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Chapter 211 Immortal Pollution

Senior brother, wait a moment!

The girl calmed down and immediately flew to the side of Lord Cangyang. She used sword energy as needles to seal various acupuncture points in Cangyang. She then took out a small bright mirror, and there was a sword gate in the mirror.

The shape of the sword gate is strange, with a mountain divided into two parts, and a portal in the middle. It seems like there is a giant holding the sky, holding an unparalleled sword, and dividing the mountain with one sword!

In the center of the sword gate in the mirror, a sword energy emerged, shot out from the well, and three sword energy flew out, piercing into the jade pillow of the back of Venerable Cangyang's head, the spine of his spine, and the tail bone of his tailbone, severing his body. Three closes!

Xu Ying was moved. The three levels of Weilu, Jiaji and Jade Pillow are the passages connecting heaven and earth in the human body. Above the Jade Pillow is the ascending ground in the human body. Above the Jiaji is the twelve-story building, where the soul On the land of creation, above the tail gate is the elixir cauldron made of water and fire, the birthplace of the golden elixir!

The bone marrow fluid is the heavenly river in the human body, and the thirty-three backbones and neck bones are the heavenly mountains of the human body, and they are the thirty-third heaven.

The three levels are guarded at three important nodes. Open the three levels and climb to the thirty-third heaven. This road to the sky is a process from a mortal to an immortal!

The girl used the sword energy of the sword gate to close the three levels of Lord Cangyang, turning the immortal into a mortal and sealing his cultivation so that even if he was extremely capable, he would not be able to display any of his cultivation.

This kind of sealing technique is extremely exquisite.

After the girl sealed Lord Cangyang, she thanked Xu Ying and said: Brother, please take back the magic weapon.

Xu Ying put away the bright moon beads of mountains and rivers.

The girl put away the mirror, raised her wrist and smoothed the messy hair on her temples. A golden bell hung on her fair wrist, jingling, and asked: I am the contemporary head of Shushan Sword Sect. My surname is Shi, and my given name is Shi. Yuqing. Dare I ask my senior brother’s name?”

Xu Ying showed admiration and said solemnly: My name is Xu Ying. At such a young age, Miss Shi is already the head of a generation, which is admirable.

The girl Shi Yuqing smiled and said: I am not young at all. I am over three thousand years old, so I am older than you!

Xu Ying was surprised and said: You are obviously only fourteen or fifteen years old, and you have a lovely appearance. I liked you very much when I saw you. How can you be more than three thousand years old?

Shi Yuqing couldn't help laughing and said with a smile: How old are you?

Probably more than 20,000 years old. Xu Ying said.

Shi Yuqing stared at him with wide eyes, and suddenly laughed and said: I am really over three thousand years old, I am not lying to you. Oh, if I don't tell you this, my experience is too bizarre, and no one will believe it if I tell you!

Xu Ying also felt the same.

I saw some dead wild ghosts outside Wangxiang Terrace. Could it be Miss Yuqing's handiwork? Xu Ying asked.

Shi Yuqing has a beautiful appearance and a temperament as elegant as an orchid. He said: I saw them eating people outside, so I got rid of them. If Senior Brother Xu goes to Naihe Bridge, why not come with me? There are many dangers in Taichung. The geography is extremely complicated, so even if I can guide you, I'm afraid you will get lost again soon. By the way, I think you are not bad at it, so join me at Shushan Sword Sect! I will give you the seat of honor!

Xu Ying looked around and saw the green mist always hanging behind him. This green mist made him a little anxious.

In this case, if you don’t know the way, you can easily put yourself in danger!

Xu Ying did not answer her words and asked, When does Miss Yuqing plan to go to Naihe Bridge?

Shi Yuqing raised her index and middle fingers together, pinched the sword secret, quickly drew a strange rune in the air, struck it into the center of Master Cangyang's eyebrows, and said: Senior brother, wait a moment, let me see what happened to Master Cangyang. What happened?

As this sword rune entered his body, Venerable Cangyang's body shook, and he emerged from the realm of Xiyi.

When Shi Yuqing entered his Xiyi Domain, his heart suddenly moved slightly. He looked back and saw Xu Ying also coming in, saying: Uncle Cangyang is a man of great perseverance and wisdom. He has become like this. Something must have polluted his body and mind!

Xu Ying looked carefully and saw that the world was covered with sticky green mucus, even the Dao Xiang.

The two of them flew upwards hand in hand, looking for the soul of Lord Cangyang.

The structure of Venerable Cangyang's Xiyi Domain is very complete and has no damage. His Tianhe River runs parallel to the Tianshan Mountains, connecting the realms together.

At the lowest end of the Tianhe River is the Weulu Pass, which connects the land and mountains of the Xiyi Territory. On top of the land and mountains, there are the Five Sacred Mountains and various Taoist phenomena.

And along the Tianhe River, climb up the Tianshan Mountains, and come to the place where water and fire mingle, and you will see the true fire of Samadhi forming a sea of ​​fire, the divine water of Samadhi forming a vast ocean, and the Tai Chi diagram between water and fire.

