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Chapter 164 Boyhood

If in the future, I mean one day in the future, will Master Qi become the next Jin Buyi?

Dazhong said silently in his heart.

It's always something to worry about.

Xu Ying is not safe now. There is an extremely powerful force staring at Xu Ying and even controlling Xu Ying. This power is huge, mysterious, and unfathomable.

Even the gods are only subordinates of this power.

Its tentacles of power can extend to all heavens and realms.

Even if Xu Ying was as powerful as the one who resisted the Great Shang, he still ended up in despair.

Not to mention, the most recent time, Xu Ying was taken away by Bei Chenzi and others under the noses of Dazhong and Gong Qi, and was thrown to Wuling to start a new life. And Beichenzi should be just a pawn of this force!

Although this time Xu Ying recalled the past with Dazhong and Gong Qi and recovered his memory by luck, it was a small probability event after all.

Judging from Jin Buyi's experience, it is a high probability that Xu Ying cannot resist that mysterious force. No matter how hard he tried, he was eventually captured, his memory erased, and he turned into a young boy and started a new life.

If this is the case in the future, will Master Qi be like a piece of gold and search for Ah Ying forever until he is too old to remember Ah Ying anymore?

The big clock asked himself, and then answered himself, No!

The seventh master has probably been clamoring for a division of the family property for a long time!

Dazhong said in his heart, A Ying's family property is really quite a lot. After all, over the past two years, I have obtained a lot of treasures from exploring the Nuo Immortal Hidden Land. In addition, this trip to Taiyi Xiao Xuantian, there are a lot of treasures in the belly of the smelly snake. Soon So I had a crooked idea of ​​dividing the family property. But...

Dazhong followed Xu Ying, thinking leisurely: I will supervise him and let him look for A Ying until he is found. Even if Qi Ye gets old and forgets, I will not forget it. Unless one day, I It’s already rusty, and it’s time to forget A Ying. It’s not too late to stop at that time.”

Finally, Xu Ying found the golden fairy rune that had been forgotten in the corner from Jin Buyi's memory.

This is an immortal rune that A Ying, a young man from the Great Shang Dynasty, figured out while fighting the master of the gods.

There have been many lifetimes of promise, but I haven't felt anything when I saw this golden fairy rune.

But when Xu Ying's eyes fell on the golden runes, gradually the ancient memory seemed to open a window, and through this window, he seemed to see himself in a cage.

Those are cages.

Xu Ying looked around and couldn't see the end. Everywhere he saw were cubic prison characters.

There is a self in every cage.

These selves are like An Qi, locked in the space where the physical body is, locked in the physical body, the realm of Xiyi, the golden elixir furnace, the soul and soul, down to the three souls and seven souls.

The only thing that is not locked is the immortal true spirit!

His immortal true spirit is too powerful and cannot be blocked by the immortal runes.

When Xu Ying saw this scene, his heart moved slightly: In the Great Shang era, I understood the secret of deciphering the Immortal Rune with the word prison, which is hidden in this golden rune!

The person he was in that era and the person he was in this era thought of each other.

They encountered the same problem, that is, their memories would be constantly erased when they comprehended the bird seal and insect inscriptions that sealed them.

No matter how deeply he comprehends, he will not leave any insights behind.

The solution that Xu Ying came up with during the Great Shang era is the same as the solution that Xu Ying comes up with now, which is to record what he has learned.

The difference is that today's Xu Ying is very difficult to decipher and needs to start from scratch, but Xu Ying in the Great Shang era has already deciphered the immortal runes with the word prison in it!

He was quite happy in his heart, carefully comprehending the mystery of the golden runes, and for a moment he forgot that he was still in Jin Buyi's memory.

Jin Buyi squatted on the fusang tree, which exuded the aura of vicissitudes of life, staring at Jian Qi who was trapped in the seal, and gradually dozed off.

In its sleep, some ancient memories were deposited in the depths of its consciousness. As Xu Ying and Da Zhong traveled, those accumulated memories were resurfaced.

Occasionally, it will dream about some things in the past, but when it wakes up, it gradually forgets them.

War drums will ring in its ears, awakening its aging energy and blood, as if the battle is still going on, but when it wakes up, it no longer remembers who its comrades are, let alone who its enemy is.

Jin Buyi yawned and woke up from his sleep. He felt that the hibiscus tree was a little cold, so he sprayed out a mouthful of sun fire, making the hibiscus tree emit even more blazing fire.

The ancient Golden Crow gently moved its claws on the tree to make itself more comfortable.

It stared at An Qi not far under the tree, wondering in its heart: There is an earthworm here. Such a big earthworm. The early bird gets the worm, what a pity!

