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Chapter 242 The Divine Power of the Queen Mother of the West

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat and he looked at Feng Yao's Six Secret Cave Heaven.

The words of the man in the bamboo hat made his hair stand up and he shuddered. The man in the bamboo hat clearly meant that Feng Yao, like him, was also a fisherman, using the Nuo method as bait to catch the elixir of immortality from the Nuo Immortal!

However, he immediately came to his senses: Feng Yao is an immortal, and you don't need to use Nuo Immortal as a great elixir of life to live forever.

He still had doubts in his mind.

Although Feng Yao does not need to take the elixir of immortality, where does her Six Secret Cave Heaven come from?

Six thousand years ago, Feng Yao came to Kunlun with Emperor Zhou. At that time, she should have been a top qigong practitioner, otherwise she would not have been able to travel with Emperor Zhou. After Emperor Zhou left Kunlun, rumors about the six other shores spread. Come. The Nuo method was only developed after the top Qi practitioners went to the other side.

Xu Ying thought to himself, Does this mean that Feng Yao's cave was not made by himself?

He thought of this and shook his head.

The six great Nuo ancestors hold the keys to the six other shores and control the six immortal elixirs, which shows that Kunlun has already possessed the six secrets of Nuo. Fengyao's six secrets should be Kunlun's inheritance and have nothing to do with Emperor Zhou.

Moreover, the appearance of the Six Secrets of Nuo is older than that of the Emperor of Zhou. Judging from the layout and specifications of his tomb, Qingshuang Patriarch of Emei has a lifespan far longer than that of the Emperor of Zhou. He should be a Qi Refiner in the Great Shang Dynasty. scholar!

Xu Ying has stolen so many tombs and has long since become a great expert. He knows that the tombs of people from different eras have different specifications and layouts, and have different styles of different eras. The tomb of Qiao Zizhong, the founder of Qingshuang, is in the style of the Shang Dynasty.

This shows that the Nuo method has been spread as early as the Great Shang Dynasty, and some people have already started to grow and cut leeks, but the scale was smaller at that time.

In other words, Fengyao may have opened up the Six Secrets six thousand years ago.

Fengyao's cave sky was extremely bright, but gradually the light shrank and disappeared.

Xu Ying asked: Feng Yao, when did you open up your Six Secrets?

Feng Yao did not hide anything and said: In the sixth year after I was born, I began to practice and open up the Six Secrets.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: You have been practicing for so long, so do you know whether the Nuo method can really lead to immortality?

Feng Yao looked at him in surprise and said: We immortal people can live forever because of the Nuo method. Don't you?

There was a bang in Xu Ying's mind, as if there were thousands of thunderous explosions, making him dizzy.

The reason why the immortal people live forever is because of the Nuo method?

Does the immortality of the undead people depend on their special physiques or Kunlun's elixir?

Could it be that the immortal people are actually Nuo masters or Nuo immortals living in Kunlun?

This was completely inconsistent with the news he had received before!

According to Feng Yao's words, Kunlun back then was actually controlled by some Nuo masters, Nuo Immortals. They communicated with the nature of heaven and earth, had the ability of immortality, and were called immortals.

Forty-eight thousand years ago, great changes occurred in Kunlun. The place was destroyed by a terrible force. Many undead people escaped from Kunlun and spread the Nuo method to China.

At that time, the Qi practitioners in China came into contact with the undead people from Kunlun, and came into contact with the Nuo method for the first time. Presumably, the people who have access to the Nuo method are top masters among Qi practitioners. They know that the Nuo method contains the secret of immortality, so they try to practice it.

However, they found that their six secrets had become extremely stable and they could not practice Nuo methods, so they came up with the idea of ​​refining human body medicine, recruited disciples, taught Nuo methods with traps, and harvested them when the disciples became Nuo immortals.

Qingluan stared at Xu Ying alertly and said: Miss, I have long seen that there is something wrong with him! He is not an undead person, he must be the Heavenly Dao people who are chasing the undead people! I can sense the Heavenly Dao aura on him!

Feng Yao suddenly became murderous, looked at Xu Ying with sharp eyes, and whispered softly: Master Xu, it is best to prove that you are an immortal.

