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Chapter 165 You Leek

On Yunmeng Ze, Xu Ying looked back and saw that the hibiscus trees were like mountains in the distance, getting smaller and smaller.

If the people in the fish belly worship it, it will gradually get better. He thought to himself.

Ying An, you returned to Yunmengze before us. What happened after that? Xu Ying asked.

Xue Ying'an recounted his experience. On that day, Shicheng's light erupted, leaving Taiyi Xiaoxuantian and returning to Yunmengze. Many people from Guo, Cui and other Nuo master families also came back. The girl from the Guo family waited here for a few days, but failed to wait for Xu Ying, and then left sadly.

I have been waiting for a few days and want to invite you to go to Jiulong Mountain together.

Xue Ying'an said, But the things you told me always made me eager to go back and verify them. I couldn't wait any longer, so I returned to Jiulong Mountain and Jiuciling.

He told Li Xiaoke that he had obtained the spiritual root of immortality. Li Xiaoke was very happy for him and asked him to talk about his experiences during this period and told him that the immortal immortal was his old friend.

Xue Ying'an was so uneasy that he didn't dare to sleep at night. He lay on the bed with his eyes wide open, waiting for Li Xiaoke to kill him and seize his spiritual root.

But nothing happened that night.

The next night was also uneventful.

For more than ten days, nothing happened.

From then on, Xue Ying'an let go of his suspicion of Li Xiaoke.

Not long ago, Li Xiaoke told him that the immortal immortal was not dead and had returned from Taiyi Xiaoxantian. He had been under the fusang tree in Yunmengze for the past few days, so he asked Xue Ying'an to go and invite him.

Only Xue Ying'an did this.

Hearing the words, An Qi said to Xu Ying: Ah Ying, Taishi Jiang sent a message to all the heavens and all the worlds, asking everyone to hand over the secretly hidden spiritual roots of immortality, otherwise they will be punished by heaven. Even for this reason, a world of heavens and worlds was exterminated. You Tell me, is it because of this that Li Xiaoke guessed that Xue Ying'an was lying?

Xu Ying was startled when he heard the words and thought: Li Xiaoke knows that Xue Ying'an is a kind person. If he leaves his spiritual roots, it will lead to the destruction of the whole world. Naturally, he will not leave his spiritual roots behind! Qiye, how can you be so smart? Did you use it?

An Qi was also startled and shouted: Yes! I've been feeling confused lately and lost my memory from time to time. Why did my brain suddenly become better?

Da Zhong guessed: Maybe it's because you read too many books in the past, which took up space in your brain. Your brain is not big. Now that you occasionally lose your memory, your brain space is wider, so you are much smarter.

An Qi came to his senses and sneered: You mean I have a small brain, right? Zhong, don't forget that it was you who caused me to be like this, you have to be responsible for me! Oops, my head hurts!

Da Zhong hurriedly stepped forward to take care of him, but he was shocked in his heart. This stupid snake actually became smart!

A Ying, hurry up and break the seal with the character Xiao for him, so that Master Qi will become stupider. Dazhong was worried and urged Xu Ying.

It's solved, it's solved! Xu Ying also felt that the situation was urgent, and while he was on his way, he studied and deciphered the immortal runes.

However, he feels that Niu Qiye is very good now. Although he occasionally loses his memory, he is indeed a lot smarter, so he is not in a hurry to unlock the seal.

He was trying to decipher the Tao script with the word prison that sealed him. Based on the golden immortal rune obtained from Jin Buyi's memory, he could already see countless versions of himself imprisoned in the Tao script.

Along the way, he tried to rescue these selves one by one, just like he rescued An Qi.

However, there were too many of him imprisoned, and he didn't know how many times he had to decipher the Taoist script with the word prison before he could be completely released.

In Shicheng, the old man in white, Bei Chenzi, looked at the word prison that was flashing on the demon-suppressing rune. He couldn't help but sweat rolled on his forehead, and murmured: It's too late, it's too late...

Although he didn't know what the Dao Wen meant, the light of the Dao Wen was gradually dimming, indicating that the effect of the seal was gradually decreasing!

When Daowen's light is completely extinguished, it means that the seal is released!

He had never encountered this situation before and didn't know how to deal with it!

Moreover, he didn't know what would happen if he unlocked this Daowen seal, but no matter what happened, it would not be a good thing for him!

The land of Shenzhou went to the Temple of Heaven, and it should have arrived by now. I wonder what will happen to him after his departure? Beichenzi couldn't help but worry.

Temple of Heaven.

