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Chapter 183 The number one martial arts soul

The demeanor and temperament of these people, at first glance, they are reasonable people. When Xu Ying saw these people, he felt close to them.

Zhai Wuxian said: Although Xu Ying is young, he knows the realm behind martial arts. He even knows the realm that Wu Tianzun is about to break through.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eager eyes focused on Xu Ying.

Xu Ying suddenly felt tremendous pressure coming on him. The spirit of these martial arts masters acted on him, making him feel suffocated!

Do you really know the realm of martial arts?

Yuan Shidao was so excited that his eyes filled with tears, and he said with a trembling voice, Is it true that the realm of martial arts is not innately one thousand, ten thousand or even one million times heavier?

The heroic woman was also full of expectations and asked: Is the highest state of martial arts the one that Wu Tianzun wants to break through, the innate weight of one million?

Another old man asked: After cultivating to that state, is there a way forward?

Xu Ying looked at them and hesitated.

These people are the most powerful existences in the Taichu world for thousands of years. Each of them is a myth in the Taichu world. In addition to being the strongest force in the world, they are also the strongest wisdom.

This barren world cannot practice cultivation, but they have used martial arts to find a unique path.

However, can these martial arts supreme masters really accept that there are other realms above them, and that there are as many people who have achieved those realms as crucian carp crossing the river?

Xu Ying calmed down and said: Everyone, from the first innate weight to the innate thousandth weight, it is called Qi gathering stage. From the innate thousandth weight to the innate ten thousandth weight, it is called the knocking off period, knocking Weilu Xuanguan. The innate ten thousand weight to the hundred thousand weight is called During the cross-refining period, one develops the golden elixir of martial arts. The innate weight from one hundred thousand to one million is called the second knocking-off stage, knocking on Jiaji Xuanguan. After the one-millionth level, it is the Chonglou stage, where one cultivates the soul of martial arts.

He eloquently recounted the Yaochi period, the Shenqiao period and the third knocking pass period, saying: In the third knocking pass period, the Jade Pillow Heavenly Pass is opened. At this point, it is the ascension period. If you can survive it, After the heavenly tribulation, you can ascend to immortality and become an immortal who enters Taoism through martial arts!

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this, and every one of them was in despair.

Seeing this, Xu Ying sighed secretly in his heart.

These peerless geniuses have extremely high self-esteem and tirelessly pursue the true meaning of martial arts and find the ultimate realm of martial arts.

But when they know that they have exhausted all their wisdom and are only at the beginning stage of cultivation, the blow can be imagined.

Yuan Shidao murmured: It turns out that the realm is so simple. It turns out that the realm does not have to reach millions of weights. Grandma, every time I think about what realm I am, I have to count it from the beginning. Sometimes there are too many breakthroughs. , then he forgot that he was born with a weight of hundreds of thousands.

Everyone on the other side of martial arts feels the same way.

Especially those of them who have reached the second knocking stage of cultivation and have hundreds of thousands of innate talents, they must use their innate true energy to count layer after layer.

It's just a martial arts expert in the knocking off stage, but when he reaches the Chonglou stage, he can count in the millions. If we break through the Yaochi stage and the Shenqiao stage again, I am afraid that no martial arts master will be able to figure out how much innate weight he has cultivated to!

It turns out that I have only just reached the middle level of cultivation.

An old voice came from the center of the other side of the martial arts. Xu Yingxun looked up and saw a golden light in the sky. There was a twelve-story golden building standing between heaven and earth. It was vast, solemn, and suppressed everything!

Chonglou period, twelve layers of buildings!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, Wu Tianzun showed the twelve-layered building, indicating that he had cultivated into a martial arts soul!

This is a unique achievement!

Wu Tianzun is probably the first strong man in history who did not practice qi or Nuo, but only relied on martial arts to reach the Chonglou stage and develop his soul!

Wu Tianzun is out of seclusion!

Everyone was surprised and happy, and hurried to the twelfth floor. Zhai Wuxian promised Xu: Come with me!

Xu Ying followed him and came to the twelfth floor. He saw a white-haired old man sitting in front of the twelfth floor. Around him, figures of white-haired old men appeared, performing various boxing techniques. , swordsmanship, swordsmanship, advance and retreat well-founded!

That is not Wu Tianzun's body, but his spirit.

His martial arts spirit is highly condensed and even affects reality. When he thinks, various martial arts techniques appear!

When Xu Ying and others arrived, the figures around Wu Tianzun walked into his body and disappeared.

His thoughts have become too unified.

Xu Ying admired him in his heart, He didn't practice the Taiyi Guidance Technique. He was groping alone, and he was able to refine his mind to this point. It's really extraordinary. Even if I had the Taiyi Guidance Technique, I only achieved Taiyi when I was nine years old. .”