Cold sweat broke out on Xu Ying's forehead, proving that he was an immortal? How to prove it?

If the immortals are Nuo masters or immortals, there are so many people practicing Nuo now, so how can we tell who are the immortals?

Feng Yao and Qing Luan moved quietly, sandwiching him on the left and right. Feng Yao said: Mr. Xu, you do have the aura of the Heavenly Daoists in your body. It is difficult not to arouse our suspicion. You need to prove that you are immortal. civil.

Qingluan said angrily: The pretty boy must be from the Heavenly Daoists! Let me eat him!

Feng Yao shook his head and said: Qingluan, please be patient. You have also seen that the Heavenly Daoists were chasing him at the foot of the mountain.

Qingluan was filled with murderous intent: How do you know it's not a trick of the Heavenly Daoists? Miss, we have been hunted down countless times in the past thousands of years, what tricks have those despicable guys not used?

Feng Yao's eyes fell on Xu Ying's face, hesitantly.

She had been deceived countless times over the years, and it was not easy to find someone of her own kind. She really didn't want to admit that Xu Ying was a liar.

Suddenly, Xu Ying sighed: Don't be impatient for a moment. I'll call the gods here to bear witness for me. God Lu Wu——

His voice echoed through the mountains, lingering lingering sounds.

Qingluan showed his wings, put them on his neck with a swish, and said coldly: You'd better not mess around. Over the past thousands of years, we sisters have made a big name in the world. Called the Double Rakshasa in Tsing Yi, they kill without blinking an eye!

Xu Ying was secretly worried whether Lu Wu could hear it. Even if he could hear it, could he get here before he was killed by two female Rakshasa?

Suddenly, a ray of light broke through the sky in the distance, and a powerful divine power roared in and fell directly in front of them. The glow faded, and Lu Wu, who had the head of a tiger but a human face and nine tails, rushed out and shouted: Are we going to fight? Where will we fight? How many people will we fight?

With the promise as the center of the circle, He was dozens of miles away in an instant. After searching for a week, he suddenly fished out the half-skeleton, half-flesh corpse of the god from the mountain.

The corpse has become a corpse demon, lurking in Yuzhu Peak, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and harvesting the essence of the sun and moon. The remaining Heavenly Dao in his body formed a restricted area, making it difficult for many people to break into it even if the Qi Refiner was alive.

However, something unexpected happened from heaven. He was cultivating normally, but before he could eat meat from a few people, he was taken out by Lu Wu and beaten up for no reason.

Lu Wu beat the corpse demon of the god to death, and rushed towards him with a roar. Xu Ying felt the strong wind blowing against his face, and the furry claws of the tiger-headed mountain god, three times bigger than his head, pressed on his shoulders.

Is there more? Lu Wu looked majestic, and he was so excited that his nine tails danced more happily than a peacock's tail.

Xu Ying coughed and said, God Lu Wu, please tell these two girls whether I am an immortal.

Lu Wu glanced at Feng Yao and Qing Luan and said disappointedly: Just because of this, you want to waste a wish?

He straightened up and flew away through the air. His voice came from far away: Yes, he is an undead man! I'm leaving! Don't call me next time!

Qingluan put down the right wing that was placed around Xu Ying's neck. Countless feathers flew up. The right wing turned into a right arm as the feathers converged. He said apologetically: I misunderstood you. I thought you were a member of the Heavenly Dao. I'm sorry to my uncle. , otherwise, you will hit me twice?

When she saw Xu Ying shaking his head, she rolled her eyes, gave the pearl in her hand to Xu Ying, and said with a smile: This is the pearl from the pearl tree. I give it to you. Wearing this treasure can keep your appearance forever. Girls are the best. I like it. I’ll pick another one!”

She fluttered her wings and rushed towards the pearl tree again. However, she had already picked a pearl tree fruit before, and the fairy tree was on guard. When she flew closer, it pulled out with a snap and caught Qingluan.

Other branches took the opportunity to slap and beat Qingluan into a state of disarray.

Feng Yao stepped forward to rescue her and finally rescued her. Qingluan fell to the ground, limping and hanging her head.

