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Chapter 136 Yunmengze, the hidden dragon appears

Jiuyi Mountain moved thousands of miles north, and new lands continued to emerge, pushing the original river northward for more than two thousand miles. Originally there was a city called Jingzhou, and a Danuo named Cui Yongyi of the Cui family served as governor here.

But then the underworld invaded, and new lands kept flying out of the Cangwu Abyss under Jiuyi Mountain, which caused many mountains and rivers to appear in Jingzhou out of thin air, cutting off the communication between Jingzhou and other places under its jurisdiction, causing Cui Yongyi's official title of governor to exist in name only.

If there were just more mountains and rivers, the Cui family could still open up all parts of Jingzhou, but many large rivers have also emerged in the new land. The land of thousands of miles is like a Ze country, dotted with lakes of all sizes.

Clouds and mist float on the lake. If you fly into the sky, you will see the clouds are like dreams, the water is like the sky, the sky is in the water, and the clouds are moving on the water.

This is the ancient Yunmengze, which has long since disappeared from the world, but now it has reappeared due to the invasion of the underworld.

In Jingzhou Mansion, a group of Nuo masters emerged, including many Da Nuo and clan elders. Cui Yongyi was also among them. Among the crowd, a young master caught the attention, surrounded by everyone like a star holding the moon. It was Cui Dongli, the son of Cui Mansion Chief.

There were many Nuo masters from the Cui family, including disciples raised by Jingzhou Prefecture, as well as Cui family disciples from various branches, as well as direct disciples. There were about two thousand people before and after, carrying various magic weapons, and entered Yunmeng in great numbers. Ze.

Since ancient times, cloud dreams have been difficult to enter.

At this time, Cui Yongyi said with emotion, Yunmengze, which has disappeared for three thousand years, has finally reappeared. Not long ago, news came that strange phenomena were emerging here. Some people saw giants walking on the water, with dragon heads and bodies, and thunder everywhere they passed. Still Some people saw a mountain standing up slowly, but it was an unknown giant beast, roaring like thunder, shaking the mountain, and drinking up a lake in one gulp.

He shook his head and said: Today's Yunmengze is no longer a place that I can control.

Cui Zhicai, the elder of the tribe, smiled and said: Yongyi does not need to be downcast. You are just far away from the gods and have not had time to come into contact with the latest secrets. When you practice the Qi refining method and Nuo Qi fellow practitioners, and your cultivation strength has improved by leaps and bounds, you will realize Yes, we are still the masters of this country.

He paused and asked, Is this discovery true?

Cui Yongyi, the governor, said: It's true. When Yunmengze spit out from the abyss of Cangwu, it caused turbulence in the heaven and earth, causing the Nuo Immortal Hidden Scenery to burst and reveal itself. Immortal light emerged from the Hidden Scenery, which was magnificent and extraordinary. There were many in Miluo County. Everyone saw it. Others saw a dragon coming and going, appearing and disappearing in the clouds, revealing its black and white horns.

Cui Dongli, the son of the Cui family, was surprised: A black and white dragon with two horns?

Cui Yongyi, the governor, said: That's right. There is a dragon with two horns, black and white, walking in the sky. Some people have seen the dragon diving in the river, hundreds of feet long, with a snake head, swallowing big fish in the river.

Cui Dongli unconsciously thought of another thing and thought to himself: Why does this strange dragon sound like the snake demon next to Xu Demon King? He has not shown his face for two years.

Tribe elder Cui Zhicai said in surprise: Weird. Yunmengze disappeared three thousand years ago. Why is there a Nuo Immortal Hidden Land on the edge of Yunmengze?

Cui Dongli said: My uncle didn't know something. I checked the royal books and found that Nuo already existed during the Qin and Han Dynasties three thousand years ago. The ancestor dragon burned books to trap Nuo, and Emperor Wu only respected Nuo skills. All this shows that Nuo had already begun at that time. Replace the Qi Master.

