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Chapter 222 Supreme Sword Art

Tao Danyang's swordsmanship talent is extremely high, and he can be ranked among the top three in the history of Shushan Sword Sect. His swordsmanship is superb and unrivaled in the world.

When Li Xiaoke came to visit Jianmen, he was the one who allowed Li Xiaoke to enter the cliff of Sword Immortal to comprehend.

He was quite disdainful of Li Xiaoke, saying that Li Xiaoke was a master of bells and swords. If he was really capable, why should he be a bell? This is used to ridicule Li Xiaoke for not being loyal to the sword and unable to achieve the highest achievement of swordsmanship.

However, when he faced Xu Ying's sword, he had the same feeling as when he first learned to sword, when he held the sword and faced the sword light from the master and had no way to avoid it.

He actually had the feeling that he was not loyal to the sword!

An unknown number of sword moves flashed through his mind in an instant, but all the sword moves he used resulted in his own death by the sword if the move was broken!

He had seen the swordsmanship of the first ancestor, which was exquisite, yet obscure and difficult to master. The swordsmanship performed by Xu Ying was more exquisite and more powerful than that of the first ancestor!

There are secrets in the sword moves that the first generation ancestors never got. This is the real Sword Art Returning to True Secret.

The Jian Dao Returning True Secret, which countless people in the Sword Sect dreamed of, and even the first ancestor tried to crack, was perfectly displayed in Xu Ying's hands.

When the sword struck, the sword boxes and swords carried by the corpses on the ground flew out one after another, resonating with the fairy sword, and stabbed Tao Danyang.

On the top of the Seventy-two Peaks of Jianmen, the iron swords and bronze swords inserted into the mountain also vibrated one after another. Suddenly, a flying sword soared into the sky and rushed towards the ten-mile cliff.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Behind this flying sword, countless flying swords suddenly broke away from the mountain and flew towards them. More and more flying swords turned into sword streams, flying from the seventy-two peaks to the ten-mile cliff.

They gathered in mid-air, forming a torrent of flying swords that was hundreds of miles long. The densely packed flying swords were long or short, wide or narrow, heavy or light, like countless whitebait and herring, whizzing away and flying in. Ten miles of cliffs!

Even the sword energy in Tao Danyang's body was about to move, threatening to break apart and fly out!

He felt that his soul, vitality, and consciousness all turned into swords and flew out to kill him!

This is the supreme swordsmanship!

Everything can be a sword, everything can be turned into one's own sword, and even the enemy can be turned into one's own sword to kill the enemy.

The first generation patriarch understood the word return which he had never understood in half his life, and it was brought into full play in Xu Ying's hands!

I can't take it!

Tao Danyang quickly retreated, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. To him, Xu Ying's cultivation strength was not very high. During the second knocking period, no matter how powerful his cultivation level was, it was far from comparable to his cultivation level of 17,000 Cave Heavens.

But the Immortal Sword Si Wuxie does not rely on Xu Ying’s cultivation strength!

The Immortal Sword Si Wuxie is an immortal weapon left by the first ancestor. It has long been endowed with spirituality. It is powerful and can attack independently, bursting out with the power that only an immortal weapon can have!

Xu Ying holds it and performs the Sword Dao Return to True Art, and it is responsible for maximizing the power of the Sword Dao Return to True Art!

The charming sword light, accompanied by the supreme swordsmanship, allowed Tao Danyang to hear the sound of the immortal way reaching his ears. The sound of the way made people crazy and unreasonable!

He was so frightened that he immediately mobilized all his cultivation, activated his special swordsmanship and magical powers, and faced the sword light!

The sword sweeps across the mountains and rivers!

When he used his kendo sword skills, a strange vision of mountains and rivers appeared vaguely, and the next moment the mountains and rivers were destroyed!

Pieces of sword mountains collapsed, and the long river of sword energy was annihilated, turning into countless torrents of flying sword energy, and instead, they were killing him!

Tao Danyang quickly retreated and changed his sword moves. The violent mana of the seventeen thousand caves surged out and turned into a flat sword.

This is the strongest sword in the swordsmanship he created. With one sword strike, it is like the supreme god holding a sword to flatten the whole sky!

But the Pingtian sword that he was proud of was also shattered under the fast or slow fairy light, which only increased the power of Xu Ying's sword. Tao Danyang retreated again and changed his moves, but the moves were still broken. !

He retreated again and again, using various moves in an instant, but still failed to break Xu Ying's sword power. The sword energy that was transformed into after the broken sword moves made Xu Ying's sword power surge even more!

I can't draw my sword in front of him! If I draw my sword, I will be defeated. Over time, he will use my power to gather momentum and kill me with the sword!

Tao Danyang stepped back and jumped into the air, facing the torrent of swordsmanship that was coming towards him. He suddenly shouted loudly, his sleeves shook, and he pushed forward with his hands.


