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Chapter 379 Da Leiyin Temple

Brother, you also went to Mount Sumeru to participate in the sacrificial ceremony?

Xu Ying was looking around when he suddenly heard a voice. When he looked back, he saw an old man and a young man walking towards this side against the wind.

The old man's long sleeves were fluttering, and his head was hairless and bald, with only a pair of bone balls growing on his forehead.

The young man was smart and handsome.

Sacrifice ceremony?

Xu Ying was moved and said with a smile, That's right. I also attended the meeting to watch the ceremony. May I ask which famous mountain these two fellow Taoists come from?

The young man smiled and said: We are from the Condor Palace. My name is Han Zekang, and this is my master, Master Huolong.

Although the bald old man was not very good-looking, he had a good temper and said, Young man, where do you come from?

Xu Ying did not dare to hide anything and told the truth: Shushan Jianmen, my name is Xu Ying.

Master Huolong thought about it carefully and found that he had never heard of this sect, but the world of Taishi was really vast and there were countless immortals from here. He wanted to know which small sect in the corner of Shushan Sword Sect was.

Han Zekang was confused and said, The name Xu Ying is not good. How could my brother choose such a name?

Xu Ying was surprised: Why is this name bad?

Han Zekang and Master Huolong were even more surprised than him, and they all looked at him. Master Huolong didn't bother to answer, but Han Zekang became more enthusiastic and said: The name Xu Ying is the name of a great evil man. Has no one told you about this? This great evil man has blocked the way to heaven, making it impossible for people to ascend. , I don’t know how many people hate me! I don’t know how many people reviled me every day, who would dare to take this name?”

Xu Ying stared blankly and said nonchalantly: They probably have the same name...

Of course it's the same name! Otherwise, how could you still be a villain?

Han Zekang patted his shoulder and said earnestly, Brother Xu, you came to Mount Xumi alone for the meeting. No wonder you didn't come with any of your classmates. They all know that your name is unlucky and they are afraid of being implicated by you. That's what happened to you. We at the Condor Palace, if it had been anyone else, would have beaten you seven or eight times!

Xu Ying quickly thanked him.

Master Huolong said: Shushan Jianmen doesn't care about you. You can follow us up the mountain. However, don't say that your name is Xu Ying. As many people say, you will die without any illness. Anyone named Xu Ying will not survive without great merit. To adulthood! Are you fourteen or fifteen?

Xu Ying whispered: Fourteen years old...

Master Fire Dragon shook his head, looking like he was hopeless.

Han Zekang sympathized with Xu Ying and said, When we get to the mountain later, we will help you find a god who is good at correcting numerology and help you change your name.

Xu Ying quickly thanked him and followed the two of them to fly up the mountain. On the way, there were many masters from other famous sects, riding dragons and phoenixes, carrying various fragrant carriages, precious chariots, and painted pavilions and boats, which were extremely luxurious.

Even if you don't have such a car, you still have to wield a sword or practice the auspicious clouds and glow.

There are only a few people who can ride the wind like Master and Disciple of the Condor Palace and Xu Ying.

Seeing that Xu Ying had no knowledge, Han Zekang kept chattering along the way, pointing at the person riding the dragon, saying he was the young master of the Tianlong Sect, and pointing at the person riding the phoenix chariot, saying he was the princess of the Fire Phoenix Kingdom.

Although the Condor Palace is not a major sect, it knows the other sects very clearly and knows everything about them.

Han Zekang even knew which immortal in the immortal world the founder of these sects was. He also knew what the immortal weapons of Zhenjiao were, and he could speak clearly and logically.

This Mount Sumeru is the central mountain, and this is a once-in-a-century sacrificial ceremony.

When Han Zekang talked about this sacrificial ceremony, he was even more eloquent, saying, This mountain was originally an ownerless thing, and no one dared to occupy it. But more than 40,000 years ago, the God King Xuankong descended from the sky and occupied it. This mountain, the sacred mountain has an owner from now on.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: Xuankong Divine King? The one who occupies this mountain is the Divine King, not the Immortal King?