Cui Yongyi, the governor, praised: The eldest son is knowledgeable and talented.

A group of Nuo masters from the nearby Cui family said one after another: My Cui family captured immortals from the other side and learned the immortal family's exercises. No one can decipher them. It was the eldest son who deciphered the immortal methods.

The eldest son has used immortal magic to unify all the secret treasures, creating something unprecedented in ancient times. Now he has opened the three secret treasures of Yuchi, Jianggong and Niwan. He is a great master who shocked the past and present!

The power of the three great secrets is unified in the eldest son. If other aristocratic families don't treasure their secrets, the eldest son may have even more secrets. Those aristocratic families have no vision and are unwilling to hand over their secrets. It's disgusting!

Cui Dongli is smiling, he is indeed worthy of pride.

Three major families, the Cui family, the Guo family and the Pei family, joined forces to break into the other side and capture the immortal sleeping on the other side. The immortals were weak and unable to resist them. They controlled the Xiyi territory and were unable to practice. They forced them to learn the Small Creation Vipassana Sutra.

Cui Dongli was the first person among the three families to comprehend the mysteries of the Small Creation Vipassana Sutra and was appreciated by the family. This time Miluo discovered the hidden scenery of Nuo Immortal, and it was he who led the crowd to explore this hidden scenery.

He recalled the time when Xu Ying entered the capital of the gods and killed all the Nuo masters from the famous families in Luoshui. A stone ax killed the heroic dreams of countless young people.

But that was before.

Nowadays, Demon King Xu is not enough in front of me. The immortals and immortal gods are just passing clouds and smoke. He said silently in his heart.

Cui Dongli put away his reverie and said: Uncle, the Nuo Immortal Hidden Scenic Spot in Miluo is very important. It may be the hiding place of the Nuo Immortal in the Qin and Han Dynasties. I think if we can dig out the Nuo Immortal Hidden Scenery in the Qin and Han Dynasties, it will be said that Maybe it can solve the ominous hidden scene of Nuo Immortal. Because at that time, since Nuo and Qi Refiners were on the same level, there must not be such a big disadvantage.

Everyone praised: The eldest son is smart!

When I arrived at the Nuo Immortal Hidden Land, I saw that this place was close to the river, and the surface of the river was sparkling. Looking across the vast expanse of water, gulls gathered together like mosquitoes to prey on small fish. A six to seven-foot-long ichthyosaur jumped out of the water and swallowed a group of gulls with its open mouth.

The Nuo Immortal Hidden Land was shaken out of a portal and stood on the river. There was a Nuo master from the Cui family guarding it. When he saw the people coming, he hurriedly said: We are waiting here and have never seen anyone go in.

Cui Dongli led everyone to file in. As soon as they entered this Nuo Immortal Hidden Land, they saw a fire, and a golden crow flew in, releasing the true fire of the sun, burning everyone with heavy casualties!

Cui Zhicai, the elder of the tribe, was shocked and angry. He activated his magical power and pressed against the three-legged golden crow. He saw the golden crow flying up and turning into an eye hanging in the air.

Then, the eyes turned into a sun, grew a pair of wings, and flew away.

Everyone rushed forward, looked up, and saw a strange clam in the sky, with six eyes and three legs, and a long tongue falling from the sky, clinging to a group of Nuo masters and swallowing dozens of them!

Everyone hurriedly activated their Nuo magic powers to kill the strange clam. Unexpectedly, the strange clam did not retreat but advanced, jumping into the crowd to eat people!

It ate hundreds of people before being repelled by Cui Zhicai. It jumped into the air and turned into an eye, and then turned into a bright moon, watching them secretly.

Everyone was frightened and finally gained a foothold in this hidden place.

They looked up and saw the fairy mountains floating above their heads, the five mountains hanging upside down, and between the sun and the moon, there was a glorious heavenly palace sitting in the clouds, with thousands of fairy lights.

That's Yu Jing!

