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Chapter 135 A fork in the road in life

Feilai Peak was stuck diagonally on the ground, steaming faintly.

Surrounded by deep mountains and old forests, the trees are leaning this way and that. Not far away is a large waterfall. It was blown away by the hurricane when Feilai Peak fell. At this moment, the flying water gradually returned to its original position.

Xu Ying looked at Yuan Weiyang, who looked at the swaying waterfall in silence.

She had experienced too many changes on this day, and Xu Ying didn't know if she could withstand such a huge blow.

Xian Qi remained silent, looking nervously at the sky, worried that Yuan Wuji would come after him. Zhu Chanchan was busy dismantling Feilai Peak, dismantling large and small magic weapons, distributing them everywhere, setting up formations, and hiding their whereabouts.

After a long time, Yuan Weiyang watched the swaying waterfall return to its original position. It seemed that his mood had returned to its original state, and he said to Xu Ying: I want to go back to the capital. There are still several Yuan family children at home. If I don't go back, the Yuan family will definitely This is the fate of the Zhou family, they will be eaten up and wiped clean.

Xu Ying looked at her and said, After you leave here, will you be Young Master Weiyang or Yuan Rushi?

Yuan Weiyang looked at him blankly, then suddenly untied her belt, her black hair fell down like a waterfall, she came to him, raised her feet, and lightly touched his lips with her lips.

She put her hair up and tied it up, looked sideways at Xu Ying, and said, After I leave, I will be the head of the Yuan family and shoulder the important task of reviving the Yuan family. The love between children is long, so let's put it down.

She walked straight out and called out: Uncle Xiao, let's go back to the Capital of Gods!

Uncle Xiao hesitated for a moment, bowed slightly to Xu Ying, and hurriedly followed her.

Xu Ying said loudly: How much dowry do I need to marry the head of the Yuan family?

Yuan Weiyang froze, looked back at him, waved his hand, and walked away.

A faint melancholy arose in Xu Ying's heart, something he had never experienced in the past seven or eight years that he could remember.

Can an immortal immortal be troubled by emotions? Zhu Chanchan joked.

Xu Ying calmed down and said, I'm just a fourteen-year-old boy, shouldn't I have the troubles of normal people?

Not long ago, he was a snake catcher, worrying that he would die from a snake's kiss at any time. Over the past six months, he had experienced so many things that he was in a daze.

From the killing of gods in Jiangjiatian, to the diversion of the Naihe River, from the invasion of the underworld, to Zhou Qiyun's tribulation, from getting to know Yuan Weiyang, to the drastic changes in the Yuan family, from Xu Fu to the Lishan Tomb.

He also went from a snake hunter to an immortal immortal.

It's just that his memory is still that young man from Jiangjiatian, and it hasn't changed.

Zhu Chanchan said: We need to avoid the limelight. To be honest, I saw Qi Refiners from the Great Zhou Dynasty in the Lishan Tomb. I suspect that the Emperor of Zhou may have returned from the other side.

The young ancestor was worried and said: If he finds out that I cut corners while refining the other side of the Shenzhou, he will probably have to settle the score later.

She was indeed very worried. After all, it was hard to say whether the other shore Shenzhou would be able to fly to the other shore. Zhu Chanchan suspected that something would go wrong with the ship on the way.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart and whispered to An Qi: Master Qi, don't look for her when refining treasures from now on.

An Qi nodded repeatedly and whispered: A Ying, please help me see if she has quietly left her mark on me? Recently, I have always suspected that she left her mark somewhere I can't see.

Zhuchanchan heard this and said quickly: Don't slander me. The warden sentenced me to death, but I didn't even confess!

Hearing this, Da Zhong quickly said to Xu Ying: A Ying, help me take a look.

I definitely didn't do anything to the big clock! the girl vowed, slapping her chest repeatedly, trembling.

Xu Ying checked around Dazhong and An Qi and found nothing, but Dazhong and An Qi were still a little uneasy.

Zhu Chanchan smiled and said: Of course you can't detect the brand I put on my ancestor. Of course I haven't done it.

Suddenly, her face changed slightly and she whispered: Don't talk.

Xu Ying, Dazhong and An Qi hurriedly held their breath and concentrated. At this time, I saw a huge shadow flying in the sky. I didn't know what it was, and it felt very oppressive.

An Qi was about to speak when suddenly a voice came from nowhere and rang in the hearts of everyone: Immortal Immortal, the matter has calmed down. Please release the little girl.

This voice is none other than Mrs. Yuan’s!

Xu Ying, Zhu Chanchan and Gan Qi stared wide-eyed and did not dare to speak.

Mrs. Yuan's voice sounded in their minds again, and she said softly: Weiyang, mother is here, you can come out. Mother will no longer let you dress up as a man, and will no longer force you to pretend to be Young Master Weiyang. Mother knows she is wrong. , you are a girl and should not have to bear such a heavy burden. Come out...

After a while, Mrs. Yuan's surprised voice came again: Old lady, it's great that you are still alive!