The five-short figure of Shenzhou Land stood on the long bridge in the center of the hall, with boundless abyss on both sides. Countless corpses were crawling in the abyss, trying to climb to the long bridge.

Those corpses didn't know they were dead, so they struggled in vain.

Gentlemen, I am also a god! Give me some face at least! Shenzhou Land raised his head and said loudly.

He looked up and saw countless ancient trees standing tall and vast. Stone statues of gods appeared with stone bodies and triangular heads, and they were sitting on the trees.

The stone statues are thousands of feet tall, and their divine light is projected onto the land of China.

The consciousness of the gods vibrated back and forth in this vast space, as if the gods were whispering.

He said he was a god, like us.

He is talking nonsense. He really thinks that by taking charge of the land of a state, he can be compared with the gods of heaven.

We are gods of heaven, in charge of all the heavens and realms. He is the god of earth, in charge of a state. There are several gods like him in every world.

It was a chicken that landed on the ground, not an eagle.

Shh! Stop talking. Look at His face, it's all purple.

Let him go back and wait for the process.

The consciousnesses of the gods communicated happily, and the whispers became louder and louder. Shenzhou Tutu's face turned purple and he suddenly shouted: That's enough! Do we still have to go through the process?

A majestic voice came down from the sky: Business matters must be dealt with, and our own people are no exception. Besides, you have overstepped the bounds of the land of China. You should return to your land temple, report to the Tiandao World, and then go through the process.

The whispers disappeared, and it was obvious that the person coming was of extraordinary status.

Shenzhou Land was furious and shouted: That Xu Ying is trying to decipher the demon-suppressing runes by himself. Do you know what this means? It means that he wants to rob his own prison! He wants to open the prison door with his own key! He wants to Tear down the prison yourself!

The majestic voice said: He has tried to match the key more than once throughout the ages. Has he succeeded? There is no need to be so anxious in the land of China...

Afraid of you, uncle!

Shenzhou Land jumped up, furious, and shouted, I remember that you didn't do things so procrastinatingly in the past! I remember that you used to do things quickly! Are you afraid of taking responsibility? Are you worried that your jobs will be lost? When Xu's ban is lifted, not to mention your job, the pot has been lifted by you! Your ashes have been raised! No one can even think about keeping their job!

The gods were furious, and the Temple of Heaven suddenly fell into darkness. The face of a god became extremely ferocious, and the terrifying aura of heaven was suppressed!

The land of China groaned, and lay on the ground suppressed by the aura of the gods, unable to move.

His whole body was crackling, not to mention his physical body, even his soul was about to be crushed!

The majestic voice said: You suppressed Him, who will do the work? You don't do real things, only this one does.

The gods then restrained their breath.

Shenzhou Land stood up, showed great respect, and said, Gods, can you be accommodating?

The majestic voice said: You go back to your temple first and go to the palace...

Shenzhou Land couldn't hold back his anger again and shouted: How many times have I told you that my temple was demolished by the Ancestral Dragon, and you gave me the divine weapon of heaven. Have you ever taken care of me? Have you taken care of me in the past two years?

The majestic voice was silent for a moment, probably checking the files. After a long time, he slowly said: Your above form is not up to standard and has been sent back for rewriting.

Shenzhou Land was trembling with anger, and his voice was trembling: Why didn't I receive this news?

Send it back to your temple.

My temple was demolished by Zulong!

Then there's nothing we can do. Why don't you go to the Earth Temple in other states to pray?

For other land temples in other provinces, I am not allowed to issue a certificate first to prove that I belong to China? Where can I get this certificate?

The voice said: You go to the Heavenly World first, and we will issue a certificate for you.

I just can't go to the Heavenly World, so I borrowed a temple from another land to go to the Heavenly World!

The voice was silent for a moment and said, Then there's nothing you can do. Just think of other options.

The land of China was furious: Why should I be the one to think of a solution?

It's not like we're in a hurry.

Shenzhou Tutu was frothing at the mouth, fell to the ground on his back, and was twitching.

After a while, the majestic god said: You should change your bad temper. It's useless for you to ask for the divine weapon of heaven. The divine weapon of heaven has no right to punish him. You don't have to worry, our heavenly temple is here to lower the world for you. Those who serve the gods will not put you in trouble. I have a plan that can temporarily resolve the crisis.

Shenzhou Land lay on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and twitching from time to time.

The majestic voice said to itself: This method is to let the gods of the Temple of Heaven project the lower world.

He sighed and said: My Heavenly Temple does not want to interfere with the world, but has to interfere.

