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Chapter 187 If there is light

Xu Ying stopped and looked at the body on the cliff.

There are two meanings in Wu Tianzun's words. The first meaning is that the strength of this corpse is extraordinary, and the second meaning is that this corpse is a threat to them.

The corpse on the cliff seemed to sense their gaze, and suddenly opened its eyes and looked at them.

Wu Tianzun moved and stood in front of Xu Ying. A fairy light bloomed in front of Xu Ying's eyes, and the Jade Yuqiong Tower came towards him. In an instant, he felt as if he had stepped from a ghost to heaven, and there were magnificent scenery everywhere!

He only felt that his immortal energy was floating in the air, from the spring to the Tianling Cap, he felt comfortable. He seemed to have become the Tao, and his soul, consciousness, vitality, and body were as comfortable as the Tao.

Is this an immortal?

As soon as he thought of this, an earth-shattering roar came to his ears. With the roar, the fairyland collapsed and returned to the ghostly ancient battlefield again!

Xu Ying's vision returned to normal, and a terrifying scene suddenly appeared in front of him. The corpse nailed to the cliff had a gloomy face, its hair grew crazily, and sword wheels were flying, stabbing at them!

If Wu Tianzun hadn't stood in front of Xu Ying, he would have been trapped when he fell into the illusion!

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

The hairs were extremely sharp, and they passed by a magic weapon not far away. The magic weapon had survived the years, but when the hairs passed by, it broke in half!

Xu Ying's scalp felt numb when he saw it. Suddenly, a twelve-story building appeared behind Wu Tianzun. The golden light shone brightly. The soul's body was refined into one, and he punched the indestructible hair!

Those hairs penetrated his fists, penetrated into his skin, and jerked him up, pulling him towards the cliff!

Wu Tianzun cut off the hair with a wave of his hand, and his figure had already arrived in front of the corpse.

The corpse opened its mouth and roared, which made Wu Tianzun's white hair and eyebrows flutter back, and his face was wrinkled layer by layer. At the same time, a vague figure flew out from between the corpse's eyebrows, revealing its head, face and upper body, and burrowed towards his eyebrows!

Looking for a substitute?

Xu Ying immediately saw the opponent's spell. The roar was confusing his mind, and he took advantage of the opponent's unstable soul to switch the opponent's situation with his own.

However, just when the blurry figure flew out of the upper body, the fist with bulging veins on the joints had already hit the face of the blurry figure!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Xu Ying saw the white-haired old man punching the corpse's face hard one after another, hammering the corpse's head and face flat, causing blood to coat the cliff.

The plasma actually exuded fairy light, and when it fell to the ground, it gave birth to mushrooms, which were fragrant.

However, no matter how many punches Wu Tianzun gave him, the corpse could always look as good as before. The corpse seems to contain endless activity, and the body can be restored autonomously!

Wu Tianzun's fist was stuck in the corpse's face, he pulled out his fist suddenly, grabbed the broken blade embedded in the corpse's chest with both hands, and thrust forward with all his strength!

The broken blade gradually penetrated into the heart of the corpse, going deeper and deeper.

The corpse opened its mouth and roared in unbearable pain. Fuzzy figures even appeared under the broken blade, as if they were about to fly out.

Wu Tianzun let go, jumped down the cliff, returned to Xu Ying, wiped the blood on his hands, and said: This is indeed very strong. I can't handle it.

Xu Ying's eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief.

Wu Tianzun was puzzled.

Wu Tianzun, this may be the corpse of an immortal! Xu Ying said in a loss of voice.

Wu Tianzun shook his head: Immortal? Impossible!

Xu Ying explained: The immortals in the ancient times were not that strong. At that time, ascension was very simple. The largest catastrophe was only fifty miles around, which is fifteen miles in diameter. I'm afraid you can survive this kind of catastrophe now. past.

Wu Tianzun was a little confused: Before, with my level of cultivation, I could ascend to immortality? Why can't I do it now?

Xu Ying didn't know how to answer his question.

According to what Xu Ying knows so far, in the ancient times, people practiced to overcome tribulations. The tribulations came according to the individual's luck, and the scale could be large or small.

