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Chapter 182 The Eight Methods of the God of War

A stone statue fell from the sky and landed in front of Fu Yi.

Fu Yi looked sad, feeling that his brain was filled with all kinds of messy information, and his heart tightened, and he didn't dare to look down at the stone statue.

It is disrespectful to look into the eyes of gods. If you come into contact with the eyes of gods, you are more likely to be unable to withstand the impact of heaven's messages and your mind will be confused.

The stone statue is not the true form of God's will. It is just a part of God's will and power that descended into the stone statue, which is not very powerful.

In terms of true strength, Fu Yi is still above the Tianyi Stone Statue.

However, the sense of oppression exerted by Heaven on him was so strong that he could not resist at all.

And this god's reputation is not very good. People often say that God's will plays tricks on people and that God's will is unpredictable. Fu Yi thought to himself.

The triangular head of the stone statue moved slightly, making a creaking sound, and looked at him sideways: Why are you calling me?

Fu Yi bowed and explained the matter, saying: God, if Xu Ying escapes again, I ask God to make a decision.

The stone statue was clumsily carved, like a face drawn by a child. The mouth opened and closed, and he said with a smile: The world of Taichu did not have any vitality of heaven and earth, could not produce elixirs, and could not collect Qi for cultivation. His cultivation was sealed by the way of heaven. The secret cannot be opened. He cannot practice inside or outside, so there is no need to be nervous.

Suddenly, light suddenly appeared in the sky, and a circle of light fell from the sky around Him, whirling around Him.

There were countless scenes, recording the scenes of Xu Ying being deceived by them and staying in Prince Xiang's Mansion.

The stone statue flicks the screen, and the screen passes forward along time.

Suddenly, the stone statue of Tianyi stretched out his hand and the scene was frozen at the moment when Xu Ying came out of seclusion and the three-legged firebird flew over.

The earthworm-like eyebrows on the stone statue's eyes twitched, and when the scene was flipped, the firebird flew into Xu Ying's eyebrows and disappeared.

He stared at the thunder mark on Xu Ying's eyebrows, his face became solemn, and said: Fu Yi, kid, you have done a good job. Xu Ying does have a problem. The thunder mark on his eyebrows should be the key to cracking the demon-suppressing rune. I The heavenly runes that seal him are probably not safe either.”

A white and tender silkworm baby suddenly emerged from His shoulder. The stone statue of Providence raised its palm and plucked it toward the sky. The sky cracked open, revealing the distant world of Heaven!

There is an ancient mulberry tree in that world, and stars circle around it.

The stone statue of Tianyi reached out and picked out a mulberry leaf and fed it to the silkworm baby. The silkworm baby was overjoyed and ate the mulberry leaf quickly.

The silkworm's stomach became round after eating, and it opened its mouth to spin silk, weaving a picture in the air. In the picture, the thunder pattern appeared between Xu Ying's eyebrows.

The thunder pattern was drawn with great detail, and the internal structure that Fu Yi didn't see was also drawn with silk by Tian Canbao!

Fu Yi took a closer look and saw more details, and saw that there were wind and clouds surging in the thunder texture, outlining wonderful patterns.

He looked closer and looked more carefully. Suddenly, on a whim, he felt that his fate was about to change, and the disaster was about to break out!

He was startled, and when he looked up, he saw a sudden change in the sky, dark clouds rolling in, and thunder surging!

His catastrophe was actually triggered just because he took one more look at the thunder texture!

The stone statue of Providence waved its hand to disperse the calamity clouds in the sky. Fu Yi's uneasy feeling of impending disaster gradually dissipated, and he quietly wiped away a cold sweat.

He was selected to monitor Xu Ying, and the benefit promised to him by his superiors was to give him a talisman to avoid disaster and help him avoid the disaster. For thousands of years, he has not been troubled by natural disasters.

Unexpectedly, when he took a closer look at the thunder texture just now, he was actually triggered into a catastrophe, and even the talisman to avoid the catastrophe was useless!

The stone statue of Tianyi frowned again, rolled up the silk, handed it to Fu Yi's hand, and said: The thunder pattern between his eyebrows hides the secret of controlling the heavenly calamity. Please give this silk to Tianquan. God. He will naturally find a way to solve it.

Fu Yi said yes and solemnly put away the silk.

The Zhou Tian Zhengshen of the Heavenly World borrowed the stone statues of the Tianshen Temple to visit the lower world, and among them was the Supreme God of Tianquan.

The stone statue of Tianyi continued to scroll through the screen, and saw the appearance of Zhai Wuxian. Zhai Wuxian took martial arts as his way, picked branches to plant pears, and returned pear trees to branches.

Then, the scene shows Zhai Wuxian taking Xu Ying away, flying tens of thousands of miles away, and punching open the seal of the ancient battlefield.

Hey, there is such a place in the Taichu world!

The stone statue of Tianyi obviously did not expect this, and was inexplicably surprised. The picture gradually blurred, disturbed by the ancient evil energy formed by the invasion of the underworld.

