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Chapter 159 Master Ying

A head of Long Yuan God fell into the gaseous stars, and the blood of the God was poured down. Xu Ying walked with his sword and was passing below. No matter Xu Ying, An Qi or Da Zhong, they were all covered in the blood of the God. All!

The blood of the God of Heaven contained inexplicable power, which invaded their bodies, causing the blood and energy in their bodies to surge violently and increase crazily!

An Qi had already pieced together the Golden Man's Realm of Xiyi, but he didn't know how to activate this set of magic weapons. When he was helpless, he saw the blood of the gods pouring down from the sky.

In an instant, the Yaochi was filled with the blood of the gods, and the Tianhe also turned into a blood river formed by the blood of the gods. The Tianhe runs through all realms, breaking through the three passes of Yujing, Jiaji, and Weulu, and connecting Shenqiao, Yaochi, and Chonglou. , cross-refining, blood and Qi connect the five internal organs to the fairy mountain!

The overwhelming magic power roared in, pouring into Anchi Qi's whole body in an instant!

At this moment, Orochi felt that his magic power had been raised to an unimaginable height, and the violent magic power filled one limb - he only had one limb.

Even the ancient ancestor Anhui Snake is at his peak state!

Niu Qi couldn't help being ecstatic, he laughed loudly, and shouted like thunder from the sky: Today I drink the blood of the gods, and I will never stop until my ambition is fulfilled! I, Master Niu Qi, carry the territory of Xiyi on my back and fight for the common people. Today I try to challenge the gods. Better than Gao!

He harnessed his immense magic power, soared into the air, breathed out poisonous smoke, stirred up troubles, and rushed towards the head of Long Yuan God, brave enough to fight!

When Da Zhong saw this, he was startled: When did this coward become so brave?

An Qi rushed forward, but was beaten so hard that he rolled over and over again. He came back in a state of embarrassment.

At most, he can only compete with one of the heads of Long Yuan God, but Long Yuan God has hundreds of heads. How can he match it?

Aying, this set of Xiyi Realm is for you to use!

The big snake returned and hurriedly hung the Xiyi Domain behind Xu Ying.

Xu Ying suddenly felt the overwhelming magic power coming from the Xiyi Realm of the Huangling Jin people, as if it was directly piercing through each of his realms!

Regardless of the second knocking pass stage, Chonglou, Yaochi, Shenqiao, or three knocking passes, all these realms are opened, allowing him to suddenly have a cultivation level that can rival the ascension stage!

That is the crystallization of wisdom from the Great Qin Dynasty!

Even Zhu Chanchan was full of praise for this set of magic weapons.

The skilled craftsmen of that era used magic weapons to simulate various realms of Qi Refiners, and even allowed an ordinary person to have the power of the ascension stage in an instant!

Xu Ying held the sword in his hand, raised his head, and looked at the densely packed dragon heads in front of him.

Behind the dragon's head is the huge body of Long Yuan God, like an ancient continent.

Xu Ying chopped off one of the divine dragon's heads of this god. The pain caused the other heads to roar, and the roar shook the space.

His body was too big, and although there were many heads, Xu Ying and others were extremely small and difficult to see clearly, so they suffered a big loss.

After repelling An Qi at this moment, his head widened and his eyes widened, searching for Xu Ying's traces, and finally found Xu Ying.

For Him, the promise at this moment is as small as a dust and difficult to see clearly. But fortunately, he has enough eyes and multi-dimensional vision, so he can see every move of the promise from all angles, front, rear, left and right.

Rebel promised!

God Long Yuan's voice rumbled and shook, shaking the earth, Back then, you chopped off my head, leaving me physically mutilated and unable to return to the world of heaven, so that I was wandering in the heavens and the world!

There is a maple leaf-shaped light above His shoulders, and there should be a head there, which is His real head.

As for the divine dragon that grew out of the flesh canyon that split open on his back, it belonged to his limbs, not his real head. His name is Long Yuan, precisely because the abyss is opened on his back, and many dragons will crawl out of it.

His head was cut off and destroyed by Xu Ying in the battle between Taiyi and Xiao Xuantian!

Fortunately, he did not die, but because of his disability, he could not return to the world of heaven. He was abandoned by heaven and wandered in the mortal world.

I hate!

The divine dragons that emerged from the back of Long Yuan God were filled with grief and anger. They opened their mouths and yelled, shouting, I hate! I hate you in Taiyi Xiao Xuantian for making me relive the scene of being beheaded by you!

Another head of Long Yuan God bit Xu Ying, and the other heads showed grief-stricken expressions and shouted, Not once, but more than a hundred times!

The big bell roared and swelled, the sound of the bell surged, and it collided with the dragon head, knocking it back. But more dragon heads rushed in, and the sharp dragon horns collided, knocking the big bell away hard!

I was originally aloof and worshiped by all the worlds!

Before the big bell could stabilize its form, other dragon heads hit it, sending it flying around and leaving no time to fight back!