The voice of the elder Taijun also came from his own voice. He was a little weak. He was breathing heavily and said: I was attacked by the monster and faked my death to escape. Very good, very good. You escaped too. Where is Weiyang? Uncle Xiao, you are still alive. Not coming out?

Xu Ying and others never made any sound.

After a while, Yuan Weiyang's voice came, saying: Xu Demon King, we are safe and can come out.

At this time, Xu Ying's voice also sounded in their minds, calling: Master Qi, I got separated from you! Where are you?

Xu Ying and others looked at each other with fear in their hearts.

On a mountain peak thousands of miles away from them, a figure stood in the mountain wind. The mountain wind roared and blew his clothes.

His spiritual consciousness is vast, spreading in all directions, with this mountain as the center of the circle, extending to thousands of miles away.

He was very patient. After waiting for a long time, there was no response, and then he said: Are you so careful? I underestimated him... Wait a minute, those lingering ghosts were attracted by the call of my spiritual consciousness!

He ducked away and disappeared without a trace.

Beichenzi, Fairy Yutang and the sad old man came here, followed by a short earth god with an unhappy look on his face, very impatient with the three of them.

They landed on the top of the mountain and looked around, but did not find Xu Ying, Mrs. Yuan and others. The old man looked sad and stamped his feet: Beichen, didn't you keep an eye on me? Why did you lose me?

Beichenzi said quickly: After we called people, we went to the Lishan Tomb. Unexpectedly, Zulong resurrected and led the Huangling Jinmen to beat Xu Fu. Fairy Yutang and I saw the advantage, so we went to plot against Xu Fu.

The bruises on his face have not completely disappeared, and Fairy Yutang also has many scars on her body.

Beichenzi said calmly: Xu Fu has been injured by Zulong. Logically speaking, we can pick up this advantage. It's just that we missed the move and didn't pick it up. Instead, we were beaten...

Fairy Yutang explained: Xu Fu has a golden book, and the golden book contains the demon-suppressing runes. Therefore, we want to deal with Xu Fu. If we seize the golden book, won't it be solved? So we didn't monitor Xu Ying, and we didn't even think about it. Can’t find it.”

The sad old man stamped his feet and said, You are confused!

Both looked ashamed.

The land god said angrily: That's enough! I'm here to see you three shirking your responsibilities. You don't even show any respect to me on weekdays. If something goes wrong, I'll be the one to wipe your ass!

The three of them hurriedly apologized. Beichen held a stick of incense in his hand and said: You are from the land of China, so Xu Ying can't hide from your senses no matter where he is hiding. Please do me a favor!

The earth god received a stick of incense from him, a great master in the ascension stage, and then he said: I will find Xu Ying. Take a good look at him and send him to some nook and cranny, where there are few people. place to avoid being abducted again!”

The trio claimed so.

The land god was about to do something, when suddenly his heart moved slightly: Someone is coming! It's so fast! The person who comes is not good!

He laughed angrily and said with a laugh: I am the land of China, how could you dare to collide with me?

At this time, a solemn and majestic voice sounded: The land of China? I have my feet in China and control the country, the country, the country, and you dare to call yourself a god in front of me?

The Earth God looked up and saw the Nine Cauldrons turning into Nine States, falling from the sky and suppressing them!

Ancestor Dragon!

The earth god's expression changed drastically, and he saw a person in the distance in the sky wearing a golden cloak, walking towards him, the cloak was pulled straight by the wind.

Where did you hide the Immortal Immortal? Hand it over to me!

a long time.

The three Beichenzi fled for tens of thousands of miles with the paralyzed Earth God. The Earth God shouted: Stop! Stop! If you run away again, you will escape from China. There will be no more incense for me outside. I will die then. Got it!

The three of them stopped quickly.

The Earth God took a breath and said: The Ancestral Dragon carries the Nine Cauldrons, controls the ten golden men, and controls Tai'a. None of us are opponents. Send me back to the temple first, and I will report to the superiors and give the divine weapon of heaven to kill the Ancestral Dragon. , Xu Fu, clear the obstacles!

The three of them were overjoyed and hurriedly carried him to the Earth Temple.

When they arrived at the Earth Temple, the Earth God struggled to get up, entered the temple and ascended to the earth, respectfully burned incense, prayed, and reported the matter.

After a while, the earth god's face turned the color of pig liver, and he walked out of the temple in a depressed manner.

Beichenzi and the other three hurriedly stepped forward and asked, What did the superiors say?

The land god looked unhappy and said: The superior gave me a reply letter. It was a yellow form. He said that he understood it and went through the process. Let us wait.

The three of them looked at each other.

The sad-looking old man stamped his feet and said, Does this have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse? When the results come out, Zulong will demolish all the temples!

Xu Ying and others hid for several days, but there was no movement. Everyone took the opportunity to recover from their injuries, and then Zhu Chanchan removed the magic weapon and restored Feilaifeng's true appearance.