I am God's Will, responsible for recording events of all sizes in the universe. No big or small event can be hidden from my eyes and ears! There is an ancient battlefield here, and there is an invasion from the underworld. Why don't I know about it?

He is astonished and doubtful, and God knows everything. This is the power given by God.

But he didn't know about this ancient battlefield. Could it be said that this ancient battlefield exceeded the power of heaven?

The stone statue of Tianyi calmed down and said to Fu Yi: You go to find the God of Tianquan, and I will go there to take a look!

Fu Yi said yes. When he raised his head, he saw the stone statue of Tianyi turning into a stream of light and disappearing into the sky.

Not long after, the stone statue of God's Will entered this ancient battlefield.

Even if He is a god, he can't help but feel terrified at this moment.


He stepped on a bone, and bright runes flashed on the bones. The stone statue of Tianyi picked up the bones, looked at the runes, and trembled in his heart.

Heavenly Runes! Then the owner of this bone is...

He shuddered and quickly threw the bones aside.

He continued to move forward. The evil spirit here was strong, and the wind in the underworld was also stirring, stirring up the evil spirit. The combination of the two gave birth to many monsters.

God's will did not care about these monsters. God's will was like a sword. Before these monsters could get close, they were killed by His sword energy.

The underworld is really outrageous, invading everywhere. But having said that, the underworld does not seem to be under the control of heaven, and there seem to be many immortal old things hidden in the underworld.

The stone statue narrowed his eyes.

The underworld is also a mysterious place for gods like them, and it is always difficult for the gods to interfere in the affairs of the underworld.

The superiors seem to have nothing to do with the underworld, so they simply don't care about it. What's so fishy about this underworld?

He went deep into the underworld and saw that most of the ancient battlefield had been invaded by the underworld. There was a piece of pure land in front like an isolated island, exuding powerful martial arts essence to suppress the abnormal movements of the ancient battlefield and resist the invasion of the underworld.

Seeing this, the stone statue of Tianyi couldn't help laughing: Who am I? It turned out to be a few warriors practicing martial arts! I was shocked!

He no longer hesitated, emitting astonishing waves of Heavenly Dao, and rushed towards the pure land of martial arts, thinking: These warriors with big faces and thick necks, whose brains are not as big as almonds, were affected by my Heavenly Dao will, and soon killed each other. …”

He thought of this, and suddenly a fist blasted the space of the ancient battlefield into layers, and the next moment he came to him!


The head of the stone statue of God's Will exploded, and God's Will disappeared immediately.

The stone statue fell down, and the stones formed from the broken head bounced carefully, gathered together, and formed a head again.

The stone statue of God's Will crawled on the ground, not daring to make a sound, staying away from the pure land of martial arts, thinking: These martial artists have turned their brains into muscles. Without any brains, God's Will cannot affect them. I'm still here waiting for Xu Ying to come out... …”

Xu Ying followed Zhai Wuxian as he walked on the other side of the martial arts path. Zhai Wuxian suddenly turned around and punched out, his eyes showing murderous intent and his aura surging.

This punch shook Xu Ying's mind, and he actually felt like he would be killed by one punch even in his prime!

Evil heretics are waiting for an opportunity to invade the other side of martial arts, trying to influence me with their pitiful evil thoughts.

Zhai Wuxian withdrew his fist and said calmly, My head was blown off.

Xu Ying was confused and looked back, wondering: At that moment, it seemed like a noise from heaven. Could it be that the gods came here?

He couldn't help laughing and shook his head: If he were a god, how could he be so easily punched in the head by Zhai Wuxian? It's probably the ghosts and gods in the underworld who are causing trouble.

They continued on their way. This place used to be an ancient battlefield, still filled with the murderous fighting spirit left behind by the strong men from the ancient times. From time to time, there was the clanging sound of swords and swords in the air!

Xu Ying's martial arts spirit came into contact with these fighting and killing intentions, and was almost destroyed. He quickly used his energy and spirit to embrace Yuan Shouyi, stick to Taiyi, and mobilize his innate true energy to fight against the fighting and killing intentions.

Zhai Wuxian showed approval and led him to continue walking forward.

The deeper you go into the other side of martial arts, the stronger your murderous and fighting will becomes. This killing and fighting spirit sharpens Xu Ying's spirit.

Suddenly, Xu Ying saw his own Xiyi territory with the spirit of martial arts!

In the vision of martial arts spirit, the realm of Xiyi becomes clearer and more real!

He saw the black iron entrance again, but at this moment, the entrance was sealed by Heaven, with various Heavenly runes imprinted on it, making it impossible to enter.

He followed Zhai Wuxian's footsteps, and his own spirit became stronger and stronger in the confrontation. After a while, they passed by a stone wall.

There is a path of martial arts boxing carved on the stone wall, which includes steps for mobilizing essence, energy, spirit, mind, blood, and body. Xu Ying had never studied martial arts systematically, so after taking a look, he couldn't help but be immersed in it and stopped.

