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Chapter 210 Shushan Sword Gate

This was Xu Ying's second time entering Wangxiang Terrace, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

The Wangxiang Terrace has a magical power that allows people to see their hometown and relatives when they look back. When he first came here, he saw his parents and his childhood self.

Xu Ying walked into Wangxiang Terrace again, and a green mist came in front of him, blocking his sight.

He walked forward, and suddenly there was a flash of fire in the mist. He stopped and saw that he was in a fire without knowing when.

Jin Buyi, Dazhong and An Qi were all missing.

Xu Ying is already used to this.

The last time he entered Wangxiang Terrace, he lost track of Gong Qi, and they didn't see each other until the illusion disappeared.

There was the sound of wood peeling and exploding in the flames, and there were constant explosions of fire, the house collapsed, and the beams fell down!

Xu Ying looked around and saw corpses lying scattered in the flames, being ignited and gradually burning black.

There was a deafening noise in his ears, like the chanting of sentient beings, like the whispers of gods, it made people crazy, it was a noise that mortals could not hear!

He vaguely saw a majestic shadow outside the fire, standing between heaven and earth, looking ferocious and majestic, unbelievable.

He noticed that his vision was a little short, and when he looked down, he saw a pair of hands that were the hands of a young child.

This happened when I was a child?

Xu Ying raised his head in surprise and his heart trembled, Is this the Xujiaping fire?

This fire was different from the Xujiaping fire in his memory. In the fire in his memory, the fire filled his field of vision, and the houses collapsed, but there were no majestic gods and demons outside the fire scene!

Moreover, the Xu Jiaping in my memory is not the Xu Jiaping in front of me!

Xu Jiaping's memory is also fake and fake...

Xu Ying saw his clothes ignited by the fire, his skin was scorched by the flames, and he heard his cry.

At this time, someone rushed towards him from the sea of ​​fire. They were a young couple. The woman picked him up and rushed out. The men fought hard from behind to block those twisted and majestic figures.

There was only fire in Xu Ying's eyes, and no matter where they went, there was blazing fire everywhere.

Not only was Xujiaping on fire, it was as if the whole world was set on fire!

The young couple took him and fought into the distance.

Xu Ying always wanted to see their faces clearly, but when his eyes fell on the faces of the couple, his memory became blurry and mist came over him, like hazy tears blurring his vision.

He couldn't remember their faces. There was a mysterious force in his memory that kept erasing their faces.

Promise, promise. Remember your last name, don't forget your first name.

The woman holding him had a gentle voice, held his face, and with an encouraging smile on her face but tears in her eyes, she said to him, Run forward! Run quickly, don't stop for a moment!

Xu Ying ran forward, crying loudly as he ran. The flames spread to both sides, forming a road that extended forward, and then extended.

He vaguely saw the huge figure in the flames fighting the couple, and saw the extremely majestic giant wielding the weapon that blocked the sky.

He ran forward with all his strength, and the voice of Promise, promise, yes was like a brand, gradually imprinted in the depths of his memory. It could not be erased, but could only be gradually sealed.

He ran forward, running forward without stopping.

Finally, the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him disappeared.

He rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire and looked back. The sea of ​​​​fire disappeared, and those majestic giants were nowhere to be seen, as if what he had just experienced was a dream.

Xu Ying lowered his head and looked at his hands. These hands had grown up, wide and strong.

He is no longer the helpless child running in the sea of ​​fire, he has grown up.

This is Wangxiangtai, where you can see your hometown.

Xu Ying looked back again, but Wangxiangtai did not go as he wished, and he did not see his hometown again.

He could only see the vast green mist, filling the mountains and rivers. He had been running through the fire for an unknown distance. Now the surroundings were unfamiliar, and he didn't know where he was in Wangxiang Terrace.

Perhaps what I see on the Wangxiang Terrace is not the past, but the hometown in my memory.

Xu Ying said silently in his heart, Maybe Wangxiangtai is not that magical. It just helps us open up our deep memories. My parents and my past are actually hidden in my memory.

