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Chapter 241 A fellow-minded person

Feng Yao didn't know much about this and said: Of these three places in Kunlun, the Yaochi is in the West Mountain, the Divine Bridge is in the East Mountain, and as for the Jade Capital, I don't know where it is. How are they related to the realm of refining Qi? It’s beyond my ability to know.”

Xu Ying frowned slightly when he heard this. He was also a practitioner of Nuo Qi, and he had a detailed understanding of the realms of both Nuo masters and Qi refiners.

The realm of a Nuo master is not obvious. The realm is determined by the number of caves opened in a single secret treasure. If you reach the ninth cave, you will be a Nuo Immortal.

However, Qi refiners have clear divisions into realms: the Qi gathering period, the first knocking period, the refining period, the second knocking period, the Chonglou period, the Yaochi stage, the Shenqiao period, the third knocking period, and the ascension period. Each of the nine realms has its own differences, and they are not simply about improving combat power.

The various realms of Nuo masters are simply improvements in combat power. Only in the ninth cave, there is a qualitative improvement of the Nuo Immortal Hidden Scenery, becoming a land immortal. But it is far less refined than the realm division of the Qi Refiner.

And now, according to what the two girls said, Qi Shi's Yaochi Shenqiao and the Third Knocking Pass Period both corresponded to the geography of Kunlun, so he couldn't help but be curious.

Could it be that realm is also part of the phenomena of heaven and earth?

Especially the third knocking off period, Yujing Heavenly Pass. Is there really such a heavenly pass in the real world?

Could it be that if you break through this barrier, you can ascend?

There are also Yaochi and Shenqiao. These two realms also have corresponding geography. The Yaochi realm is to collect the water of Yaochi and be reborn. The Shenqiao realm is to fly across the Shenqiao and see the fairyland on the other side, which is moist and moist.

If these two realms also have corresponding geography, wouldn't it mean that when you come to Yaochi, you can be reborn, and when you climb the Shenqiao, you can see the fairy world and be baptized by the fairy light and nourished by the fairy spirit of the fairy world?

In the Xiyi realm of the human body, there are also Yaochi, Shenqiao and Jade Capital. If these three places in Kunlun are just similar to the Yaochi, Shenqiao and Jade Capital in the Xiyi domain, then it can only be said to be people's images. It’s just a matter of speculation.”

Xu Ying said to Feng Yao, But it would be interesting if Kunlun's Yaochi, Shenqiao and Yujing could correspond to the Xiyi domain.

He didn't know exactly what it meant. He had to go and see it on the spot to find out.

Feng Yao and Qing Luan were also planning to go to Yaochi, so they smiled and said, Uncle, why don't you come with us.

Xu Ying smiled and said, I want to get the fairy water from Yaochi, so I should go with me.

They divided the rice into three parts, Xu Ying, Fengyao and Qingluan each got one, leaving a rice as a seed. Xu Ying was quite looking forward to it. This kind of rice was a natural elixir from the immortal world. If you take it daily, your cultivation level would improve by leaps and bounds. It would be better than other elixirs.

Qingluan flew into the sky and monitored the surroundings, while Xu Ying walked and talked with Feng Yao about the information he knew.

Although Feng Yao is a descendant of the immortal people who served the Queen Mother of the West in Yaochi, she doesn’t know much about the fairy water in Yaochi. She said: “The Emperor of Zhou once came to ask for water from Yaochi, but he did not see Yaochi, so he met the six great Nuo ancestors. . He was entertained by the six Nuo ancestors and knew that there were fairy medicines on the six other shores, and he could take the fairy medicines and live forever.

Xu Ying asked in confusion: Where did the six great Nuo ancestors come from? Are they also immortals?

Feng Yao shook her head and said, They call themselves the Immortals.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on her face and asked, What do you call yourself?

At this time, Qingluan flew over with a huff, landed on his shoulder, and said: Those six old ghosts call themselves immortals, but they are definitely not immortals. They should live forever by relying on the elixir of immortality.

