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Chapter 230 Fairy Insect

Gu Feiyu's death shocked the girl in purple and the boy in yellow and others in the distance.

Gu Feiyu is the contemporary sect leader selected by the Wuji Sect. He is protected by immortals and sealed for three thousand years to remain in the contemporary era. He shoulders the important task of revitalizing the Wuji Sect.

He is a qi practitioner who has discovered the Six Secrets of the Human Body and also practices Nuo Qi. He can be said to be the crystallization of wisdom from ancient times. His cultivation strength is definitely the best among his peers.

What's more, he also has the Immortal Family's Golden Seal Immortal Barrier to protect his body. It is difficult to kill him without breaking the Golden Seal Immortal Barrier.

But even a qi master in the ascension stage may be helpless against the Golden Seal Immortal Barrier. It’s not that the Golden Seal Immortal Barrier is too strong, but it’s just that you can’t even read it, so how can you crack it?

But Gu Feiyu's death made them realize that even the Immortal Family's Golden Seal Immortal Barrel for body protection could not protect themselves, and there was still a possibility of being killed!

There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

The young man in yellow shirt looked at Xu Ying and whispered, This person is not weaker than me, it's just a pity. How can he still survive after offending the Xian family?

He left quickly, his eyes flashing: This place will become a Shura field. It is better for a gentleman to leave first than to stand under a dangerous wall!

The purple-clothed girl and others also saw the danger and left quickly, away from Xu Ying.

As soon as they left, they saw the golden seal celestial being still in the air, and a majestic voice came from the celestial being: Junior, you asked me to come down and compete, and now I'm here.

The Immortal Rui manifested the Immortal Light, and a figure with white robes, white hair and white beard actually walked out of the Immortal Light. As his figure moved, a wonderful Taoist sound gradually spread from low to high, spreading outwards. The voice is getting louder and louder!

He is the Wuji Immortal. He absorbs the energy of the Immortal Barrel and creates an incarnation in the lower world to do things for him.

He wants to manifest and punish this lawless man!

As the voice of immortality in his body came out, winds and clouds surged around him, the avenues of heaven and earth were chaotic, the ground cracked, billowing magma gushes out, strong winds howled, flames seeped out from the cracked time and space, and the space around the immortal jar was broken. It turned into countless glass-like fragments flying around.

Earth, water, wind and fire, complete chaos!

Farther away, the mountains shook and vegetation grew wildly. The Nuo masters and Qi refiners who were slightly closer ran away in a hurry, turning into a pile of rotten flesh as they ran.

As the voice of immortality came out, there was a doomsday scene all around. Even the vitality in Xu Ying's body was about to move. No matter the martial arts energy or the swordsmanship, they couldn't suppress it, and they would backfire on themselves!

The figure of the Wuji Immortal Old Man walked out from the immortal light emitted by the golden seal immortal urn, becoming more and more real. Just as he was about to walk out of the immortal urn, suddenly the big bell flew towards him.

Xu Ying grabbed the wall of the bell and slapped it with his palm on the Taoist inscription with the word prison on the wall of the bell.


The bell rang, and the immortal who walked out of the golden seal seal showed surprise: Where did your seal come from?

His figure swayed, following an inexplicable trajectory, and even avoided the seal of Daowen with the word prison!

Xu Ying clasped his hands, facing the big bell, and put his ten fingers together to form five prison characters. He suddenly activated the power of the big bell. With the sound of the bell, the prison characters continued to erupt and locked towards Wuji Immortal Old Man!

The incarnation of the Wuji Immortal Old Man must absorb the energy of the Golden Seal Immortal Barrel and cannot leave the Immortal Barrier, otherwise it will not be able to manifest. In a space as large as the Immortal Barrel, no matter how exquisite his body skills are, he cannot withstand such a fierce attack from Xu Ying. !

I saw layers of three-dimensional prison characters intertwined, sealing him layer by layer. The immortal vessel, together with the incarnation of the Wuji Immortal Old Man, were sealed in a square prison character.

Junior, do you know what you are doing?

In the cage, the incarnation of Wuji Immortal Old Man slowly raised his head and said with a gloomy face, You killed the true immortal's descendant in the human world. You have offended the true immortal, and you will be guilty.

The word sin fell, the voice of immortality came out from the cage, the color of the world changed, and the pollution of immortality invaded from all directions.

Seventh Master, Chong!

Xu Ying's body was boiling, he had difficulty controlling himself, and had a tendency to self-destruct. He hurriedly shouted, Insect!

An Qi was swimming out of the hidden scene. He was startled when he heard the words, and then he woke up. He hurriedly opened his mouth, and another prison-character seal flew out of his mouth, which was also a prison-character cube.