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The Immortal King's cultivation was too strong, and Xu Ying did not have the support of Penglai Fairyland. At this moment, the Six Secrets had not yet recovered, and he might not be able to escape if he snatched the cauldron on the top of the mountain.

But if it is a God King, then there is no need to be so cautious.

He had fought against God King Xuanhao. At that time, God King Xuanhao was an invincible existence in front of him.

But now that Xu Ying has improved his cultivation, collected three thousand heavenly runes, and has the three immortal kings' immortal weapons as his three backup realms, even if God King Xuanhao is in his prime state, he may not be his opponent!

I think Xuan Kong was a god king who besieged me back then. He was assigned to my refining stage and was refined into a magic weapon.

Xu Ying looked up at the top of the mountain and said silently in his heart, When we get closer, I will take back this treasure, and then kill Xuan Kong to avenge me!

Mount Xumi is so huge that it has become a world of its own, affecting the operation of the great world of Taishi.

The southern slope of this mountain spans hundreds of thousands of miles. From top to bottom, there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. There are rivers, lakes, and even gentle mountains and rocks, as well as the sea in the mountains, with blue waves surging and fish and dragons dancing together.

There are thirty-four countries on the southern slope, each with a population of hundreds of millions.

There are dozens of countries on the east, west, and north slopes of the mountain, and the population is no less than that on the south slope.

Xu Ying followed the master and apprentice of the Condor Palace and flew over the south slope, but saw that from the mountain to the bottom, it was divided into four realms. Each realm had its own sun god, driving a golden crow chariot, pulling a blazing fireball, spreading out Divine light.

The sun god of the first realm drove the chariot to pull the sun from east to west, driving around Mount Meru. The Sun God of the second realm drives a chariot pulling the sun from west to east, driving around Mount Meru.

And so on, the cycle repeats.

People living in the mountains do not listen to the orders of secular sects, do not respect immortals, and only worship gods. Therefore, the kingdoms here are often the kingdoms of gods in the mountains.

The gods of the four realms continue to burn incense, creating gods with extremely powerful strength.

The Mount Xumi Sacrifice Ceremony is held once every hundred years. Sects from all over Taishi's world are invited to come and watch the ceremony. Each sect will also offer a stick of incense at the ceremony.

Han Zekang pointed to the people who were climbing the mountain and said, For this sacrificial ceremony, the envoys from various countries on Mount Xumi will set off early and make a long journey to the top of the mountain for pilgrimage to worship the supreme treasure of heaven on the top of the mountain. Some of them have low cultivation levels. , it will take a year of flying to reach the top of the mountain!”

Xu Ying was surprised, looked up at the big cauldron emitting heavy divine light on the top of the mountain, and asked doubtfully: You mean, the one on the top of the mountain is the most precious treasure of heaven?

Han Zekang nodded and said: The most precious treasure of heaven, the water-fire hybrid cauldron! There are many magical rumors about this treasure. It is said that 48,000 years ago, the god king Xuan Kong who lived in the Xumi realm brought it to the mortal world. The god king used it to The treasure refines demons, slays evil spirits, gathers the faith of all living beings, and finally refines it into the supreme divine weapon.

Xu Ying listened to him tell the story of the most precious treasure of heaven, the Water-Fire Mixing Cauldron, and was fascinated by it.

The world of Taishi was once attacked by heavenly demons, and Mount Sumeru suffered disaster as a result. The gods of the four realms used this treasure to resist the invasion of external demons and protect the Sumeru realm.

Six thousand years ago, the Great World of Taishi suffered an invasion from the Demon Realm. The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth suddenly mutated, almost turning the Great World of Taishi into a Demon Realm!

When Han Zekang talked about this, he sighed and said, At that time, God King Xuankong personally went out to refine the demonic way. This heavenly treasure also accompanied him, and he went through countless battles to eliminate demons and defend the way.

Master Huolong also said: Therefore, the people of the four realms of Xumi, every hundred years, come to the top of the mountain for pilgrimage. On one hand, they offer sacrifices to the Xuankong God King, and on the other hand, they offer sacrifices to the Water and Fire Huntian Cauldron to commemorate their contributions. Taishi Various sects in the world will also send people to watch the ceremony to commemorate their merits.