Zhai Wuxian also stopped, without urging him, and said: This is the boxing technique left by the first martial arts legend who set foot here. It explains his martial arts spirit. It is called the Eight Methods of the God of War. You can take a look.

Unconsciously, Xu Ying seemed to see an unyielding God of War cultivating martial arts to the impossible ultimate achievement. The road ahead seemed to be endless and never-ending.

He is already at the top of his game in this world. He has no enemies or opponents and cannot move forward.

He didn't want to die of old age like this, and he didn't want to die in such depression.

Angry and unyielding, he attacks heaven.

Until one day, his fist blasted out of Wanren Mountain, blasted through the sky, and opened the ancient battlefield that had been sealed for a long time.

People saw him flying into another world, thinking that he entered Taoism through martial arts and ascended to immortality.

But when he came to this land, he found that it was just another mortal world, not a fairyland.

But fortunately, he had an opponent here. The evil spirit in the ancient battlefield sharpened his martial arts, helped him practice the martial arts golden elixir, refine the martial arts golden body, and finally created a pure land of martial arts in this world.

The energy and blood in Xu Ying's body surged, and he couldn't help but follow the Eight Methods of the God of War on the stone wall to activate his energy and blood, condense his spirit, and perform punches and kicks.

His blood is like mercury, his energy is like rainbow, and his moves are becoming more and more powerful. He can send out a strong wind with a simple punch, send it tens of feet high, sweep out phantoms with one kick, and crack mountains and rocks!

Zhai Wuxian looked surprised. He only asked Xu Ying to take a look, but did not ask Xu Ying to learn the eight methods of the God of War.

But Xu Ying learned quickly, much faster than he expected.

At this time, a figure descended from the sky and landed next to Zhai Wuxian. She was a capable woman. She looked at Xu Ying and exclaimed in shock: He is learning the eight methods of the God of War? Wuxian, who is he?

Zhai Wuxian said: I traveled around the world and found a good seedling named Xu Ying.

The woman couldn't help but be surprised when she saw that Xu Ying's essence, energy, spirit, mind, blood, and body were gradually merging into one. The martial arts spirit was getting stronger and stronger, driving the energy, blood, body, and mind to become stronger and stronger.

The Eight Methods of the God of War are the unique skills of the first generation founders of martial arts on the other side. They contain the strongest martial arts spirit, far surpassing those who come after them.

The moves of the God of War's Eight Methods are simple, but in fact they are the most difficult martial arts to learn and master. The martial arts spirit in them is an achievement that other beings who have reached the extreme level of martial arts cannot match!

As the saying goes, it is easier to maintain success than to create one. At that time, he had no idea whether there was a road ahead in martial arts, and when would the end be the end of continuing to practice, and no one could be his opponent.

He relied on his powerful Taoist heart to break open the ancient seal.

His spirit, Dao heart, qi, blood, and body have been integrated into one!

He single-handedly created the other side of martial arts!

Suddenly, another powerful figure flew over. His energy and energy were as firm as a rock, but when he saw Xu Ying practicing the Eight God of War Techniques, his rock-like spirit suddenly spun like a stone mill.

Wuxian, where did you come from? The tall figure asked in surprise, This qualification and understanding are no less than yours!

Zhai Wuxian showed a smile: I picked it up while passing by Daxia.

Another person came over, his energy and blood were as dazzling as thousands of suns, but that was just the oppressive feeling created by his energy and blood.

A person with such outstanding qualifications and understanding is so easy to pick up. I also want to pick one up. The man gathered his energy and blood and said with a smile.

Zhai Wuxian smiled and said: Master Yuan, wasn't it you who picked me up?

Yuan Shidao laughed loudly. He discovered Zhai Wuxian and led him to the other side of martial arts, thus making continuous breakthroughs.

In just two hundred years, you have cultivated to a level that I have achieved in a thousand years.

Yuan Shidao was proud and said with a smile, Your qualifications and understanding are much better than mine. But this kid you picked up may be even better than your qualifications and understanding.

Suddenly, another person came over and said: Martial arts relies not only on aptitude and understanding, but also on a courageous Taoist heart...Wait a minute, he hasn't broken through the innate thousand levels yet?

After hearing this, everyone looked at Xu Ying and frowned.

They could see that Xu Ying had not truly broken through the innate thousand levels, and it was against the rules to enter the other side of the martial arts.

Zhai Wuxian also frowned. Along the way, there were various martial arts secrets left by strong men on the other side of the martial arts. He hoped to use the enlightenment on the road to help Xu Ying break through the mysterious barrier.

It’s just that Xu Ying has never made a breakthrough.

He has comprehended the Eight Methods of the God of War so exquisitely. Logically speaking, he should be able to break through the mysterious door. Why is there still no movement? He was puzzled.

Xu Ying understood the eight methods of the God of War thoroughly, stopped punching and kicking, and the surging energy, blood and spirit slowly calmed down.

Only then did he notice that there were people in front of and behind him. These people had kind faces, gentle breaths, and graceful demeanor. At first glance, they looked like gentle and elegant people who had read poetry and books.

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