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Chapter 154 The Emperor’s Grand Master

that's not me!

Xu Ying calmed down and shouted to the corpse on the ground, That's the version of me they imagined before they died! I'm not that evil, I'm not that powerful! People who know me know that I actually have a good temper and it's easy to talk... …”

The corpse on the ground gave him no chance to contradict him.

Ha ha ha ha!

In the distance, a Nuo master went crazy and ran over dancing, shouting, The Immortal Immortal is the murderous devil!

Xu Ying was furious, threw away the body, stood up and shouted: I'm not! Don't slander anyone!

When the Nuo master saw his appearance, he screamed in horror, turned around and ran away, madly and hastily breaking into the remaining magical power!

Xu Ying rushed forward and tried to rescue him, but when the Nuo master saw him chasing after him, he ran faster. Xu Ying only had time to stretch out his hand, and the Nuo master had already turned into pieces!

Xu Ying took two steps back to avoid the remaining magical power that exploded.

These fragments of magical power can easily kill a great Nuo, but his movement skills are weird. In a few steps, he can pass between the remaining magical powers. His movement skills are like a fish and a dragon entering the water, with ease.

Xu Ying was startled. He had never learned this kind of movement technique before. For some reason, he suddenly learned it without any teacher!

He once again mobilized the six secrets of the human body, and I don’t know when the power of the six secrets will be integrated!

This is almost impossible!

He had just opened the Yongquan Secret Treasure among the Six Secrets not long ago and perfected the righteous method of the Yongquan Secret Treasure. He could only barely activate the energy in the Six Secrets.

The rectification of the six secrets of the human body is a method that has only become popular in the past two years. Nuo masters from major families in China are working tirelessly to find and deduce the rectification.

Xu Ying was one of the first people to complete the Fa-rectification, but even he could not systematically mobilize the power of the Six Secrets, and could not unify the power of the Six Secrets.

If you want to achieve this step, you need to derive the Six Secrets Zhengfa to the extreme, and you can turn the Six Secrets elixir into majestic power at any time.

Now, he actually did it accidentally!

The reason for all this was that Taiyi Xiao Xuantian's obsession broke out, causing Xu Ying to be caught in this obsession and recreate the bloody battle of that year!

Although the obsession broke out not from Xu Ying's perspective, but from the perspective of the strongest Qi practitioner in all the worlds, they tried their best to recreate the divine way technique that Xu Ying used on that heavenly journey.

It was these that triggered some of Xu Ying's fighting instincts.

Xu Ying's clothes made a rustling sound, and majestic power surged from Niwan, Yujing, Yuchi, Huangting, Jianggong, and Yongquan, like the roaring tide of a river, causing his cultivation strength to increase significantly in a short period of time. Double improvement!

I am not a murderer! he shouted to those crazy Nuo masters.

Those poor people who had been frightened out of their minds fled in panic. They were like the fools described by the villagers of Yunmengze, being involved in a replay of that battle.

However, they failed to fulfill their promise.

What they replaced were those powerful men from all realms who were killed by Xu Ying. They were coerced and couldn't help but kill Xu Ying. They watched helplessly as Xu Ying tore himself into pieces like a god of murder!

Not only that, they will experience death one after another, and the experience of strong men being killed one after another. They will see what killing is and what despair is!

Their minds were destroyed, their minds were destroyed, and their consciousness became chaotic.

They become crazy.

Seventh Master! Xu Ying shouted loudly.

At some point, An Qi disappeared. Originally, An Qi was hidden on his shoulder or in his collar. When the great terror occurred, An Qi disappeared without a trace. I think that at that time, An Qi should have been invaded by Xiao Xuantian's obsession and became one of the strong ones.

Xu Ying called An Qi while walking in the desert. After walking thousands of miles, a timid voice finally responded to his call: Ah, Ah Ying, is it you?

Xu Ying looked around, surprised and happy, and saw a big head sticking out from behind a sand dune.

He hurried over, and the big head hurriedly retracted behind the sand dune. Xu Ying rushed over and saw the big snake huddled up, shivering, its head on the ground, looking at him in horror, not daring to make eye contact with him.

Xu Ying stretched out his hand and said with a kind face, Master Qi, it's me, A Ying.

An Qi shrank tighter, moved his head back, looked away, and said timidly: Are you A Ying or Ying Ye?

Xu Ying carefully moved forward and said with a smile: Of course I am A Ying. You know, we have a life-and-death friendship, and I will not harm you.

You beat me to death a hundred times. Gong Qi was still dodging, not daring to come near.

Xu Ying carefully moved to him and stretched out her palm to try to touch his head. An Qi also tried hard to overcome the fear in her heart and let him touch her.

An Qi felt the familiar touch, and the fear in his heart gradually diminished, and he said in a low voice: When I looked back in time, I separated from you for some unknown reason, and then I saw myself becoming an extremely brave great alchemist. .”

The first magic weapon to attack Xu Ying, the big ax, was thrown by Anhui No. 71. He was very motivated to fight and wanted to kill Xu Ying with one blow.

The giant ax was squeezed by Xu Yingsheng until it exploded.