Wu Tianzun opened his eyes, his white eyebrows fluttering, and he looked directly at Xu Ying, his eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

You are not from our world.

He saw the difference in Xu Ying at a glance and said, You have extremely powerful power sealed in your body, which is different from the martial arts energy. Our world does not have this kind of energy.

Xu Yingdao: Wu Tianzun has unparalleled Dharma eyes. The power in my body is called vitality in other worlds. It is called the vitality of heaven and earth when it is scattered between heaven and earth. The power contaminated by the great road is called the spiritual power of heaven and earth. The monks collect the vitality between heaven and earth. And spiritual power, absorbed into the body, such a monk is called a Qi Refiner.

Wu Tianzun suddenly realized, his eyes continued to fall on him, and said: But the power in you is more than that. What is the other power?

Xu Ying said: That power is the elixir of the other side. Monks steal the elixir of the other side and steal the elixir to live forever. With the power of the elixir, they can gain physical activity, strength, spiritual consciousness, and vitality, refine their souls, and understand yin and yang. In this way. The monks are called Nuo masters.

Wu Tianzun, Zhai Wuxian, Yuan Shidao and others listened in rapt attention. Yuan Shidao asked: So, what is our martial arts? Qi refiner or Nuo master?

Xu Ying had a headache and said: Martial arts does not take the vitality of heaven and earth, nor steal elixirs. It relies on the spirit of forging ahead to strengthen the body and refine the qi and blood, and ultimately achieve the same achievements as Nuo masters and qi refiners. I think it should be listed separately. Come out and line up with the Nuo Master Qi Refiner.

Everyone looked happy.

Wu Tianzun's face darkened, and he said: You have refined your Qi for 100,000 times, and you have just passed the refining period. There are still two knocking passes, Chonglou, Yaochi, and Shenqiao. After that, you can reach the ascension period. I have no energy in my life. , you have just raised your martial arts to the Chonglou stage, and your longevity has already come to an end. If you are complacent about this, I am afraid that you will never be able to advance to the next level in this life, let alone ascend!

Yuan Shidao and others looked ashamed, but Zhai Wuxian was a little worried and asked: Wu Tianzun, how long is your longevity?

Wu Tianzun sighed and said: My qualifications and understanding are not excellent, I just relied on perseverance to get to where I am today. Back then, there were countless people with better talents and understanding than me, but I was the only one who identified the martial arts and continued to practice with concentration. I continued to practice hard and finally broke through the nine innate realms. But when I reached the refining stage, my life span was exhausted. When I broke through to the second knocking stage, my life span suddenly increased greatly, and I was able to continue to break through.

Xu Ying said: The second knocking stage is knocking on the Jiaji Profound Pass. If you clear this pass, you can gain more energy and life.

Wu Tianzun heard this and praised: Human life is like an oil lamp. When the lamp oil is exhausted, the lamp will go out. Add oil to the lamp to make the lamp burn longer. In the second knocking period, add oil and increase life. It allows me to break through the Chonglou and become a soul. But the Chonglou stage does not increase my lifespan. My lifespan has come to the end, and I only have a few months left.

Zhai Wuxian, Yuan Shidao and others were very sad.

Wu Tianzun smiled and said: But if I can become the second person on the other side of the martial arts to break through to the Chonglou realm, this life will not be in vain.

He had a very open mind about life and death and said: Xu Xiaoyou, there is a seal on your tail gate entrance, which makes it impossible to open the entrance. I have cultivated into Yuanshen, so I can help you open the entrance.

Xu Ying reminded: Wu Tianzun, what seals my tail gate is the rune of heaven.

Wu Tianzun said: It's not difficult to open.

Xu Yingdao: The runes of heaven are very powerful.

Wu Tianzun nodded and said: It's not difficult to open.

Xu Ying gasped. Could it be that a martial arts master who had just cultivated his soul could erase the seal of heaven?

He did not see Zhai Wuxian blowing the head of the Tianyi stone statue with one punch. If he had seen this scene, he would not have doubts.

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said: Wu Tianzun, I want to try it myself and see if I can break through the seal of heaven with my own martial arts spirit! If I can't do it, it's not too late to ask Wu Tianzun to take action.

Wu Tianzun said happily: You have this determination, and I take it for granted. This other side of the martial arts is full of martial arts techniques left by the predecessors and sages. You can practice them. And beyond the other side, there is the ancient battlefield. You If you want to verify what you’ve learned, go there.”

He smiled and said: If you want to verify it with us, we will be happy to do so.

Xu Ying looked up at him, and Wu Tianzun showed a kind smile.

Xu Ying looked at Yuan Shidao and others. Everyone looked kind and looked forward to it.

Xu Ying said: I'd better learn the secrets of the other side first.

Everyone was a little disappointed and dispersed to go about their own business.