Xu Ying looked back at the Yuxu Palace on Yuxu Peak. The Yuxu Palace was the other side of the Yuchi Secrets. It seemed to be in the Kunlun Mountains, but it was not actually there, but on the far and deep other side.

Nuo Lu among the Sixth Patriarch holds the key to the Yuxu Palace and can obtain the elixir of the Yuxu Palace.

Qingluan flapped his wings and flew up, and a voice came: What Emperor Zhou got from the six Nuo ancestors was the way to the other side, but he didn't get the elixir that can make people ascend. I'm going to explore the way!

She soared in the sky, observing what was going on around her.

Feng Yao continued: The six Nuo ancestors told Emperor Zhou that he was a step late and the elixir had been taken away. The man who got the elixir from the six immortal palaces has become immortal.

When Xu Ying heard this, his heart moved slightly and he asked, Who is this person?

Feng Yao said: The six Nuo Ancestors didn't say anything. They only said that the man was extremely powerful. He was not a Qi practitioner. He just practiced martial arts and reached the level of ascension. If Emperor Zhou had come a few days earlier, he could still meet that man and say Maybe we can compete with him, but it's a pity that that person has left.

Xu Ying was shocked. It was the martial arts emperor who came out of the Taichu world!

Feng Yao continued: The Sixth Patriarch told Emperor Zhou that the next time the elixir would mature would be three thousand years from now. After Emperor Zhou returned from Kunlun, he gave up the idea of ​​ascending to heaven. He knew that he would not survive the next three thousand years, so he started to prepare. The Divine Boat on the other shore, go to the other shore to find the elixir and save your life.

Xu Ying said: However, Emperor Zhou did not return to Kunlun after three thousand years.

Feng Yao was also a little confused and said: I am an immortal. I don't need to go to the other side to collect medicine, so I didn't go with the ship. I don't know what happened to them and why they didn't come back on time. But today, six thousand years later, Emperor Zhou I probably won’t give up.”

Qingluan fluttered its wings and flew over, then landed on the ground and transformed into a girl in green, squeezing between Xu Ying and Feng Yao. There were feathers swaying above her head, and there were colorful feathers behind her like a long skirt.

She said crisply: Emperor Zhou was probably harmed by his heavenly craftsman! I always felt that the heavenly craftsman named Chan Chan was unreliable and cut corners when refining the other side of the divine boat!

After she separated Xu Ying and Feng Yao, she suddenly fluttered her wings and flew into the air, continuing to monitor the surroundings.

Feng Yao was relatively quiet and said: The craftsmanship of Emperor Zhou is indeed a bit unreliable, but although she cut corners, the quality will not be a problem. I think Emperor Zhou may have encountered some problems on the other side, which prevented him from returning.

Qingluan's voice came from above: There must be something wrong with that broken ship, which caused Emperor Zhou to miss three thousand years! I have long been unhappy with that Zhuchanchan! I asked her to make a pair of bells for me, and gave them to her With a mountain of materials, she literally made a pair of bells for me!

Xu Ying asked: Has the Emperor Zhou returned from the other side?

Feng Yao said: With his intelligence, he must have returned a long time ago and will definitely not miss this opportunity.

Qingluan Fengfenghuohuo broke in between them and said: If Emperor Zhou comes back, he will be the first to kill Zhu Chanchan's head sacrifice flag!

Feng Yao said: Emperor Zhou always makes plans before taking action. If he cuts the bamboo to sacrifice the flag, he will definitely scare the snake and make people know that he has returned. He was refined by the fairy fire on the other side and has no cultivation at all. He will definitely not He rashly lets people know that he is back.

Her eyes flashed and she said: Based on what I know about him, he will probably pretend to be a descendant of a famous sect, blend into the crowd this time, and try to seize the elixir.

Qingluan rushed forward two steps, turned into a blue bird and fluttered his wings, saying: Although that boy has a deep mind, his cultivation strength is amazing. If he is also in the crowd, he will defeat everyone with his strength to seize the fairy medicine. Disaster.