I have no birth, old age, illness or death, and my life span is as long as the sky! Even an immortal can't live as elegantly as me!

He used the big clock to vent his anger, hitting his head against the big clock one by one, causing all kinds of light to flow around the outside of the big clock, and then the light shattered, unable to take shape at all!

The heads of the hundreds of divine dragons crowded the sky. They looked down and said in unison: I was originally a god, controlling the way of heaven, rewarding and punishing all living beings! But because of you, I became a dirty and humble living being!

The big bell was furious and activated its power with all its strength. The bell rang loudly and the mouth of the bell trembled. A wave of power that destroyed the world crushed the surrounding space. With a clanging sound of the bell, it struck one of the bells. The dragon head charges away!

God Long Yuan didn't care at all. The other thirteen dragon heads came over together, roared, and shouted at the big bell!

The sky between the bell and the fourteen dragon heads was completely shattered, and the void was annihilated!

In this confrontation, Dazhong was completely defeated, and was blown away by the roar of the dozen heads of Long Yuan God, causing them to float like fallen leaves in the wind.

It was filled with despair: I am probably a useless clock, worse than a stupid snake. Even a stupid snake can kick Long Yuan's legs, even though he has no legs.

It can deal with one head of Long Yuan, but it can't deal with so many heads.

Xu Ying waved his hand, and the big bell staggered over and said sadly: A Ying, this guy controls the way of heaven, he is too strong. I am no match for the way of heaven...

Xu Ying said calmly: Master Zhong, you don't need to take the initiative, you just need to protect me. I will do this battle myself.

Dazhong felt awe-struck in his heart and said, Is this confidence because Master Ying is back?

Other big fish rushed at them, and Long Yuan tore them apart and bit them one by one, killing more than a dozen of them. The other big fish were finally frightened by the killing and no longer dared to avenge their kind, so they dived into the ocean of gaseous stars one after another. , hiding the figure.

Long Yuan is too strong.

Although He was expelled from the world of Heaven because of his decapitation and incomplete limbs, His strength is still extraordinary!

In the mortal world, it can be said to be a crushing force. Even if Jiang Qi is holding the Heavenly Punishment Sword, he is no match for him!

Long Yuan's hundred and ten heads stared at Xu Ying.

His voice became low and full of melancholy, and he said: Do you know? Although I am worshiped by the ignorant people in the Yuanding world in the lower world, I am not happy. I have no head and can only hold a leaf on my head. You know Really? I can only hold up one leaf!

Those divine dragons were inexplicably sad and angry: If my former colleagues knew that I, Long Yuan, inserted a leaf where my head used to be, they would definitely not be able to stop laughing at me!

Xu Ying laughed loudly, loudly like a bell, and said loudly: Are you laughing at you like this?

Long Yuan was furious.

Xu Ying swung his sword and made a flat slash. The light of the sword was like entering the netherworld, making no sound.

The sword light of Tianchu Sword suddenly disappeared!

The next moment, the maple leaf-shaped light above the neck of Long Yuan God suddenly broke and was cut down by a sword light!

Is this the move I used to cut off your head? Xu Ying said with a smile.

God Long Yuan's hair stood on end. It was with this move that Xu Ying cut off his neck and chopped off his head!

Xu Ying used this trick again, which made him fall into deep fear!

Anhui Qi's scalp was numb and his body was trembling. Da Zhong also felt as if there was electric light flowing through his body, and he was numb for a while.

Could it be that Master Ying has woken up?

Yi Zhong Yi She secretly thought, Is the current Ah Ying Ah Ying, or was it the Tian Zhu Sword or Xiao Xuantian's illusion that awakened Master Ying?

Long Yuan suddenly became angry and roared: These days, I have been thinking about revenge all the time! I know you have fallen, been sealed, and your life is worse than death, but this is not enough!

Those dragon heads shouted in unison: This is not enough! Only by killing you personally can it be called revenge! Only then can I experience the pleasure!

Xu Ying's eyes were bright, and the Tianchu Sword in his hand was even brighter.

With the Xiyi Domain of the Huangling Jin people as his background, and the big bell protecting his body, he is not without the strength to fight!

At this moment, the hibiscus tree, filled with people from the fish belly world, flew out of the belly of a big fish and flew to the sky.

Jiang Qi Yuan Shen stands on the hibiscus tree, urging the treasure tree to leave the gaseous stars.

More than a dozen divine dragons rushed towards Jiang Qi and shouted: You pretend to be the Dao of Heaven, break my arm, and want to leave?

Xu Ying finally seized the opportunity to take action, and he whizzed away. The power of the Heavenly Punishment Sword exploded, and the sword light surged, pointing directly at the neck of one of the divine dragons!

Long Yuan God didn't care. There were enough dragon bodies growing out of his body. Even if one of them was cut off by Xu Ying, it would still grow again.

He would rather abandon a divine dragon than kill Jiang Qi!

