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Chapter 158 My heart is bright

Jiang Qi looked at Xu Ying in shock.

Xu Ying snatched a word from him and choked him to death.

However, in his impression, the Immortal Immortal has never relied on his muscles and bones as his strength. Except, of course, the Battle of Pilgrim.

In that battle, Jiang Qi entered the perspective of a strong man from all over the world, and was killed in Xu Ying's hands again and again, and each time he died in an extremely miserable way.

But, after all, it was the reappearance of time and space formed by Xiao Xuantian's obsession.

In real history, Xu Ying was just a poor guy who was caught again and again. He had no magic power, no supernatural powers, and no means of self-protection.

He was kept in a cage and sold like an exotic animal. He would even be led with a chain around his neck to the palace of a prince as a treasure. The princes, princes and ministers would admire him like an exotic animal and let out bursts of surprised exclamations. .

He had been sectioned and studied countless times, and countless people had caught him and used him for extremely cruel experiments. Some even cook it and enjoy it.

After all, many people want to live forever but cannot achieve it. How can this helpless young man become immortal for some reason? How can he not arouse people's covetousness?

Jiang Qi had never heard of how powerful the Immortal Immortal was in combat. In his time, the Immortal Immortal was just an ordinary person who lived forever.

But now, Xu Ying said that he would fight for him to face Long Yuan God!

Even if Long Yuan God was severely injured by Jiang Qi, it would still be far beyond what Xu Ying could match!

Xu Ying held the Tianzhu Sword and said, Master Jiang knows many stories about my past, right?

Jiang Qi nodded lightly and said: I know. The story of the Immortal Immortal was very famous in my time. I have heard many stories and legends about you, and searched ancient books to find the truth about the inability to ascend. I have repeatedly found information about Ah According to the records of seniors.”

Xu Ying kept the Heavenly Punishment Rune in his mind, activated the Heavenly Punishment Sword, and said with a smile: I have lost my memory. I can't always remember the past. I don't know what I have experienced. This time, I am here to face Long Yuan and escort Grand Master Jiang and these people. People return to China.”

The Tianzhu Sword exudes the majesty of heaven in his hand, and the light shines, illuminating the world in the belly of the fish.

Tian Zhu was supposed to be the sword to kill the world, but in his hands, it contained great compassion and a mind to help the world, forming a completely different contrast!

These people? Jiang Qi lost his voice.

He looked at the frightened people in the world of the fish belly. Do you want to escort these mortals to China?

Under the attack of Long Yuan God, even in his heyday he may not be able to do it!

What's more, these are just mortals, without any value, not worthy of a powerful Qi Refiner sacrificing his life for them!

Xu Ying said with a smile: Yes, they are these people. Taishi Jiang is full of wisdom and tricks. He is a great alchemist who can surrender the divine weapon of heaven and resurrect the spiritual root of heaven and earth. There must be a way to escort them back to China. Intercept Long Yuan and leave it to us.

Jiang Qi was silent for a moment and said: Senior Ah Ying, the stories I know about you may not be good stories. Maybe after knowing these stories and legends, you will regret your decision to save people today.

Xu Ying showed a bright smile: In those stories, I am the big devil and the big evil guy, right? I firmly believe that my heart is bright and I will not be a big evil person.

Jiang Qi looked at the innocent and sunny smile on his face, and suddenly couldn't bear it in his heart. He said silently: No. The words Eternal God are more like a curse to you.

He recalled what he had heard about the fate of immortal immortals. Most of them were immortal flesh and blood sold on the street, skinned and cramped teenagers, locked in cages, imprisoned, tortured, and sacrificed.

That young man experienced more loneliness, abandonment, use, and betrayal in his reincarnations, rather than light.

He has witnessed the ugliest things in the world and walked in the dirtiest places in people's hearts.

If it were you, if you knew the truth, there would never be any light, only darkness, gloom and destruction!

Because to Xu Ying, this world is not worthy of being praised, and these people are not worthy of being saved!

But why does the young man who has experienced all this still have light in his heart?

Jiang Qi composed himself, struggled and bowed, and solemnly said: If Senior A Ying insists on asking me to save them, I will do my best and die, and I will not dare to refuse.

He dared to pretend to be the way of heaven, threaten the existence of all heavens and worlds, and exterminate all living things in the world. He did not have any compassion at all, but he bowed in front of Xu Ying and called himself a servant.

This was the style of the wise men in ancient times, but it is now rare.

Xu Ying returned the gift and said to Dazhong and Qi: Master Zhong, Master Qi, come with me to pay homage to Long Yuan.

Dazhong lazily said: Ah Ying, even if you hold Tianchu and control the way of heaven, you can't be the opponent of Longyuan God. The strength of this God is much higher than that of my family that was suppressed by the scrapped master! But! Fortunately, Mr. Zhong, I have experience in suppressing gods, so I still have to take the lead in this battle!