Feng Yao said to Xu Ying: We have wronged you just now, please don't blame Uncle Ying.

Xu Ying accepted the pearl and felt happy: If I give it to sister Weiyang, she will definitely like it and buy more rouge!

I am not sure whether I am an undead person, so it is inevitable that you will have doubts. Can the undead people only be distinguished by the Nuo method? Xu Ying asked.

Feng Yao shook her head and said: There is also the brand in the blood.

She closed her sleeves, revealing her snow-white skin, and said, Uncle Ying, please take a look.

Under her arm, as the blood flowed, golden light gradually seeped out from the blood, turning into a colorful phoenix flying around her arm.

This is because my tribe often lives in Kunlun Yaochi, often associates with Qingluan, and takes various fairy medicines. There is unusual blood power in the body.

Feng Yao said, In addition, the Nuo method of the Kunlun lineage is different from the Nuo method circulated in the world today. The Nuo method of different tribes of the undead people also contains the power of blood. When the Nuo method is activated, there will be There are corresponding visions.”

She stepped forward to give Xu Ying some guidance, but no matter how Xu Ying activated the Nuo method, there was no corresponding vision, nor any bloodline vision.

The spies of the Heavenly Daoists!

When Qingluan saw this, he was about to have a seizure. Fengyao quickly pulled her aside and said: Qingluan, he may be different from us, but he must not be a spy of the Heavenly Daoists, otherwise he will not be able to hide it from Lu Wu. Last time I After passing the sacred mountain, Lord Lu Wu recognized me as an immortal and asked me to call out his name. Because I was born late, I didn’t know his name, so I couldn’t wake him up. Guess, who awakened Lord Lu Wu?

Qingluan suddenly woke up, looked at Xu Ying, and murmured: He knows Lu Wu's name, and he said that he is more than 20,000 years old... But how did he live like this if he didn't rely on Nuo methods to live forever? old?

He doesn't know it himself, how do we know?

Feng Yao took her back to Xu Ying and continued to search for Yaochi, saying: Uncle Ying, Nuo Immortal cannot achieve true immortality. It will still age and die. Hidden scenes cannot achieve true immortality. , the day will come when the immortal world within the body will eventually decline, and the immortal world will wither.

Qingluan said: We once saw an old undead man. His path was decayed, his body and soul were ruined, and he was sitting outside the Kunlun Ruins. Before he died, he said to himself that he had lived for thirty-six thousand years.

When she said this, she looked at Xu Ying and thought to herself: He is an immortal from the Great Shang period, so he should be old now. Why is he still a boy?

At this moment, Xu Ying suddenly sensed a vast and profound aura coming from the mountain, as if it was as vast as the Kunlun Mountains, as soft as motherhood, like the God of Heaven, and the Holy Spirit of All Gods.

It's the breath of the Queen Mother of the West.

Feng Yao said, The last time Qingluan and I came to Kunlun, we tried to wake up the Queen Mother of the West, but failed to wake her up.

Qingluan spoke quickly: Last time we were too far away and couldn't wake him up. This time we are closer and we can definitely wake him up.

Feng Yao felt a little sad and said in a low voice: The Queen Mother of the West is the God of Ten Thousand Mountains. I'm afraid she has encountered something unexpected in the great catastrophe and will never wake up.

Facing the vast divine power, they continued to move forward, looking for the whereabouts of Yaochi.

Unknowingly, they gradually reached the top of the mountain, and saw that the divine power of this mountain range was visible to the naked eye, forming a brilliant golden light that enveloped the top of the mountain.

The closer you get to the top of the mountain, the greater the divine power becomes and the more profound the divine power becomes!

This kind of divine power is the way of heaven, honest and simple, not as overbearing as the gods of heaven. There was also a faint sound of Taoism in the air. The sound of Taoism was long and had the power to make all things grow.

However, unlike the sound of heaven that Xu Ying had seen before, this kind of growth of all things does not make the human body and vegetation grow randomly, but allows each organ to still maintain its shape, achieve perfect health, and improve human body functions. .

