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Chapter 155 True and False Way of Heaven

Xu Ying, An Qi and Dazhong felt their hearts tightening and secretly thought something was wrong. Judging from Zhu Chanchan's actions, Dai Zui's meritorious service this time is probably not small.

Because the scraps she picked from the other side of the Shenzhou were so huge that they formed a flying peak, several miles high.

Xu Ying guessed that Emperor Zhou's Shenzhou on the other side was probably of this size!

Dazhong and Gan Qi even suspected that Patriarch Chanchan had used the leftover materials from Feilai Peak to build a divine boat on the other side for Emperor Zhou!

Could that short ship really carry Emperor Zhou and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to the other side?

The Emperor of Zhou did not behead Ancestor Chan Chan to sacrifice to heaven. How generous he was.

Xu Ying secretly praised Emperor Zhou's magnanimity and asked cautiously: Master Jiang, has Zhu Tiangong confessed?

Jiang Qi, Grand Master of the Zhou Dynasty, was wearing a lavender robe and a Zhou sword on his waist. It was a thin bronze long sword. It looked like the swordsman in the painting. He shook his head and said: She has a very tough mouth. How can she be willing to confess? She has been fucked before. He was hung up and beaten for ten days and ten nights, without even a word being struck.

He half-smiled but said, Are you familiar with the Immortal Immortal Zhu Tiangong?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, I'm not familiar with her, I've only met her a few times.

An Qi quickly dismissed the responsibility and said: That's right. We just met her by chance and had dinner a few times. She likes to beat people and is very violent. We are scholars and have never liked violence, so we distanced ourselves from her. ”

Jiang Qidao: I thought you were Zhu Tiangong's accomplices, hiding stolen goods for her.

Da Zhong hurriedly said: That's absolutely not the case! Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together. How can we, with such a heart, associate with such despicable people?

An Qi whispered: Ah Ying, Ancestor Chanchan still has half of Feilaifeng in my belly. Will Emperor Zhou imprison us together as accomplices?

Xu Ying signaled him to calm down and lowered his voice: We insist that the confession is ours and we will not recruit him. He can't provide any real evidence.

Jiang Qi asked: Can the essence of the original path that the Immortal Immortal stole from me be returned?

Xu Ying took out the gourd and said with a hearty smile: I picked up this gourd accidentally. Of course I want to return it to its original owner. Master Jiang doesn't need to say any words of gratitude. Picking up gold without hesitation is what we should do.

He knew that Jiang Qi was so ruthless that he used heavenly artifacts to destroy hundreds of millions of sentient beings in a world of heavens, just for a single spiritual root of immortality.

If I don't know the essence of the original Dao, I'm afraid this ruthless person will kill me in the blink of an eye to refine the medicine.

Jiang Qi accepted the gourd, opened it and took a look, his face changed slightly, and he thought to himself: So much is missing?

Xu Ying observed the words and was worried: Speaking of which, we did eat a lot of Yuan Dao Essence. But the situation is critical. If we don't eat, we won't have the chance to eat again. Of course we have to drink a lot.

Jiang Qi raised his head and took a sip of the essence of the original path, and suggested: Does the Immortal Immortal want to return to the world of Yuanshou? I have a way to go back.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: Is Grand Master Jiang referring to the Heavenly Punishment Sword?

Jiang Qi took out the Tianzhu Sword and said seriously: As long as the Immortal Immortal controls this sword and holds the Dao of Heaven in his hand, he can transform into a god with a dragon head and human body, travel through time and space, and return to Yuanshou.

He placed the Heavenly Execution Sword in Xu Ying's hand and said: With the Heavenly Execution Sword in your hand, you will be controlled by Heavenly Dao and become a killing machine. The immortal immortal needs to fight against the consciousness of Heavenly Dao...

Xu Ying held the hilt of the Tianzhu Sword and said in surprise, Master Jiang, weren't you the one to take us back to Yuanshou?

