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Chapter 380 Leiyin Temple is haunted

In the sky, that big hand clasped downwards, the strong wind was surging, the thunder was thundering, and the torrential divine power of heaven was blessing it in one hand, it was really domineering and unparalleled!

Everyone on the top of Mount Sumeru, whether they were worshippers or masters from various sects who came to watch the ceremony, were all overwhelmed by the powerful aura of heaven. After all, there were only a few who could remain calm and composed!

Around the water and fire cauldron, the ocean and the sea of ​​fire were rolling. With this heavenly treasure, it rose higher and higher. It was about to be caught by a big hand. Suddenly, a tall figure appeared next to the water and fire cauldron. He raised his palm and greeted On that big hand that covers the sky.

At this moment, all the incense energy in the entire Sumeru Mountain was mobilized. One hundred and eight countries in the four realms, hundreds of millions of people, and more than 40,000 years of incense energy were transformed into supreme divine power, with the overwhelming divine power of heaven, booming With a sound, the big hand that covered the sky was smashed to pieces!

In the sky, that huge face showed surprise, and disappeared from the sky, disappearing without a trace.

Beside the Golden Dragon Pond of Daleiyin Temple, Master Huolong and Han Zekang walked quickly, and saw Xu Ying groaning, and the hand he put into the water suddenly shook violently.

The water surface exploded, and Xu Ying suddenly pulled out his palm, which was covered with blood!

The two of them were startled and hurried forward. Master Fire Dragon sacrificed the Yuanshen. Balls of flames appeared around the Yuanshen. The flames rose and formed a series of talismans to guard the surroundings. He shouted: Evil sycophant! Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!

Han Zekang hurriedly stepped forward, activated his magical power, stood in front of Xu Ying, and pushed him away from the Golden Dragon Pond.

Xu Ying suppressed the surging blood and said in surprise: You two, what are you...

Master Huolong activated his divine eyes to search for dangers that might be hidden around him. He did not dare to neglect at all, and said: Da Leiyin Temple is very evil, and there are often incredible phenomena in it. There are rumors that the Buddha in ancient times died unwillingly. We need to capture people as substitutes and die for them!

Han Zekang nodded repeatedly and said, You reached into the water just now. Could it be that you encountered evil spirits? If we hadn't arrived in time, you would have been dragged into the water by those Buddhas!

Xu Ying was both touched and a little amused.

Although Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang, the master and disciple, met him for the first time, they were really kind-hearted, which made Xu Ying, who was born in the world of Yuanshou, somewhat uncomfortable.

There are too many fishermen and leeks in the world of Mogasui, so you have to be careful in everything you do, and there is little sincerity. But this pair of master and apprentice are very simple at heart.

Xu Ying originally walked with the two of them just because they were along the way and did not regard them as friends, but now he regards them as friends from the bottom of his heart.

I'm fine. My hand was probably scratched by the dragon bone in the pool. Xu Ying said with a smile.

Master and disciple still did not dare to neglect. Master Fire Dragon took out a handful of talismans, burned them into ashes and threw them into the pool. He murmured: Retreat! The evil spirits retreat!

Xu Ying saw that the words on his charms contained the runes of ghosts and gods from the underworld. He was indeed a man of true talent and knowledge, and thought to himself: The Condor Palace doesn't make a living by exorcising ghosts and exorcisms, right?

He looked up at the sky, the wound on his hand was still aching, and he felt a little confused.

The tall figure who suddenly appeared just now had amazing divine power. He easily broke his Hutian Zhengdao Sutra. Could it be that the person with such magical power is the Xuankong God King?

However, the divine power of this god-king is too powerful and domineering, isn't it? The god-king Xuanhao I met before is one of the four great god-kings in the world of heaven, but Xuanhao's magic power is not even worthy of carrying his shoes!

Xu Ying was secretly shocked.

Although the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra he used is said to have come from Yuhuzhenren, his understanding is extraordinary and he has the foundation of the first life. In terms of attainments in the Hutian Zhendao Sutra, Yuhuzhenren may not be able to make great progress if he does not make great progress. Comparable to him.

The magical power he displayed was amplified by Hu Tian, ​​and the power increased by more than ten times. With the blessing of his own Tiandao dojo, Jiang Gong increased his physical strength and collided with the Xuankong God King, but he still collapsed at the first touch!

Hu Tian Zheng Dao Jing used his magical power from a distance, and when the magic power of Xuan Kong God King came, he could not find Xu Ying's feet. If Xu Ying hadn't cut off contact in time, he would have suffered more than just an injury to his palm.

In the past 40,000 years, God King Xuanhao has gained the faith and incense of the people in Xumi Realm. Not only has his divine power increased horribly, he has even learned many heavenly runes without a teacher. He is no longer God King Zhangyu. . Xu Yingxin said.

Han Zekang waved his hand in front of him before calling him out of his trance.

Brother Xu, this place is weird, it's not advisable to stay for a long time!