But at some point, the way of heaven began to set the intensity of the heavenly tribulation based on the strength of the previous ascended person. As a result, those who survived the tribulation had to be stronger than the previous generation of ascendants in order to survive the heavenly tribulation.

As a result, generations of ascendants continued to increase the intensity of the heavenly tribulations, eventually leading to the emergence of super tribulations that were hundreds of times greater than ordinary tribulations!

After the last ascended person leaves, no one can ascend.

The last ascended person killed everyone, which also led to the decline of Qi Refiners and the rise of Nuo Masters.

Xu Ying gave an overview of what he knew and expressed his guesses, saying, Later on, some Qi practitioners had a twisted idea, misinterpreted the Nuo method, fished and cannibalized people, and relied on this method to increase their strength and extend their lifespan. Now, no matter whether it is a Qi practitioner or a Nuo master, everyone is in danger.

Wu Tianzun continued to walk forward and said: Unfortunately, my life span is not enough to go to the world you mentioned. I would like to pass on the martial arts and the spirit of martial arts there. If I am determined to forge ahead, even if I cannot ascend, It’s not necessarily impossible to live a wonderful life.”

His energy and blood showed signs of declining slightly, which shocked Xu Ying.

As a martial arts expert who has cultivated the Yuan Shen, he is a god himself. He can control all the acupoints of the physical body, seal himself, so that his essence does not leak out or be lost, and he is always at his peak!

However, Wu Tianzun's energy and blood showed signs of decline, indicating that his control over his physical body had begun to fail.

His body has aged.

Wu Tianzun smiled and said: I really want to go to the world you mentioned and blow the heads of those fishermen with my fists. But time waits for us not. It would be great if I could do it twenty years earlier.

The light in his eyes dimmed. Although he refused to accept old age or admit defeat, this body was still old after all.

This ancient battlefield has a great secret. It prevents people from practicing in the ancient world.

Wu Tianzun walked in front, and his powerful martial arts spirit emanated, turning into figures, sweeping past, and said, It forces us to rely on our own bodies and fists without any heaven and earth vitality or heaven and earth spiritual power. My own spirit survives. I am not an omnipotent deity...

His Qi and blood began to decline, and Xu Ying saw floating Qi and blood behind him, like dust and sand, dispersing in the wind.

I can't improve my martial arts to the extreme, I can't bulldoze the darkness, and I can't stop the invasion of the underworld. I can't even explore the truth of this ancient battlefield, and I can't solve the problem without the vitality of heaven and earth.

Wu Tianzun's voice is still loud and his steps are still steady. His spirit is like fire, sweeping away the haze and monsters around him.

But the flow of energy and blood behind him is gradually accelerating!

Xu Ying caught up with him and said: Wu Tianzun, maybe I can locate the dragon for you and help you find the six secrets of the human body. As long as you can open the secret of mud pills among the six secrets, you can fish for the elixir!

Wu Tianzun continued to walk forward, and a voice came: Fellow Daoist Xu, a warrior's spirit, energy, blood, and soul are integrated into one and are inseparable. The moment you see my energy and blood passing away, it shows that my soul is also aging, and my physical body is also aging. I am also dying. The six secrets of the human body should not be able to stop my decline.

His steps were getting faster and faster, as if he was chasing time, trying to go further and pave a relatively safe path for future generations.

He is already the strongest in martial arts, and he hopes to use his last time to do more things!

Xu Ying activated his Extreme Intention Self-Restraint Skill and finally caught up with him. He suddenly jumped into his Xiyi Realm and traveled through his body in search of the Niwan Secret among the Six Secrets.

The energy and blood in Wu Tianzun's body was as hot as the scorching sun. Xu Ying seemed to be walking through the blazing fire, flying up from his twelve-story building, crossing the sealed Yaochi and the Divine Bridge, and flying across the sun and moon.

Finally, he found the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Wu Tianzun's sea of ​​chaos was the most terrifying sea of ​​chaos that Xu Ying had ever seen in his life. The waves were high, the terrifying chaos energy tore apart everything, and it was filled with the aura of destruction.