Jiang Qi suddenly vomited blood with a loud cry and fell down straight, breathless.

Just now, he was the god of wind and grace, and he was dashing and elegant, but now he was in such a state of embarrassment, with injuries all over his body, disordered consciousness, scattered soul, and extremely serious injuries!

Xu Ying hurriedly stepped forward to check. Jiang Qi grabbed his hand and spurted out another mouthful of blood. He gritted his teeth and said reluctantly: Although I seriously injured Long Yuan, I was also seriously injured by him. When the Great Terror broke out, I and I He fell into Xiao Xuantian together. I was beaten to death by you one hundred and four times...

He coughed violently, and his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys seemed to be coughed up.

Xu Ying quickly used a trace of Niwan's activity to help him suppress his injuries.

Jiang Qi looked a little better and said in a hoarse voice: Long Yuan also fell in, and he must have been killed by you a hundred times. After all, he is a god, and his recovery ability is stronger than mine. Now, only you can sacrifice the Heavenly Punishment Sword. Get up. We can only count on you for our safety...

After he explained this, his eyes widened, his legs kicked up, and his head tilted to one side.

Xu Ying took a breath, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Dazhong and Xian Qi who were approaching him: There is still some energy.

An Qi quickly took off the gourd containing the Essence of the Original Dao from Jiang Qi's waist and said, It's hopeless. Ah Ying, let's leave him behind and quickly activate the Heavenly Punishment Sword and return to Yuanshou Divine State!

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Although he played a trick, after all, he handed the Tianchu Sword into my hand with his own hands. I didn't snatch it. How can I just abandon him and leave with peace of mind? Master Qi, let's take him with us. Leave Xiao Xuantian before Yuan Tian Shen finds us!

An Qi had no choice but to lift Jiang Qi with his tail and put it on his head, saying: Master Zhong, watch him, don't let him fall.

The big bell said yes.

But no one noticed that Jiang Qi, who was unconscious, breathed a sigh of relief and secretly dispersed the magical power in his hand.

Xu Ying calmed down and looked at the Heavenly Punishment Sword. This heavenly artifact that everyone dreamed of was extremely heavy and felt heavy in his hand.

The sword body of the Tianzhu Sword is entwined with the red-gold divine dragon energy, which covers the bird seal and insect inscriptions carved on the sword body.

Xu Ying read the bird seal and insect inscriptions carefully, and his heart moved slightly: There seems to be some mistakes in the heavenly runes on the Tianzhu Sword.

The bird seal and insect inscriptions on the sword body explain the meaning of Tianzhu, the way of heaven. When Xu Ying fell in his eyes, he naturally understood the meaning.

But he vaguely felt that there seemed to be many errors and omissions in the bird seal and insect inscriptions above, and it could not truly explain the way of heavenly punishment.

No wonder Jiang Qi said that God Long Yuan and others pretended to be Heavenly Dao back then. It turned out that even Heavenly Dao artifacts were not that authentic. Xu Ying couldn't help laughing.

An Qi urged: Ah Ying, can you sacrifice the Heavenly Punishment Sword?

Xu Ying chanted the Heavenly Dao runes on the back of the sword in a low voice, and with his spiritual consciousness in mind, he immediately activated the power of the Heavenly Punishment Sword!

The Heavenly Punishment Sword shines brightly, soaring straight into the sky, forming a virtual shadow of a god with a dragon head and body!

Torrential murderous aura filled the heaven and earth, and in an instant, hundreds of miles around the area, the desert shook, and white skeletons crawled out of the yellow sand one after another, waving various incomplete magic weapons, and they were still fighting fiercely after death!

They were full of resentment because they died here. At this moment, they were controlled by the heavenly law emitted by Tianzhu. The sky was shattered and the earth was shattered, and residual treasures were flying everywhere.


The head of one skeleton was knocked out, rolled over, and landed on the shoulder of another skeleton. There was already a head on the skull's shoulder. The head flew over and took root on the spot.