Han Zekang said, Let's leave quickly. On the top of the mountain, the sacrificial ceremony has begun. We are already a little late. If it is later, the ceremony will be over!

The Fire Dragon Master said: It's not over yet. This grand ceremony will last for more than ten days, but after the commotion just now, I'm afraid it will be troublesome for little friend Xu to get in.

Han Zekang suddenly realized: Brother Xu, that big face in the sky just now looks the same as yours! If you go to the top of the mountain and someone sees your face, I'm afraid it will cause trouble.

Xu Ying took out Chu Tiandu's mask and said with a smile: I have a mask that can cover my face.

Chu Tian thought he was too beautiful and lacked majesty, so he wore a mask all day long. Xu Ying extorted a lot from him, which came in handy today.

Han Zekang and Master Huolong had never been to the ancestral court, so naturally they did not recognize this mask.

Xu Ying was about to put on the mask when he suddenly noticed something strange. He put down the mask and looked around, only to see that the scene of Mount Sumeru suddenly changed. It was no longer the scene of a divine kingdom with many gods in the mountain.

What caught his eyes was actually heavy clouds and mist, golden light shining brightly, and lotus-like glow growing out of the clouds and mist.

Mount Sumeru was more majestic and taller than what he saw now. There were many towering Buddha statues on the mountain, large and small.

And on the top of Mount Sumeru, there is another cave sky, filled with Buddhas, sitting in the sky, and the precious light shines in the cave, which is extremely brilliant!

Bursts of loud and long Buddhist sounds came, brushing away the barriers in the mind.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart: No, there is indeed evil in Daleiyin Temple! The Buddhas want to destroy my Taoist heart and mess up my mind!

He hurriedly shouted: Master Fire Dragon! Han Zekang!

When his voice came out, there were only waves of echoes. Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang, who were beside him just now, disappeared!

Without thinking, Xu Ying stirred up the Immortal Realm and Cave Heaven, ready to sacrifice the three Immortal Kings magic weapons to forcefully break open this space at any time.

Sure enough, I was struck evil! However, these Buddhas from ancient times do not look evil, and their Taoist voices are also full of compassion. But why did they trap me?

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, suddenly, on the top of Sumeru Mountain in front of him, the light on the Buddhas receded, and their bodies were covered with dirt in an instant.

Then, the top of Mount Sumeru seemed to be cut off by something, and the top of the mountain fell together with the cave where the Buddhas were, and gradually moved away!

Mount Sumeru, together with all the Buddhas, was gradually engulfed by darkness.

Xu Ying stood there and waited, thinking: Isn't the danger coming?

After a while, a bright light suddenly came from the darkness. Xu Ying stared and seemed to see the top of Mount Sumeru in the distance.

After a while, the light got closer and closer, and Xu Ying finally saw clearly that it was indeed the missing hilltop of Mount Xumi.

There is a cave sky hanging high on the top of the mountain, but in that cave sky, the vast Buddhas sitting in the sky can no longer be seen.

There was another person standing on the top of the mountain. He was tall and thin and dressed in silk clothes. He looked like a young monk.

The young monk stood on the mountain, ran with all his strength, jumped suddenly, and jumped towards Xu Ying!

The young monk ran wildly in the air, but seemed to encounter invisible resistance. His clothes and skin kept tearing, but this man's physical body was ridiculously strong, and his physical body kept recovering itself, which was no less impressive than the immortal body of Niwan Palace Cave Heaven.

However, there seemed to be something in the space around the young monk, making the space become more and more viscous. The young monk's speed became slower and slower, but he was still some distance away from Xu Ying.

The young monk opened his mouth and shouted with all his strength, but when Kong opened his mouth, no sound came out.

He stretched out his hand to Xu Ying, as if he wanted Xu Ying to pull him.

Xu Ying was about to distinguish the shape of his mouth, when suddenly a fire suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and the surrounding darkness suddenly disappeared. The Fire Dragon Master sacrificed his soul and protected him by his side. The fire that Xu Ying saw was the talisman flame ignited by the Fire Dragon Master.

Xu Ying looked around and saw that he was indeed still in the Great Leiyin Temple, but he had just walked some distance away and was no longer where he was.

Xu Xiaoyou, a burst of mist blew in just now, and you disappeared.

Master Huolong looked around vigilantly and said, There are often evil spirits in this Great Thunder Sound Temple. Most of them are the Buddhas from ancient times looking for substitutes after their death. Let's leave quickly!

Han Zekang's voice came from above, saying: Master, Brother Xu, the evil sect here, even the Xuankong God King dare not leave the Great Leiyin Temple on the top of the mountain. Let's go to the mountain quickly and participate in the sacrificial ceremony!

Xu Ying composed himself and nodded in agreement.

The three of them headed towards the top of the mountain again.

Brother Xu, what happened just now? Han Zekang was a little curious.

Xu Ying told what he saw. Master Fire Dragon looked solemn and said: Someone wants to run out of the darkness? It's probably a substitute. If you stretch out your hand, he will grab your hand and let you Be his scapegoat, and he will live in the world wearing your skin.

