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Chapter 231 God Lu Wu

Xu Ying climbed over the mountains and came to Washe in the mountains. The scenery here is pleasant with green mountains and green water, high mountains and clear clouds, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Outside the tile house there are several acres of idle fields, already planted with crops.

Wase is a small town built in the embrace of the mountains. It has white walls and blue tiles. Xu Ying is a little disappointed. The buildings here are somewhat similar to the Xujiaping buildings he saw in Wangxiang Taichung, but the layout of Wase is different.

Obviously, this is not Xujiaping.

Is there anyone in Kunlun Ruins who has settled here? Maybe people in the town will know about Xujiaping!

He gained hope and ordered, Master Qi, you look rather sinister. Don't scare the people in the town.

An Qi was quite aggrieved. Although he was a big snake, his appearance was definitely not related to evil. On the contrary, he has two black and white horns, with clouds floating between them, and his body has a Taoist image, which gives people a sense of majesty and closeness.

Xu Ying said to the big bell: Master Zhong, you have blood and various injuries on your body. It's better to hide it, lest we look like evil people.

Da Zhong was also quite aggrieved and thought to himself: Isn't the blood on my body just because you wanted me to kill someone? Now you dislike me for being so vicious!

Master Cao, don't show your head. You grow on the grave. Be careful of bringing bad luck to other people's homes. Xu Ying said.

Purple Immortal Grass was furious and was about to fight with him.

Da Zhong quickly stopped and advised: Master Cao, don't argue with him. He is timid in his hometown and has a holy place in his heart. He is afraid that he is not pure enough and will pollute his homeland. Let's just follow his wishes.

An Qi shrank in size, and the big bell and purple fairy grass hid in his Xiyi territory.

When Xu Ying saw this, he couldn't find fault with them. He felt that he was too vicious and worried about disturbing the people here. He then stopped and asked An Qi to hold out a bright mirror. He looked at the mirror for a while and tried to practice smiling.

After a while, Xu Ying walked into this mountain town with a stiff smile.

There is an archway at the entrance of the town with the words Xiadu engraved on it.

There were not many people in the town, both young and old. People's clothes were very simple and their lives were very peaceful. When they saw Xu Ying, they all looked over and smiled.

Their faces were illuminated by the scorching sunlight, showing a slightly dark bronze color with a dark red blush, and the smiles on their faces looked very simple.

The buildings here are very old and have experienced weather for an unknown amount of time. There are also some weird sculptures in the town, which should be the gods they worship.

The god has a tiger head and a human face, with nine tails, crouching in the town's temple. Behind the temple are the ridges of nine mountains.

When Xu Ying saw this scene, his heart was slightly shaken, and he knew the origin of this god.

This god is actually the top of the mountain at the foot of the nine mountains and the town. Looking from a distance, the top of the mountain and the nine mountains behind it are the image of a tiger with its head and nine tails.

People here worship the gods according to the trends of the mountains and rivers. This custom of worshiping the gods is extremely ancient, much older than worshiping the Yin God. It is a worship custom from the primitive period!

However, what surprised Xu Ying was that there was no incense or incense burner in front of the statue with a tiger head, human face and nine tails. Apparently, the incense had stopped for an unknown amount of time.

Master Qi, something is wrong.

Xu Ying felt alert, his consciousness fluctuated, and he said, If the people in Xiadu are the original residents of this place, how can they not worship their gods? The decline of the incense here means that the people in this town are not locals!

An Qi looked around quietly in awe, and saw that everyone in the town stopped what they were doing, and their eyes fell on them.

These people have been laughing for a long time, and the smiles on their faces have become stiff.

Although An Qi is a Qi Refiner of the Demon Clan, he has not transformed into a human being, and he possesses Taoism. If ordinary people saw this situation, they would start talking about it even if they did not flee.

But there was no curiosity or fear in the eyes of the people in Xiadu. No one came forward to ask about Xu Ying's origins. They just stared at Xu Ying with strange eyes.

Something weird.

Xu Ying turned around and planned to leave Xiadu Town. At this time, all the residents of Xiadu stood up and stood in front of him. Their expressions were still the same as before, with stiff smiles and strange eyes.

Suddenly, a mountain wind blew from the street. The wind was so strong that it blew open the doors on both sides.

Xu Ying's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw behind the door were dead bones, with no flesh and blood, but the clothes on his body had not melted!

The clothing of these corpses is different from that of the townspeople. The clothing of the corpses is mainly linen. They like to weave, and silver and gold ornaments are hung at the ends of the fabric.

The clothes of the citizens of Xiadu are completely different. The textures of their clothes are embroidered with specious runes of heaven. These clothes and clothes are very ancient.

And behind these bones, there are mountains of skeletons, filling the houses!

There were gnawing marks on these bones, as if the flesh and blood on the bones had been eaten bit by bit, and even the shreds of meat in the gaps between the bones had been licked clean!

A Ying, there are magic weapons in the house. Xian Qi whispered.

Xu Ying slowly stepped back, and he also saw the magic weapons, some of which still showed the texture of heaven. Although these treasures are not heavenly artifacts, their power is extraordinary, surpassing many heavy treasures refined by Qi Refiners in the Ascension Stage!

What's even more frightening is that every household has such a treasure, as if it is used to suppress the withered bones and skeletons and guard against the resurrection of the withered bones and skeletons!