It is true that the way of heaven grows, ages, and destroys, but the way of heaven is too chaotic and goes against the essence of heaven. The aura of heaven exuded by the Queen Mother of the West is the real way of heaven. Xu Ying sighed in his heart.

They walked through the golden light, and Feng Yao called out to the Queen Mother of the West, causing ripples of divine power. However, she was still unable to awaken the owner of this divine power.

Xu Ying sensed carefully and felt that there were countless chaotic consciousnesses in the divine power. That was the consciousness of Queen Mother Xi, which had been smashed into pieces and turned into chaos.

Queen Mother of the West! Xu Ying called.

The divine power in the mountain is like a vast ocean. The turbulence becomes more and more violent, and the ripples turn into huge waves. However, the chaotic consciousness cannot be gathered.

Feng Yao and Qing Luan were surprised and looked at Xu Ying one after another.

Qingluan whispered: Miss, Xu Ying should be an immortal, but this undead seems to be a little different from us.

Western Queen!

Xu Ying called out again, and the divine power set off a tidal wave, which was endlessly turbulent and astonishing.

Feng Yao and Qing Luan immediately sensed countless chaotic and broken consciousnesses colliding with each other in the mountains. The vast ocean of divine power surged with wind and fire, and thunder grew, becoming extremely dangerous!

And at the center of the divine power, thunder moves like lightning and fireballs, wind and fire sweep across, chaos reigns, and is terrifying!

Feng Yao looked pale and murmured: Qingluan, he may not be an immortal of our uncle's generation, he may be the generation of immortals who came out of the mountains...

Qingluan turned into a girl and cuddled up next to her, looking around warily, and whispered: Then do we still want to call him Uncle Ying?

Feng Yao said worriedly: If you don't call me Uncle Ying, what else can you call me?

Qingluan laughed softly and said, Brother Ying.

Feng Yao was ashamed and angry, and twisted heavily under her armpits. Qingluan quickly blocked her and went to tickle her, using feathers to scratch her armpits, neck and lower abdomen.

Feng Yao hurriedly fought back, touching her body and lifting the girl's thin shirt.

Xu Ying took a glance, and immediately looked at her nose and heart, thinking: I am their uncle, I can't look around. After that, he took another sneak peek.

Master Zhong is not here, I can't control my heart anymore. He thought to himself.

The divine power at the top of Mount Yuzhu is turbulent, and the center is in chaos. The area covered is getting wider and wider, and the turbulence is getting more and more intense.

Suddenly, a muffled groan was heard, and a small boat burst out of the chaos. Half of the bamboo hat on the man's head was burned, and the boat was also set on fire, and he rushed away in a hurry.

He passed by Xu Ying. Xu Ying was about to see his true face, but when he saw a burnt face, he was shocked.

Such a powerful being had his face scorched by the power of the Queen Mother of the West!

Just when he thought of this, another majestic figure suddenly rushed out of the chaos, with terrifying mana surging, trying to extinguish the thunder and fire on his body.

Master Niwan Palace!

Xu Ying was surprised and almost screamed.

At this time, another extremely powerful being rushed out of the chaos. Someone said with an angry voice in a cold voice: Who dares to plot against me while I am getting water?

Qingluan was about to speak when suddenly two palms covered her mouth.

One of these two palms was Xu Ying's hand, and the other was Feng Yao's hand. They were both afraid that she would talk too much, expose Xu Ying, and anger these terrible beings.

Feng Yao pressed her hand on Xu Ying's hand, her face turned red, and she quietly retracted her palm.

Xu Ying was bitten by Qingluan, and he quickly retracted his hand. His palms were wet, not sure if it was Qingluan's saliva, and he thought to himself: Her bite really hurts.

The last person broke out of the chaos in the ocean of divine power. After a long time, no one broke out again.

Feng Yao, Qing Luan, let's go in! Xu Ying suddenly said.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind them and said with a smile: Xu Jun, please get the Yaochi fairy water and give me a scoop.

Xu Ying was shocked and turned around. Sure enough, he saw a square fairy mountain floating not far away. Xu Fu was standing on the fairy mountain in black clothes and red belt, dressed the same as him.

The two of them were like brothers.

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