Xian Qi jumped onto Xu Ying's shoulders and praised him repeatedly: Master Zhong is so majestic. After this battle, Ah Ying and I will build an ancestral hall to worship Master Zhong, so that you can become a god after your death!


Dazhong said angrily, Children's words are unbridled, good luck! Even if you two bastards become gods, I won't become a god! Master Zhong wants to beat up Xiaoyao Zhong and suppress the existence of Fairy Qingqi, so he won't die heroically!

Xu Ying activated the Heavenly Punishment Sword, and the Heavenly Punishment Sword energy surrounded his body.

Jiang Qi quickly said loudly: Senior Ah Ying, there is one more thing! There is no head on the neck of Long Yuan God. If you attack, don't attack that maple leaf-shaped light. Because I attacked that maple leaf, I lost the opportunity. , he took the chance and was hit hard.

Xu Ying thanked them and waved his hand: Master Jiang will escort them away, and I will follow you. If I return to China, the Heavenly Punishment Sword will automatically fly back to you.

Jiang Qi bowed and said, I'm waiting for the good news.

The Heavenly Punishment Sword roared into the sky, carrying Xu Ying and rushing towards the outside of the fish belly world.

The Tianzhu Sword can take the form of a god with a dragon head and a human body, display strange phenomena, and can also be used as a fairy sword. At this time, Xu Ying used Tianzhu as an ordinary fairy sword to activate the power of heaven!

The sword light took him whizzing through the cracks in the fish belly world and flying into the atmosphere of the gaseous star.

There is a strong odor in the atmosphere, which is highly toxic. It must be purified by the breathing of big fish before it can be breathed by ordinary people. However, Xu Ying and An Qi both had a vast Xiyi territory within their bodies, and there was no need to breathe the outside air.

Xu Ying drove the Tianzhu Sword and flew through the air. He saw a huge fish cut into pieces in the air, and there were many dead. Only the ocean of gaseous stars can support such a huge fish, but at this moment, the big fish was slaughtered!

There were also many big fish angrily guerrilla and pounced on the same place, where the light of heaven was shining brightly. There was a majestic god with only one arm, and a maple leaf-shaped light appeared above the shoulder, which was extremely dazzling.

He is Long Yuan God, fighting those big fish, trying to kill all the big fish!

The big fish is thousands of miles long. It is a giant beast that has existed in the ancient times. It is powerful, but compared with gods like him, it is still much inferior!

Big fish pounced, but were killed by Him, and their blood dyed the gaseous star red.

There were also some big fish that opened their mouths and emitted sound waves visible to the naked eye, which shattered the sky and hit Long Yuan God, knocking him back.

There was also a big fish that hit its head, just like the mythical Gonggong headbutting Mount Buzhou, causing the sky to tilt and the earth to collapse!

God Long Yuan was knocked back repeatedly, and another fish tail swept towards him, hitting him with a snap and sending him flying tens of thousands of miles away!

God Long Yuan was furious and laughed loudly: You low-level creatures rely on your own strength and don't know the power of God! Today I will let you see the true face of God!

His body suddenly expanded, getting bigger and bigger, becoming more majestic and majestic, gradually surpassing the gaseous star.

His back split open like a huge canyon, and out of the unfathomable canyon emerged hundreds of divine dragons connected with the canyon's flesh and blood, but the dragon's head was extremely ferocious.

Those dragon heads are surrounded by sharp corners, full of joints, and the tips are extremely sharp!

The sharp corners are covered with strange textures, which are the runes of heaven!

They opened their mouths and roared, issuing bursts of dragon roars. However, the sharp teeth in their mouths were jagged, as if the Creator had sharpened the mountains and rivers of different heights and inserted them into their mouths!

One after another, the divine dragons opened their bloody mouths, biting the big fish that came at them in twos and twos, tearing apart the flesh and blood of the big fish, and even biting them off at the waist!

This kind of scene is something Xu Ying has never seen or heard of!

When Da Zhong saw this scene, he couldn't help being frightened and murmured: The god I suppressed may not be underage compared to this one...

Long Yuan God participated in the Battle of Heavenly Road and was extremely powerful, far beyond the reach of ordinary Gods.

Xu Ying ignored them, flew with his sword, shuttled between the big fish, and beheaded one of the dragons.

At the same time, the big bell is gradually activating its power, ready to explode at any time!

An Qi spewed out all kinds of magic weapons in his body, took the magic weapons collected from the Imperial Tomb of the Lishan Tomb, and quickly built a Xiyi Realm, thinking: Although I can't help, I am diligent. Being studious is not a deserved reputation!”

The big bell was a scrapped bell, but An Qi was different. He had studied with Zhu Chanchan for a period of time, and knew how to use the magic weapons of the Huangling Jinren to build the Xiyi Realm and increase his magic power.