Xu Ying suddenly realized: So that's it.

At this time, a huge stone statue came into Xu Ying's eyes. Most of the stone statue was buried in the rocks, with only half of its head exposed. It was still huge, like a mountain.

The stone statue has a compassionate face and its eyes closed, as if it can't bear to see the suffering of the world.

What kind of stone statue is that? Xu Ying asked.

The two masters and apprentices took a look and said: Relics from ancient times. It looks like a stone statue called Buddha.

The Fire Dragon Master said: Originally, there was an ancient temple on the top of Mount Xumi, which was also a relic from an ancient era. It seemed to be called the Great Thunder Sound Temple. King Xuankong felt that the ancient temple was too old and was in the way, so he moved the ruins and sent them to the front. We have gone to the Fire Kingdom. We can still see it when we fly there later.

Not long after, they flew to the Fire Kingdom and saw an ancient and magnificent ruins.

Xu Ying looked around and saw thousands of golden temples around the Great Leiyin Temple, but most of them were lying down and dilapidated.

Xu Ying landed and came to the outside of Daleiyin Temple, looking up at the plaque.

The ancient temple is deep and silent, dilapidated and desolate, without any life.

Han Zekang called from above: Brother Xu, come up quickly! The sacrificial ceremony has already begun on the mountain!

Xu Ying said loudly: Let me take a look and come right away!

He looked up to the top of the mountain in the distance, where it was magnificent, shining with divine light and filled with incense.

This distance is about three thousand miles, which is perfect for me to cast a spell and take away the most precious treasure of heaven, the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron!

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and walked into the Great Leiyin Temple. He saw a golden dragon pool in the temple, but the water in the pool was dry and there was a skeleton crawling in the pool. It was thought that the golden dragon in the pool died of thirst here.

Xu Ying waved his hand gently, and in an instant the water in the pool was full, like a bright mirror.

He leaned over and looked into the pool. The water surface was like a mirror, reflecting his face, but under the water, the scene of Mount Sumeru exactly appeared!

On Mount Sumeru, the incense was at its peak. The kings of the 108 kingdoms in the Sumeru realm led their envoys, princes, and nobles to the top of the mountain to offer offerings, including cattle, sheep, livestock, and slaves, to the gods of Sumeru.

The Sumeru gods are modeled after the gods of heaven. There are a total of 360 gods of heaven, each with a unique appearance and tremendous power.

But the biggest one is the sacrifice to the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron.

The sacrificial ceremony has begun. The kings of one hundred and eight countries and their envoys, tens of thousands of people, are worshiping the divine cauldron on a huge scale, filled with incense and candles.

I saw that the fire formed a vast sea of ​​fire, hanging in the air, and the water formed a vast ocean, where water and fire merged.

This fire is the true fire of Samadhi, which cannot burn anything. The water is the divine water of Samadhi, which cannot transform anything. From this water and fire, a divine cauldron is born, which is indestructible and indestructible, and breeds the golden elixir, which is the beginning of the immortal path.

Seeing the water-fire hybrid heavenly cauldron rising from the sea of ​​fire, all the princes paid homage to it. Tens of thousands of envoys also knelt down and kowtowed to the divine cauldron.

The gods of Mount Sumeru also knelt down one after another, praising the power of the most precious artifact of heaven to guard the world and keep people safe.

The chanting of the gods was deafening, and the cattle, sheep, livestock and slaves presented by the kings of various countries exploded and turned into clouds of blood mist amidst the chanting.

Millions of creatures, with blood mist rising into the sky, their essences contained in the blood mist, surged toward the Water-Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron.

Wherever the bloody light shines, various heavenly runes emerge and spread all over the cauldron.

The power of heaven radiated from this cauldron became stronger and stronger, and the power of heaven was so majestic that when it evolved to its peak, it had the power to absorb the universe. However, the stars in the sky on the top of Mount Sumeru actually fell into the cauldron!

The stars were shaken by it and gradually approached the top of Mount Sumeru!

Seeing this spectacular scene, other famous sects in Taishi World who came to watch the ceremony were also secretly shocked.