Aying, I'm going to find that Great Zhou Qi Master.

Zhu Chanchan said, This person's sudden appearance makes me a little uneasy. I'll inquire first! Qiye, open your mouth!

Xian Qi couldn't help but speak. Zhu Chanchan dismantled half of Feilai Peak and stuffed various bronze tripods, bronze swords and pillars into Xian Qi's mouth.

When it couldn't be stuffed in, I pushed it in harder, kicked it a few times, and finally stuffed it down.

Zhu Chanchan clapped her hands and said, I can sacrifice the rest of Feilai Peak. You don't have to worry about me, I will definitely find you!

She held up the remaining half of Feilai Peak and stood on the remnant mountain, saying: Ah Ying, hurry up and find the dragon-seeking positioning technique hidden in Yongquan and Yujing. When I come back, you can learn it... Got it!

Whoops! Feilaifeng broke through the air and flew away.

The big bell has been beaten and beaten by Zhu Chanchan in the past few days. The injury has healed again. It has stolen the energy and blood of Xu Ying, Jian Qi and Zhu Chanchan, and its strength has also recovered to eight or nine points. He said: A Ying, let's go now. where?

Xu Ying pondered for a while and said: I still have two disciples in Wuwu Mountain. Let's take them out first to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy. Then we will go to the Nuo Immortal Hidden Land to find those Nuo Immortals who have lived in seclusion to avoid the world.

His eyes flashed and he said: I want to do what Zhou Qiyun did before. Come to think of it, in the three thousand years after the end of the world, many Nuo immortals must have lived in seclusion and escaped from the world. They were invaded by evil and ended up in the same situation as Zhou Qiyun. Same fate.

He walked forward: These Nuo Immortals must have practiced in Yongquan and Yujing. It is easier to attack them than to forcefully break into the palace.

An Qi and Dazhong hurriedly followed and headed towards Wuwu Mountain.

On Wuwu Mountain, the atmosphere of monsters is strong. Monsters of all sizes occupy the mountain as kings. There are three masters on the mountain, the big king Niu Zhen, the second king Niu Gan, and the third king Xiong Qianli. They recruit many disciples, teach Qi refining methods and Nuo methods, and help It was very lively as people searched for the location of the dragon and opened up secret treasures.

These three mountain kings had extraordinary abilities, and they were all great demons who had reached the knocking-off stage. They attracted nearby demon kings to seek refuge with them, and soon tens of thousands of demons gathered on the mountain.

There is also a blessed land in the mountains, where there is soaring rays of light, which has created many masters of the demon race.

It was just this move that interrupted the business of Yin Ting. Yin Ting wanted to surrender the demon king to become a mountain god and rule the Yang world. Now that the nearby demon king was taken under the sect of the three of them, Yin Ting sent the nearby city god and ghost king to conquer. There are thousands of ghosts and gods in every village and village.

The two sides have been fighting at Wuwang Mountain for several days. They beat drums every day to attack the mountain, but they could not conquer it for a long time.

On this day, Xu Ying came to Wuwu Mountain and sneaked into the mountain quietly to meet Niu Gan and Niu Zhen. Two brothers, Niu and Xiong Qianli, saw Xu Ying and hurriedly came to worship him.

Xu Yingdao: You want to be the demon king and make a living for the demon clan. I won't stop you. Today, as my teacher, I have to travel far away from Wuwu Mountain. I don't know when I will come back, so I will teach you the Eight Sounds of Yuanyu. From now on If you have good fortune, you will naturally achieve extraordinary things.”

He taught Tai, Yin, Yuan, Yu, Yi, Yang, Yong and Zhen to the three demons and then drifted away.

The three demons kowtowed and looked up again, but Xu Ying was gone.

Xu Ying returned to An Qi and said, Master Qi, let's go find the hidden scenery of the Nuo Immortal.

Xian Qi asked in confusion: Ah Ying, those Nuo immortals have hidden themselves in form, hiding their hidden scenes between heaven and earth, turning them invisible. How can we find them?

It's very simple. Sensation from heaven and man.

Xu Ying stood on the head of the big snake, with a calm and leisurely expression on his face, and said unhurriedly, I have experienced the abyss, and my sense of heaven and man is definitely not inferior to the Nuo masters and Qi refiners during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. If there is a Nuo Immortal Hidden Land nearby, escape I can’t sense it.”

Dazhong said excitedly: Shall we be like Zhou Qiyun who seizes the mud with a swallow's mouth, sharpens iron with a needle, and plucks the feathers of a bird, and wash these hidden scenes into white ground?

Xu Ying shook his head and said with a smile: That's the job of touching the gold captain. We are generals in Faqiu. We only take what we need, not more.

In the distance, Xu Fu stood on the Abbot Fairy Mountain, floating in the air, looking from afar, and whispered: The Ancestral Dragon has been resurrected, should I go to the city of gods to find you, right? And you, Mr. Xu, will follow the arrangements I have made for you. The road gradually turned into another me.

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