyuan was shattered. Xu Ying, Yuan Tiangang and Gu She didn't even make a sound, and fainted on the ground.


The bell fell to the ground and rolled for weeks, motionless.

Only An Qi was shivering.

————It’s the last four hours of the month. Do you still have monthly tickets?

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