The golden elixir of the Qi Refiner passed through the Tai Chi, submerged into the sea of ​​fire, and immediately rose from the ocean.

Going up further is the second pass, Jiaji Porch. After passing Jiaji Porch, you will reach the 12th floor, where the soul was born.

Going up further, you will see Yaochi and Shenqiao, where you can see the sun and moon moving.

When we came to the third entrance, Yuzhen Pass, looking back from Yuzhen Pass, we could vaguely see a piece of fairy light appearing on the other side, hazy, as if it was a fairyland.

The process of going to the fairy world is the ascension stage.

However, Venerable Cangyang's Xiyi domain has been polluted. His Five Sacred Mountains were covered with green slime, and the water of the Milky Way became fishy.

The sea of ​​fire of Samadhi True Fire and the vast ocean of Samadhi Divine Water have also become less pure.

Even Samadhi True Fire and Samadhi Divine Water are polluted!

Xu Ying was shocked and doubtful. The corrosive power of Wangxiangtai was really terrible. You must know that the true fire of Samadhi can burn nothing, and the divine water of Samadhi cannot melt anything.

These two kinds of divine water and divine fire can condense the golden elixir, which is a necessary means to kill people, set fire to corpses, and eliminate traces. They are almost impossible to be eroded!

However, Venerable Cangyang was eroded, which shows that there is indeed an extremely strange power in Wangxiangtai, and nothing can be immortal under the attack of this power!

Those who hide here and pray for immortality may also be doomed!

Xu Ying suddenly thought of Yuan Tiangang and felt a little uneasy in his heart, Yuan Tiangang is also hiding in Wangxiangtai. I wonder if he will also be corrupted by Wangxiangtai?

The two searched for it and found the soul of Lord Cangyang in the twelve-story building.

The twelve-story building has been entangled with green mucus and fibrous flesh strips. Lord Cangyang's soul lives in the building, and his soul has also changed.

Strips of flesh and blood grew from the twelve-story building. These green flesh and blood were like tentacles, inserted into his soul, and hung him up in the building, unable to reach the sky or the ground.

What's even weirder is that his eyes are no longer eyes at this moment, but the hilt of a sword.

Two swords were inserted through his eyes, leaving the hilts behind.

There were also two swords stuck in his ears, with only the hilts outside.

The wings of his nose were completely closed, and there were no nostrils.

The same goes for his mouth, where the upper and lower lips have completely grown together.

And above his head, there was a sword hanging, the tip of the sword was downward, rusty, with green flesh wrapped around the sword, pointing at Baihui above his head.

Shi Yuqing tried to get closer, and suddenly the sword glowed brightly. The sword light wiped away the green flesh on the sword body, and the sword light stabbed Shi Yuqing one after another!

A bright moon appeared behind Shi Yuqing, and the sword light danced and shot out from the bright moon.

Only then did Xu Ying see that the bright moon was actually a magic weapon, but its shape was different from ordinary magic weapons. The bright moon contained majestic sword energy and sword intent, and was extremely powerful!

Shi Yuqing controlled the sword energy one after another, resisted the attack of the sword in the building, and killed in the building. However, the sword was the magic weapon of Lord Cangyang. Before he sealed himself, he left an extremely powerful restriction, but there was an invasion , the sword will automatically attack!

Not only did Shi Yuqing fail to break into the building, she was actually in danger!

At this moment, the sword energy around her surged. Xu Ying held the sword energy and performed the Thirteen Heavenly Sword Styles. The sword energy was free and easy, vertical and horizontal, and actually cooperated closely with her, blocking all the sword energy in the building!

Shi Yuqing was surprised and happy. She looked at the young man beside her and thought to herself, Did the founder of my Jianmen sect arrange for him to come to help me?

The two of them combined their swords and finally reached the first floor of the twelve-story building!

Xu Ying sacrificed a mountain and river bright moon bead, settled on the first floor, and then entered the second floor with Shi Yuqing.

Although it was the first time for the two to join forces, this cooperation seemed to have been rehearsed thousands of times. When the sword energy of the two people touched, they saw the sword intent and power increased sharply. They swept across all the way, not only from the top floor, but also with The incoming sword energy was blocked, and even the weird flesh and blood in the building was swept away!

But the strange thing is that after the flesh and blood were broken, they grew again, endlessly!

Xu Ying left a mountain and river pearl behind, suppressed each floor of the twelve-story building, and finally reached the top floor.

Shi Yuqing hurriedly stepped forward and looked at Lord Cangyang's four-foot-tall spirit, and her heart trembled: Uncle Cangyang, who hurt you like this?

She activated her sword energy to cut off the strange flesh and blood inserted into Cangyang Yuanshen.

However, those flesh and blood could not be destroyed at all. After being cut off by her, they were reconnected again and still inserted into Cang Yang's body!

Xu Ying sacrificed other bright moon beads, restrained the rusty sword of Lord Cangyang, and said: Yu Qing, I don't think it was who hurt him like this, but that he hurt himself.

Shi Yuqing was puzzled and her eyes fell on his face.

Xu Ying floated up and looked at the two swords inserted into the eyes of Venerable Cangyang Yuan Shen, and said: He destroyed his eyes so that he could no longer see. He was worried that if he saw something, his Yuan Shen would be controlled. Or pollution.”

