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Chapter 186 Defeating God’s Will

If you don't accumulate steps, you won't be able to reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be able to reach a river or sea.

Some of Xu Ying's thousands of lives were fishermen who followed their parents to fish, some were embroiderers in the town who sewed clothes for people, some were teachers in private schools, some were butchers, some were blacksmiths, and some were masons.

There are also young masters from wealthy families, who even occasionally appear in the homes of princes, generals and prime ministers.

But they are all mortal.

They are people under surveillance. When they reach a certain age, their memories will be erased, their cultivation will be sealed, a new memory will be implanted, and they will be sent to a strange place to start a new life.

When these seals are broken and the achievements of thousands of physical bodies come in an instant, when weak forces gather together, they form a torrent.

Dang Xu should bring together the unyielding will of the whole life.

Finally, there is a posture of breaking out of the chrysalis and turning into a butterfly!

The stone man of God's Will was surprised, the runes of God's Will circulated, turned into a long sword, and slashed at Xu Ying!

With the blessing of heaven, no matter how mediocre this move is, it becomes irresistible. What's more, His Divine Sword of Providence is not mediocre!

Thousands of human beings who have been traffickers and servants, even if they are gathered together, they are still mortals and are still under the control of God!

His heavenly sword cuts down, and under the light of the sword, all living beings are equal.

Under His heavenly sword, even the great Qi masters in the ascension stage are nothing but ants!

Xu Ying stood on the ground with both feet, and the ground suddenly collapsed, forming a large pit with a radius of dozens of acres. He waved his palms upward to meet the Divine Sword of God's Will!

The power of the Earth-shattering Technique of the Eight Methods of the God of War originates from the earth and penetrates the whole body. With the explosion of its own power, it is finally transmitted to the right palm!

The palm power exploded the moment it came into contact with the God's Will Divine Sword. The God's Will Stone Man saw his own Heavenly Runes shattered in the light of the sword, and the God's Will Divine Sword also cracked and shattered into pieces!

Xu Ying twisted his body, rotated half of his body, and took advantage of the opportunity to turn the ground-covering technique into the sea-turning technique. His right palm seemed to be holding an ocean in the sky, and he flipped his hand to cover the boundless ocean!

The Heavenly Stone Man raised his arms, with heavenly runes flying around his arms, and sneered: You insect, I should throw you into the manure pit...


The sea crushed down, and the heavenly runes around the stone man's arms exploded. When his hands met Xu Ying's palm prints, dense cracks appeared on his arms.

The next moment, gravel flew, and His two arms shattered into countless gravel!

The impact of Xu Ying's energy, blood and spirit made the Tianyi Stone Man in a daze at this moment. In his eyes, Xu Ying's body became extremely majestic. With a punch, it was as if the Immortal King was standing nine days away, and his fist was the eternal immortal immortal. Throw the weapon down on yourself!

An earth-shattering method!

The arms of the Heavenly Stone Man were broken, and powerful energy and blood flew out from the Tianling Cap, turning into heavenly runes to form seals to fight against the fist peak falling from the sky!


His Heavenly Dao Seal was smashed to pieces by his fist. This punch hit his Heavenly Spirit Cap. The head of the Heavenly Will Stone Man was unharmed, but it was completely shattered below the head!

Xu Ying clasped his five fingers, grabbed the Tianling Cap of the Tianyi Stone Man, and lifted up his head.

The Heavenly Stone Man kept chattering: Xu Ying, this is just a clone of mine. It doesn't matter to me if you hurt my clone! Do you know how I will deal with you? I will cleanse your memory. , throwing you into a whole new world.”

Xu Ying stepped forward and placed His head on the mountain of bones He had piled up.

The God's Will Stone Man smiled brightly and said: I am different from those fools like Beichenzi, Yutang, and Fu Yi. I will arrange it well for you. As soon as you wake up, you will hear a ding-dong sound, and my incarnation of the God's Will System will Will jump out. As long as you complete the task, I will reward you. The task is very simple, but of course it will also have my bad taste.

Xu Ying straightened his head and looked at his bloody fist.

The Stone Man of Heaven's Will continued: If you complete the task I promulgated, I will reward you, reward you with skills, reward you with magic weapons, reward you with qualifications and understanding. I will even reward you with beauty, and I can also resurrect your teammates for you!

I will make you a little stronger and immersed in the tasks I have issued. But do you think I am doing it for you? I give you the simplest happiness, making you seem strong, but in fact you have lost the strength of a strong man. The heart has lost its ambition to strive for progress and its unwillingness to be ordinary!

He said excitedly: You are like a chicken that I have fed well. When you hear the gong, you will come to grab food. Until one day when you hear the gong and run over, you find that there are no grains of rice but a chicken-killing knife. You will You think about how to get benefits from me every day, and don’t polish your own skills and Taoist mind, and don’t think about the truth of the great road of heaven and earth. If your foundation for eternity is destroyed in one day, you will not become a truly strong person...