There were two heads growing on the shoulders of the skeleton, and there was a dispute. You bit me and I bit you. One controlled the left hand and the other controlled the right. You punched me, and I stabbed you in the eyes. It was a fierce fight!

Next to Xu Ying, Xian Qi and Da Zhong also started fighting for some unknown reason. The big bell vibrated and blasted Xian Qi dozens of miles away. He was covered in bloody flesh and blood and shouted: Niu Qi, it's you and not me today!

Zhong, you and I are inseparable!

The cry of a big snake was heard in the distance, and then an overwhelming amount of bronze magic weapons flew in and hit the big bell with a bang bang bang!

Da Zhong was not afraid at all, and rushed forward against the wave of magic weapons, shouting: I have tolerated you for a long time, and today I will make a pot and stew you!

An Qi opened his big mouth, more magic weapons flew out of his mouth, and shouted: You are just scrap copper and iron refined by Li Xiaoke, like paper, and you want to stew me? Mr. Niu Qi will replenish it for you. !Smash you piece of shit!

Xu Ying held the Heavenly Punishment in his hand, and suddenly he felt a heavenly awareness coming from the sword, trying to suppress his own consciousness!

If it is swallowed up by the consciousness of Heaven in the sword, it will become a weapon controlled by Heaven without any autonomy.

The Heavenly Punishment carries out its mission of destroying the heaven and the earth, bringing calamities everywhere. If Xu Ying is controlled by the Heavenly Punishment, I am afraid that there will be no living thing in the red wilderness for thousands of miles!

However, your Heavenly Dao runes are not correct, and your Heavenly Dao consciousness is also a piece of shit.

What Xu Ying was thinking about was the real Rune of Heavenly Dao, and he immediately forced the consciousness of Heavenly Dao back and guarded himself.

He finally took control of Tianzhu, and immediately the murderous intention to destroy the heaven and earth and kill all living things subsided. The withered bones in the desert lost Tianzhu's control and fell to the ground one after another, no longer alive and kicking.

However, An Qi and Dazhong are still fighting each other.

Xian Qi stuffed many magic weapons into the mouth of the bell to prevent it from ringing, and the big bell pressed down on the big snake's head and hammered it hard.

Today we must decide life and death! Watch me burst you!

You and I can only live one life, and that's me!

Xu Ying raised the Heavenly Punishment Sword and scratched his head, wondering in his heart: Could my Heavenly Punishment Rune be wrong too? It shouldn't be. Those skeletons have already fallen to the ground. Why are these two guys still fighting so hard?

He once again thought about the Heavenly Punishment Rune and controlled the Heavenly Punishment Sword. He felt that the Heavenly Punishment Sword was under control and did not invade others.

Xu Ying suddenly woke up, coughed, and reminded: Master Zhong, Master Qi, I have controlled the Tianchu Sword.

Under control?

The big clock swayed and flew up, and he said calmly, When did it happen? Why didn't I know? Oh, Brother Qixian, do you think I am so stupid that I beat you like this?

Within the clock, magical treasures flew out one by one. An Qi put away many of the magical treasures and said apologetically: Master Zhong, I was controlled by the Tianzhu Sword, and I filled you up accidentally. You won't Blame me?

It won't affect our brothers' innocent feelings, right?

Hahahaha! Our brotherhood is as strong as gold, how can it be affected by this little setback?

Master Qi said yes! The guilt in my heart disappeared.

Me too. Master Zhong!

Seventh Master!

Xu Ying turned a deaf ear to the duplicity of these two idiots and allowed them to mess around. He sacrificed himself to the Heavenly Punishment Sword, mobilized the gods with dragon heads and human bodies, held Jiang Qi, An Qi, and himself in his hands, and slowly rose up.

Standing on the palm of the dragon-headed god, Xu Ying did not feel the heavy and solemn majesty of heaven, but felt like a spring breeze.