Niwan Palace has become a celestial sphere that suppresses the Chaos Sea. When it rotates, the Chaos Sea is also rolled up and revolves around this Chaos Celestial Sphere!

Xu Ying had seen Zhu Chanchan's Chaos Sea. Zhu Chanchan had suppressed her own cultivation to the Knock Off Stage. Her Chaos Mud Pills were so terrifying that even Feilai Peak had a hard time opening them!

Wu Tianzun's Niwan Palace is probably a hundred times more difficult than Zhu Chanchan!

Although martial arts are powerful, martial arts cannot use magic weapons like Qi Refiners, which means that Wu Tianzun's Niwan Palace cannot be opened!

Xu Ying calmed down, took out the jade bottle he had collected, and poured out some essence of the original path in his Xiyi Domain.

The essence of the original path spread out, allowing Wu Tianzun's body to emit the fragrance of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

Xu Ying flew out of his Xiyi Domain and secretly transferred some immortality elixir collected from his Niwan Cave into Wu Tianzun's body. Wu Tianzun's complexion also improved a lot.

His face returned to ruddy color, his voice was loud, and he said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu really has a recipe for elixir.

Xu Ying looked at the energy and blood that was still floating behind him, and his heart sank. Wu Tianzun's body and soul were dying at the same time, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

The essence of the original path and the elixir of immortality cannot save his life!

The senior who created the Eight Methods of the God of War must have gone further than me when he set foot on this path.

Wu Tianzun looked into the distance and said with a smile, I heard old legends that he is younger and more powerful. He can definitely get out of here. He can definitely do it.

Xu Ying noticed that his soul energy was also starting to drain away, and he hurriedly mobilized the soul elixir collected from Yongquan's secret treasure to enter his body.

However, apart from that, Wu Tianzun's martial arts consciousness and strength are declining, and it is difficult to stop them.

Xu Ying mobilized the elixirs from Yuchi, Huangting and Jianggong to enter his body.

But this is just a temporary delay. Wu Tianzun's rate of decline is accelerating. Soon, the rate of death will exceed the speed of Xu Ying's immortal medicine!

Wu Tianzun also knew that he was anxious, so he rushed forward with his promise to increase his speed. No matter what monsters were on the road, he smashed them all!

He rushed forward, sweeping away everything, destroying everything along the way, and was invincible.

He brought the essence of martial arts into full play. This was his happiest battle and the strongest battle in his life. He turned what he had learned into a blade and a sword!

Use your fists and feet as pens, your Qi and blood as ink, and express your feelings heartily and vividly!

He wants to leave a lasting mark in this world with his own life!

Ahead, the fairy light was turbulent and dazzling, sweeping away the darkness of the underworld and the ancient battlefield.

Xu Ying followed Wu Tianzun and rushed there. They came to an ancient mountain. The mountain was covered with five-color stones, which were bright and dazzling. The mountain was so huge that it was impossible to know the geometry around it.

The eerie and strange wind blows down from the mountain, forming a wall of wind surrounding the mountain, killing people's bodies and souls.

There are countless bones surrounding the wind wall. They are the strong men who died in this wind wall.

On the mountain, corpses floated quietly in the sky. They exuded a hazy fairy light and were extremely holy, making the place as beautiful as a fairyland.

Fellow Daoist Xu, look over there!

Wu Tianzun smiled and raised his hand to point to the other side of the mountain.

Xu Ying looked in the direction of his finger and saw some floating ghosts!

And in the sky behind the ghost, an abyss appeared, with bright light shining down from above!

Xu Ying felt happy and said quickly: The Abyss of Cangwu! Wu Tianzun, it is the Abyss of Cangwu!

Beside him, the smile on Wu Tianzun's face solidified, and his energy and blood dissipated like a tide, forming a scarlet patch behind him, floating backwards like a scarlet cloak.

I will sleep here forever to show you the way.

He exhaled his last breath, and the martial arts spirit in his body rushed out of the Tianling Cap, forming a bright light in mid-air.

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