It poked its head out and pecked hard, making the space cage around Anchi Qi make a banging sound, with fire splashing everywhere!

But fortunately, the seal of the cage set by the big clock was very strong. Even Jin Buyi couldn't peck it open for a while. He only pecked the space cage full of holes.

Anhui Qi's head was exposed under its beak.

God! God!

Many fish-belly people hurriedly ran over, blocked in front of the space cage, and said loudly, Shangshen, do you still remember Xu Engong's instructions? This is Xu Engong's snake, called An Qi. I asked the gods to help take care of it. You can't eat it. !”

Some white feathers hung down from Jin Buyi's face, as heavy as a necklace. He stared at his dim old eyes and looked at Jian Qi repeatedly. He suddenly woke up and quickly retracted his head.

Haha, I actually forgot.

Its voice rumbled and exploded on the tree, saying, Don't worry, I remembered, this is a good friend. I will not eat a good friend.

The people in the fish belly were very worried and discussed with each other, saying: The memory of the God seems not to be very good.

Sure enough, Jin Buye's memory was not very good. When the fish-belly people realized that the situation was not good, Jin Buye had already broken the space cage.

They rushed over and saw that the old god they worshiped had the big head of their good friend Gong Qi in his mouth and was pulling it out, like a hen pecking an earthworm in a hole, trying to pull the earthworm out of the mud hole.

God! God!

The people of the fish belly rushed over, raised their hands and shouted to the fusang tree, You can't eat it! You can't eat it! This is Xu Engong's friend Gong Qi, and he is also our benefactor! Xu Engong also asked God to help him take care of Gong Qi!

Jin Buyi put down Jian Qi, who had been pecked to pieces, and asked in confusion: Who is Xu Engong?

After everyone explained it, it finally awakened its memory from a few days ago.

Jin Buyi suddenly realized and said with a smile: I almost did something wrong. Is this loach okay?

It reluctantly smashed and smashed its mouth, seeming to be still thinking about it.

The people in the fish belly were afraid that it would forget it again, so they ordered people to serve it specially. Those people held up signs in front of it, wrote on the signs, and recorded everything about it so that they would not be forgotten.

Jin Buyi looked at the sign next to An Qi and resisted the urge to eat his good friend.

Turns out they are good friends! it said excitedly.

Finally, Xu Ying understood what could be understood from the golden immortal rune. For other things that could not be understood, it was useless for him to continue to study them in Jin Buyi's memory.

Master Zhong, let's leave. Xu Ying suggested to Da Zhong.

Da Zhong carefully observed Xu Ying and asked, A Ying, do we need to tell it what we saw in Jin Buji's memory?

Xu Ying looked up at the sky, thought again and again, and said: Master Zhong, it has forgotten all the things in the past, how happy it is. It no longer needs to run around, no longer needs to fight desperately for me, to face those that are impossible to defeat. Opponent. It is here, with a group of people who love it, support it, and worship it. It can live here for the rest of its life.

Dazhong thought for a while and said: But, finding you is its obsession. Ah Ying, it has been searching for you all its life, shouldn't it be allowed to fulfill its obsession?

Xu Ying thought for a moment and took out a jade bottle.

Da Zhong stared at the jade vase suspiciously. Xu Ying opened the jade vase. Da Zhong became even more suspicious and said, A Ying, what is in your vase? Why does it smell like the essence of the original Taoist essence?

It shouted: Didn't you return the gourd containing the essence of the original Tao to Master Jiang?

Xu Ying said: Of course I will return it. Before returning it to him, I poured out a little of the essence of the original path from the gourd and kept it for myself. Is it reasonable?

How much did you pour?

a little.

let me see!

Xu Ying didn't show it, but poured out some essence of the original path from the jade bottle, and arranged some elixir of immortality from his secret cave of clay pills, fished some elixir of soul from the secret treasure of Yongquan, and used The essence of the original path is dissolved.

Doing so would allow Jin Buyi to regain some of his physical and soul vitality, but Xu Ying didn't know whether it could extend his life.

After all, the Golden Crow is a strange beast from ancient times, and it also has the limit of longevity. No matter how powerful the essence of the original path is, no matter how miraculous it is, it cannot help it change its destiny.

Xu Ying could not help such a powerful being to open up the secret of Niwan, so he could only give it some fairy medicine himself.

Yuandao Jingcui can also help it improve its physical condition, which should improve its problem of always forgetting things.

Xu Ying and Dazhong flew out of Jin Buyi's memory and landed on the ground. When Xu Ying saw the sun shining down, he couldn't help but feel in a trance, as if he was in another world.

It seemed like he had returned to the human world after a long time, and for a moment he felt a little strange.