Xu Ying came to a stone tablet, and what was engraved on the stone tablet was another martial arts move, which was extremely miraculous, called the Extreme Intention and Freedom Technique.

This skill is famous for its body skills. The owner of the stone tablet himself said that by practicing this skill, one can reach the ultimate speed, go from movement to stillness, and from stillness to movement, with ultimate freedom.

Xu Ying meditated under the stone tablet. Not long after, he suddenly moved. The next moment, he appeared dozens of miles away, and suddenly returned to the stone tablet.

He rose into the air, stepped on the air with his feet, paused slightly, and flew away like a rainbow, leaving only a rainbow light behind him!

call out!

Xu Ying fell from the sky, and a long rainbow followed closely behind him and sank into his body. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: The end of martial arts is magical power.

His Ultimate Freedom Skill just now was already the magical power of shifting bodies. Compared with the Qi Refiner's magical power of Rainbow Transformation, it was no less impressive, and even faster!

It's just that this ultimate freedom skill seems to be inferior to the eight methods of the God of War.

Xu Ying compared the two martial arts methods, and the Jiyi Zizi Gong can burst out with unparalleled speed, and even leave a shadow!

Leave countless shadows of yourself behind so that your opponents don’t even know who you really are!

But compared with the Eight Methods of the God of War, Jiyi Zizi Gong lacks the spirit of fighting against heaven and earth. Although after cultivating the ultimate mind free skill, few people can hurt themselves with the unpredictable body skills, but they no longer have the spirit of bravery and advancement.

The improvement of martial arts cultivation may become slow.

Xu Ying walked to the next martial arts school. This martial arts school recorded a broken sword. The sword had been purified and no longer had the overwhelming evil aura, but it was still very sharp.

When Xu Ying came closer, he felt the sword energy cutting through his body.

He raised his arm and saw small dents sunk into the skin of his arm, which were the sword energy emitted by the broken sword.

Xu Ying stood in front of the broken sword. There was a figure in the sword with a slender figure standing with a sword in his hand.

Martial arts sword?

Xu Ying was extremely surprised. He had learned the sword of the Sword Immortal. He first came into contact with Yuan Tiangang's swordsmanship, and then he learned Li Xiaoke's swordsmanship and struck with the sword.

He has never learned the pure martial arts sword.

This martial arts expert imprinted his spirit on this terrifying broken sword. The Broken Sword is a magic weapon in ancient battlefields. One can only imagine how terrifying this master's martial arts attainments are!

In the sword, the martial arts expert used martial arts to control the sword, and the sword energy was unparalleled. Standing outside the broken sword, Xu Ying still had to use the ultimate intention to dodge back and forth to avoid being hurt by the sword energy!

Even more terrifying is the sword intent.

The martial arts master's sword energy can still be avoided, but his sword intention is everywhere. Being in the sword intention, Xu Ying feels that his own energy and blood have become the opponent's sword, and he may be exploded by the opponent at any time. The body dies!

This martial arts technique is called the Thirteen Styles of Heavenly Sword.

In Xu Ying's opinion, it already has some of the grace of Heavenly Sword Intent.

Compared with Li Xiaoke's Xiaoyao Sword, his sword intention is more pure. However, Xiaoyao Sword's moves are changeable, and Li Xiaoke's reputation is indeed not in vain.

Xu Ying thought of Li Xiaoke and thought to himself, I wonder if Miss Qingyu has found Li Xiaoke and avenged her great revenge?

He learned the Thirteen Styles of the Heavenly Sword, compared them, and shook his head: It's still slightly inferior to the Eight Styles of the God of War.

He continued to move forward and came to the next mark left by a strong martial artist.

Time passed day by day, and before he knew it, Xu Ying had been on the other side of this martial arts place for two months. He understood the last stone tablet. On the stone tablet was a martial arts boxing technique, which was resolute and domineering.

But it's still not as good as the Eight Methods of the God of War.

Xu Ying continued to walk to the next place, but couldn't help but be stunned. He saw that there were no secrets left by the martial arts experts in front of him, and there were only barren graves in front of him.

Even if you are extremely talented and talented, even if your martial arts are superb, in the face of time, you are just a cup of dust.

Zhai Wuxian came up from behind him and said calmly, These seniors have all passed away.

Xu Ying walked silently past the barren tomb and looked at the tombstones one by one. In the tombs were the most powerful men in the world. Each of them had a glorious past, but the tombstones simply had their names written on them, with no other description.

Xu Ying walked to the end of the barren tomb and asked: The senior who created the Eight Methods of the God of War, which tomb is he?

He's not buried here.

Zhai Wuxian looked into the distance and said, He was the first person to cultivate the soul. Legend has it that he walked out from here and never came back.

Xu Ying followed his gaze and saw that the place was so gloomy that there was no end in sight.

The number one martial artist walked into the underworld.

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