Xu Ying took a long breath, took a step back, and aimed a punch at the head!


Before the Heavenly Stone Man could finish speaking, he was smashed to pieces with a punch!

Xu Ying clapped his hands, walked forward, and said calmly: Today, I will kill a clone of you, and one day I will go to the world of heaven and kill your true body.


There were thunderous thunders in the sky, and suddenly the rolling dark clouds turned into a huge face. The dark clouds hung low and approached Xu promised in the ancient battlefield.

The unimaginable sense of oppression comes, making it impossible to breathe!

Promise, you will eventually regret your humiliation to me today!

The huge face in the sky flashed its eyebrows, and the sword of providence descended from the sky, splitting the earth and carving out a huge canyon!

Regret, are you worthy?

Xu Ying dodged to avoid the Heavenly Sword, tapped his toes on the back of the Heavenly Sword, jumped up, faced the huge face in the sky, and punched out!

The heaven and earth shook, and all the realms roared together. This punch was the last of the eight methods of the God of War, the method of returning to the path!

With one punch, he felt as if he was in control of the world!


The thunderclouds in the sky were torn apart, the faces were torn apart, and the dark clouds were swept away with one punch, shattered and disappeared!

This punch made a big hole even in the sky!

Xu Ying vaguely felt that his fist seemed to have penetrated into another world and hit a huge body.

His heart moved slightly: Is the return method of the eight methods of the God of War really so powerful that it can break the void? How terrifying must the strong man who created this martial arts method be? After he cultivated the soul, he left the other side of the martial arts, and existed like this , you should be able to get out of here alive, right?

His figure fell from the air, and then his martial arts energy and blood trembled, and he stood in the air, his clothes rustling in the hunting wind.

He looked up at the sky. The sky was calm, but even more depressing.

After a moment, the sky was suddenly torn apart, a big hand reached out from the sky, and God's angry voice came from another world, exploding over the ancient battlefield!

Xu Ying, you pissed me off...

Before he finished speaking, a white-haired soul suddenly flew out from bottom to top, struck the big hand from the sky, and punched through the big hand.

Xu Ying looked from a distance and saw huge pieces of flesh and bone flying out from the back of Tianyi's big hand, and blood flowed across the palm, swaying in all directions.

The big hand of God was beaten back to the world of heaven, and finally the sky closed and everything returned to peace.

Xu Ying was stunned, and saw that the light of the white-haired soul gradually converged, and the dancing white hair subsided and fell downwards.

Xu Ying looked down and saw that there was the last safe point held up by the last torch-like martial arts expert.

His heart moved slightly, he landed and walked towards that safe spot.

This time, he broke the seal and gathered thousands of bodies, promising that the body would be stronger than ever before. And as his martial arts improves, his physical strength becomes stronger and stronger!

Xu Ying repeatedly activated Taiyi Guiding Gong to refine Qi and blood, condense his spirit, and make his martial arts cultivation higher and higher.

Now, he is still the one with the lowest attainments in martial arts. The cultivation realms of the people on the other side are all concentrated in the second knocking pass period, opening Jiaji Pass. Only Wu Tianzun is in the Chonglou stage and has cultivated into the Yuanshen.

And Xu Ying was in the refining period, refining the golden elixir. He still needs to sharpen his energy, blood and spirit step by step, so that his martial arts can keep up with his cultivation level, and he can refine the golden elixir of martial arts as soon as possible.

The golden elixir of martial arts is made from the energy, blood and spirit. It is different from the golden elixir of the Qi Refiner. The golden elixir of the Qi Refiner is made from the vitality of spiritual consciousness. If I continue to practice like this, will I be able to make double inner elixirs?

Xu Ying thought carefully for a moment and shook his head.

Not really.

If you continue to temper your qi, blood and spirit with martial arts, and the spirit turns into martial arts consciousness, your qi and blood will also flow into the golden elixir. Eventually, your golden elixir will contain both the characteristics of martial arts and qi refining, and there will not be one more inner elixir. .

If you practice dual inner elixirs, you still need to combine two souls to evolve into a soul. There is only one soul in the human body. Dual souls are impossible, and dual souls are naturally impossible.

Suddenly, Xu Ying noticed that the qi and blood monument formed by the body of the martial arts expert had actually moved!

He sped up and chased there.

Although his cultivation is in the refining stage, his skills are no less than those of Yuan Shidao and others in the second Kengguan stage. Even if he encounters danger, he can handle it.

Of course, if he encountered a terrifying danger like Corpse Abyss, he would also have to avoid it.

Fortunately, the speed of Jiyi Zizi Gong is extremely fast, so even if danger comes, he can avoid it.

It didn't take long for Xu Ying to catch up with the moving energy and blood.

Under the blood, the white-haired old men attacked from all directions, purifying some evil spirits and monsters they encountered along the way.

It is indeed Wu Tianzun!

