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Chapter 221 Sword Gate Reaper

Wuxie, have you heard this sound? Xu Ying asked.

The fairy sword Si Wuxie vibrated, and a sword light shot out from the tip of the sword, transforming into a small sword boy. His voice was a little trembling, and he said: I am very familiar. He is the former head of Shushan Sword Sect, Tao Danyang's voice !”

The sword boy floated in the air, followed Xu Ying steadily, and said: Three thousand years ago, I sensed that terrible evil thought, but I didn't hear its voice or see its face. I feel that he is a little familiar, it must be Jian The man in the door has been lurking in the mountains for a long time. He can hide his evil thoughts, but I never thought that it would be him!

Tao Danyang has been in charge of the Shushan Sword Sect for a thousand years. He is the longest-reigning leader and is highly respected.

He is also the person who has practiced swordsmanship to the highest level in the history of the Sword Sect, ranking among the top five or even the top three among the leaders of the past generations.

If there was no super catastrophe, he would definitely be able to overcome the catastrophe and ascend, become a sword immortal, and become the most dazzling figure in the history of Sword Sect!

Unfortunately, the super calamity cut off his path to ascension.

As the fairy sword guarding Shushan Sword Gate, Tao Danyang naturally has the power to use the fairy sword Si Wuxie. He held the fairy sword more than once, but Si Wuxie never felt that he had any evil thoughts!

All Si Wuxie could feel from him was Quanquan's innocent heart, as pure and innocent as a baby, without any evil thoughts.

The center of his sword is as clear as a mirror, the intention of his sword is as fast as the wind and the fierce fire, and it is as upright as the sword, just like his people, and cannot tolerate any bending.

How could such a powerful and pure person be the real culprit of the Jianmen massacre?

Life is like a hotel that welcomes travelers. People come and go in a hurry.

Xu Ying walked forward, only to hear Shi Yuqing's voice, which said leisurely, We Qi refiners are just like mortals. Life and death are like travelers in a hotel, and we cannot last long in the world. Master's words still apply. So philosophical. I am very happy to see Master again, but I don’t understand something.

She changed the topic and said: When I climbed the mountain, Master was already in his twilight years and his life was not long. My disciple is unfilial. May I ask how Master survived three thousand years and lived till now?

Xu Ying quickened his pace, and suddenly he saw a tall man standing in front of the cliff with a big sword on his back. The sword was wide and long, like a small boat.

Behind the tall man was a woman in red clothes and a sword box standing at her feet. The box was heavy, four feet long, and had copper hoops on top and bottom.

Xu Ying looked up and saw that there were more than two hundred people standing on the top of the cliff.

The sword energy in their bodies was strong, like sharp swords, inserted above and below the cliff of Shili Sword Immortal!

The sword boy was inexplicably shocked: They are Qi Refiners from three thousand years ago! There is no way they can survive until now, they should have died long ago!

Even though its sword heart is clear and free of any distracting thoughts, it can't help but be filled with distracting thoughts at this moment and fall into chaos. These people who had obviously disappeared for a long time and who should have been dead for a long time actually appeared again!

They were the Qi Refiners of the Jian Sect back then. Back then, the Jian Sect was fighting internally and was divided into the Nuo Immortal Sect and the Orthodox Sect. These Qi Refiners were the Qi Refiners of the Orthodox Sect!

The Nuo Immortal Sect was brutally destroyed, and the Orthodox Sect won without a fight. However, when the world changed dramatically, everyone disappeared without a trace, leaving only the sealed Shi Yuqing.

And now, these people who should have been dead have appeared again!

Shi Yuqing was the sword immortal force protector of the Sword Sect in the immortal world, so he could survive. How did they survive?

These sword sect masters were chatting and laughing, and some of them greeted the immortal sword Si Wuxie. Each of them looked so normal, as if they were still alive.

What makes Xianjian Siwuxie even more frightened is that it can feel everyone's thinking. Sword Master, different people have different personalities, and different personalities determine different thinking.

Si Wuxie is too familiar with these people. It understands everyone's personality and thinking. But now, it feels that the personalities and thinking of these people who have come back from the dead are exactly the same as before they were alive!