Inside this seal is an insect, with wings and legs, and a pair of scissor-like mouthparts. It walks around uneasily in the prison-character seal, constantly flapping its wings, but unable to fly or cut the seal.

This insect was the insect that ate the sad-looking old man Fu Yi. It was sealed by Xu Ying and kept in the belly of Anchi Qi.

Xu Ying raised his hand to grab the cage and slapped it hard, slamming the cage sealing the bug into the cage sealing the incarnation of the Infinite Immortal.

Two cages, connected into one.

I know who you are.

When the incarnation of the Wuji Immortal saw the insect, he didn't care to recite the sound of immortality. His face changed drastically and he said sternly, You are Xu Ying! You have returned to Kunlun Mountain! The cage in the lower world is out of control...

Before he could finish speaking, the insect suddenly split into countless tiny insects, whizzing towards him and drowning him.

The incarnation of the Wuji Immortal Old Man was struggling in the swarm of insects, and was eaten up completely in an instant. Even the golden seal immortal basket was eaten cleanly, and not a single bit was left!

Xu Ying was frightened when he saw it. He reached out and grabbed the cube cage, his palms trembling a little.

An Qi was also frightened when he saw it, and said quickly: Ah Ying, don't put this insect in my stomach. If one day it bites through the cage and escapes, I won't be able to beat him as a sacrifice!

Don't worry, this insect has no intelligence and can't break the prison characters.

Xu Ying comforted, The prisoner's characters sealed me. If it could be cracked so easily, then I would have been able to break the seal long ago.

Even so, he was still uneasy and urged the prisoner characters on the wall of the bell to deepen the seal.

In the small cage, the insect was extremely ferocious. Every time it flapped its wings and flew up, it would pounce out and tear them apart. But fortunately, as it changed, the cage also changed, and it could always be trapped.

The purple fairy grass flew out and looked at the bug curiously. When the bug saw it, it became more excited and anxious, walking around in the cage, as if it wanted to pounce on it and eat it.

Xu Ying asked in surprise: Could this kind of bug be raised with the elixir of immortality? Graveyard Grass, cut off some of its roots and give it a taste.

Purple Immortal Grass was angry and planned to give him some trouble, but when she thought about how Xu Ying ambushed the God of Heaven, she was a little scared and did not take action.

Xu Ying was surprised, thinking that the grass had changed its nature, and thought to himself: Master Qi said that those who are close to vermilion will be red and those who are close to ink will be black, and they really did not lie to me. Mr. Cao has been with me for so long, and he has become refined and easy-going.

Gao Shiqing, covered in blood, staggered out of the hidden scene. When he saw that Xu Ying had even fed the immortal incarnation of the Wuji Sect to insects, he felt awe-struck and was about to leave.

Why don't you stay and talk? Xu Ying said calmly.

Gao Shiqing stopped quickly, smiled softly and said, Mr. Xu, long time no see.

Xu Ying was confused, thought about it carefully, and was convinced that she had never seen him before.

Gao Shiqing said quickly: When you entered the divine capital, many aristocratic families came to greet you. I was not a Nuo Immortal at that time. I had only cultivated to the eighth level of the Cave Heaven. I saw Mr. Xu from a distance in the crowd.

Xu Ying nodded slightly and asked, When did the Gao family contact the Wuji Sect?

Gao Shiqing was afraid of offending him and said cautiously: There is no contradiction in the alliance between the aristocratic family and the sect. Although the sect has a profound foundation and is backed by the Immortal Family, after all, only one or two people have survived until now. If these sects want to develop, they must We have to rely on the strength of the aristocratic family. My Gao family operates in the Taishan area, controlling the Jiedu envoys, county magistrates, and taking charge of the grassroots people in the countryside. The Wuji Sect also needs the approval of my Gao family to accept disciples. My Gao family also needs to practice Nuo Qi. Send the disciples of the powerful family to the Wuji Sect, and in the future the Wuji Sect will have half the size of my Gao family.

Xu Ying asked: Where are the ordinary people and the children of the poor?

Of course it's fair play.

Gao Shiqing couldn't help laughing and laughed, But how can those Kuhaha families compete with our family? Collecting medicines and elixirs, mining mines and refining treasures, and cultivating souls, which one does not require a lot of money? And the famous sects are everywhere. How much money can I give to a famous sect? How much money can I give to a famous sect? How much can I give to a famous sect like the Wuji Sect? There will definitely be fewer and fewer children from poor people in such a famous sect like Wuji Sect.

When he said this, his face turned bitter. Now even Gu Feiyu, the head of the Wuji Sect, had been killed by Xu Ying, and the Gao family had one less path to success.

But fortunately, the Gao family not only united with the Wuji Sect, but also with several other sects. The disappearance of the Wuji Sect could not hinder the rise of the Gao family.

Xu Ying was a little disappointed and murmured: This is the family, this is the family...