The caves suddenly moved from behind him to in front of him. Violent mana erupted in the seventeen thousand caves. Some were like large and small bright whirlpools, some were like half moons, and some were like lotus flowers!

Tao Danyang shouted like thunder: You have supreme swordsmanship, and I have supreme magic power! Let's see how you break through my cave!

This is magic power that is enough to shake the sky, unrivaled magic power that freezes time and space just to block Xu Ying's sword light!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The fairy sword Si Wuxie pierced into it, and the sword light clashed with the powerful and boundless magic power, making a harsh sound.

The fairy sword pierced through the mana walls formed by caves one after another. The fairy light became brighter and brighter, but the speed became slower and slower. In the end, this sword path was blocked and could not continue.

Tao Danyang was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw a torrent of flying swords coming from the cliff ten miles below like a roaring dragon. Countless flying swords shot into the cave sky one after another.

He has as many as seventeen thousand caves. At this moment, there are hundreds of flying swords in each cave, piercing the cave. And as more flying swords fly from the seventy-two peaks of Jianmen, those caves are The number of flying swords is increasing, gradually interfering with the operation of the cave.

Tao Danyang groaned, and saw Xu Ying holding the fairy sword Si Wuxie. The dazzling light on the tip of the sword became brighter and brighter, and he actually took this opportunity to try to break through the confinement of his magic!

Suddenly, a big bell roared towards me, getting faster and faster. The big bell got bigger and bigger, like a bronze bell-shaped mountain peak, about three hundred feet high. All kinds of phenomena appeared on the wall of the bell, and there was a bang. There was a loud noise, hitting the mana barrier formed by 17,000 caves!

Tao Danyang's breath was strong, he groaned, and his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding.

When the big bell hit, a divine bird was seen flying in. It had three golden wings and was extremely ferocious. It dragged a huge fireball formed by the true fire of the sun, which was dozens of times larger than the big bell. There was a loud bang. Hitting the barrier.

The three-legged divine bird was extremely fierce. Its wings rotated and turned into sword lights, flying around and slashing wildly around the magic barrier. At the same time, two divine swords flew over and flew under its wings, appearing and disappearing!

Countless sword lights looked at the mana barrier. Tao Danyang spread his hands and fingers, rotated his body, and increased his mana to the extreme, turning the barrier into a sphere, and he was in the center of the sphere.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Just when the big bell and the three-legged golden crow were attacking, his pressure increased sharply, and the fairy sword Si Wuxie penetrated the barrier a lot more.

Fortunately, they have no new helpers...

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly saw a purple weed, waving countless roots, piercing the corpses of each Sword Sect master, and controlling the more than 200 Sword Sect masters to rush here!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

These masters of the swordsman violently attacked his mana barrier with brutal methods such as kneeling in front of the door and punching the door, making him even more stressed.

Behind the purple weeds, a nearly three-hundred-foot-long snake flew over with sword energy, using its tail as a sword, and swept heavily on the mana barrier.

Tao Danyang's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding, and all the caves had been pushed to the extreme, making it difficult to continue.

His soul also emerged, sitting in the void, spreading his arms to keep the magic barrier unbroken.

But at this moment, Shi Yuqing came over, and the bright moon floated behind him, getting brighter and brighter.

Tao Danyang's voice was hoarse and he shouted: Qing'er, you are my apprentice, do you still remember how I treated you?

I know, but I am the headmaster of Jianmen.

Shi Yuqing sacrificed the golden elixir and activated the bright moon wheel. An extremely thick sword energy shot out from the wheel and pierced Tao Danyang's magic barrier.

The 17,000 caves paused for a moment, and Tao Danyang felt a chill in his heart. Then he saw the immortal sword Si Wuxie piercing the magic barrier, and the sword light pierced toward his eyebrows!

Tao Danyang's long sleeves fluttered and he stepped back. However, the tip of the fairy sword emitted a mysterious light and pierced the center of his eyebrows.

Tao Danyang was struck by the sword, and instead of retreating, he advanced towards Xu Ying.

Xu Ying immediately changed his moves, held the Immortal Sword Si Wuxie, and performed the second move of the Sword Dao Returning True Art. However, Tao Danyang suddenly turned around, his big sleeves fluttering, and he caught Jin Buyi's double swords, forcing Jin Buyi back, and slammed into the purple fairy grass.

His magic power was so powerful that he actually forced Jin Buyi to retreat even though he was fighting against a god like Jin Buyi.

The purple fairy grass hurriedly pulled out countless roots and stayed away, but saw the corpses of Tao Danyang and the more than 200 sword sect masters suddenly became uniform and behaved in exactly the same way, and they all fled away!

The big bell fell from above, making a loud bang that shook the corpses.

Xian Qi shouted loudly: Master Zhong and Master Jin, first cut off his Dongtian to destroy his magic power! He is a transplanted Dongtian. After being chopped off, he was beaten back to his original shape!