However, if the divine weapon of heaven inspires the power of heaven, it will be extremely terrifying. It can even affect a world of heavens and make all life in this world extinct in a short period of time!

This place is not a good place. I'm afraid Long Yuan God is still hiding nearby, waiting for opportunities. I wonder how much strength he has left?

Xu Ying was worried, the Heavenly Punishment Sword was floating in front of him, spinning constantly.

Jiang Qi was unconscious. His injuries were extremely serious. When controlling the Tianchu Sword, he had to concentrate on fighting the invasion of Tianchu Tiandao. The loss was huge and it was difficult to wake up for a while.

The dragon-headed god-man carried them higher and higher to the outside of the sky, where they saw the yin-yang vine, the spiritual root of heaven and earth, growing out of the fairy palace and reaching deep into the starry sky.

The whole body of the Yin Yang Vine is composed of spiritual light. It is extremely thick, like two snakes coiled and spiraling away. It is also like a ladder to heaven. It seems that you only need to climb forward along this ladder to climb to another world!

Master Jiang Qi is still asleep. I wonder if this Yin Yang Vine is connected to the next level of the Heavenly Road? Xu Ying thought to himself.

He mobilized the Heavenly Punishment Sword, and the tip of the Heavenly Punishment Sword gradually lifted up. He lightly touched the void in front of him, and there was only a buzzing sound, and a thunderous vortex appeared spinning in the starry sky.

They had previously entered Taiyi Xiaoxuantian from the Yuanshou world through this thunder whirlpool, but after Shi Cheng left, the whirlpool disappeared without a trace.

Now, Xu Ying uses the heavenly power of the Heavenly Punishment Sword to open this vortex.

Xu Ying carefully guarded his surroundings, and the dragon-headed godman carried them slowly towards the thunder whirlpool.

Half of the dragon-headed god-man's body had already entered the vortex, and a powerful and inexplicable force invaded from the thunder whirlpool. Xu Ying was the incarnation of the way of heaven because he mastered the Tianzhu Sword. Dazhong and the unconscious Jiang Qi were too strong, and neither Affected by this strange power.

Only An Qi kept changing his race in the whirlpool, transforming into various strange and weird forms such as cows, horses, birds, beasts, insects, etc.

At the moment when the dragon-headed god-man was about to be completely submerged in the thunder whirlpool, suddenly a majestic god-man with a maple leaf-like light on his head rushed from behind, and reached out to grab Xu Ying and others in the thunder whirlpool!

His target was not Xu Ying or Jiang Qi, but the Heavenly Punishment Sword!

As for the elimination of Xu Ying, Jiang Qi and others, they just did it casually!

Seeing that God Long Yuan was about to catch everyone to death, Xu Ying suddenly burst into laughter and was about to activate the power of the Heavenly Punishment Sword. At this moment, Jiang Qi, who had been unconscious all this time, suddenly stood up straight and laughed. , activated the power of the Heavenly Punishment Sword, and said with a smile: Long Yuan, I have been waiting for you for a long time! I didn't expect that you are still so useless and really come to grab the sword!

Xu Ying's laughter was only half of that, and he stopped laughing because Jiang Qi had already said everything he wanted to say.

Moreover, Jiang Qi's magic power was obviously much stronger than his. When he used the Heavenly Punishment Sword, the power exploded even more without him having to take action.


The power of the Heavenly Punishment Sword exploded, and its murderous aura even split open the thunder whirlpool, and chopped off the palm of the Dragon Abyss God!

Jiang Qi stood on the dragon-headed god's big hand, majestic and majestic, like a swordsman who had overcome a calamity and ascended. Feng Qingyun said calmly: Today, I will give you a lesson you will never forget.

From the other end of the thunder whirlpool, Long Yuan's groan came, and the blood of the gods dyed the thunder whirlpool red.

Jiang Qi looked at the other end of the whirlpool with a smile on his face, and suddenly fell down with a thud and passed out.

This time, I really fainted.

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