The big bell trembled, there were so many magic weapons, if they were swarmed up, they could break it into a sieve!

Xu Ying had never seen such a branding magic weapon before. The magic weapons he saw, such as Qi Refiners, often imprinted the Taoist images of his own cultivation, such as Nuo Masters, which imprinted the hidden scenes of his own thoughts.

He specializes in cultivating the way of heaven and imprinting the way of heaven into magic weapons. This is the first time he has seen this method of refining treasures.

Among all the living beings in the lower realm, there are very few dedicated inheritances of heaven!

Let's enter the temple!

Xu made a quick decision and turned around to enter the temple. He saw the townspeople outside stopped and stood motionless outside the temple.

A deep voice came from the crowd: Beyond the French Open, there are actually indigenous people. It's worth waiting here for so many years.

He is an undead citizen of Kunlun... a voice from the crowd said.

An old woman laughed out loud: He has the same bloodline as the undead people we killed. I smelled the sweet smell in his bloodline, which made my index finger move. I haven't eaten such fresh undead people in a long time. Already...

She lifted up her sleeves, revealing shriveled and wrinkled skin without any flesh and blood, and shouted, Look, my skin is all dry!

The townspeople stared at Xu Ying with their Adam's apple rolling.

In those portals blown open by the mountain wind, each piece of magic weapon imprinted with the texture of Tiandao gradually revived, forming a strange Tiandao dojo.

In the dojo, one can hear the thick sound of sacrifice.

This heavenly dojo shrouded the town of Xiadu, leaving Xu Ying and others with no way to go to heaven or to the earth!

Xu Ying calmed down and came to the back of the temple. He saw some townspeople at the back door, blocking his escape route. Even if he could break out of the encirclement, he might not be able to fight against the Tiandao Dojo.

They seem to be afraid of this temple and dare not come in.

Xu Ying immediately looked at the temple. The temple was clean and spotless, but there were no words on it.

The statue of the god enshrined in the center is towering, exuding bursts of divine power, and the nine tails behind it are also the texture of the mountains. Apart from this, there is nothing else in the temple.

This god should be the mountain god worshiped by the residents of Xiadu Town.

Xu Ying whispered, Some people in the crowd just now said that the residents of Xiadu Town are immortals. What does that mean? Are they also immortal immortals like me?

He was quite puzzled. His experience was already very strange. Could it be that there were others like him who lived forever in a mortal body?

An Qi said: Ah Ying, they also said that your blood has the same taste as the blood of the undead people. These people outside are definitely not the aborigines of Xiadu. From their tone, it sounds like they have eaten the undead people who originally lived here. People. They also said you were a fish that slipped through the net...

Xu Ying said nothing and continued to look inside the temple, hoping to find the secrets that these weirdos did not dare to invade.

However, the temple was empty except for the statue of a tiger with a tiger head and nine tails.

An Qi shouted: Ah Ying, look outside the temple!

Xu Ying looked outside the temple and saw the townspeople taking in magic weapons that exuded the power of heaven, including swords, spears, swords, halberds, bells, tripods, and towers, forming a formation around the temple.

The power of heaven overflowed from those magic weapons, and the power became stronger and stronger, gradually causing the walls and roof of the temple to float softly, and bricks and stones continued to fall off!

Xu Ying frowned and looked at the tiger-headed nine-tailed statue in the center. Suddenly an idea flashed and he said quickly: Master Qi, bring me some incense!

An Qi quickly opened his mouth, and bundles of incense and candles flew out from a pile of debris in his belly. Xu Ying immediately set up an altar, put incense and candles on the altar, and lit them all.

I saw incense curling into the nostrils of the tiger-headed and nine-tailed statue.

The tiger-headed and nine-tailed statue suddenly shook, came to life from the altar, shook its body, swung its nine tails, crouched down, and put its huge head in front of Xu Ying, looking around.

Xu Ying smelled the strong smell of incense and the breath of blood.

Praise my true name! The statue's big head opened its mouth, and the roar shook Xu Ying's face to the point where wrinkles appeared on his face, shaking back, and his hair was blown straight.

An Qi said loudly: Ah Ying, the Heavenly Dao formation outside has been activated!

The power of the Tiandao Dojo became thicker and more terrifying, causing the outer walls of the temple to crackle and burst into pieces. The pillars floated in the air and continued to disintegrate!

The dome of the temple was also disintegrating, and the ground under their feet was also floating and soft, collapsing and disintegrating, making their range of activities smaller and smaller!

The statue also saw that the situation was dangerous and shouted loudly: Praise my true name!

Cold sweat rolled down Xu Ying's forehead, and his brain was running wildly, but he had no idea what his real name was. The statue's voice was thick, as if coming from the nine heavens, with a rolling sound, deafening, and said sternly: Praise my true name!

Various images came to Xu Ying's mind, flashing by like a horse, and suddenly a name came to him. Without thinking, he opened his mouth and shouted: Shangshen Lu Wu——

The statue with a tiger head and a human face and nine tails smiled, violent divine power erupted from the body, and a thunderous roar came from the mountains.

Lu Wu is here! I'm at your disposal!

Loud rumbling noises continued to come from the nine mountains. On the outskirts of the Kunlun Mountains, the ancient and incomparable divine power awakened, leading Xu Ying and others to break through the Tiandao dojo and fly away!

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