The land of China jumped up and said with a smile: Thank you God for this!

The gods watched him leave the Temple of Heaven. After a while, a voice said: Sir, do we really want to ask about this matter?

The Divine Artifact of Heaven has no power to impose punishments, only God can take action.

The majestic voice laughed, Forty-eight thousand years ago, the world of heaven was reshuffled. The old forces fell and new gods rose. But the old gods were very powerful. After they fell, the new gods rose. However, we failed to inherit the power of the old gods. We have no right to actively use the divine weapons of heaven, and we have no right to intervene in the world. But this time, perhaps it is an opportunity to intervene in the world.

The gods were silent, but there was an agitated emotion turbulent in the Celestial Temple. It was obvious that even the Celestial God could not stabilize his Taoist mind.

A voice said: Sir, if this intervention in the world does not succeed, you will be punished by the superiors...

The majestic voice laughed and said: Isn't this the scapegoat? We firmly insist that we put the pot on the head of the land of China. He has only one mouth, how can he still talk about us? Everyone talks about gold, and the blame is placed on us. We can't help it. He rebutted.”

The gods were sincerely convinced and admired him endlessly.

Shenzhou Land returned to Shicheng, found Beichenzi, and informed him of the matter. Beichenzi pondered for a moment and said: Brother Taoist, it is certainly good for the gods to be projected on the statues and take the initiative to come to the world. But this matter will be too big. If the superiors punish you...

Shenzhou Tutu smiled and said: We are small people. The moment the God descends to earth, the responsibility is no longer on our heads. If we are to be punished, the leader of the Temple of Heaven will also be punished.

Beichenzi suddenly realized it and praised him repeatedly, saying: I got the news that Xu Ying has gone to Jiulong Mountain.

Shenzhou Land became energetic and said: We will go to Jiulong Mountain immediately!

Xu Ying was still working hard to break the prison word Dao Wen. Along the way, he had broken the physical seal of more than thirty lifetimes, and he gradually discovered a strange thing.

That is, every time he breaks a physical seal, he feels that his physical body becomes more stable.

This is very strange.

The word prison in Dao Wen seals the physical body. Beichenzi and others will seal his physical body in each life to the level of a mortal without any cultivation history, and then throw him into the mortal world.

This also means that his physical achievements in each life will be sealed, not erased!

Now, every time Xu Ying unlocks a seal, the physical achievements of that life will return!

Although what Xu Ying wanted was the return of his memory, the return of his physical achievements was better than nothing.

My physical achievements in each of my previous lives didn't seem to be very high.

Xu Ying checked and found out that in these thirty-three lives, he had only practiced the Taiyi Guidance Technique, and had only practiced the Taiyi Guidance Technique to the Qi Gathering Stage. How much stronger could he be?

Xu Ying cracked the code and reached his forty-fifth life, met a stronger version of himself, and cultivated his physical body to a level comparable to his current self!

Xu Ying couldn't help but wonder: Forty-five lifetimes forward, who was I at that time? How could my body be so strong? How powerful I am, he can even keep pace with me!

When he unsealed this physical body, he discovered that he was a Da Nuo at that time and had practiced a secret Nuo method in Jianggong.

It turns out that I was just a leek at that time. Before I could be harvested, I'm afraid my memory would have been wiped away by Beichenzi and the others, sealed, and thrown away in some mountain nook. Xu Ying thought to herself.

At this moment, Xue Ying'an's voice interrupted his meditation: Brother Xu, Brother Xu! My master is over there!

Xu Ying woke up with a start and looked around hurriedly, only to see that they had arrived in the mountains of Jiulong Mountain at some unknown time.

Jiulong Mountain is majestic and majestic, shaped like a disk of nine dragons, with the dragon's head facing inwards, forming a fairy mountain.

The mountain that Kowloon rises from is Liucailing.

On the slopes of the mountain, green leeks are planted, and they are growing happily. There are people working in the fields, wielding sickles, and cutting the leeks.

Xu Ying looked around and asked in confusion: Ying An, who is the respected master?

Xue Ying'an pointed to the man cutting leeks in the field and said with a smile, That's my master!

Just as he was talking, Li Xiaoke straightened up. He was wearing the clothes of an old farmer, holding a sickle in one hand and a handful of leeks in the other. With a smile on his face, he looked at Xu Ying and laughed and said: We meet old friends again, so Xiao Ke will cut some first. Food to go with the wine! Immortal Immortal, I haven’t had enough yet, do you want to join us?”

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