Xu Ying followed Feng Yao up the mountain and said with a smile: They are competing for the immortal medicine, but they give us the opportunity to search for places like Yao Chi and Shenqiao. By the way, Feng Yao, we are the only undead people left. ?Have you encountered other undead people?

Feng Yao shook his head, his thin body under the blue clothes looked a little thin, and said: In the past, I could still meet other descendants of the undead people, but the Heavenly Daoists continued to hunt and kill them, and they became more and more withered. In recent years, there are only You are the only one.

Her eyes turned to Xu Ying, and Xu Ying's eyes also happened to look over. When the young girl's eyes met, her heartbeat skipped half a beat, and a strange feeling arose in her heart.

There are only one man and one woman left among the undead people. They are both teenagers, so it is inevitable that they have other ideas.

Qingluan flew over with a roar, intervened between the two of them, and said, There are others heading to Yaochi as well.

Xu Ying and Feng Yao felt awe-struck in their hearts.

Qingluan said: Uncle, your cultivation is not enough. If you encounter danger, don't come forward and leave it to us.

Xu Ying thought of how much they both ate, and surprisingly did not refute and nodded.

Yuzhu Peak is the sister peak of Yuxu Peak. It is really vast. The various geography in the mountain are like a world. They walked in the mountains, passed through various climates and vegetation in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and experienced wind, snow, frost, scorching sun and heat. Suddenly, a peach forest ahead came into view.

Thousands of acres of peach grove is quite spectacular. It is planted along the mountains and is divided into three layers with different peach trees.

Unfortunately, these peach trees are dead.

Apparently there had been a fierce battle here and the peach forest was destroyed.

In the peach grove, someone was wailing under the tree, his voice choked with sobs. From what he said, he seemed to be crying that the fairy fruit that could extend people's life had died, and he could only rely on eating people to extend his life.

When the man noticed that Xu Ying and others had entered the peach forest, he hurriedly covered his face with his sleeves and ran away quickly.

Xu Ying and Feng Yao were shocked and confused.

After walking through the peach grove, they passed a cliff. Opposite the cliff, they saw a city built on the cliff. It should also be the place where the undead people lived. There was a strange tree in the city, more than ten feet high, with many buds on it. Pearl.

There was a man holding a small boat, floating between two cliffs, trying hard to sail towards the city on the cliff.

The fishing guy who ate Li Xiaoke!

Xu Ying was shocked when he saw the man in the bamboo hat on the boat reaching out his hand and trying to grab the pearl on the strange tree. However, he saw countless pearls on the strange tree shining brightly. Wherever the light shone, the infinite space grew wildly. The distance between the boat and the strange tree was still about one foot!

The boat roared and galloped at a speed that Xu Ying couldn't even imagine, but it still couldn't get close to that strange tree!

Suddenly, the green luan fluttered its wings and flew into the overlapping light emitted by the strange tree. It shuttled quickly. After a while, the bird's beak poked out and pecked a bright pearl.

The strange tree was emitting fairy light, and its branches were waving towards her.

Qingluan immediately flew back and landed on Xu Ying's shoulder.

The man in the bamboo hat on the small boat didn't bother to pick the pearl from the fairy book. He immediately turned the boat around and reached out to grab Qingluan on Xu Ying's shoulder. He clearly felt that he couldn't get the pearl, so he might as well grab it.

At this moment, Feng Yao stepped lightly in front of Xu Ying and raised her hand to meet the palm of the man in the bamboo hat.

The moment the fragile girl's palm touched the palm of the man in the bamboo hat, there were only a few buzzing sounds, and six extremely bright caves suddenly appeared behind the man in the bamboo hat. The sound of the Dao was loud and spinning!

Feng Yao's breath surged, and Xu Ying, who was standing behind her, immediately saw an extremely bright light that dazzled his eyes. Six consecutive caves passed through his and Qingluan's bodies, floating in the sky behind Feng Yao!

The man in the bamboo hat took a step back, bowed slightly, and said: It turns out that I am a member of the same Taoist group. It was my fault that I offended my fellow Taoist.

The boat floated under his feet and disappeared from everyone's sight.

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