He calmed down and accepted himself at this time.

Then, he saw Gian Qi, whose head had been pecked open. His face was covered with blood and he was frozen there motionless. The surrounding space cage was riddled with holes.

What happened? Xu Ying was confused and asked Jin Buyi.

The old Golden Crow shook his head like a rattle and said quickly: I don't know. I always like to forget things recently, maybe the enemy is coming.

Its eyes dodge, and Xu Yingdu gives it the elixir of immortality, and uses the original essence of the essence to refine the elixir of immortality, which makes its memory much better and it can remember recent events.

Although Jinwu was old, he became shrewd and decided never to admit that he did it.

Xu Ying looked at the people in the belly of the fish. The people in the belly of the fish hesitated in front of him and did not dare to speak.

Xu Ying had no choice but to sacrifice the big bell, mobilize what he had learned in these days, activate the Taoist inscriptions with prison characters on the wall of the bell, reverse the seal, and unlock the Taoist inscriptions with prison characters in Jian Qi!

However, An Qi was also hit with another kind of immortal rune, the Taoist rune with the character 圄. This kind of rune may not be understood deeply and cannot be solved for the time being.

Jiang Qi finally regained consciousness, and Xu Ying asked: Master Qi, who hurt you?

An Qi glanced at Jin Wujin in horror. Jin Buyi squatted on the hibiscus tree and said kindly, Just tell me, there are no outsiders here.

It raised its left wing, wiped it on its chin, and its eyes became fierce.

An Qi kept his promise and said: Maybe I hurt myself. I also received a kind of seal, and I can't remember many things.

Jin Buli looked approvingly and raised a bird feather to him like a thumbs up.

An Qi was freed from the prison seal and could use his own elixir of immortality to treat his injuries. The injury on his head was not serious. But the word Daowen broke out from time to time, causing his memory to disappear and reappear suddenly, which was very distressing.

Fortunately, the big bell was also half a bucket of water and did not use the power of the Xiao character to its extreme. Otherwise, An Qi would have been afraid that his memory would have been washed away.

The big bell has been much better to Xian Qi. He relies on Xian Qi in everything and is no longer like before, hitting him at every turn. Xu Ying was busy teaching the Nuo method to these fish-belly people, telling them how to open the secret treasure and refine the elixir.

His purpose is to let these people who worship the Golden Crow provide the Golden Crow with immortality elixir from time to time, so that the Golden Crow can live longer.

A few days later, a fish-belly citizen came and said, There is a young man coming from outside. He says he is an old friend of Xu Engong, his name is Xue Ying'an, and he comes to visit.

Xu Ying was startled: Xue Ying'an is still alive?

He quickly asked people to invite Xue Ying'an.

Not long after, Xue Ying'an strode over with high spirits and smiled from afar: Xu Ying, I went back to Jiulong Mountain to tell Master that I got the Immortal Spiritual Root! But Master didn't kill me! You All the speculations about my master are wrong!

Xu Ying couldn't help but be happy for him, and said with a smile: It seems that I wrongly blamed Li Xiaoke, and I must apologize to him.

Hearing the words, Da Zhong was in high spirits. He swept away the previous gloom and said with a smile: Ah Ying, I just said that my master is aboveboard and cannot be an evil person! You still don't believe it!

Xu should pay compensation to it repeatedly.

Xue Ying'an burst out laughing, inexplicably excited, and said, I mentioned you to Master. Master asked me to come look for you and said that I must invite the Immortal Immortal to Jiulong Mountain as a guest!

Xu Ying also wanted to go to Jiucailing for a long time. Once he met the owner of the big clock, he immediately agreed.

He packed up his things and prepared to set off. The old Golden Crow looked down and said with a smile: Young man, no one has called my name for thousands of years. I forgot my name. You have entered my memory, you must know my name. Bar?

Xu Ying gently raised his palm, stroked its white feathers, and said, Your name is Jin Buyi. Jin Buyi who never abandons you.

Jin Buyi raised his head, very happy, looked around, and smiled at the fish-belly people: I have a name, my name is Jin Buyi! Jin Buyi who never gives up!

It laughed and was very happy.

Xu Ying took Gong Qi and Dazhong and left with Xue Ying'an.

Jin Buyi laughed non-stop. In his mind, ancient memories gradually emerged. He suddenly remembered that when he was a boy, a voice said to him:

I will give you a name. From now on, you will be called Jin Buyi! Jin Buyi who never abandons you! We will never be separated!

It looked at Xu Ying with its dim and old eyes, as if it had returned to its youth.

————I have always forgotten to ask for monthly tickets. Brothers, it’s the last day of June. Please support me with monthly tickets. Come on!

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