Cui Dongli's breathing was a little rapid and he said loudly, Go there! That's where the Nuo Immortal Hidden Scenery is hidden. There must be the inheritance of Yujing's secret treasure!

Many Nuo masters of the Cui family hurriedly offered various treasures, connected to the fairy mountain, and climbed up.

Before he arrived at the Five Mountains Fairy Mountain, he saw tentacles of flesh and blood hanging down, wrapping up the Nuo master and pulling him to the sky. Everyone was in panic, and many people lost their feet and fell. The Nuo masters who were swept away screamed in the sky and soon lost their breath.

Samadhi is really hot!

Cui Dongli shouted violently, opened his mouth and spurted out the Samadhi True Fire, igniting the fallen flesh and blood tentacles. Those flesh and blood tentacles screamed strangely and shrank toward the sky.

Everyone looked through the light of the Samadhi True Fire and couldn't help but feel their scalps numb. They saw that the fairy mountain above their heads was covered with roots, which were those tentacles of flesh and blood!

The entire bottom of the mountain is covered with hair-like tentacles!

At this moment, the tentacles were ignited by the true fire of Samadhi, burning with the smell of meat, and kept falling from the air. The scene was horrifying.

Cui Dongli raised his hand to activate the Samadhi True Fire, blocked the front, and shouted: Everyone, climb up quickly! My Samadhi True Fire can't last long!

The Nuo masters of the Cui family climbed up quickly, and finally reached the mountain before the true fire of Samadhi went out.

When I arrived at the mountain, I suddenly saw the flash of sword light, and there were sword lights everywhere, like schools of swimming fish. I don’t know how many people died in a hurry, and their heads were missing!

Everyone tried their best to resist, but they saw more and more sword lights. Cui Zhicai, the elder of the clan, and Cui Yongyi, the governor, who had the highest cultivation level, blocked the front. They saw mirrors hanging on the fairy mountain, and on the top of the mountain, a strange sword without a scabbard hung upside down. .

The strange sword was shaped like a knife, with a wide tip and a narrow top. The sword head was heavy, and the sword body was curved into an arc. It was edged on both sides and had a hilt that hung there and kept rotating.

When those mirrors shine on the strange swords, sword energy bursts out!

Cui Zhicai, the elder of the tribe, and Cui Yongyi, the governor, tried their best to resist the sword energy, but people continued to die. Cui Zhicai said loudly: Dongli, you are the most talented, break this formation quickly!

The sword light and sword energy are increasing more and more, even if Cui Zhicai opens the eighth level cave, it is becoming more and more difficult to resist.

Cui Dongli had cold sweat on his forehead. Facing this formation, he didn't know how to break it. When he was helpless, suddenly there was a thick tail hanging down from the sky.

A childish voice came from the air, saying: You can grab my tail and climb up.

Everyone looked up and saw that the tail was extremely thick, covered with light-colored scales, reflecting colorful light.

Everyone grabbed the scales one after another, and before the sword light drowned them, the tail retracted toward the sky, taking them into the clouds.

When they got out of the clouds, the light shone brightly in front of everyone's eyes, and above their heads was the Jade Palace.

I saw the extremely thick tail hanging down from the Yujing Heavenly Palace. Everyone was surprised and uncertain, and was led to the Yujing Heavenly Palace by the tail.

The tail gently put them down, and a big snake of unknown length was seen coiling around the Jade Palace. It slowly raised its head and stared at them with faint eyes, like candles in the sky.

The childish voice sounded again, coming from the mouth of the big snake: Haven't you learned the sword control technique? I remember A Ying taught it.

The big snake has two black and white horns on its head. It is the strange dragon in the sky that the people of Miluo saw!

It's just that this big snake is bigger than people describe it. It inhales into wind and exhales into clouds. It is mysterious and powerful, and contains an innate Taoist phenomenon, which makes people feel intimidated.

Everyone was shocked and horrified, and quickly thanked him.