Xu Ying said: I saw in the illusion that the Buddhas from the ancient times suddenly sank together with the top of Mount Sumeru. Did such a thing happen in the ancient times?

Master Fire Dragon shook his head: I've never heard of it. But the Great Thunder Sound Temple is very evil, so it's best not to touch it.

He paused and said: I heard that the Demon Realm invasion more than 40,000 years ago seemed to have erupted from the Great Leiyin Temple. God King Xuankong made great contributions in suppressing the Demon Realm invasion and purifying the avenue of heaven and earth, but some people say It was He who released the evil spirits of the ancient times suppressed in the Great Thunder Sound Temple that caused this catastrophe.

When he said this, he felt awe-inspiring in his heart and said: You will forget it after you hear it, you know? No one is allowed to spread the word! Trouble comes from the mouth!

Xu Ying and Han Zekang nodded repeatedly.

So, were the Buddhas in ancient times evil? Han Zekang asked.

Master Fire Dragon said matter-of-factly: That must be evil!

In Xu Ying's mind, the figure of the young monk struggling to move forward in the darkness always appeared from time to time, and it could not be dispersed for a long time. He thought to himself: Where did the Buddhas of the ancient times sink? Why are there things in front of me? Is there a scene where they sink into darkness?”

A bold thought came to his mind: What would happen if I grabbed the young monk's hand and pulled him out of the darkness?

He then shook his head and laughed, thinking: However, the illusion just now has disappeared.

Mount Sumeru.

The breath of God King Xuankong slowly calmed down. The scene just now shocked him so much that he almost didn't dare to take action. Because He recognized who that huge face in the sky was.

Water and Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron, I sense that your power is unstable. You sensed that your original owner is coming, right?

He noticed the restlessness and restlessness of this heavenly treasure and frowned slightly.

Although he had sacrificed and refined this treasure for more than 40,000 years, and allowed it to absorb the incense of the people, making it extremely powerful, the Water-Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron was, after all, the result of Xu Ying's refining stage, so he was a little uneasy.

God King Xuankong, the person who took action just now is the evil man Xu Ying.

God King Xuankong followed the reputation and did not dare to neglect, saying: Young Master Yuchuan also knows this person?

Mr. Tamagawa came over and said, This is the person the emperor asked me to deal with. This evil man promised to appear in the Demon Realm. He took advantage of my unpreparedness and wounded me.

Xuankong God King said: I fought with him just now. This person's cultivation seems to be majestic, and his combat power seems to be powerful. In fact, he uses a space method. This method is the method of Yuhu Zhenren in the immortal world. He is strong on the outside and powerful on the inside. Yuchuan Young Master, there is no need to worry, Xu Ying is definitely no match for you.

Young Master Yuchuan knew that he had unparalleled discernment, and with his words, it would be easy for him to capture and kill Xu Ying.

Xuankong God King said: My Huntian Cauldron is made from his third realm and the realm of refining. Since I promised you that it was the first time, there will be a second time. Mr. Yuchuan, don't worry, he appears again. When I die, I will leave him to you.

Mr. Tamagawa expressed his thanks.

On the other side, Xu Ying came to the top of the mountain with Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang. Xu Ying also put the mask on his face to avoid unnecessary trouble.

As guests, we can come forward and offer a stick of incense after the people from Mount Xumi have worshiped the Huntian Cauldron.

Han Zekang said, This is a rare opportunity. The Huntian Cauldron is imprinted with the runes of heaven! When offering incense, remember it carefully and remember as much as you can!

Xu Ying said yes, and a glimmer of hope rose in his heart: When I offer the incense, I can master the Huntian Cauldron!

Chu! Tian! Du!

Behind Xu Ying, a voice exploded. Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat. Looking back, he saw a young man with a beard standing not far away, looking at him with a fierce look on his face.

This young man seems to be Shen Baiyu who challenged me in the Land of Dao Qi and was beaten by me until he was hung on the immortal weapon... Xu Ying thought to himself.

Purple-clothed Demon Lord Chu Tiandu! It is indeed you!

Shen Baiyu said loudly, Chu Tiandu, you are so brave! I, a master from all the worlds, went to the Demon Realm to challenge you, but I didn't expect you to dare to run out of the Demon Realm! In the past, I always laughed at you for being a coward, even the land of Dao Qi You don’t even dare to go, now I won’t laugh at you! Everyone, he is the Purple-clothed Demon Lord Chu Tiandu, the disciple of the Little Heavenly Lord of the Demon Realm, and the number one among the younger generation of the Demon Realm!”

Xu Ying sighed secretly and said silently in his heart: My disciple Chu Tiandu seems to be famous in all the worlds again.

That's right.

Xu Ying cheered up and said with a smile, I am Chu Tiandu, the Purple-clothed Divine Lord.

——Haha, I’m one hour ahead of yesterday! Keep up the good work tomorrow!

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