Xu Ying walked forward and came to the old man's side.

The white-haired old man attacking all around is the manifestation of Wu Tianzun's martial arts spirit.

He was the one who just now attacked the great hand of Heaven's Will by the martial arts soul and forced Heaven's Will back to the world of Heaven's Dao!

Although his realm is at the Chonglou stage of cultivating the Yuanshen, his martial arts cultivation is unfathomable. He is the only person who can equal the founder of the Eight Methods of the God of War in realm.

Xu Ying stepped forward to greet him and said, Thank you very much, Lord Wu Tianzun, for your help.

The white-haired old man returned the greeting: Why do you need to thank me for your hard work? That God of Providence was so shameless that he beat his stone clone, so he came to the celestial body. After you smashed the celestial body, he shamelessly attacked with his true body. I think He didn't go over and beat him.

Xu Ying was filled with admiration and walked side by side with him, saying, Wu Tianzun recognizes the heavenly runes on Tianyi's body?

Wu Tianzun shook his head.

Xu Ying said in surprise: If you don't recognize the runes of heaven and can't see through their weaknesses, how can you penetrate the palm of God's will?

Wu Tianzun stretched out his arm, rolled up his sleeves, revealing the beating muscles of the arms, and said: As long as you are strong enough, you can break anything and penetrate it!

He put down his sleeves, looked gentle and elegant, and said with a smile: Besides, if you don't know the runes of heaven, you must not be able to see through its weaknesses? I have cultivated the martial arts heavenly eye. Although I can't recognize the runes of heaven, I can see his moves as soon as he comes out. Find out each weak point. Select the weak point and smash it with one punch to break the opponent's offensive.

Xu Ying was greatly admired and asked him for advice on martial arts. Wu Tianzun said: Cultivation of the Yuan Shen will happen naturally. There is no special method for practicing martial arts.

Xu Ying asked: Wu Tianzun is not on the other side, why did you come here alone?

The white-haired old man looked forward and said quietly: I don't have much life left. Instead of waiting for death on the other side of the martial arts, I might as well continue walking along the path that my predecessors have taken.

He smiled and said: This road is the path taken by the founder of the Eight Methods of the God of War. Where he went has always been a mystery. While I can still walk, I want to explore the path for future generations. You are on the road The old people I met also walked along this road before they died, becoming monuments on the road.

Xu Ying was silent for a moment and said, Wu Tianzun didn't say goodbye to Zhai Wuxian and the others?

The white-haired old man said: I don't want to add to the sorrow of parting, so it's better to just go on the road silently. When they find out, they will only sigh, and no sorrow will affect their Taoist hearts.

His lifespan has come to an end. When Xu Ying first entered the other side, he said that he only had a few months to live.

He persisted for more than two months. When Xu Ying finished learning the martial arts skills of the other side and entered the ancient battlefield to hone his skills, he left the other side with the intention of protecting Xu Ying.

Wu Tianzun has a graceful demeanor and a white robe with long sleeves. He walks in this ghost-like ancient battlefield as if he is in an uninhabited land.

His martial arts cultivation is so powerful that even though he is old and has reached the end of his life, his strength shows no signs of deteriorating.

He rarely takes action, and can obliterate dark monsters along the way just by manifesting his spirit!

However, when Wu Tianzun took action, he was extremely terrifying.

Xu Ying saw that the abyss of corpses formed by the flesh and blood of ancient gods and demons was flattened by the old man's punch. The realm of demons formed by the residual thoughts of gods and demons was penetrated by his palm. Any evil thoughts were melted like ice and snow under the martial arts fist!

This old man is tireless, and his vitality and blood are like a vast ocean, seemingly never exhausted.

Heavenly Runes!

Wu Tianzun used martial arts seals to shatter the obsession in the mind of a withered skeleton. Xu Ying stepped forward to check, and couldn't help but be startled. There were actually rune marks of heaven on this corpse!

Is this the rune of heaven?

Wu Tianzun was also a little curious, so he came closer and said, There are many such marks on the monsters we have smashed over the years.

Xu Ying was shocked and confused, was martial arts really that strong? Even the mark of heaven can be easily broken!

He straightened up, looked at the ancient battlefield of Taichu, and murmured: What happened in this ancient battlefield? Why are so many gods buried here?

Are they gods? Wu Tianzun asked in confusion, Why are they so weak?

Xu Ying followed Wu Tianzun and continued to walk forward. The front became more and more dangerous, and the power of heaven became stronger and stronger.

Xu Ying looked up and suddenly saw a corpse hanging on the cliff in front of him. An incomplete weapon penetrated the corpse's chest and nailed the corpse to the mountain.

The strange thing is that the bones of the gods have been corrupted and only the bones are left, but this corpse still retains flesh and blood.

Wu Tianzun looked solemn, grabbed Xu Ying's hand who was about to step forward, and said in a deep voice: This one is very strong!

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