Are they really alive? It was terrified.

However, they should be dead.

It clearly saw that when the disaster occurred, the sky was torn apart and the abyss appeared, rolling up all the Qi Refiners and swallowing them into the abyss.

Tao Danyang's voice came: The reason why my master has survived until now is because I betrayed Qi Refining, practiced the Nuo method, and became a Nuo Immortal to extend my life.

He sighed and said: When the human skin lantern case occurred in Jianmen, I learned from the pain and determined to investigate thoroughly. Great changes occurred in the world, and my master was involved in Tianyuan. Later, he led many of your uncles and uncles to escape from Tianyuan. Three thousand years After running around here and there, searching for clues, I finally discovered a big conspiracy related to the fate of everyone. That is, someone uses Nuo methods to refine human medicine!

Xu Ying was slightly startled, but he didn't expect that he would reveal it himself.

He continued walking, passing the tall man.

The tall man smiled and said, Xianjian Wuxie, long time no see.

The sword boy ignored him and followed Xu Ying closely. Xu Ying walked forward and passed the woman in red. The woman in red smiled and said, Xianjian Wuxie, it's been three thousand years and we meet again.

The sword boy still ignored him and continued to move forward with Xu Ying. More and more swordsmen masters greeted him with great kindness and respect.

People with different personalities practice different ways of swordsmanship, and naturally their sword intentions are also different.

The sword boy tried hard to sense their sword intentions and sword ways, and was horrified to find that there was a clear difference in everyone's sword intentions and sword ways!

At this moment, Xianjian Siwuxie was a little confused: Did they really survive? Did they really come back alive from the abyss? Is Tao Danyang really the evil reaper?

It somewhat doubts its own judgment.

Tao Danyang's voice came: I discovered that some people spread the Nuo method with traps. When other practices are successful, they use the traps to harvest human elixirs to extend their lifespan. But I am also in the process of searching for the truth. In it, I got the real Nuo method.

He smiled and said: The true Nuo method can lead to immortality! My master and you, my uncles and uncles, have survived until now because of the rectification of the Nuo master's method. Qing'er, you are still young, and you still have time to open the six secrets.

Xu Ying walked forward and saw Shi Yuqing under the Sword Immortal Cliff, and also saw the former head Tao Danyang.

Tao Danyang is a tall old man with gray hair and a good complexion. He is dressed in blue and gray cloth and is decorated with white cloth around his shoulders.

His eyes are bright, as sharp as a sword, his face is broad, and his shoulders are broad, giving people the feeling of being honest and trustworthy.

He is like a sword peak that towers over the sky and the earth, tall and majestic. As long as he is around, Jianmen will not fall!

Shi Yuqing looked at Tao Danyang with complicated eyes. She wanted to get closer to recognize him, but she didn't dare.

She knew that she was the only one left alive in Jianmen, and Tao Danyang's origins were extremely suspicious. However, Tao Danyang was her mentor and the person she was closest to in the world, making her feel close to him.

Tao Danyang's voice was as loud as a bell, and his voice was very contagious. He laughed and said: Qing'er, I will pass on the Six Secrets Zhengfa to you as a master. Then you can combine the Six Secrets Dharma, open a mountain and teach disciples, and deduce the inheritance of Jianmen again to the present. A new height, even better than our ancestors!

His eyes were eager and he said with a smile: The true Nuo method has no backdoor and no traps! The Nuo Immortal Dharma that I and your fellow apprentices and uncles have worked so hard to find can finally allow Jianmen to achieve greater glory and flourish. , and you will also be famous in the history of Jianmen, surpassing the ancestors of all generations!

Those swordsmen masters seemed to think of the suffering they had suffered over the years, and they were all filled with tears, but some of them did not shed tears lightly, but some secretly turned their heads and wiped away the tears.

At this time, a voice came, interrupting the scene of deep love between master and apprentice, and said: Master Tao, Qing'er has learned from me, and I have taught her my Six Secrets. You are one step late, so you should know the principle of first come, first served. Bar?

Tao Danyang's body shook slightly. He turned around and saw a young man with a broad frame and slightly darker skin approaching. He couldn't help but frown and asked, Who is your Excellency?