Shi Yuqing floated up to the ears of Lord Cangyang and said, You mean, he destroyed his ears because he didn't want to hear some kind of sound that could pollute his soul?

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said, He sealed his mouth and nose so that he could not smell or taste. He was also worried about being infected by something outside.

Shi Yuqing flew to the head of Lord Cangyang, looked at the sword, and said: Then, what does this sword mean?

Xu Ying landed next to her and carefully inspected the suppressed sword. Suddenly, with a thought in his mind, he put away the Mountain and River Bright Moon Beads one by one.

He charged slowly, one try after another.

As the suppression weakened, the rusty sword gradually sank downwards and slowly came to the Baihui Hall of Lord Cangyang!

Shi Yuqing screamed and hurriedly grabbed the rusty sword.

This sword is for the final struggle, suicide.

Xu Ying sacrificed another bright moon bead, suppressed the rusty sword, and said, He was worried that he would be completely contaminated, so the purpose of leaving this sword behind was to kill his soul before he completely lost control. It’s a disaster!”

Shi Yuqing was horrified when she heard this, and murmured: What happened to Uncle Cangyang, and why did he treat himself like this?

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he said: He is sealing himself. We only need to cut his mouth open so that he can speak, and then we can know what happened to him!

Shi Yuqing calmed down and said: Master Uncle Cangyang proclaimed himself in order to avoid being contaminated. If we cut his mouth and cause him to be contaminated, wouldn't we be harming him?

Xu Ying nodded slightly and said, What you said makes sense. Then, should we cut his mouth open?

The two looked at each other.

Shi Yuqing raised her hand and grabbed an iron sword from the bright moon wheel behind her, and said: I will come here myself. Even if something happens, it has nothing to do with you.

With a slight wave of the iron sword in her hand, a thin line suddenly appeared on Lord Cangyang's blank mouth.

Shi Yuqing took a step back and stared at Lord Cangyang nervously.

Lord Cangyang's soul slowly opened his mouth, and suddenly, a strange voice came from his mouth. This voice was weird, mysterious, and obscure. When I first heard it, I didn't realize it was anything, but after listening to a few words, Shi Yuqing Then he felt his nostrils were warm. He raised his hand and touched it, and there was blood in his hand.

Her eyes suddenly turned blood red, and two lines of bloody tears fell down!

There was a buzzing in my ears and my blood was flowing!

Shi Yuqing was shocked and raised her hand to seal the mouth of Cangyang Yuanshen, but the energy and consciousness in her body were Tao phenomena, and they were all out of control!

At this moment, Venerable Cangyang's voice suddenly stopped and his mouth closed again.

Shi Yuqing felt relieved, sweating all over his body, panting heavily, and exclaimed in shock: His soul has been polluted! Master Uncle Cangyang is not proclaiming himself, but wants to seal the pollution in his soul to avoid causing any harm. Greater pollution!”

Xu Ying looked solemn and said: He is contaminated by the immortal way.

Shi Yuqing was startled and looked at him: Is the immortal path contaminated?

Only then did she notice that Xu Ying's eyes, ears, mouth and nose did not bleed at all. The immortal Taoist sounds came from Cangyang's mouth just now, and even she couldn't suppress it. The Taoist magic power in her body was out of control, but Xu Ying actually seemed to It's okay!

Xu Yingdao: When people in the world hear the way of heaven, they will lose mental control because they cannot understand the way of heaven. Where the way of heaven is polluted, all living beings will fall into madness and kill each other. The way of immortality is even better. Not to mention the world, even the most powerful qi refiner can't. I don’t understand the immortal way, I don’t understand the immortal way.”

With a solemn expression, he flew to the outside world, looked around, and said: There must be immortal pollution deep in Wangxiang Terrace, which will affect the entire Wangxiang Terrace and cause changes in the masters hiding here!

Shi Yuqing flew out after him, floating in front of Haoyue, and asked: Why are you not contaminated by the immortal way?

I once listened to the Taoist sounds of the Immortal Family.

Xu Ying thought for a while and said, Maybe I've heard it so many times that I'm not so sensitive.

Shi Yuqing smiled and said, How about you join the Jianmen and I give you the elder's seat?

Xu Ying shook his head.

Shi Yuqing said seductively: The elder is second only to the headmaster. If you take out the name of the elder of Jianmen, it will be so majestic. Don't you think about it?

Xu Ying sneered and said: You are the only one in the Shushan Sword Sect. I become the elder of the Sword Sect. Under one person, I am under you! You just want to find someone to boss you around!

Shi Yuqing was startled: How do you know?

She rolled her eyes and said with a smile: How about I give you the title of Supreme Elder and let you be above me?

Xu Yingda was moved: In this case, it's not impossible...

Shi Yuqing cheered in her heart: You took the bait! You have become the supreme elder. How can you not come forward if something happens to the Jianmen? Are you being treated like a beast by me?

————I’m feeling confused today and I’m in a bad state. I’ve only finished writing one chapter now. Don’t wait, there won’t be a second chapter. Say sorry.

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