His eyes were eager, and the bowls of Meng Po soup sealed his memories of life after life. After finding Po Meng and unlocking these memories, he can remember his childhood and his parents!

Remember where you came from!

Xu Ying shouted loudly: Master Jin, Master Zhong!

His voice echoed in the vast Wangxiang Terrace, and waves of echoes came from the mountains: Master Jin——

Master Zhong——

Hee hee hee!

The echoes of the mountains imitated his voice and laughed strangely. Xu Ying's heart sank. He, Jin Buyi and others were lost.

He didn't know what these people who imitated him were, but there was a legend about Wangxiangtai, that is, before some strong men died, they would choose to hide in Wangxiangtai, hiding themselves between the yin and yang worlds, and use this A way to save your life.

Xu Ying met these people the last time he came to Wangxiangtai.

They can no longer be called human beings. They use various weird and mysterious techniques to assimilate and symbiosis with plants in the hope of extending their lives.

However, the road he took on that promise was a way of survival, and he encountered no danger. But this time, he is obviously not on the road to survival!

Something in the valley followed his voice and kept repeating his words: Master Jin! Master Zhong!

Xu Ying looked around and saw a mass of blood mist coming in, making a rustling sound.

There is a tall and thin figure vaguely visible in the blood mist. From a distance, it seems that he has no skin, he is tall and thin, and his head has become disproportionately slender.

Master Jin! Master Zhong! The tall and thin figure in the blood mist stopped and said.

Then, it listened attentively, as if judging the direction of the promise.

He is a Qi practitioner who avoids death!

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat. This Qi Refiner was extremely powerful when he was alive, but for some reason he became like this and could no longer be called a human!

Wangxiangtai is between life and death, in the gap between yin and yang. The vitality of heaven and earth here may be extremely weird and affect the people hiding here!

Xu Ying immediately realized that there must be other reasons here, otherwise why would this Qi Refiner's thinking be distorted?

At this time, another voice came. It was a piece of flesh and blood crawling on the ground, with dozens of faces and hundreds of legs. Those faces smiled and shouted: Master Jin! Master Zhong!

The tall and thin figure in the blood mist heard the sound and immediately rushed towards the mass of flesh and blood.

Not to be outdone, the mass of flesh and blood immediately fought back.

Seeing this, Xu Ying retreated quietly, thinking: Those who ran out of life and hid in Wangxiang Terrace back then may have undergone strange mutations. Obviously relying on this method to survive, there are huge hidden dangers!

There was a terrifying wave from behind, like two peerless masters fighting. Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat. It was the two monsters fighting just now!

Wangxiangtai is more dangerous than I expected! I am already a golden elixir expert in the second knocking stage. The golden elixir is transparent and boundless. But in this place where mutants are everywhere, I can only protect myself at most. force!

Xu Ying looked around, trying to find familiar mountains, and thought to himself, Master Zhong, Master Qi, and Master Jin and Master Cao are here, there will be no problems, but if I am not careful, there will definitely be problems! For this plan, We have to find the Naihe Bridge first and meet them on the bridge!

When he entered Wangxiang Terrace for the first time, he relied on the direction pointed by his parents to find the way out, but this time he could only rely on himself.

His heart became heavier and heavier.

He didn't see any familiar mountains.

And what's even weirder is that he keeps walking forward, and every time he looks back, Qingwu appears behind him. No matter how far he goes or how fast he goes, Qingwu can catch up with him and block all the mountains and rivers behind him, making it impossible for him to go back the way he came!

In other words, there is no turning back on Wangxiangtai. As long as you take a step forward, there is no possibility of retreating!

Wangxiang Terrace is at the intersection of Yin and Yang. How big is it?

Cold sweat broke out on Xu Ying's forehead. As long as the boundary line between the underworld and the Yang world is, I'm afraid the Wangxiang Tower is as long!

If you don’t know the direction and walk along the border forever, you may never reach the end!

What's even more frightening is that there are many monsters transformed by people in Wangxiang Taizhong, which retain their fighting power in life and have been tracking him.