However, the sword light of the Tianchu Sword shook slightly and turned into a little sword light.

The sword light split, covering the sky and the earth in an instant. It was like the Heavenly Punishment Sword changed from one sword to hundreds of extremely thick sword lights, slashing at the necks of all the dragons in Long Yuan at the same time!

If Xue Ying'an were here and saw this move, he would definitely jump up in shock.

Because this move is exactly the secret skill of his master Li Xiaoke, a sword that causes stars to fall across the Milky Way!

The name of this move is full of poetic and picturesque meaning. As soon as the sword move is made, the sword light splits, like dots of stars, falling into the Milky Way, turning into sword energy all over the sky.

Li Xiaoke's secret that had not been told unexpectedly reappeared in Xu Ying's hands!

When Xu Ying used this move, he was no less experienced than Xue Ying'an.

He just saw Xue Ying'an perform this move in Stone City, and he understood the essence of this move, and understood Li Xiaoke's unique skill, one sword, stars falling into the Milky Way!

If it were a magical weapon refined by a Qi Refiner, God Long Yuan wouldn't be able to dodge it, but after all, the one in Xu Ying's hand was the Heavenly Punishment Sword, so he had to dodge it.

He moved his body to avoid Xu Ying's sword move.

His body was too big and it was quite inconvenient to move. Many divine dragons still had their necks broken by the sword light of Promise.

The huge dragon heads let out shrill screams, rolling like stars, falling into the atmosphere of gaseous stars, turning into streaks of fire and falling towards the ocean.

On the other side, God Long Yuan waved his only arm and struck with a punch. There was a loud bang, and Xu Ying and his bell were blown tens of thousands of miles away!

The layers of light on the outside of the big clock kept shattering and then reuniting, trying their best to resist the power of Long Yuan's punch and protect Xu Ying's safety.

But the power of this punch was much more powerful than the attacks of those divine dragons. Its bell mouth was deformed by this punch!

The big bell resisted hard, and with the vibration of the bell, the power of the punch was neutralized, and he shouted: Master Ying, don't worry about me, I can bear it!

Xu Ying roared and suddenly raised the Tianzhu Sword. The sword light wrapped around his body and turned into a huge pillar of sword energy. It swept across and cut off the necks of the charging dragons one after another!

The God of Heaven is the incarnation of Heavenly Dao. The surface of his body is covered with Heavenly Dao runes, which are indestructible and cannot be damaged by any mortal magic weapon.

But Long Yuan was covered with heavenly runes, and in Xu Ying's opinion, there were flaws everywhere!

As the Heavenly Punishment Sword passed by in his hand, Long Yuan's heads were cut off one by one. The god roared helplessly. From the abyss of flesh and blood on his back, more divine dragons crawled out and rushed toward Xu Ying!

The divine dragon roared, and an impact that annihilated everything came. The big bell vibrated desperately to contend with the roar.

At the same time, Long Yuan punched me again and said angrily: How long can a broken bell protect you?

The big bell received the punch forcefully, the mouth of the bell was smashed, and cracks appeared on the wall of the bell.

It still refused to retreat, stubbornly guarding Xu Ying's head.

Long Yuan punched again and said angrily: You piece of shit that's in the way!

At this moment, a sword flew towards him, and with a flick of the sword light, his arm was cut off at shoulder level!

Xu Ying waved his sword and laughed loudly: Master Jiang can break your arm, but I can't?

God Long Yuan was stunned, and the divine dragons opened their mouths and roared!

In the roar, the big bell was blown away, and behind Xu Ying, the set of magic weapons from the Xiyi Realm were shattered one after another!

Without the protection of the big bell, without the magic weapon of the Xiyi Realm, the current promise is like an egg that overturns the nest, and will be blown to pieces at any time!

Suddenly, a root came from afar, wrapped around Xu Ying, and pulled it back with a swipe, saving Xu Ying at the critical moment of life and death!

Long Yuan God was headless and handless, with only the dragons coming out of his back. At this juncture, he was unable to stop Jiang Qi from rescuing Xu Ying. He couldn't help but became furious and ran wildly towards the fusang tree!

On the hibiscus tree, a root flew over and slowly lowered Xu Ying, who was already covered with bruises.

Xu Ying suffered bleeding from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose and fell into a coma.

Jiang Qi grabbed the Tianzhu Sword and whispered: It's up to me. After this battle, maybe I won't be able to repay Emperor Zhou for his kindness...

Suddenly, a bloody hand grabbed his wrist with great force.

Jiang Qi was surprised and looked at Xu Ying, only to see that the young man who had been unconscious just now opened his eyes, his eyes were bright, and his voice had lost its former childishness and was a little deep and deep.

I come!

He took the Tianchu Sword back from Jiang Qi's hand and stood up slowly.

Jiang Qi noticed that the bruised young man was hit on the forehead at some point, and a thunder-shaped scar appeared.

There was electric light sizzling in that scar.

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