He originally thought that the emergence of sects could solve the problems of aristocratic families in governing the world and give ordinary people more opportunities to get ahead, but he did not expect that it would be a powerful alliance between aristocratic families and sects.

With these powerful forces united, how can ordinary people still have a chance to succeed?

Super catastrophe, the road to immortality is cut off. They are blocked and unable to ascend and become immortals. But how easy is it for an ordinary person to become them?

Xu Ying murmured, For ordinary people to achieve great success, the difficulty is no less than a super calamity. Everyone is focused on how to overcome the calamity and how to ascend. Who will speak for them, and who will open their eyes for them?

Gao Shiqing smiled and said: Mr. Xu, are you unfounded? It's okay for ordinary people. Those poor and humble people can't even afford a wife or food, so they will naturally become extinct. Why worry about them?

Xu Ying's eyes trembled, and he waved his hand: You can go, I won't embarrass you.

Gao Shiqing left in a hurry, thinking: My Gao family made a long bet, the Wuji Sect was destroyed, and there are other sects. Even if the emperor changes, the status of my Gao family will not be shaken at all!

Xu Ying glanced at Da Zhong and raised his hand to faintly wipe his neck.

The big bell understood and flew into the sky.

After a while, a bell rang in the distance, and the big bell flew back covered in blood and said, A Ying, he asked me to ask you why your words don't count.

Xu Ying said in surprise: I didn't make things difficult for him. It was you who killed him and it had nothing to do with me.

Dazhong said angrily: Ah Ying, I exerted great force this time and was seriously damaged. Something has happened here. Take out some of the treasure you put in Master Qi's belly and give it to me. I will go see Patriarch Chanchan. Please She healed my wounds and started practicing again.

Promise is granted.

Da Zhong was overjoyed.

But An Qi was secretly alert and thought to himself: Ben Zhong has become a lot smarter recently. He just used a variety of techniques. He was obviously working secretly and widened the gap between me and him. If I look useless, Isn’t his status getting lower and lower?”

He secretly made up his mind to practice hard and try to catch up with the clock as soon as possible.

As long as the grass on the grave is still around, it will become useless grass sooner or later, and its position will be replaced by me. An Qixin said.

Xu Ying continued to walk forward and said silently in his heart: But fortunately there is still Jianmen. Our Jianmen selection of disciples cannot be like the Wuji Sect. However, simply having Jianmen is not enough, we also need Jiulong Mountain. There must be Emei and more sects. They choose their disciples not based on their net worth or who their ancestors are, but based on whether their disciples have corresponding talents and qualifications.

A prosperous age is when people make the best use of their talents and everything is put to good use. When everyone is stuck in their own predicament and unable to get ahead, it is by no means a prosperous age.

Suddenly, Xu Ying saw a tiled house among the mountains from a distance, and couldn't help but feel excited: Is it Xu Jiaping?

He quickened his pace and rushed towards the tile house.

In the Kunlun Snow Mountain, the Ice and Snow Goddess suddenly felt something in her heart and turned into a piece of ice and snow and merged into the snow mountain.

In the snowy mountains, the blizzard came again, more ferocious than before, blocking the entrance to Kunlun Realm.

However, the person who came here was very powerful. He wore a bamboo hat and drove a small boat through the wind and snow, encountering almost no obstacles along the way.

The wind and snow became tighter, and six caves appeared behind the man in the bamboo hat, containing inexplicable power. Where the six caves shrouded the sky, the wind and snow were still.

The mountain man took advantage of the passage without any ill intentions. The man in the bamboo hat stood on the bow of the boat and saluted the snowy mountain.

In the wind and snow, the Ice and Snow Goddess appeared faintly and looked at the visitor. At this moment, several more powerful auras came, passing through the wind and snow, heading towards Kunlun.

The Ice and Snow Goddess frowned slightly, knowing that she could not resist these people, so she immediately waved her sleeves and the wind and snow stopped a little.

Why did so many powerful beings suddenly come? She was surprised.

The man in the bamboo hat drove the boat through the wind and snow. He seemed to be aware of the auras of other people. The boat slowed down slightly and thought to himself: Are you here to find the elixir of immortality, or are you here to find the six Nuo ancestors? Back then, when Zulong was enshrined in Mount Tai, were you there, right? You also saw the spectacular sight of the six Nuo ancestors giving immortal medicine to Zulong.

He sneered slightly and whispered: Is there really a Nuo ancestor who masters six kinds of immortal medicine in this world? Why do I not believe it?

The boat flew out of the snow-capped mountains and entered Kunlun Ruins.

The true value of Kunlun is not the six Nuo Ancestors, nor the elixir they mastered, but the immortal destiny, the immortal destiny of ascension! I am bound to win the immortal destiny that the Yellow Emperor ascended on his dragon!

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