Xu Ying only carried the Twenty-Four Mountains and Rivers Bright Moon Beads with him and no other magic weapons. In critical moments, he could only rely on the Mountains and Rivers Bright Moon Beads to deal with the enemy.

Suddenly, Xu Ying saw a bright light flashing past in the distance, and his heart moved slightly: Sword light!

He was in high spirits and immediately rushed to where the bright light appeared.

Not long after, Xu Ying came to the place where the light appeared. He saw that this place was a canyon, surrounded by mountains. The mountain walls were full of broken flying swords, inserted into the mountain in various directions!

Someone encountered a powerful enemy and fought here. Many flying swords were broken.

Xu Ying looked at the fragments of the flying sword, and his heart moved slightly: This kind of swordsmanship is very similar to the swordsmanship used to kill those ghosts in the wine shop. Is that Qi Refiner also lost?

He rushed forward along the broken flying sword, and suddenly he heard a woman's voice: Uncle Cangyang, don't you remember? When the world changed greatly, you took the initiative to sacrifice yourself and brought a batch of swords with you. Venerable Men entered the Wangxiang Terrace and left this useful body for the future.

Xu Yingxun looked up and saw a girl wearing aqua clothes standing in the air. Behind her was a bright moon, shining brightly, and countless flying swords floating around her.

At the bottom, there is an old man with white hair. The top of his head is so bald that it can shine.

The old man's lower body was a three-legged toad. His body was covered with fleshy bumps and he had a ferocious face as he stared at the girl in the air.

Three thousand years later, I'm here to find you, to revive Shushan Sword Sect! Where are those Sword Sect sages?

The girl suddenly felt something in her heart and looked towards Xu Ying.

Xu Ying walked out cautiously and said with a smile: Girl, I don't mean to disturb you, but I'm lost. Can you please give me some advice on how to get to Naihe Bridge?

The girl was about to speak when suddenly the old toad, with his white hair flying in the wind, surged in the storm, and countless rays of white light hissed and stabbed at Xu Ying!

Xu Ying showed a shocked look, and those white hairs turned into countless exquisite sword moves, stabbing at him!

He had seen such fierce and surging sword power once, when Li Xiaoke was in the ruined temple in the barren mountain of the underworld. When faced with the attack of the jackdaw master, the giant of the underworld, he regained his heart of swordsmanship and split the endless ashes with his supreme swordsmanship. , standing between heaven and earth!

That time, Li Xiaoke's sword intent was as powerful as this old toad!

When the girl saw this, she hurriedly shouted: Get out of the way!

She flashed and appeared in front of Xu Ying. The bright moon was in the sky behind her, and countless sword energy flew out, shaking the old toad's white hair!

I can't stop it... She was desperate.

This toad old man is Venerable Cangyang of Shushan Jianmen. Three thousand years ago, during the Han Dynasty, Shushan Jianmen had noticed changes in the world, so Cangyang led many sages to Wangxiangtai in order to preserve the vitality of Shushan Jianmen.

The girl's purpose this time was to invite Cangyang and others to come out and revive Jianmen.

But I didn't expect that Cangyang had been invaded by the strange power of Wangxiangtai and lost his mind. He didn't even recognize her and would kill her on sight!

She could have protected herself, but in order to save this lost boy, she finally forced herself into a desperate situation!

I haven't had time to revitalize Jianmen yet...

Just when she thought of this, a bright moon suddenly appeared in the sky. Twenty-four bright moons pressed down from the sky. The mountains, rivers and lakes in the bright moon were all crushed down, and they pressed heavily on the bald white-haired Lord Cangyang!

Lord Cangyang groaned, blood spurted out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and the toad under him made a croaking sound as he was pressed down. He and the toad lay on the ground together, unable to move.

The girl was surprised and uncertain, but when she turned around she saw the young man's expectant smile: Girl, how do I get to Naihe Bridge?

——Thank you, Mr. Zhaicai, for your golden reward! Thanks to Mr. Zhaicai for the exclusive splash screen! The boss is wise and powerful! ! !

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