Dazhong and Jin Buyi woke up and immediately rushed to the cave in the sky, cutting off the connection between the cave and Tao Danyang's Xiyi Domain!

The caves moved like stars in the sky, following Tao Danyang as he fled out of the Seventy-Two Peaks.

Xu Ying activated the Extreme Intention Self-Restraint Skill and followed behind at a galloping speed. However, he saw someone in the crowd in front suddenly exploded, and the flesh and blood all over his body turned into a blood-red sword energy rising from the ground!

He was hit by my sword, and he is trying to use the substitute method to remove my sword intention!

Xu Ying came to his senses, and while running wildly, he activated the fairy sword Si Wuxie. Si Wuxie flew out from his hand, like a stream of light, and stabbed Tao Danyang in the crowd.

In the crowd, people's bodies kept exploding, and some people's souls also turned into sword energy, but it was Tao Danyang who began to treat the injuries on his souls.

In just a short moment, most of the more than 200 people died, turning into blood-stained sword energy, dozens of miles long, hanging in the sky or between the mountains.

When they rushed outside the Jianmen Mountains and just passed the Jianmen Pass, they saw that there was only one person left beside Tao Danyang. That person also exploded with a bang and turned into a bloody sword, destroying both body and soul.

What happened to the souls inside these corpses? Xu Ying was puzzled.

At this moment, Tao Danyang's body suddenly exploded with a loud bang, and the bloody sword flew.

Xu Ying was stunned, and hurriedly speeded up to reach Tao Danyang's side. He saw that Tao Danyang's body was completely gone, and his soul had also been annihilated and ceased to exist.

He looked up and saw that the big bell and Jin Buyi were still chasing those caves in the sky, cutting down one after another.

But the other caves were galloping away, getting faster and faster, flying into the distance.

It's a great distraction!

The fairy sword Si Wuxie flew to Xu Ying's side. The sword boy sat on the sword and looked towards the direction of the caves leaving. He was surprised and said, Tao Danyang destroyed his physical body and used another body! Before he went up the mountain, , there must be another body hidden nearby.

Xu Ying soared into the sky, and those caves roared into the mountains and forests and disappeared.

Jin Buyi flapped his wings and chased after him, trying to find where those caves were hidden. Xu Ying said loudly: Master Jin is back, don't chase him!

Jin Buyi slowly landed on the ground, and An Qi and Dazhong also chased him. An Qi shouted: A Ying, why don't you chase me?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: We don't know what Tao Danyang has become now. Even if we chase him, we can't find any trace of him.

At this time, a powerful spiritual consciousness surged in, transforming into Tao Danyang's voice and blasting in the air: This time, I underestimated you. But next time I come back, I won't let you be so nice. transport.

Xu Ying said calmly: You'd better survive tonight first. You were hit by my sword. Even though you changed so many bodies and lost so many souls, you still couldn't remove the power of my sword. You were so seriously injured. , Aren’t you afraid that your colleagues will find you?”

Tao Danyang snorted and his consciousness retreated.

Xu Ying turned around and asked Xianjian Siwuxie, What is the method of distraction?

The sword boy sitting on the fairy sword said: The method of refining the second soul and the incarnation outside the body. People who practice this method need to catch the Qi refiners in the refining period or the second knocking stage. These two realms There are some qi alchemists who have refined the golden elixir, but have not yet refined it into a soul. By seizing their golden elixir, erasing their soul memories and turning them into their own vessels, they can refine the golden elixir into their second soul. Then The body of a Qi practitioner is the external incarnation. As long as you practice to the Chonglou stage and become the Yuan Shen, the second Yuan Shen and the external incarnation will be completed.

It shook its head and said: This kind of magic is extremely evil, and few people know how to practice it.

Hearing this, Xian Qi said, Are the more than 200 swordsmen masters just now Tao Danyang's incarnations and second souls? When did they become his incarnations and second souls? ?”

The sword boy said: Of course it was when they were still Qi Refiners in the refining stage or the second knocking stage...

When it said this, it couldn't help but shudder.

Those more than two hundred masters of the Sword Sect are all elders and venerables of the Sword Sect. They are the backbone and mainstay of the Sword Sect, and they are also die-hard members of the orthodox sect!

When the Nuo Immortal Sect and the Orthodox Sect were fighting to a bloody head, it was these swordsmen masters who fought against the Nuo Immortal Sect!

The reason why the Jianmen Nuo Immortal Sect was able to grow rapidly was because the masters of these orthodox sects were defeated many times, which made people lose confidence in the orthodox Qi refining method, so they turned to Nuo Qi as well.

This man is so terrifying!

The sword boy murmured, I don't know what form he will take the next time I meet him...

Xu Ying looked into the distance and said calmly: He has been injured by me and has an indelible mark of swordsmanship. No matter what appearance he becomes, he can't hide it from me.

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