The Qi Refiner Qi No. 71 died miserably. When he came forward with great bravery, Xu Ying's magical power lit a sky lantern. Xu Ying ignited his soul and burned him alive!

After the death of the Qi Refiner An Qi No. 1, Qi Qi entered the perspective of the second Qi Refiner and became An Qi No. 2.

This time, Anhui No. 72 is a female Qi practitioner with a voluptuous and graceful figure.

She and a group of qigong masters secretly sacrificed themselves to the Immortal Palace, using the Immortal Palace to suppress Xu Ying, intending to suppress all of Xu Ying's body and soul and kill him!

However, Xu Ying destroyed half of the Immortal Palace, and the female qi alchemist Anhui No. 72 naturally also disappeared in that half of the Immortal Palace that was destroyed into ashes!

Anhui No. 73 was broken by Xu Ying and thrown into the well of the Immortal Palace. Then he punched into the well and was beaten into mud on the spot!

Anhui No. 74 was roared by Xu Ying, which shattered his soul.

Anhui No. 75 was smashed into pieces by Yin Yang Vine.

Anhui No. 76 was smashed into pieces by Yin Yang Vine.

Anhui No. 77 was smashed into pieces by the Yin Yang Vine.

Anhui No. 78 died from the Immortal Spiritual Root he had just consumed. Xu Ying sacrificed the spiritual root and smashed it to pieces.

That's it, you killed me more than a hundred times. An Qi honestly told Xu Ying about his every death experience.

When he saw Xu Ying stretching out his hand, he could not help but shrink into a ball.

Xu Ying smiled and said, I'm really not a great evil person. In fact, it's the obsession of those powerful men from all realms who I killed that imagine me as a great evil person.

A Ying, don't you think this sentence is contradictory? Gan Qi asked.

Xu Ying smiled happily and said, Master Qi can find the contradiction in my words, which shows that he has regained his senses. Have you seen Master Zhong?

Xian Qi shook his head and said: He was originally in the sky, resisting the invasion of the heavenly aura from outside the sky, so he should not have been affected by Xiao Xuantian's obsession.

Xu Ying looked up at the sky and saw that the sky had become extremely calm after experiencing this outbreak of Xiao Xuantian's obsession. Outside the sky, the battle between Long Yuan God and the Immortal in the Painting seemed to have died down, without affecting Xiao Xuantian.

But the big clock was also missing.

One person and one snake were searching in the desert. Xu Ying called out to Master Zhong, but never got a response. After a long time, they finally saw a large bell that was mostly buried in a desert valley.

This big bell, like other maimed magic weapons, was half buried in the desert and half exposed, motionless.

An Qi carefully crawled forward and poked the big bell with the tip of his tail. The big bell trembled and went deeper into the desert.

Master Zhong, it's okay. An Qi said softly, A Ying and I are here to see you...

The big bell shook like chaff, and the yellow sand nearby jumped up, obviously extremely frightened.

A Ying, you touch it. An Qi suggested.

Dang! The big clock seemed to have passed out and stopped shaking.

Xu Ying pulled the big bell out of the desert and stimulated the big bell's spiritual consciousness. Only then did he wake up with this precious treasure and said: I seem to have had a dream. When this nightmare started, I turned into an axe. The people were sacrificed, whistling and slashing at Ah Ying.”

It was very excited at the time, and felt its power blooming heartily.

But the next moment, Xu Ying raised his hand to grab it, as if it was imprisoned, unable to struggle.

It only felt that it was being pinched by that hand, gradually suffocating, gradually being marked with the promise, and gradually cracking.


It was crushed to pieces.

The big bell became obsessed with another magic weapon again. This time it was a big cauldron. When it attacked Xu Ying, it realized that it was being controlled by Xu Ying!

It suppressed its master under the cauldron, refining him to death, and then his body became distorted and was beaten into a ball of scrap copper!

After the big bell was killed in battle this time, it was replaced by the obsession of a divine furnace. It saw that it had become a divine furnace, and promised to stuff its owner into its body, and then activate itself.

Its owner was burning in the furnace, screaming miserably, and it also tasted what it means to have a heart cut like a knife and a heart twisted like a knife.

Da Zhong experienced death again and again, and Taoist heart collapsed again and again.

Although it knows that all of this should be Xiao Xuantian's obsession to reenact the scene from that year, and it also knows that Xu should be its best friend in reality, these experiences are too real.

It really died more than a hundred times, and each time it died in a different way, each death was a great torture.

It is no ordinary magic weapon. It has awakened its spiritual intelligence and died more than a hundred times, bringing it to the edge of collapse.

Xu Ying stretched out his hand to it and said softly: Master Zhong, you know that that is not who I am now, and I will not really treat you like this.

I know, you are A Ying, not Master Ying.

Even so, the big clock couldn't help but tremble when he touched it.

After another two days, Dazhong and An Qi reluctantly accepted the promise and no longer resisted so much.

They went to search for other survivors, but those people had already died because of their madness and broke into Xiao Xuantian's restricted area.