Xu Ying smiled and said: The Supreme Elder of Jianmen, Xu Ying. Fellow Taoist Tao, the rules on the road are first come, first served. I have already taught Qing'er the Six Secrets of the True Dharma, so you can't teach it anymore. Please leave, Jianmen here. The pot dish is mine.

Tao Danyang's eyes fell on the fairy sword Si Wuxie in his hand, his face suddenly changed, and he asked Shi Yuqing: Have you practiced the six secrets he taught?

Shi Yuqing nodded and said: Master Qi, this disciple has opened the fifth secret and is planning to use the power of senior Si Wuxie to open the sixth secret.

Tao Danyang suddenly sank down and said in a cold voice: How can you practice the Nuo method taught by outsiders casually? His Nuo method is a trap. When you become a Nuo Immortal, he will come to eat you! If you teach his Six Secret Techniques If you give it to the Jianmen disciples, every Jianmen disciple will suffer disaster and be eaten by him in the future!

He kept his anger and shouted solemnly: Have you forgotten the deaths of those masters and uncles back then? Do you want our Jianmen Sect to repeat the same mistakes of the past?

Shi Yuqing hurriedly knelt down and said, Disciple, I dare not forget.

Tao Danyang said coldly: But you dare to practice the Six Secrets of Nuo taught by outsiders. Do you want to destroy the foundation of my Jianmen?

Shi Yuqing shook his head and said, Disciple doesn't dare.

Tao Danyang's expression softened slightly and he said: Fortunately, you are not in deep trouble and can still recover. You only need to destroy those caves, reopen them, and practice the Nuo method I taught you.

Shi Yuqing hesitated and said, Disciple would like to know how Master and all the masters and uncles survived three thousand years ago?

Tao Danyang laughed dumbly and said, Qing'er, are you still doubting me?

An elder of the Jianmen Sect standing on the cliff was jealous and shouted: You don't trust the master, but trust an outsider? Shi Yuqing, you are confused!

Other elders and sages also accused Shi Yuqing. A woman said sadly: Shi Yuqing, you don't know how much hardship the master has endured and how many sacrifices he has made to find out the truth! Is the master doing it for himself? It's the Jianmen, It's you! You actually doubted the leader!

Shi Yuqing hesitated. These were people she was familiar with, her elders. Their accusations were like sharp swords, piercing her heart, making it impossible for her to calmly distinguish the truth from the lies.

Shi Yuqing gritted her teeth and said: Since the Master said that you have practiced the Six Secrets of the True Dharma over the years, then I would like to ask the Master and the elders of the sect to show the Six Secrets Cave to let the disciples distinguish the true from the false!

Tao Danyang smiled and said: So you doubt this.

He took the first step, and with a shake of his body, he saw the extremely bright Six Secret Cave Sky emerging behind him. There were sixty-three large and small caves!

Up and down the ten-mile cliff, the elders and sages of the Jianmen Sect shouted lowly one after another, and also showed their own secrets in the cave.

There are more than 200 people in total, and each of them has sixty-three caves, Niwan, Yuchi, Yujing, Huangting, Jianggong, Yongquan, and the six secrets.

There are as many as 10,000 to 20,000 bright caves in the sky, which not only make the ten-mile cliff extremely bright, but even the seventy-two peaks of Jianmen are illuminated with brilliance!

Such a scene is truly spectacular.

Seeing this, Shi Yuqing looked solemn and said, Master, how did you unlock the six secrets?

Tao Danyang was slightly startled, a little confused, and asked: What?

Xu Ying secretly praised his cleverness.

Shi Yuqing said: The six secrets of the human body cannot be opened after cultivating the soul. Master and all the elders and sages have already cultivated the soul. Your six secrets are so thick that even immortal weapons cannot open them. How do you open them? Six secrets of the human body?”

Tao Danyang was silent, and an old man with white beard and white hair could not help but jump down from the sky, strode towards Shi Yuqing, and said angrily: Master Yuqing's niece, you don't think I lied to you, do you? People's hearts are sinister, How do you know that you can’t open up the six secrets after cultivating the soul? They are lying...