The two masters and apprentices of the Condor Palace also stood in the air, watching from a distance. The Fire Dragon Master said: The Heavenly Treasure on Mount Sumeru has surpassed the Heavenly Artifact in the Heavenly World. This kind of power is unparalleled and cannot be suppressed by any town!

Han Zekang was puzzled: The treasure of Mount Xumi is so powerful, can the world of heaven tolerate it? I think the power of this treasure is infinitely greater than the divine weapon of heaven, and it clearly threatens the majesty of the gods in the world of heaven! Moreover, Mount Xumi It is a world of its own, just like the layout of the Heavenly World. If I were the God King of the Heavenly World, I would definitely not tolerate the Sumeru Realm.

Master Fire Dragon shook his head and said: What do you know? The origin of God King Xuankong is extraordinary. He was also born in the world of heaven. He made great achievements but was demoted to the mortal world. God King Xuankong can gain a foothold in our great world of Taishi and occupy The largest holy mountain in the world of Taishi, without anyone’s support, would have been destroyed long ago!”

Han Zekang was shocked and said: The gods of the heavenly world drove God King Xuankong down from the realm. Naturally, there were people in the fairy world who supported him, so they dared to do such a move. If there are people behind God King Xuankong, wouldn't it mean that Are there also overt and covert struggles within the fairy world?

Master Huolong glanced at him: If you know something, don't talk about it, it may not be a blessing. If you talk nonsense, be careful of disaster coming from your mouth.

Han Zekang felt awe-inspiring in his heart and bowed, This is what Master taught me.

He composed himself and called down again: Brother Xu, hurry up! The sacrificial ceremony has begun! Brother Xu?

He waited for a moment, but when Xu Ying didn't reply, he said, Master, I'll go down and call him!

Master Huolong was a little uneasy and said: There was an evil spirit in Daleiyin Temple once. The evil spirit was very evil. It is not a good place. Let's go together to prevent him from being hit by evil spirits.

The master and apprentice flew downward.

In the Xumi Realm, the people of the one hundred and eight divine kingdoms also offered sacrifices to the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron at this time. The scent of incense spread hundreds of thousands of miles, rising like streams of smoke.

The power of the water-fire hybrid heaven cauldron is even greater, and the heavenly runes on the cauldron wall become clearer and clearer.

The people of all countries chanted louder and louder, and their expressions became more and more fanatical. The starry sky was more and more distorted by the divine cauldron, and the stars slowly fell into the cauldron.

Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang were startled by the power of the divine cauldron, and they all looked up, feeling inexplicably shocked.

At this moment, the sky shook violently, and an extremely huge face covered Mount Sumeru, with eyes like the sun and moon, pressing towards Mount Sumeru across the sky!

That scene was extremely terrifying and oppressive!

Then the sky cracked open, and a big hand that covered the sky reached out. In an instant, it enveloped the top of Mount Sumeru and grabbed the water-fire hybrid heaven cauldron!

The gods in Mount Sumeru were furious, and they rose into the sky one after another, sacrificing all kinds of divine weapons and weapons, and attacked the big hand and the face of the sky!

They are gods born from the incense of all realms in Sumeru. They already have the characteristics of gods. When they take action, the sound of heaven is filled with them.

But the next moment, the sky above Mount Xumi became extremely bright, and three thousand heavenly talismans unfolded like a scroll, filling the sky in an instant!

A masterpiece of Taoism!

The three hundred and sixty gods of Mount Xumi groaned, and in an instant they were all defeated. The magic power in their bodies was chaotic, and they fell in all directions!

Master Huolong and Han Zekang were stunned, looking up at that huge face. Han Zekang whispered: Master, do you think this face looks like Brother Xu Ying's face?


Master Fire Dragon nodded repeatedly, They are all black...but Xu Ying should be in the Great Leiyin Temple!

The two masters and disciples looked at each other and hurriedly flew towards the Great Leiyin Temple. Before they arrived, they saw Xu Ying standing by a pool of water, looking at his own shadow in the pool, and putting one hand into the water, as if he was grabbing Something in the water.

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