The Twelve Golden Men in the Imperial Tomb rely on the built Xiyi Realm and the energy of incense as power to kill in all directions. As long as Jian Qi can use magic weapons to build the Xiyi Realm, he can also mobilize the Twelve Golden Men. Terrifying mana!

Suddenly, Xu Ying silently recited the sound of the Heavenly Punishment Way, and Cunxiang's Tianzhu Rune shot into the Tianzhu Sword, activating the power of the Tianzhu Sword!

Suddenly, the murderous aura rose sharply, and the murderous aura that filled the gaseous stars formed an extremely sharp sword light and slashed at the neck of one of the divine dragons!

At the same time, Jiang Qi, who had been looking up, saw that the murderous aura in the world was aroused by Promise, and immediately knew that the opportunity was coming. He quickly sacrificed his tattered soul and appeared in front of the panicked people, towering and tall, like an ancient gods.

His soul made an earth-shattering sound and shouted in a deep voice: I am the heroic spirit of my ancestors. Everyone listen to my order: you all should go to the migration boat immediately and prepare to leave!

He knew that the situation was critical, and if he manifested his soul, it would not be enough to make everyone believe in him, so he pretended to be the ancestor of all living beings in the fish belly world to convey the order.

As for how the ancestors of this world crossed the starry sky and came here from China, he didn't know much, but he expected that there would be a vehicle for crossing the starry sky, most likely a boat or something like that.

At this time, Jiang Qi noticed that countless people heard his voice and rushed towards an ancient tree in the fish belly world, and couldn't help but be startled.

He secretly felt ashamed and said to himself: I thought their ancestors relied on boats and other things to cross the stars and avoid disasters, but I didn't expect that they relied on this sacred tree.

He also limped towards the sacred tree.

The sacred tree is a hibiscus tree. Its leaves are shaped like mulberry leaves, but it is many times larger than the mulberry tree. It is thousands of feet high and hundreds of miles around. It stands upright in the clouds. Its branches are like hillsides, and several carriages can run on it.

However, this is still a young tree.

It is expected that the ancestors of the people living here were also great great qigong practitioners, so they could have such rare plants.

People who came here dragged their families and climbed up one after another.

Jiang Qi was among the crowd. Someone saw that he was injured and lame, so they helped him and rushed towards the fusang tree.

Jiang Qi was slightly startled, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He was burned in the fairy fire on the other side, refining all his previous cultivation, even his soul. All distracting thoughts and trivial thoughts in Tao's heart were refined by the fairy fire.

Apart from his loyalty to Emperor Zhou and his obsession with ascending to the throne, he had no other thoughts.

As a Grand Master, he needs to maintain his rationality, not to be happy about things, not to feel sad for himself, and his Taoist heart is as clear as a mirror, without any ripples.

Now the waves in his heart were rising again, and there was an inexplicable feeling flowing in his heart. Although it was not a taste, it warmed people's hearts.

These weak humans actually support a strong person like me...

He suddenly understood why Xu Ying still had the sun shining in his heart and did not fall into darkness. Perhaps it was the compassion of the weak that moved the immortal immortal.

Perhaps I have been in a high position for a long time and gradually lost my heart. He said silently in his heart, regaining this touch.

Uncle, you look like our ancestor. A girl on the run looked at his face and said to him.

His spirit was floating in the sky above the hibiscus tree. It was in tatters and full of holes. His divine light was hanging down like strands of tattered clothes falling to the ground.

So dilapidated and vicissitudes of life.

But the face of Yuanshen is the same as Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi smiled and said to the girl: The ancestors have spirits in the sky and will protect us from this desperate situation and return to our homeland.

His broken spirit, regardless of his injuries, summoned up the remaining mana and sacrificed the fusang tree.

The world in the belly of the fish collapsed, the sky was falling, and the poisonous gas from the gaseous stars began to invade the atmosphere.

The branches of the hibiscus tree were flying, and under his control, the branches fell to the ground one after another, allowing people to climb onto the mulberry leaves.

When everyone climbed onto the mulberry leaves with their families, livestock, cattle, horses and food, the mulberry branches slowly rose and returned to their original state.

Jiang Qi also climbed onto the hibiscus tree, and the soul worshiped the majestic mulberry tree. The mulberry tree uprooted its roots, dancing with its roots, and flew outwards against the broken sky.

Outside, the light of Xu Ying's sword was like a rainbow, mobilizing the murderous aura of all the creatures in this star and stimulating the power of the Heavenly Punishment Sword as much as possible.

A flash of sword light cut off the head of Long Yuan God!

The blood of the gods flowed like a waterfall, dyeing the stars red.

Jiang Qi stirred up his true energy and led everyone to fly out of the gaseous stars, saying in his heart: Senior Ah Ying, I will definitely live up to my mission and live up to my trust!

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