A Ying, how can we return to Yunmengze? Xian Qi asked anxiously.

Xu Ying looked up at the sky and saw the huge Little Xuantian spiritual roots in the sky rooted in half of the fairy palace. It looked mysterious and powerful, giving people a sense of grandeur that it was close to a celestial body.

We can only wait for Shicheng to come again. Xu Ying said.

Da Zhong said: But the fairy in the painting got the artifact of heaven. Without the artifact of heaven to pull Shicheng, will Shicheng come again? The ghost obsession of the ancestors of the village alone is not enough to drive Shicheng to ascend here, right?

Xu Ying was startled for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses and lost his voice: Master Zhong is right! Shi Cheng will never appear again!

An Qi was puzzled and asked quickly: Why doesn't Shicheng appear again?

Xu Ying walked around and suddenly stopped: From the appearance of Yunmengze, to the vision of the dragon's head appearing in Yunmengze, to now the gathering of immortal spiritual roots, the revival of Xiao Xuantian's spiritual roots, and the restoration of the whole world. Lu, this series of events may not be accidental!”

His eyes flashed and he said: It is very possible that someone is leading all this behind the scenes! Just like Naihe's diversion to invade the underworld, it seems like a series of accidental events, but in fact Xu Fu is behind it. This time, there is also someone behind the scenes. , the purpose is to take away the Heavenly Dao artifact, reunite the Yin Yang Vine spiritual roots, and connect the Heavenly Road.

Da Zhong said: Our appearance, seeing through him pretending to be the Dao of Heaven, and stealing the essence of the Original Dao that he collected were all just an accident.

Xu Ying said: The immortal in the painting obtained the divine weapon of heaven and turned the immortal root back into the Yin-Yang Vine. Naturally, he does not have to drag Shi Cheng to come here.

An Qi finally understood and said: In other words, Shicheng will not come back, and we will be trapped here forever.

There should be variables!

Xu Ying walked around and thought, The only thing the immortal in the painting failed to accomplish was to obtain the essence of the original path in the gourd. Another reason why he did all this should be to obtain these essences! He is a refiner Qi Shi, why do you have to get the essence?

He stopped, slowly raised his gaze, and looked at the confused snake.

An Qi summoned up the courage and was about to ask the doubts in his heart when Xu Ying suddenly said: Master Qi is right! This person must get the Essence of the Original Dao because there are a large amount of immortal medicine in his body that has not been refined!

An Qi nodded quickly and said, That's exactly what I meant.

Da Zhong sneered: You have a fart!

An Qi was furious and shouted: I don't have it, so you have it?

Da Zhong was about to argue with him when Xu Ying suddenly said: Master Zhong asked a good question! You shouldn't need so much Yuan Dao Essence to refine the elixir in his body, but why does he need so much Yuan Dao Essence? Cui?

Da Zhong was stunned and thought to himself: This question does ask the key, but I didn't ask it!

Xu Ying asked himself and answered, Why? Naturally, it's because there are people like him around him, and these people also need a large amount of the essence of the original path to refine the elixir in their bodies. So who are these people?

He looked at An Qi and Dazhong with bright eyes, showing encouragement.

An Qi took courage and coughed: So, who are these people?

Good question, Master Qi!

Xu Ying said excitedly, If it is those Qi refiners who cut leeks, they have the Six Secrets of Zhengfa and can slowly refine it. They should not need so much essence of the original path, but only one or two essences at most. So, They just sent disciples like Xue Ying'an to help them search. The immortal in the painting is extremely brave and wise. He surrendered the divine weapon of heaven, pretended to be heaven and sneaked into this place, reunited Xiao Xuantian's spiritual roots of immortality, and collected so many essences. , there is only one possibility!

He paused and said with a smile: He is a person who has returned from the other side! There are many people like him around him. They have all returned from the other side and contain a lot of fairy medicine in their bodies!

An Qi and Dazhong were dumbfounded when they heard the sound of clapping hands coming from a distance. Xu Ying looked around and saw the fairy in the painting stepping on the desert with his back to the setting sun, walking towards here.

His shadow was stretched long by the setting sun.

No wonder Zhu Tiangong always praises you and says you are extremely smart. When I see you today, you are really extraordinary.

Although the steps of the immortal in the painting were slow, his speed was not slow. He quickly walked up to Xu Ying, bowed down and said with a smile, Jiang Qi, Grand Master of the Great Zhou Dynasty, is here to see the Immortal Immortal. On behalf of the Emperor of Zhou, I would like to say hello to the Immortal Immortal. .”

Xu Ying hurriedly returned the gift and said, I don't dare. Grand Master Jiang is cruel and ruthless. It would be a bit cruel to destroy an entire world for the sake of Xiao Xuantian's spiritual root.

Jiang Qi said calmly: If you don't become an immortal, you are just an ant. What's the point of dying?

An Qi came to his senses and asked quickly: Ancestor Chanchan separated from us two years ago and there has been no news since then. Did she go to find you?

Jiang Qi smiled and said: Because of corruption, she deceived the emperor on the other side of the divine boat, and now she is making meritorious deeds.

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