At this time, I heard a young man's voice coming from the city: Senior, with the divine crown of yin and yang, you have accomplished the creation. You are independent before heaven and earth, and you have no ignorance after the tribulations in the world. Now I have reached the refining period, and I have perfected the samadhi of true fire. Divine water, yin and yang each have Samadhi, water and fire blend together, and it will soon become a golden elixir. But I don't understand this ignorance.

Another old voice sounded, and it sounded like a kind-hearted old god. He laughed and said: If I understand, can I still live here in seclusion and be eaten up by others? My little friend, don't be greedy. Since you have my Yujing’s secret skills are here, so you’d better leave quickly and don’t delay me in killing the intruders!”

Everyone was frightened and walked into the city. From a distance, they saw a kind-hearted old god with a gloomy face. He was suppressed by a big bell. He was sitting under the bell, his clothes were in tatters and he was very embarrassed.

In front of the old god, a young man with a broad body showed great respect for the elder. He stood in front of him and asked patiently: Senior, you are a Qi refiner and a Nuo master. Why are you being picked on peaches too?

The old god was so angry that he wanted to jump up and kill him, but was restrained by the big bell and couldn't move. He shouted: My master taught me evil methods and deliberately harmed me! When I succeed, he will come and eat me! I'm here This place deceives people to come here to eat, just to restore the body and seek revenge against him! Many people came today, let me go and have a good time!

The young man became more and more respectful and said: Senior, you can't beat him in life, how will it be easier after death? I advise senior to let go of your grudges...

What a shame! The old god was furious.

The young man had no choice but to let Da Zhong let him go, nodded apologetically to everyone, and said kindly: Everyone, be careful.

He walked out with the big clock and was about to walk out of the Yujing Heavenly Palace. Suddenly Cui Dongli said loudly: Are you Xu Ying? Stop!

The young man stopped, turned around, and said with a smile, Is something wrong?

Cui Dongli's blood boiled and he said loudly: Three years ago you made a big fuss in the capital of the gods, and I was ordered to stop you in Luoshui! When I saw you killing people in Luoshui, I was trembling all over and didn't dare to step forward! Today I have achieved great success in my martial arts. With your great supernatural powers, I want to challenge you to defeat the shadow in my heart, that god!

Has it been three years?

Xu Ying looked surprised, and the surprise immediately turned into a smile, and said, Okay, I'll give you a chance to break your heart.

Suddenly there was a bright light behind him, and the four secret caves of Niwan, Yuchi, Jianggong, and Huangting emerged, and the Chaos Sea, Yuxu Palace, Tushita Palace, Xuanhuang Tower and other places on the other side emerged!

Then there was only a rumbling vibration, and Yujing's secret was suddenly opened by him. In an instant, three caves in the sky were opened, raising Yujing to the third level of heaven!

Behind him, the Five Sacred Mountains emerged, the Tianhe River surged, the Tianshan Mountains hung upside down, the entrance was opened, and on the fifth level of the sky, water and fire were refined into a cauldron.

A golden elixir rises slowly from the cauldron, illuminating the mountains and rivers of the Xiyi Territory!

Xu Ying looked at Cui Dongli with a smile and said softly: You can take action now.

Cui Dongli's forehead was covered with cold sweat, his whole body was shaking, and he wanted to take action, but his momentum was completely suppressed, and he felt nothing but fear!

He yelled and wanted to take action, but collapsed to the ground.

Xu Ying calmed down his momentum and walked out of Yujing Heavenly Palace, saying: Senior, I like your Wu Gou very much. How about giving it to me as a gift?

Send it to you, uncle! the old immortal was furious.

Xu Ying raised the big bell and blasted it towards the fairy mountain below. In an instant, it broke the ten thousand mirror restrictions on the fairy mountain. He said sternly: I thank you on behalf of the uncle.

————The second official group, which was scheduled to ascend on a certain day, was reported intensively and blocked. You can add the third group 207533085 first, and we will rebuild the second group later. In the troubled autumn, the trees want to be calm and the wind does not stop.

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