Before he finished speaking, Shi Yuqing suddenly flew out a sword energy from his fingertips. The tip of the sword turned into dots of starlight. With a slight vibration, countless starlights came towards his face!

The white-haired old man sacrificed the sword without thinking, and an iron sword flew out from the sword box behind him, facing the sword light in the sky, and shouted: Master's niece...

Tsk tsk tsk!

Shi Yuqing's sword energy easily passed through his sword formation, stabbed between his eyebrows, and pierced his head with a bang, making the front and back translucent!

The white-haired old man was stunned, and his body fell to the ground.

Master's niece, you are crazy! All the elders and sages of the Sword Sect were furious and jumped down from the stone wall.

Master, do you recognize this kind of sword technique? Shi Yuqing asked.

Tao Danyang's eyes flashed, and he suddenly took a step forward and said: This is the sword technique of the first ancestor, have you learned it?

When he took a step forward, other elders and sages of Jianmen also followed suit.

At this moment, Xianjian Siwuxie finally felt that those elders and sages of Jianmen were no longer living people, but Tao Danyang!

Their personalities and thinking suddenly unified at this moment. Even the corpse of the white-haired old man on the ground suddenly became more active and became consistent with Tao Danyang!

Shi Yuqing seemed not to have seen this scene and said: No, this is the swordsmanship in the Sword Immortal Taoist Book. It is more exquisite than the swordsmanship of the first generation ancestor. It is the secret swordsmanship of your dreams.

Tao Danyang's heart was agitated and he said in a trembling voice: Have you realized it?

Behind him, all the elders and sages of the Jianmen Sect said in unison, trembling at the same time as him: Have you realized it?

The elders and sages of Jianmen stood beside Tao Danyang. Their manners, expressions, tone of voice, and micro-expressions were exactly the same as Tao Danyang's.

At this moment, Xianjian Siwuxie felt great evil thoughts from them!

These evil thoughts are connected together to form an extremely terrifying monster, even more terrifying than the devil!

Shi Yuqing sighed, with tears falling from the corners of her eyes, and said in a low voice: Master, why did you teach those uncles and uncles the false Nuo method back then?

Next to Tao Danyang, the elders and sages of the Sword Sect suddenly turned pale. They stood there like wood carvings and clay sculptures, turning from living people into corpses.

They seemed to have been dead for who knows how long, their bodies were green, and they had corpse spots, like blue flowers.

The caves flew out from behind them and landed behind Tao Danyang one after another, densely packed and countless.

Cave heavens, large and small, are crowded with the sky of ten miles of cliffs.

Why? Maybe you are unwilling to do so.

Tao Danyang sighed, stopped pretending, and said, Qing'er, look, among the various sword techniques recorded on these ten-mile cliffs, how many of them are comparable to my master's attainments? But many of them have ascended to the immortal world. , become immortals and ancestors. They can ascend, but I, who is stronger and smarter than them, can only die in the mortal world, dare not survive the tribulation, and cannot ascend.

He looked up at the sky, with anger and unwillingness in his eyes: They are not as capable as me, their talents are not as good as mine, and their understanding is not as good as mine. Why do they fly up while I am their watchdog in the mortal world? Just because they were born earlier than me, It’s a good time? It’s not fair!”

He became more and more angry and yelled at God: This is not fair! I am more capable than them, and I should ascend more! Why? Who can answer me, why?

He sneered: Since God is unfair, then why should I be a good person? If I am not allowed to ascend or live forever, I will find a way to live forever and ascend! The Nuo method allowed me to see the opportunity.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face and he said: Good disciple, you are very good and smart. I didn't expect you to be able to solve the eternal puzzle. As long as you pass the Sword Immortal Taoist book to me, I will not kill you. I will also teach you the real Nuo method, so that you have the strength to ascend, and you and I will ascend together, master and disciple.

At this time, Xu Ying's voice came from behind him: I passed on Yuqing's Sword Immortal Taoist Book.

Tao Danyang turned around and faced the immortal sword Si Wuxie. The light of the sword seemed to be held in the hand of the Immortal King standing in the distant immortal world. It brought endless mystery of the immortal way to his eyes. It was fatal and charming!

This is the Book of Sword Immortal Taoism, the supreme swordsmanship he dreams of!

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